Nubuatan injil : Rusia dan ISlam akan menyerang ISrael

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Nubuatan injil : Rusia dan ISlam akan menyerang ISrael

Post by jhony_williamson »

Dari Postingan SiDanny pada Perang Enam Hari ( By Adadeh)

Eze 38:1 Datanglah firman TUHAN kepadaku:
Eze 38:2 "Hai anak manusia, tujukanlah mukamu kepada Gog di tanah Magog, yaitu raja agung negeri Mesekh dan Tubal dan bernubuatlah melawan dia
Eze 38:3 dan katakanlah: Beginilah firman Tuhan ALLAH: Lihat, Aku akan menjadi lawanmu, hai Gog raja agung negeri Mesekh dan Tubal.
Eze 38:4 Aku akan menarik engkau dengan mengenakan kelikir pada rahangmu dan membawa engkau ke luar beserta seluruh tentaramu, yaitu pasukan berkuda, semuanya berpakaian lengkap, suatu kumpulan orang banyak dengan perisai besar dan kecil dan semuanya berpedang di tangannya.
Eze 38:5 Orang Persia, Etiopia, dan Put menyertai mereka dan semuanya dengan perisai dan ketopong;
Eze 38:6 orang Gomer dengan seluruh bala tentaranya, Bet-Togarma dari utara sekali dengan seluruh bala tentaranya, banyak bangsa menyertai engkau.
Eze 38:7 Bersedialah dan bersiaplah engkau dengan semua kumpulan orang yang menggabungkan diri dengan engkau dan jadilah pelindung bagi mereka.
Eze 38:8 Sesudah waktu yang lama sekali engkau akan mendapat perintah; pada hari yang terkemudian engkau akan datang di sebuah negeri yang dibangun kembali sesudah musnah karena perang, dan engkau menuju suatu bangsa yang dikumpul dari tengah-tengah banyak bangsa di atas gunung-gunung Israel yang telah lama menjadi reruntuhan. Bangsa ini telah dibawa ke luar dari tengah bangsa-bangsa dan mereka semuanya diam dengan aman tenteram.
Eze 38:9 Engkau muncul seperti angin badai dan datang seperti awan yang menutupi seluruh bumi, engkau beserta seluruh bala tentaramu dan banyak bangsa menyertai engkau.
Eze 38:10 Beginilah firman Tuhan ALLAH: Pada hari itu timbullah niat dalam hatimu dan engkau membuat rancangan jahat.
Eze 38:11 Engkau berkata: Aku akan bangkit bergerak menyerang tanah yang kota-kotanya tanpa tembok dan akan mendatangi orang-orang yang hidup tenang-tenang dan diam dengan aman tenteram; mereka semuanya diam tanpa tembok atau palang atau pintu gerbang.
Eze 38:12 Engkau bermaksud untuk merampas dan menjarah dan mengacungkan tanganmu terhadap reruntuhan-reruntuhan yang sudah didiami kembali dan menyerang umat-Ku yang dikumpulkan dari tengah bangsa-bangsa. Mereka sudah mempunyai ternak dan harta benda dan mereka diam di pusat bumi.
Eze 38:13 Negeri Syeba dan Dedan beserta pembeli-pembeli barangnya, negeri Tarsis beserta pedagang-pedagangnya akan berkata kepadamu: Apakah engkau datang untuk merampas dan mengumpulkan sekutumu untuk menjarah, untuk mengangkut perak dan emas, untuk melarikan ternak dan harta benda dan untuk melakukan perampasan yang hebat sekali?
Eze 38:14 Sebab itu, bernubuatlah, hai anak manusia dan katakanlah kepada Gog: Beginilah firman Tuhan ALLAH: Ketika umat-Ku Israel sedang diam dengan aman tenteram, pada waktu itulah engkau akan bergerak
Eze 38:15 dan datang dari tempatmu dari utara sekali, engkau dengan banyak bangsa yang menyertai engkau, mereka semuanya mengendarai kuda, suatu kumpulan yang besar dan suatu pasukan yang kuat.
Eze 38:16 Engkau bangkit melawan umat-Ku Israel seperti awan yang menutupi seluruh bumi. Pada hari yang terkemudian akan terjadi hal itu dan Aku akan membawa engkau untuk melawan tanah-Ku, supaya bangsa-bangsa mengenal Aku, pada saat Aku menunjukkan kekudusan-Ku kepadamu di hadapan mereka, hai Gog.
Eze 38:17 Beginilah firman Tuhan ALLAH: Engkaulah itu tentang siapa Aku sudah berfirman pada hari-hari dahulu kala dengan perantaraan hamba-hamba-Ku, yaitu nabi-nabi Israel, yang bertahun-tahun bernubuat pada waktu itu, bahwa Aku akan membawa engkau melawan umat-Ku.
Eze 38:18 Pada waktu itu, pada saat Gog datang melawan tanah Israel, demikianlah firman Tuhan ALLAH, amarah-Ku akan timbul. Dalam murka-Ku,
Eze 38:19 dalam cemburu-Ku dan dalam api kemurkaan-Ku Aku akan berfirman: Pada hari itu pasti terjadi gempa bumi yang dahsyat di tanah Israel.
Eze 38:20 Ikan-ikan di laut, burung-burung di udara, binatang-binatang hutan, segala binatang melata yang merayap di bumi dan semua manusia yang ada di atas bumi akan gentar melihat wajah-Ku. Gunung-gunung akan runtuh, lereng-lereng gunung akan longsor dan tiap tembok akan roboh ke tanah.
Eze 38:21 Dan Aku akan memanggil segala macam kekejutan terhadap Gog, demikianlah firman Tuhan ALLAH, sehingga pedang seorang akan memakan yang lain.
Eze 38:22 Aku akan menghukum dia dengan sampar dan tumpahan darah; Aku akan menurunkan hujan lebat, rambun, api dan hujan belerang ke atasnya dan ke atas tentaranya dan ke atas banyak bangsa yang menyertai dia.
Eze 38:23 Aku akan menunjukkan kebesaran-Ku dan kekudusan-Ku dan menyatakan diri-Ku di hadapan bangsa-bangsa yang banyak, dan mereka akan mengetahui bahwa Akulah TUHAN.

The Russians Are Coming
Yoel 3:13 Ayunkanlah sabit, sebab sudah masak tuaian; marilah, iriklah, sebab sudah penuh tempat anggur; tempat-tempat pemerasan kelimpahan, sebab banyak kejahatan mereka

Yehezkiel 38:1-4
38:1 Datanglah firman TUHAN kepadaku:
38:2 "Hai anak manusia, tujukanlah mukamu kepada Gog di tanah Magog, yaitu raja agung negeri Mesekh dan Tubal dan bernubuatlah melawan dia
38:3 dan katakanlah: Beginilah firman Tuhan ALLAH: Lihat, Aku akan menjadi lawanmu, hai Gog raja agung negeri Mesekh dan Tubal.
38:4 Aku akan menarik engkau dengan mengenakan kelikir pada rahangmu dan membawa engkau ke luar beserta seluruh tentaramu, yaitu pasukan berkuda, semuanya berpakaian lengkap, suatu kumpulan orang banyak dengan perisai besar dan kecil dan semuanya berpedang di tangannya.

The Magog Identity
Hesiod, ''the father of Greek didactic poetry,'' identified Magog with the Scythians and southern Russia in the 7th century B.C.

Herodotus of Harlicarnassus, known as the ''Father of History,'' wrote extensively about the descendants of Magog by their Greek name, the Scythians, in the 5th century B.C. Flavius Josephus records that Magogians were called ''Scythians'' by the Greeks. Philo, in the 1st century, identifies Magog with southern Russia.

The Roman Coat of Arms - (Byzantine). Cross in the eagle's right claw. Russia changed it to a scepter

Russian Coat of Arms - Golden eagles on a red flag. Same symbols used by the Romans and Nazis. White Horse- Revelation 6:2

Daniel 2:41
2:41 Dan seperti tuanku lihat kaki dan jari-jarinya sebagian dari tanah liat tukang periuk dan sebagian lagi dari besi, itu berarti, bahwa kerajaan itu terbagi; memang kerajaan itu juga keras seperti besi, sesuai dengan yang tuanku lihat besi itu bercampur dengan tanah liat.

Russia was once called the "Iron Curtain" and they are known for producing the unique Russian Iron. The Soviet Union was divided in 1991 but still has the strength of the iron in it.

Daniel 7:9 Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet.

"Diverse from all others". Due to Daniel's prophecy of the the increase in knowledge at the end time - this part of the prophecy is already fulfilled.

"Stamped the residue with his feet" - the residue stands for Israel

Russian symbols. The sickle and the wheat (harvest). Joel 3:13 Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down. Jesus also refers to the harvest as the end of the world.

Yoel 2:20

Yang datang dari utara itu akan Kujauhkan dari padamu, dan akan Kuusir ke suatu negeri kering dan tandus, barisan mukanya ke laut timur, dan barisan belakangnya ke laut barat, maka bau busuknya dan bau anyirnya akan naik, sebab ia telah melakukan perkara yang besar.

Moskow terletak disebelah Utara Israel.

The Sickle and Wheat (Harvest) Symbols of Russia
Joel 3:13 Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down.
Matthew 13:39 The harvest is the end of the world

Last Dash to the South
Vladimir Zhirinovsky - A Russian Politician who is supported by the Russian military, is very anti-Semitic. A quotation from his own book reads:

"Let Russia successfully accomplish its last 'dash' to the south. I see Russian soldiers gathering for this last southern campaign ... I see planes at air bases in the southern districts of Russia. I see submarines surfacing off the shores of the Indian Ocean and landing crafts approaching shores where soldiers of the Russian Army are already marching.... Infantry combat vehicles are advancing and vast numbers of tanks are on the move. Russia is at last accomplishing its final military campaign."

Russian Military Movements

In 2006 Russia successfully launched three new military satellites. The world watches Iran and North Korea but nobody seems to notice the King of the North which will fulfill Ezekiel and Daniel's prophetic words in the final world war.

Zechariah 14:2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

Ezekiel 38:15 And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army: And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.


All the allies of Magog are in position, except one (watch Turkey!). Af-ter nearly two decades of waiting, Turkey has finally begun official negotiations for admittance into the European Union. The two largest impediments to Turkey’s EU membership are its predominantly Muslim population and its refusal to recognize the island nation of Cyprus (an EU member). This could push a wounded Turkey back into the arms of the nationalists and hard-line Islamic fundamentalists.


The Andropov Doctrine

The West had long since surpassed the Soviets in every measure that mattered: from economic output, to worker productivity, to military reach. Andropov was convinced that, in time, Moscow would fall…barring a massive change in course.

Andropov’s plan was to secure money, managerial skills and non-military technologies from the West in order to refashion a more functional Soviet Union. But the Soviets had nothing significant to trade: they did not have the cash, they lacked goods that the West wanted, and Andropov had no intention of trading away Soviet military technology (which, even 15 years after the Cold War ended, still gives its U.S. counterpart a good run for its money).

In the end, Andropov knew that the Soviet Union had only one thing the West wanted: geopolitical space. So space was what he gave. This continued the traditional Scythian ''defense in depth'' strategy!

Subsequent leaders - Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin after them - continued this as well. The one common thread uniting Russian leaders over the past quarter-century has been the belief that without a fundamental remake, Russia would not survive, and the only way to gain the tools necessary for that remake was to give up influence. Consequently, everything - from Cuba to Poland to Afghanistan to Vietnam - was surrendered, set free or otherwise abandoned.

This was the strategy for nearly 25 years, until the loss of the Ukraine raised the specter of Russian dissolution. The Russians have now stepped away from the Andropov Doctrine, abandoned the implicit bargain within it, reformed the government under the leadership of pragmatists loyal to Putin, and have begun pushing back against American and Western pressure.

Demographically, the country is in terrible shape: their population is growing simultaneously older, smaller and sicklier. The number of Muslims is growing, while the number of ethnic Russians is declining. Nearly all of the economic growth that has occurred since the 1998 financial crisis has stemmed from either an artificially weak currency or rising energy prices, and there are echoes of Soviet financial overextension as occurred after the 1973 and 1981 oil price booms.

The START Treaty

The treaty, which took force in 1991, obliges the United States and Russia to maintain no more than 6,000 nuclear warheads apiece. It expires in 2009, and the United States is not anxious to renew it.

Among American defense planners, there is a belief that the vast majority of weapons in the Russian nuclear program is nearing the end of its reliable life-cycle, and that replacing it would be well beyond Russia’s financial capacity. From the U.S. point of view, there is no reason to subject itself to a new treaty that would limit U.S. options, particularly when the Russia of today is far less able to support an arms race than the Soviet Union of yesteryear. The weapons that will be used in the Magog Invasion, or the Battle of Armageddon, may already be in inventory today.

Russia-Israeli Relations

During the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Russia helped Israel obtain arms to fight the contingent of hostile countries that included Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Jordan. However, after this initial cooperation, relations between the two countries quickly soured with Russia threatening to attack Israel during both the 1956 Sinai Campaign and the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. Russia severed diplomatic relations with Israel following the 1967 Six-Day War, then aligned itself with Arab nationalist regimes and gave support to Palestinian militants. Russia also strongly opposed the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Even today, Russia remains allied with Israel’s enemies.

Vladimir Putin

Since Putin took power in 1999, he has established unrivaled dominance of both houses of parliament; reasserted control over the country’s huge energy industry; forced the closure of the last independent national television network; strengthened Russia’s ties to its former communist allies; and, employed what he calls ''managed democracy.''

Putin has manipulated elections, silenced critics, and gradually tight-ened his grip on the nation. He is a former KGB officer and reports estimate that one in every four of Putin’s government has a background in the military or security services.

In recent months, Putin has faced growing criticism for restricting democratic freedoms and concentrating his presidential powers. Once thought to be a growing capitalist ally, Russia is now returning to its Soviet roots. Putin has called on Israel to withdraw ''from all the occupied Arab lands back to the June 1967 border'' and stressed the necessity of a complete Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights.

Growing Anti-Semitism in Russia

During the Soviet era, more than a million Jews fled Russia to escape state-sponsored anti-Semitism, and in recent years there has been a dramatic resurgence of anti-Jewish sentiment. In 2005, following a string of racially motivated attacks on Jews, a letter with several hundred signatures, including those of 19 members of the Duma (the Russian parlia-ment), was sent to Russia’s prosecutor-general. The letter claimed that the Jews themselves were responsible for inciting anti-Semitic violence and accused them of vandalizing and burning down synagogues to garner sympathy. It also called for Jewish organizations in Russia to be investigated and

The Palestinians

Russia has further earned Israel’s ire by announcing plans to provide the Palestinian security forces with two reconnaissance helicopters and 50 armored vehicles. Russia has also sent its military experts and security personnel to Gaza to help train Palestinian security forces. After Palestinian terrorists fired rockets from Gaza into southern Israel recently, the Israelis found missile fragments belonging to a Russian designed BM-21 rocket. For the last four years, Palestinians had been using homemade Kassam rockets. This was the first time a factory-made rocket had been fired into Israel by the Palestinians.

Allies in the Middle East

After losing the Mid-East foothold provided by Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, the Russians have been building a new axis of power based on ties with Turkey, Iran and Syria. Russia is now Turkey’s second-largest trading partner, with a volume of $10 billion in trade per year; Russia strengthened ties with Iran by supplying it with nuclear-related technologies; and, Russia and Syria have made plans to increase diplomatic and military cooperation.


Russia has since written-off nearly 75% - approximately $10 billion - of Syria’s Soviet-era debt. Russia also intends to proceed with plans to sell SS-26 and SS-18 missiles to Syria, despite U.S. and Israeli opposition. The SS-26 is a highly mobile missile that uses satellite guidance systems to attain maximum accuracy. With a range of 180 miles, it can carry a 1,000-pound warhead to most targets inside Israel; the SA-18 missiles are some of the most sophisticated shoulder-held anti-aircraft missiles on the market and Israel is concerned the weapons may fall into the hands of Palestinian terrorists.

The SA-18 shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile uses its enhanced seeker to hit aerial targets, such as jet fighters, head-on. They have a relatively short range of 5.2 km and a maximum altitude of 3.5 km, but they can be used to destroy planes, helicopters and low-flying unmanned planes.

Syria is on the U.S. State Department’s list of countries that sponsor terrorism. It gives ''substantial amounts of financial, training, weapons, ex-plosives, political, diplomatic, and organizational aid'' to terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas and other radical Islamic and Palestinian organizations, many of which are headquartered in Damascus. Many experts believe that a large-scale confrontation between Syria and Israel could be on the near horizon, which makes Syria’s growing relationship with nations such as Iran and Russia even more concerning.

Russia’s Black Sea Fleet

Russia may be planning to move its Black Sea Fleet to the Syrian port of Tartus. Russia’s Black Sea Fleet currently uses a range of naval facilities in the Ukrainian region of Crimea under a 1997 agreement that allowed Russia to continue its presence in its neighboring former Soviet republic for rent of $93 million per year. The fleet is not scheduled to withdraw until 2017, but the Ukraine has demanded that a new agreement be signed and negotiations between Russia and the Ukraine have stalled. Russia has started dredging at the Syrian port of Tartus, where it maintains a logistical supply point with a possible eye to turning it into a full-fledged naval base. Russia has also launched a modernization project at the port of Latakia, 90 km to the north of Tartus.

An anonymous source at the Defense Ministry indicated that Moscow was planning to form a squadron led by the Moskva, the Black Sea Fleet’s flagship missile cruiser, within the next three years. The squadron would operate in the Mediterranean Sea on a permanent basis.


Russia intends to sell Iran up to 30 Tor M-1 surface-to-air missiles, worth $700 million. Russia has been the beneficiary of multiple lucrative contracts to help Iran develop nuclear energy and has also been helping Iran build its nuclear reactor at Bushehr. Russia, which has veto power on the UN Security Council, has also threatened to block any attempt by the U.S. to impose UN sanctions on Iran.
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Re: Nubuatan injil : Rusia dan ISlam akan menyerang ISrael

Post by jhony_williamson »

Dalam Yehezkiel 38 :13 Juga menyinggung Tentang Syeba (Yaman) dan Dedan (Arab Saudi) akan datang menyerang bersama dengan Tarsis, Tarsus di zaman Paulus ( masuk daerah Turky)

Yehezkiel 38:13 Negeri Syeba dan Dedan beserta pembeli-pembeli barangnya, negeri Tarsis beserta pedagang-pedagangnya akan berkata kepadamu: Apakah engkau datang untuk merampas dan mengumpulkan sekutumu untuk menjarah, untuk mengangkut perak dan emas, untuk melarikan ternak dan harta benda dan untuk melakukan perampasan yang hebat sekali?

Lihat Letak dedan dan Syeba pada peta ini:


Bandingkan dengan Peta Modern Sekarang :

namun Yehezkiel mengatakan bahwa Rusia dan Sekutunya (islam) keok ditangan Tuhan, Allah ISrael

Eze 38:18 Pada waktu itu, pada saat Gog datang melawan tanah Israel, demikianlah firman Tuhan ALLAH, amarah-Ku akan timbul. Dalam murka-Ku,
Eze 38:19 dalam cemburu-Ku dan dalam api kemurkaan-Ku Aku akan berfirman: Pada hari itu pasti terjadi gempa bumi yang dahsyat di tanah Israel.
Eze 38:20 Ikan-ikan di laut, burung-burung di udara, binatang-binatang hutan, segala binatang melata yang merayap di bumi dan semua manusia yang ada di atas bumi akan gentar melihat wajah-Ku. Gunung-gunung akan runtuh, lereng-lereng gunung akan longsor dan tiap tembok akan roboh ke tanah.
Eze 38:21 Dan Aku akan memanggil segala macam kekejutan terhadap Gog, demikianlah firman Tuhan ALLAH, sehingga pedang seorang akan memakan yang lain.
Eze 38:22 Aku akan menghukum dia dengan sampar dan tumpahan darah; Aku akan menurunkan hujan lebat, rambun, api dan hujan belerang ke atasnya dan ke atas tentaranya dan ke atas banyak bangsa yang menyertai dia.
Eze 38:23 Aku akan menunjukkan kebesaran-Ku dan kekudusan-Ku dan menyatakan diri-Ku di hadapan bangsa-bangsa yang banyak, dan mereka akan mengetahui bahwa Akulah TUHAN.



Russia in Biblical Prophecy

Will Russia Attack Israel? - Part 1 of 3

Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 describe the occasion in which God Himself intervenes to quell the ill-fated invasion of Israel by Magog and its allies (Persia, Cush, Phut, Libya, Gomer, Togarmah, Meshech, and Tubal). This passage also appears to anticipate the use of nuclear weapons.

Why does the Bible use such strange names? It has to - we keep changing the names of things: Petrograd = St. Petersburg = Leningrad = St. Petersburg again. (My friends in Russia remind me that ''in Russia, even the past is uncertain!'') Byzantium = Constantinople = Istanbul. Cape Canaveral = Cape Kennedy, etc. But we don’t change the names of our ancestors!


As diligent Bible students, most of us are familiar with the emergence of the empires that were profiled in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7; the Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman empires. However, many of us are probably a little hazy about the tide of events subsequent to that period.

Find out what is really going on in the Middle East.

In this comprehensive overview of India, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Israel, Chuck covers the background of each country as well as their military strengths, political agendas, historical roots, religious affiliations and what role they each play in Bible prophecy.

Nubuatan Masih terus berlanjut ke Yehezkiel 39, Jadi Muslim tunggu apalagi. Kalian sudah Dinubuatkan Ribuan Tahun Lalu akan Keok lawan ISrael..........
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Post by Rashidi »

mungkin lebih tepat kalau disebut:
Federasi Islam akan menyerang Israel ... n.Prophecy

Gog adalah pemimpin federasi negara-negara Islam (Magog), yg dimaksud dengan Gog ini hampir pasti adalah yg dimaksudkan sebagai Imam Mahdi oleh muslim.
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Re: Nubuatan injil : Rusia dan ISlam akan menyerang ISrael

Post by gendeng »

jhony_williamson wrote:Dalam Yehezkiel 38 :13 Juga menyinggung Tentang Syeba (Yaman) dan Dedan (Arab Saudi) akan datang menyerang bersama dengan Tarsis, Tarsus di zaman Paulus ( masuk daerah Turky)

Yehezkiel 38:13 Negeri Syeba dan Dedan beserta pembeli-pembeli barangnya, negeri Tarsis beserta pedagang-pedagangnya akan berkata kepadamu: Apakah engkau datang untuk merampas dan mengumpulkan sekutumu untuk menjarah, untuk mengangkut perak dan emas, untuk melarikan ternak dan harta benda dan untuk melakukan perampasan yang hebat sekali?

Lihat Letak dedan dan Syeba pada peta ini:


Bandingkan dengan Peta Modern Sekarang :

namun Yehezkiel mengatakan bahwa Rusia dan Sekutunya (islam) keok ditangan Tuhan, Allah ISrael

Eze 38:18 Pada waktu itu, pada saat Gog datang melawan tanah Israel, demikianlah firman Tuhan ALLAH, amarah-Ku akan timbul. Dalam murka-Ku,
Eze 38:19 dalam cemburu-Ku dan dalam api kemurkaan-Ku Aku akan berfirman: Pada hari itu pasti terjadi gempa bumi yang dahsyat di tanah Israel.
Eze 38:20 Ikan-ikan di laut, burung-burung di udara, binatang-binatang hutan, segala binatang melata yang merayap di bumi dan semua manusia yang ada di atas bumi akan gentar melihat wajah-Ku. Gunung-gunung akan runtuh, lereng-lereng gunung akan longsor dan tiap tembok akan roboh ke tanah.
Eze 38:21 Dan Aku akan memanggil segala macam kekejutan terhadap Gog, demikianlah firman Tuhan ALLAH, sehingga pedang seorang akan memakan yang lain.
Eze 38:22 Aku akan menghukum dia dengan sampar dan tumpahan darah; Aku akan menurunkan hujan lebat, rambun, api dan hujan belerang ke atasnya dan ke atas tentaranya dan ke atas banyak bangsa yang menyertai dia.
Eze 38:23 Aku akan menunjukkan kebesaran-Ku dan kekudusan-Ku dan menyatakan diri-Ku di hadapan bangsa-bangsa yang banyak, dan mereka akan mengetahui bahwa Akulah TUHAN.

Kalau melihat petanya sih emang spt dr rusia, tp aku kok punya pendapat lain, bisa saja yg nyerang israel adl dr daerah eks rusia, bukankah banyak bekas2 wilayah rusia yg dikuasai oleh negara2 islam. Tp juga hrs diingat kalau gog dari tanah magog jg diberi keterangan sebagai raja mesech dam tubal (mudah2an gak salah inget) padahal kedua wilayah tsb termasuk wilayah turki modern yg notabeme negara islam juga. Means ada kemungkinan bhw gog dari magog adalah seorang pemimpin turki (modern/saat ini) yg merupakan keturunan rusia atau negara2 eks soviet.

Mohon tanggapan. Maaf kalau analisis saya terlalu dangkal
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Re: Nubuatan injil : Rusia dan ISlam akan menyerang ISrael

Post by crayon-sinchan »

rindo wrote:ih benarkeh? :stun: :heart:

baguslah :rofl: klw gitu supaya orang2 zionis itu cepat dibinaskan dr muka bumi ni :axe:
wow, islam benar2 agama damai ya, cuih
nyawa sesama manusia seperti tdk ada artinya
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Re: Nubuatan injil : Rusia dan ISlam akan menyerang ISrael

Post by xmen »

rindo wrote:ih benarkeh? :stun: :heart:

baguslah :rofl: klw gitu supaya orang2 zionis itu cepat dibinaskan dr muka bumi ni :axe:
Baca yg bener,, israel nggak akan hancur, kebenaran sejati dr TUHAN yg Hidup ,,yang akan menang,,,,,
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