Daftar Muslim BUNUH Muslim

Mencatat pendapat Muslim yg saling bentrok, berlawanan, Muslim 'moderat/reformis' vs Muslim 'radikal/fundamentalis' dan bgm Muslim memberlakukan sesama Muslim
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Daftar Muslim BUNUH Muslim

Post by ali5196 »

Bahkan sejak hidupnya Muhamad, Muslim sudah mengKILING Muslim.

Di Jaman Muhamad : sedang dicari infonya hilang kemana tuh ... :shock:

Di jaman setelah Muhamad :

Islam's ROYAL FAMILY part 3: Khalif Usman vs putera Abu Bakr
http://www.indonesia.faithfreedom.org/f ... php?t=9753
Muhammad b. Abi Bakr (putera Abu Bakr), datang dgn 13 orang dan menghadap Usman. Ia meraih jenggot Usman dan menarik2nya sampai giginya bergetar. Muhammad b. Abu Bakr mengatakan, “Muawiyah tidak bisa membantumu, Ibn Amir juga tidak, dan surat2mu juga tidak.” Usman mengatakan, “Lepaskan jenggot saya, keponakanku! Lepaskan jenggot saya !”

Dan Ibn Abu Bakr memberi tanda dgn matanya kpd salah seorang pemberontak. Ia datang pada Usman dgn panah besi berkepala lebar dan menancapkannya kedalam kepala Usman…. Mereka mengelilinginya dan membunuhnya.” (pages 190, 191).
Islam's Royal Family Part 4: ALI vs AISHA
http://www.indonesia.faithfreedom.org/f ... hp?t=10848

... Akhirnya, howdahnya Aisha penuh dgn panah dan hampir membunuh sang Ummul Mukminin. Akhirnya, onta Aisha digantung; pengikutnya kalah. Dan Zubayr & Talha tewas dlm pertempuran.

Korban yg jatuh sangat tinggi … Sekitar 10.000 Muslim mati. Setengahnya dari Ali dan setengahnya dari Aisha …. :shock:
Islam's Royal Family part 5: Khalifat ALI
http://www.indonesia.faithfreedom.org/f ... php?t=9754
Muhamad bin Abu Bakr mengaku membunuh Usman dan pedang Mu’awiyahpun melayang. Lalu dia (Muawiyah) membuang mayatnya (Muh Abu Bakr) ke antara mayat keledai dan membakarnya.

... Seluk beluk pembunuhan Ali sangat menarik. Intinya, seorang yg terluka akan tindakan2 dan munafiknya Ali, memutuskan bahwa Ali mesti mati. Dia ingin membunuh Ali. Ia mengajak dua konco2nya. Ketiganya menunggu Ali meninggalkan mesjid….

Ketika Ali muncul, Shabib, memukulnya dg pedang tapi mengenai kusen pintu; Ubn Muljam membelah kepalanya dibagian atas dg pedang.
Islam's Royal Family part 6 : HUSEIN & HASAN
http://www.indonesia.faithfreedom.org/f ... php?t=9752
Anas bin Malik berkata, “Kepala Al-Husain yg ditaruh pada nampan, dibawa pada Ubaidullah bin Ziyad. Ibn Ziyad kemudian menyodokkan kayu pada hidung dan mulutnya ... :shock:


FAST FORWARD abad 20, dan inilah warisan ajaran Muhamad :

Muslim bunuh Muslim:

Lihat Irak (Sunni vs Syiah),
Sudan (Janjawid Arab vs Muslim abangan),
Palestina (Hamas vs Fatah),
Afghanistan (Taleban vs Pemerintah),
Indonesia (MUI vs FPI vs Ahmadiyah vs Gus Dur vs dsb) ...

Last edited by ali5196 on Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:34 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by ali5196 »

http://www.indonesia.faithfreedom.org/f ... 521#398521

Lihat artikel : How to Manage Savagery

Huntington berbicara ttg meningkatnya pertentangan antara Barat dengan budaya2 yang didasarkan pada agama dan dogma.... Dan pola ini, menurut Huntington tidak akan berakhir selama Islam hidup. "Interaksi militer antara Barat dan Islam sangat kecil kemungkinan akan menurun," tulisnya. Malah, katanya, "Pertempurannya akan semakin sengit."


lihatlah trend/perkembangan jaman sekarang ini. Berbeda dgn ramalan Huntington, perang abad ini justru bukan disebabkan BUKAN karena kompetisi antar budaya dan peradaban berbeda tetapi malah terjadi DIDALAM agama/budaya yg sama. Dan ini sangat nampak dalam dunia Muslim. Muslim bukan hanya memerangi Barat tapi Muslim malah MEMERANGI sesama Muslim.


Dan kita sampai pada Iraq. Memang tentara AS sampai kehilangan 4000 nyawa sejak April 2004, TAPI angka itu sangat kecil dibandingkan dgn nyawa orang Iraq yg melayang dlm kekerasan sektarian : Sunni vs Sunni, Syiah vs Syiah, Kurdi vs Kurdi dan Sunni vs Syiah vs Kurdi. Angka kematian Muslim2 Iraq saja sejak 2006, kini mencapai jauh diatas 100.000 (menurut the Brookings Institution).

Jelaslah bahwa dlm tahun2 setelah 9/11, Muslim sendiri menjadi korban utama saudara se-ukuwah mereka.

Th 2007, dari 8.000 kematian akibat terorisme di Timur Tengah, hanya selusin orang Israel yg jadi korban. Dari ke 270 suicide bombing di thn 2007, sekitar 240 terjadi di negara2 yg dominan Muslim. Sekitar 100 mesjid menjadi target teroris Muslim.


Cekcok antar non-Muslimpun sering terjadi. TAPI secara umum, konflik2 ini sudah lama padam dan manusia2 non-Muslim mampu menanggalkan rasa permusuhan mereka, bahkan dlm satu generasi saja, dan membangun peradaban yg menguntungkan sesama. Lihat saja sendiri : masihkah ada permusuhan antara rakyat Jepang dgn AS ? Antara Jepang dgn Cina ? Antara Jerman dgn AS atau antara Jerman dgn Eropa pada umumnya ? Antara rakyat Rusia dgn rakyat AS ?

Berbeda dgn Islam, pola2 perang saudara Islam bukan hanya sudah berlangsung selama 1400 tahun, tetapi malah semakin intensif.

Akibat2 perang saudara di Aljazair, Lebanon, Iraq, Yaman, dan Iran vs Iraq masih terasa. Bahkan daftar pembunuhan terhdp pemimpin2 Muslim sejak Perang Dunia II sudah mencakup lebih dari 100 nama, termasuk dua PM dan seorang presiden Mesir ; dua presiden dan seorang PM Bangladesh; 3 PM dan seorang presiden Iran; seorang raja dan dua PM Yordania ; 2 presiden, seorang calon presiden, seorang PM dan seorang mantan PM Lebanon; seorang presiden Syria; seorang raja dan 2 PM Yordania ; seorang raja dan seorang PM Iraq; seorang presiden, seorang PM dan mantan PM Pakistan; seorang raja Saudi. Dan ini baru saja mencakup upaya2 yg sukses. Daftar KUDETA dlm dunia Muslim tidak kalah panjang. Di Syria saja terjadi 9 kudeta sejak 1949. :wink:
Last edited by ali5196 on Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:11 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by ali5196 »

Aljazair : FIS vs GIA
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilaya_of_ ... ember_1997
The armed wing of the FIS, the Islamic Salvation Army (AIS), has been observing a unilateral ceasefire since October 1997 in the hope of prompting talks with the government to end the violence.

Algeria's most extreme faction, the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) has rejected the truce as a sell-out and vowed to continue its anti-government struggle.
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Post by ali5196 »

http://photodude.com/article/2777/still ... -at-a-time

The head of al-Qaeda in Iraq said in an internet audiotape that the Muslim wedding parties the group bombed last week in Amman were not its target.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said the target was a meeting of intelligence agencies, but a roof collapsed on the wedding parties. Suicide bombers killed 59 people in three Amman hotels, provoking outrage in Jordan, despite the high level of support Jordanian-born al-Zarqawi previously enjoyed in his homeland. Most of the victims were Muslim Jordanians.

In a message posted on an Islamist website often used by insurgent groups in Iraq, al-Zarqawi struck a rare defensive tone, insisting that al-Qaeda had checked the hotels and found they were “nests” of US, Israeli and Jordanian spies.

Kaum Syiah menginfiltrasi Yordania

To me Iran (Shiite) is just as evil as Israel (Jews) even more danger since they are considered Muslims. Iran have a deep influence in many Arab country and they use it to interfere in the internal issues of these countries through the blinded-loyal Shiites in these countries; Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain leading to an Iranian expansion in these countries.

Iran is a cancer that is spreading in Arab countries but didn’t hit Jordan, Palestine, Egypt and North African countries yet. I guess we all noticed the growing number of Iraqis & Syrians living in Jordan/b], have you ever asked yourself what they are doing here ?
Last edited by ali5196 on Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ali5196 »

The North Yemen Civil War was a war fought between Royalists of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen and Republican factions of the Yemen Arab Republic in North Yemen from 1962 to 1970. Eventually the Republican faction gained control of the government.

The Royalist side received support from from Saudi Arabia, while the Republicans were supported by Egypt and Soviet Union.
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Post by ali5196 »

Libya vs Mesir

Following Egypt's first negotiations with Israel in 1973, Libya became hostile to Egypt. In 1977, not long after demonstrators in the two countries attacked each other's consulates, the two countries fought a four-day war (July 21-July 24) during which several Libyan aircraft were destroyed on the ground. The war ended with a peace treaty signed with Egypt and Libya to unite in a war effort against Arab Extremists.
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Post by ali5196 »

Perang Dhofar

The Dhofar Rebellion was an insurrection in the province of Dhofar against the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman from 1962 to 1975. It ended with the defeat of the rebels, but the state of Oman had to be radically reformed and modernised to cope with the campaign.
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Post by ali5196 »

Perang Iran-Irak

The Iran-Iraq War, also known as the Imposed War (جنگ تحمیلی, Jang-e-tahmīlī) in Iran, and Saddām's Qādisiyyah (قادسيّة صدّام, Qādisiyyat Saddām) in Iraq, was a war between the armed forces of Iraq and Iran lasting from September 1980 to August 1988. It was commonly referred to as the (Persian) Gulf War until the Iraq-Kuwait conflict (1990–91), which became known as the Second (Persian) Gulf War and later simply the (Persian) Gulf War.

It has been called "the longest conventional war of the 20th century", and cost 1 million casualties and US$1.19 trillion


Saddam menggas penduduk sipil di Halabja 1988. MANA PROTES MUSLIM ????
Last edited by ali5196 on Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ali5196 »

Perang Teluk : Irak vs Kuwait vs Sekutu

The Gulf War (1990–1991) (also called the Persian Gulf War, First Gulf War, or Operation Desert Storm) was a conflict between Iraq and a coalition force of approximately 20 nations[1] led by the United States and mandated by the United Nations in order to liberate Kuwait.

The war began with the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, following Iraqi contentions that Kuwait was illegally slant-drilling petroleum across Iraq’s border.

The invasion was met with immediate economic sanctions by the United Nations against Iraq. Hostilities commenced in January 1991, resulting in a decisive victory for the coalition forces, which drove Iraqi forces out of Kuwait with minimal coalition deaths. The main battles were aerial and ground combat within Iraq, Kuwait, and bordering areas of Saudi Arabia. The war did not expand outside the immediate Iraq/Kuwait/Saudi border region, although Iraq fired missiles on Israeli cities.
Last edited by ali5196 on Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ali5196 »

Perang Saudara Afghanistan, 1978 :

The civil war currently rending Afghanistan can be divided into four (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) distinct phases.

The first phase began with a coup by a Marxist (Communist) political party called the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA). On April 27, 1978, this political party (which had influence within the military), overthrew and executed the country's first president, Muhammad Daoud, who himself had come to power in a coup that toppled Afghanistan's long-time monarchy.

This new government, led by PDPA founder Nur Muhammad Taraki, began to implement Communist-style policies on a nation with a deep Islamic religious culture and a long history of resistance to any type of strong centralized governmental control.

Resistance to the new policies resulted in armed uprisings and harsh, bloody government repression. From the beginning, the PDPA government received significant amounts of aid from the Communist Soviet Union in the form of military equipment and Soviet advisors. The PDPA party itself was divided into two rival factions which actually fought each other for control of the government simultaneously battling the Islamic rebels.

The "Khalq" faction was more militantly Marxist and included men such as presidents Nur Muhammad Taraki and Hafizullah Amin. The "Parcham" faction included future presidents Babrak Karmal and Dr. Mohammed Najibullah. In English, Parcham means "Banner." Khalq means "People."

Islamic guerrillas in the mountainous countryside harassed the Afghan army to the point where the government of President Hafizullah Amin (who assumed power after he ordered the death of Taraki in October, 1979) turned to the Soviets for increasingly large amounts of aid.

The Soviets decided to occupy Afghanistan in order to maintain Communist power, but were dissatisfied with Amin as the Afghan leader capable of accomplishing this goal. On the night of December 24, 1979, the Soviets invaded the country with a large army, with Amin as one of the first targets.

Soviet paratroopers murdered him and installed another Afghan Communist, Babrak Karmal as their puppet. The Karmal government, with the aid of nearly 110,000 Soviet troops, increased the pressure on the Islamic resistance forces, increasingly relying on airpower and large-scale ground offensives.

The Soviet invasion also brought the conflict into the realm of Cold War politics, as the United States, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and China, among others, funneled arms and other supplies to the Afghan Mujahadeen (holy warriors) who resisted the Soviets and Karmal.

Among the more potent weapons the U.S. supplied to the Mujahadeen were shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles which helped counterbalance the effectiveness of Soviet combat helicopters. The Soviet invasion, coupled with the revolution in neighboring Iran, also provoked a large response from the Islamic world to resist the Communists.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, along with many other Muslim nations and groups, gave aid and sent volunteers to aid the Mujahadeen. Among these Islamic volunteer fighters was a Saudi millionaire named Osama bin Laden. bin Laden and the other Arab volunteers came to be known as "Afghan Arabs," and they would later play significant roles in Islamic guerrilla wars in Algeria, Egypt, Bosnia, Tajikistan, Chechnya and in attacks on American and other Western targets.

dst dst baca sendiri...
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Post by ali5196 »

Perang Waziristian : Pakistan vs Al Qaeda 2004 - sekarang

Waziristan War—(2004- Present): In the rugged and remote region of Waziristan on Pakistan's northwest border with Afghanistan, Islamic rebels allied to the Afghan Taliban and al-Qaida are fighting to establish an Islamic Republic.

The fighting began in 2004, when Pakistan's army entered the region inhabited by the Waziri tribe in search al-Qaida and Taliban fighters who were using Waziristan as a base for attacks against American and Allied forces in Afghanistan.

Since the fighting began, Pakistani forces suffer almost daily casualties due to roadside bombs and ambushes. The authority of the central government is almost non-existent in the rebellious tribal borderlands.

The United States aids the Pakistani forces with intelligence information and with tactical air strikes on suspected rebel bases and safe houses. The best known U.S. airstrike occurred at the village of Damadola, on January 13, 2006. The attack occurred in the Bajaur tribal area, about 4.5 miles) from the Afghan border. This Predator-drone attack killed at least 18 people, including several non-Waziri foreign al-Qaida fighters.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dy ... Found=true

Over the past few years, extremist Islamic groups in Pakistan have mounted a unilateral terror campaign. But Americans and Christians have not been the only victims. Women, secular advocates and even Muslims -- Ahmadis, dissenting Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims -- have also come under attack.
Last edited by ali5196 on Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ali5196 »

Perang Saudara Tajikistan


The Civil War of Tajikistan was an armed conflict that took place in Tajikistan from May 1992 to June 1997. The collapse of the Soviet Union, the rise of Tajik nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism, and political struggles between the ruling elite and the opposition were all factors that played into the violent conflict.
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Post by ali5196 »

Indonesia : Siapa vs Ahmadiyah ?

Lihat foto2 :
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Post by tjap_momed_aseli »

li di forum yang lama ini istilahnya 3M, Muslim Meng-killing Muslim :lol:

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Post by ali5196 »

HAHAHAHAHAH !!! bisa aja lu tjap !


Perang Saudara dlm Islam (sedang diterjemahkan)
http://www.indonesia.faithfreedom.org/f ... hp?t=11293

Shiva : Muslim Bunuh Muslim
http://www.indonesia.faithfreedom.org/f ... php?t=1951

A Homemade Genocide
A Homemade Genocide
The Arab world is subject to genocide, it is true. It's just that it's mostly self-inflicted, and Israel has nothing to do with any of it.
Kayaknya udah diterjemahkan deh ! Dimana yah ??? DI ruang Islam & Zionisme ??? hmmmm ... :roll:
Last edited by ali5196 on Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ali5196 »

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Post by ali5196 »

http://www.kuna.net.kw/home/Story.aspx? ... SNO=910785

KERUSUHAN DI IRAQ-lagi2 Muslim bunuh Muslim

BAGHDAD, Oct 5 (KUNA) -- Puluhan orang tewas dan luka2 dlm sejumlah insiden kekerasan di Irak di Mosul.

A security source told KUNA that a booby-trapped car, parked on side of a road in the district of Al-Hurriah in Baghdad, killed two civilians, wounded eight and inflicted heavy damage to nearby cars, houses and stores.

In another incident, three construction workers were wounded in a bomb blast that occurred at a public square in the heart of Baghdad, usually packed with motorists and pedestrians.

The American Army, meanwhile, said in statement that US troops, with backing by Iraqi regulars, have recently searched 95,000 buildings, 80 mosques, 60 districts and arrested 125 suspected terrorists.

Separately, police said gunmen burst into a house in the town of Al-Samawa in the southern governorate of Al-Muthanna, killed three women and slit throat of a year-old baby girl.
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Post by ali5196 »



Afghan officials say around 700 people, mostly civilians, have been killed or wounded in suicide attacks in the country in the past year.

There has been a spate of suicide attacks in Afghanistan

On a single day last month, suicide bombers struck in three different parts of Afghanistan, killing at least 17 people and wounding 25 others. The dead included four Canadian troops.

Mpok Tinem
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Post by Mpok Tinem »

KANADA : Muslim2 moderat diserang Muslim2 tulen
http://www.indonesia.faithfreedom.org/f ... hp?t=23382
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Post by ali5196 »

Al Qaeda Bakar Internet Cafe di Jalur Gaza !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340 ... 55,00.html

kelompok yg berafiliasi dgn Al-Qaeda menyatakan bertanggung jawab atas pembakaran terhpd internet coffee shop di Jalur Gaza Strip sbg hukuman atas apa yg mereka anggap 'tindakan tidak etis.'
Kelompok itu mengancam siapapun yg tidak mematuhi standar etika. :roll: (MEMBAKAR GEDUNG ORANG RUPANYA ETIS !! :lol: :lol: )

Ternyata membakar coffee shop itu adalah "bagian dari serangkaian tindakan ug bertujuan utk mengakhiri korupsi. Selama bulan
Ramadan, pejuang2 kami mulai beroperasi di Tanah Suci dan pada pagi hari menempatkan bom seberat 10 kg disebelah coffee shop itu, yg penuh dgn korupsi dan aktivitas2 yg tidak etis yg semakin meningkat belakangan ini. Para pejuang Jihad meledakkan bom itu sbg pesan bagi orang2 korup tsb."

Menurut mereka, pemilik coffee shop itu sudah diperingatkan agar menghetnikan kegiatan bisnisnya yg dianggap tidak etis itu, kalau tidak, 'pedang mereka akan menebas tanpa ampun.'

Minggu lalu, video yg diterbitkan al-Qaedanya Palestina menyatakan bertanggung jawab atas pembunuhan Kolonel Jed Tayya, pejabat intel senior Palestina. Tayya, yg dibunuh dgn 4 penjaganya dituduh sbg agen Mossad dan CIA.

Organisasi itu berjanji utk menargetkan para 'kolaborator' dlm jajaran elite PLO.

(... dan yahudipun tertawa lebar2 !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Muslim saling bunuh. Yahwe memang hebat !)
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