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Pirouz Nahavandi, Pembunuh Kalif Umar adalah Pahlawan Iran

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:00 am
by walet

Foto Makam Pembunuh Kalif Umar, Pirouz Nahavandi

Pirouz Nahavandi (atau Piruzan) (atau Abu-Lu'lu'ah al-Nahawandi: أبو لؤلؤة النهاوندي‎) adalah tentara Persia Zoroastria yang berbakti dibawah panglima Rostam Farrokhzad, tapi ditangkap dalam Perang al-Qādisiyyah th 636M saat bangsa Persia dikalahkan oleh tentara Arab-Muslim pimpinan kalif `Umar ibn al-
Khattâb di tepi barat Sungai Efrates. Setelah ia dibawa ke jazirah Arab sbg tahanan, ia berhasil membunuh Umar pd thn 23H (644–645M).

Nama aslinya adalah Pīrūz (versi Arab: Fīrūz, "si pemenang"; atau Feroz, Firouz, Abu-Lo'lo'a, Abu Lulu, Abu Lolo, dan Baba Shuja-e-din).

Asal Usul

Tidak banyak diketahui ttg dirinya, tapi melihat namanya ia kemungkinan lahir di Nahavand, Iran, dan seorang Zoroastrian atau Agnostic yagn masuk Islam.[1]

PIndah ke Medinah

Selain kemampuan militernya, Pirouz seorang pemahat dan artis kondang dan pemiliknya mengijinkannya untuk hidup dengan keluarganya di Medinah
(menurut Ibn Sa'd, Mughira ibn Shu'ba, pemiliknya adalah gubernur Basra, menulis kepada 'Umar dan 'Umar memberi ijin khusus agar Piruz dikirim ke Medinah karena tahanan perang sebenarnya dilarang tinggal di Medinah).


Setelah kekalahannya, ia bangun dengan tanda panah pada dadanya, tanda ia kini budak seorang Muslim. Piruz mengatakan, "Kami, bangsa Persia menguasai dunia selama lebih dari 1.000 tahun, kami memerangi kerajaan Romawi selama 7 abad dan tidak pernah memperbudak siapapun. Tapi kalian, Arab-Muslim, mengambil saya sbg budak. Saya lebih baik mati daripada hidup sbg budak..."

Setelah ia belajar ttg budaya Arab Quraysh culture dan Islam, ia meminta untuk bergabung dgn pasukan Islam. Setelah mendapatkan kepercayaan tentara, ia bergabung dgn Umar ibn al Khataab. Dan itulah cara Pirouz merencanakan pembunuhan Umar.

Pembunuhan Umar

Cerita yg didapatkan dari Ibn Shihab dan Ibn Sa'd dalam Tabaqatnya mencatat: Abu Lu'lu'ah (Piruz) merasa gajinya dipotong terlalu banyak oleh pemiliknya. Ia mendatangi Umar, sang kalif, dan memohon agar dibebaskan dari perbudakan, mengatakan (menurut kesaksian Abu Huwayrith dalam Tabaqatnya Ibn Sa'd) "Pajak [Mughira] yang dijatuhkan pada saya terlalu tinggi." Mughira (pemiliknya), sbg Muslim, harus tunduk pada Umar; diharapkan Umar dapat memberi keputusan adil.

Tapi Umar menolak permintaannya. Ini membuat marah Piruz. Ia melihat nasib budak anak2 Persia di Medinah. Dengan hati iba ia mengatakan, "Kalian diperbudak pada usia yang begitu mungil. Si Umar ini benar2 melukai hati saya. Saya akan merobek hatinya." Ia membuat golok dengan ujung tajam dan mengolesnya dengan racun. Ia sembunyi disebuah sudut di mesjid Medinah. Ketika Umar datang untuk solat subuh, Piruz menyerangnya dan menusuk Umar 6 kali. dan melarikan diri.


Ada versi berbeda. Sahih Bukhari mengatakan ia bunuh diri saat tertanggap setelah membunuh Umar,s ementara versi Syiah mengatakan, ia melarikan diri ke Kashan, dimana 7 tahun kemudian ia ditangkap dan dibunuh.


Pirouz Nahavandi dianggap sebagai Pahlawan Nasional, dan tokoh budaya dan namanya dipakai untuk memperingati tahun bary Iran.


Makamnya terletak diantara jalan dari Kashan ke Fins, dibangun di abad 11 dalam gaya arkitektur dinasti Persia-Khwarezmian. ,

The International Union for Muslim Scholars menuntut agar makamnya dihancurkan. Ini mengundang kontroversi dan niat ini dibatalkan.

^ A socio-intellectual history of the Isnā ʼAsharī Shīʼīs in India, Volume 1, by Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi, pg. 32

External links
Presidential Decree Orders destruction of Tomb of Persian National Hero Firuzan: ... ategory=32

Re: Pirouz Nahavandi, Pembunuh Kalifah Umar adalah Pahlawan

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:15 am
by walet

Menurut Syiah, Kalifah Umar adalah Penghianat Muhammad, berbeda dengan Suni yang menganggapnya sebagai junjungan.

Pandangan Syiah ttg Umar

Umar dipandang dgn sangat negatif dalam literatur Syiah dan dianggap sbg pengkhianat Muhammad, pencuri hak berkuasanya Ali. Ia dianggap tidak memiliki otoritas militer maupun sipil dijaman Muhammad. Ada juga penulis syiah ygn menuduhnya membunuh puteri Muhammad, Fatimah. Syiah percaya bahwa Fatimah, istri Ali dan puteri Muhammad, mengalami pelecehan fisik oleh Umar. Akibatnya ia kehilangan janinnya.'a_view_of_Umar

Sunni menganggap Umar ibn al-Khattab sbg sahabat Muhammad dan ia berstatus salah seorang dari "Four Righteously Guided Caliphs." Syiah tidak menganggapnya sbg pemimpin sah dan bahwa Umar dan Abu Bakr bersekongkol untuk meraih kekuasaan dari Ali. Syiah percaya bahwa dinasti buatan Umar, Ummayad, menyebar propaganda ttg dirinya dan dianggap sbg kebenaran yg kemudian diabadikan oleh Bukhari. Syiah tidak menganggap narasi versi Sunni ttg Umar sbg kredibel.

His early life

Shi'as point out that Umar was an idol worshiper and that this disqualifies him from being a leader for all Muslims. Shi'as believe that no Muslim leader has ever worshipped anything else than God. To qualify as a Muslim leader, he would either have been a Muslim before Islam or known that there was only one God worthy of worship before knowing about Islam. In other words, a man designated to protect and guide all Muslims at least must have a pure enough character to have refrained from the grossest sin in Islam. This is also complemented by the Shi'a belief that none can be an Imam (leader), whether prophet (Abraham) or non-prophet (Ali), except from the appointment of God (Qur'an 2:124). It is purity of character that Shi'a address on this issue and not sin, not to be confused with the removal of sin due to accepting Islam.

The Shi'as hold against him the fact that he buried alive his own daughter, a typical pagan practice of the time.
Before embracing Islam

Umar's father, al-Khattab, was a staunch follower of polytheism.[1] When Muhammad first declared his message of Islam, Umar resolved to defend the traditional religion of the Quraish, polytheism or idolatry according to Islamic nomenclature. Umar was adamant in opposing Muhammad and very prominent in persecuting the Muslims. Umar's hatred for Islam extended even beyond the death of Muhammad. Umar spread the religion of Islam further and wider than any other single individual in Islamic history, he did it however, for fame and fortune.

Other questionable acts are reported as follows: Lubaynah was a slave girl of Umar. She accepted Islam and Umar would beat her mercilessly until he was tired. He would then say, "I have only stopped beating you because I am tired." She would say, "may God treat you in the same way." He asked her to renounce Islam, but she stuck to her faith.[2] Zinnira was another slave of Umar. One day when Abu Jahl was visiting Umar and he took it upon himself to beat her. Zinnira was beaten so harshly that she lost her eyesight.[3]
Embracing Islam

One day, the Quraish called for somebody to volunteer himself for the assassination Muhammad. Umar volunteered himself for this job, at which everybody exclaimed: "Surely, you can do it, Umar!"[2] On his way he met Sad ibn Abi Waqqas, who asked where he was going. Umar said: "I am after finishing Muhammad." Sa'ad replied, "but do you not see that Banu Hashim, Banu Zuhrah and Banu Abd al-Manaf are likely to kill you in retaliation?" Umar, upset at the warning, said, "it seems that you also have renounced the religion of your forefathers. Let me settle with you first." On saying this, Umar drew out his sword. Sa'ad announcing his Islam, also took out his sword. They were about to start a duel when Sa'ad said, "you had better first set your own house in order. Your sister and brother-in-law both have accepted Islam." Umar went to his sister and found her reciting verses of the Qur'an. He became infuriated and gave her a slap which caused her to bleed. However, his sister did not denounce her religion. He went to meet Muhammad.[4]

Umar then made his way to the house of al-Arqam.[1], Muhammad had received information of this and he stood up and took hold of Umar's collar saying, "Umar, why do you not desist from this action? Will you not refrain lest Allah reveals that information about you that He has already revealed about Waleed ibn Mugheera?"[5] Umar then converted to Islam that day.

A Sh'ia scholar states:“ Some historians claim that Umar was a most awe-inspiring man, and when he accepted Islam, the idolaters were gripped with fear for their lives. But this is only a case of a dominant myth being in conflict with ugly facts. When Umar accepted Islam, the idolaters remained where they were, and nothing changed for them; but it was Muhammad who was compelled to leave his home, and had to find sanctuary in a desolate ravine. He spent three years in that ravine, and during those years of exile, his life was exposed to deadly perils every day and every night. During this entire period of more than 1000 days, Umar, like many other Muslims in Makkah, was the silent spectator of the ordeals of his master. He made no attempt to bring those ordeals to an end.[6] ”


Hafsa, the daughter of Umar, was originally married to Khunais ibn Hudhaifa. When he died, Umar sought to find a husband for her. He approached his friend Uthman who said "I am of the opinion that I shall not marry at present," after thinking about the proposal for a few days. Umar became angry with Uthman and asked Abu Bakr the same thing. Abu Bakr did not give him a reply, causing Umar to become even more angry with him than he was with Uthman. Umar then preceded to Muhammad to discuss the previous two incidents. Muhammad reassured Umar by saying that "Hafsa will marry one better than Uthman will marry one better than Abu Bakr." Umar was obviously alluding to the fact that Hafsa was to marry Muhammad and that Uthman was to marry a daughter of Muhammad.[7] Shi'as reject this hadith as forgery because they argue that it makes no sense to keep the intention to marry a secret from Umar but not from Uthman and Abu Bakr. Furthermore, Muhammad was pressured in to marrying the daughter of Umar the same way Umar pressured Ali to marry his daughter to him.

Hafsa was married to Muhammad in 625. Muhammad's household was not always peaceful as his wives were in two groups.[8] Umar's and Abu Bakr's daughter along with two other wives constituted the group that Shi'as believed troubled Muhammad. Umar said on one occasion:
"Hafsa, the news has reached me that you cause Allah's Messenger trouble. You know that Allah's Messenger does not love you, and had I not been (your father) he would have divorced you." (On hearing this) she wept bitterly.[9]

Shi'as believe that Umar's behavior towards his daughter is another example of his brute character. They see his fatherly advice to Hafsa in her time of despair as unworthy of any father, and especially of a future supposed protector and guide of the Muslim nation.

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Re: Pirouz Nahavandi, Pembunuh Kalif Umar adalah Pahlawan Ir

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:36 pm
by Berto@
jangankan iran saya pun menganggap Pirouz Nahavandi ini sebagai PAHLAWAN :supz: