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Re: Bisakah Radikalisme diubah menjadi Toleransi?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:22 pm
by Kibou
Joe Andmie wrote:Bro Kibou sebenarnya dari golongan manapun, pedoman utama islam ada pada quran, segala ucapan tingkah laku muhammad wajib diteladani, soalan jihad yang beragam hanya untuk menutupi borok2,ritual haji salah satu fakta, kendati sering jatuh korban.Saya dengan tegas mengatakan muslim lebih patuh dan setia kepada rasulnya.
Selain pedoman pada teks-teks mendasar, muslim (bukan muslim KTP, tapi muslim tulen) juga menuruti ijma' para mujtahid.

Dari Al Risala karya Imam Syafi'i:
718. He asked: I have found the scholars, in former and present times, in disagreement on certain [legal] matters. Is it permissible for them to do so?

719. [Shafi'i] replied: Disagreement is of two kinds: one of them is prohibited, but I would not say the same regarding the other.

720. He asked: What is prohibited disagreement?

721. [Shafi'i] replied: On all matters concerning which God provided clear textual evidence in His Book or [a sunna] uttered by the Prophet's tongue, disagreement among those to whom these [texts] are known is unlawful.
Sudah merupakan ijma' para mujtahid bahwa jihad pedang itu diwajibkan bagi umat islam, dan ajaran jihad pedang sifatnya jelas tanpa keraguan alias muhkam:

The Muhkam is, in reality, nothing other than Mufassar with one difference, namely that Muhkam is not open to abrogation.

An example of Muhkam in the Sunnah is the ruling concerning jihad which provides that 'jihad (holy struggle) remains valid till the day of resurrection'. [27. Abu Dawud, Sunan, II, 702, Hadith no. 2526; Abu Zahrah, Usul, p. 96.]

Makna yuridis jihad sudah dijelaskan oleh Muhamad sendiri sehingga tidak ada lagi keraguan:


The juridical meaning of all the Qur'anic words cited above has been explained by the Prophet, in which case, they cease to be ambivalent. For when the Lawgiver provides the necessary explanation, the Mujmal is explained and turns into Mufassar.

Umdat al Salik:

“The scriptural basis for jihad, prior to scholarly consensus is such Koranic verses as:

(1) ``Fighting is prescribed for you'' (Koran 2:216);
(2) ``Slay them wherever you find them'' (Koran 4:89);
(3) ``Fight the idolators utterly'' (Koran 9:36);

and such hadiths as the one related by Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:

``I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and perform the prayer, and pay zakat. If they say it, they have saved their blood and possessions from me, except for the rights of Islam over them. And their final reckoning is with Allah'
Membuat pernyataan yang menyebabkan perbedaan pendapat atas hal-hal yang sudah jelas hukumnya (contohnya jihad pedang), adalah haram. Tidak heran Ahmadiyah dinyatakan kafir oleh muslim.