dari RC Serba/i Jihad : Islam & Hindu di India

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dari RC Serba/i Jihad : Islam & Hindu di India

Post by telor »

Dari post http://www.indonesia.faithfreedom.org/f ... 730#160730

[quote=adadeh]Untuk mengerti penghancuran kuil Hindu oleh Babur dan keturunannya dan tindakannya yang membangun mesjid di atasnya, kita harus menyadari bahwa sikapnya merupakan bagian dari kepercayaannya. Inilah yang dikatakan salah satu keturunannya, cucu dari Aurangazeb, yang menyatakan bahwa mesjid2 harus didirikan di atas kuil2 yang dihancurkan: “ … untuk terus menampakkan kemenangan Islam, penguasa2 Muslim alim harus terus menekan semua kaum pagan tunduk di bawah Islam, terus bayar Jizyah, memaksa tanpa perkecualian Raja2 Hindu untuk menari sewaktu perayaan Idul Adha dan biarkan mereka menunggu sambil berdiri di luar mesjid sampai saat sembahyang selesai … dan terus bersembahyang di hari Jum’at di dalam mesjid2 yang dibangun di atas reruntuhan kuil2 kaum penyembah berhala Hindu yang terletak di Mathura, Banaras dan Avadh …” [/quote]

Hmm... gue jadi ngerti sekarang alasan israel gali trowongan ke arah mesjid di yerusalem.

Tinggal nunggu waktu aja masyarakat hindu/buddha jawa bangkit trus gali trowongan juga di bawah mesjid2 besar di indo hehe :p
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Post by Laurent »

Kalo nggak salah sih India sdh bebas dr penjajahan ISlam
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Post by bonektobat »

Opo ae cak ada_deh, korban 80.000.000 dalam 500 tahun? 160.000 per tahun? 450 per hari? itu sech sama denga ntingkat kematian normal dalam satu populasi Cak! Coba hitung orang mati di Pulau Jawa ini tiap harinya berapa? yah sekitar 500 orang Cak!

Coba lihat Perang Dunia II, 62.000.000 dalam 6 tahun, atau 10.000.000 per tahun atau 30.000 per hari yangtewas oleh kristen...

Coba lihat penduduk asli Amerika Latin (yang sekarang disebut Mexico) berkurang dari 30.000.000 menjadi hanya 3.000.000 hanya dalam wktu 40 tahun di bawah penjajahan tentara Kristen Spanyol


Coba lihat yang ini Cak!!!

(1941 - 1945) Genocide against Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia . The Croatian Ustasha regime committed genocide against Serbs, Jews and Roma (Gypsies) during World War II. They also mass murdered other political opponents.

After the invasion and destruction of the Yugoslav army by the Axis Powers in 1941, they supported the creation of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) which was run by the Croatian fascist group the Ustaše. The leader of this state Ante Pavelić put into effect a campaign of persecution and genocide against the Serbs, Jews and Roma.

This policy was set out by Mile Budak, the Minister for Education & Culture who in his speech of 22nd July 1941, said that:

The basis for the Ustashe movement is religion. For minorities such as the Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies, we have three million bullets. We will kill a part of the Serbs. Others we will deport, and the rest we will force to accept the Roman Catholic Religion. Thus the new Croatia will be rid of all Serbs in its midst in order to be 100% Catholic within 10 years.
The Independent State of Croatia was the only state created by the Axis Powers that ran its own concentration camps independently of Nazi direction, the largest being the Jasenovac concentration camp.

The number of Serbian people killed, deported and converted by the Croat Ustashe between 1941-1945 is more than 1 000 000 and has been debated. Please see Ustaše#Victims and Jasenovac concentration camp for details. According to the Simon Wiesenthal Center (citing the Encyclopaedia of the Holocaust): "Ustasa terrorists killed 500,000 Serbs, expelled 250,000 and forced 250,000 to convert to Catholicism. They murdered thousands of Jews and Gypsies." Ustashe [1] Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croatian_Ustashe"

This Serbian Genocide resulted in elimination of the presence of Serbian people in a large section of Croatia and Bosnia. Independent State of Croatia]] (NDH) occupied a large section of Bosnia and Hercegovina and Serbia/Srem and massacred hundreds of thousands of Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.

Lihat juga ini :

................ The long-term decimation, sometimes by government policy and sometimes not, of the Natives of South and North America by Europeans is estimated to be one of the largest and longest in history.[2]

Various estimates of the pre-contact Native population of the continental U.S. and Canada range from 1.8 to over 12 million. Over the next four centuries, their numbers were reduced to a low of 237,000 by 1900. It has been estimated that the Native population of what is now Mexico was reduced from 30 million to only 3 million over the first four decades of Spanish rule. .................

Siapa dulu pelakunya Cak....!!!

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Post by ali5196 »

Jawaban klasik Muslim :

Kresten bengis, jadi Islam pasti damai.

Islam bengis, karena Kresten juga bengis.

Kalau begitu, apa dong bedanya Islam dgn agama bengis, Kresten ? Bukankah Islam paling sedikit sama bengisnya ? Inikah yg dinamakan Islam MEMBENARKAN KITAB2 TERDAHULU ?? Udah tahu kitab terdahulu bengis, DIBENARKAN PULA ?

Cocok deh, elu saling bunuh. Ajaran elu SAMA SIH ! :x :x
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Post by helterskelter_manson666 »

Hmm... gue jadi ngerti sekarang alasan israel gali trowongan ke arah mesjid di yerusalem.
Yep! Itu khan di bawah mesjid 'KEBANGGAAN ISLAM' ada Bait Allah.

... yang (udah diprediksi) kalo muncul kembali ke permukaan bakal KIAMAT!
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Post by helterskelter_manson666 »

bonektobat wrote:Opo ae cak ada_deh, korban 80.000.000 dalam 500 tahun? 160.000 per tahun? 450 per hari? itu sech sama denga ntingkat kematian normal dalam satu populasi Cak! Coba hitung orang mati di Pulau Jawa ini tiap harinya berapa? yah sekitar 500 orang Cak!

Coba lihat Perang Dunia II, 62.000.000 dalam 6 tahun, atau 10.000.000 per tahun atau 30.000 per hari yangtewas oleh kristen...

Coba lihat penduduk asli Amerika Latin (yang sekarang disebut Mexico) berkurang dari 30.000.000 menjadi hanya 3.000.000 hanya dalam wktu 40 tahun di bawah penjajahan tentara Kristen Spanyol


Coba lihat yang ini Cak!!!

(1941 - 1945) Genocide against Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia . The Croatian Ustasha regime committed genocide against Serbs, Jews and Roma (Gypsies) during World War II. They also mass murdered other political opponents.

After the invasion and destruction of the Yugoslav army by the Axis Powers in 1941, they supported the creation of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) which was run by the Croatian fascist group the Ustaše. The leader of this state Ante Pavelić put into effect a campaign of persecution and genocide against the Serbs, Jews and Roma.

This policy was set out by Mile Budak, the Minister for Education & Culture who in his speech of 22nd July 1941, said that:

The basis for the Ustashe movement is religion. For minorities such as the Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies, we have three million bullets. We will kill a part of the Serbs. Others we will deport, and the rest we will force to accept the Roman Catholic Religion. Thus the new Croatia will be rid of all Serbs in its midst in order to be 100% Catholic within 10 years.
The Independent State of Croatia was the only state created by the Axis Powers that ran its own concentration camps independently of Nazi direction, the largest being the Jasenovac concentration camp.

The number of Serbian people killed, deported and converted by the Croat Ustashe between 1941-1945 is more than 1 000 000 and has been debated. Please see Ustaše#Victims and Jasenovac concentration camp for details. According to the Simon Wiesenthal Center (citing the Encyclopaedia of the Holocaust): "Ustasa terrorists killed 500,000 Serbs, expelled 250,000 and forced 250,000 to convert to Catholicism. They murdered thousands of Jews and Gypsies." Ustashe [1] Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croatian_Ustashe"

This Serbian Genocide resulted in elimination of the presence of Serbian people in a large section of Croatia and Bosnia. Independent State of Croatia]] (NDH) occupied a large section of Bosnia and Hercegovina and Serbia/Srem and massacred hundreds of thousands of Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.

Lihat juga ini :

................ The long-term decimation, sometimes by government policy and sometimes not, of the Natives of South and North America by Europeans is estimated to be one of the largest and longest in history.[2]

Various estimates of the pre-contact Native population of the continental U.S. and Canada range from 1.8 to over 12 million. Over the next four centuries, their numbers were reduced to a low of 237,000 by 1900. It has been estimated that the Native population of what is now Mexico was reduced from 30 million to only 3 million over the first four decades of Spanish rule. .................

Siapa dulu pelakunya Cak....!!!


Itulah bedanya elo (muslim) ama non-muslim..

Pada dasarnya Siapapun itu (di masa lalu) pernah melakukan pembunuhan massal / pembantaian DEMI TERCAPAINYA TUJUAN POLITIK!

Genghis Khan,Joseph Stalin,Hirohito,Hitler,dll mereka semua pernah melakukan pembantaian yang TAK ber perikemanusiaan yg tak ternilai. Sekali lagi,UNTUK TUJUAN POLITIK

Ekspansi Bangsa Eropa ke Amerika pun punya Sejarah Kekerasan yang sama suramnya dengan yang lain.Tapi,sekali lagi..UNTUK POLITIK.



Gue engga bisa bayangin Genghis Khan membantai puluhan juta orang dengan membawa nama agamanya & PERINTAH ALLAH untuk membunuh orang lain.. :lol:

Bukti: Hanya Islam yang (sampai sekarang)selalu beteriak ATAS NAMA ALLAH saat memenggal kepala musuhnya dan mengatakan sebagai KEMENANGAN.

Kalo Hitler tewas ato Stalin tewas,pembantaian berhenti.ajarannya pun dilarang. Mohammad (si tukang jagal nomer wahid) udah lama tewas,tapi pembantaian ATAS NAMA ISLAM ngga berhenti,malah makin marak pembunuhan ATAS NAMA AJARANNYA di dunia..karena apa? ajarannya belon hilang!

Karena,itu khan kita mesti menghapus ajaran sesat kaya ISLAM??
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Post by helterskelter_manson666 »

Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi
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Post by Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi »

@TS itu kalo mo bawa" Quran tolong sebutin nama ayatnya jgn cuman Q-nomor...

@Helterskelter_manson666=avatar anda keren juga dipake donk bajunya jgn cuman dipoto and di pajang di avatar :).

@TS=penuh rekayasa "sesungguhnya "mereka"(kafir) tidak akan diam selama Islam masih berdiri tegak di bumi"

hm...nga di kaskus nga disini pengikut Yesus setiap berdebat selalu menggunakan kata" kasar....o ya saya kasih bocoran d bro di alkitab Lama "sesungguhnya akan hadir seorang nabi yang bernama "AHMAD"ikutlah kalian dgn nya"
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Post by rfox »

hm...nga di kaskus nga disini pengikut Yesus setiap berdebat selalu menggunakan kata" kasar....o ya saya kasih bocoran d bro di alkitab Lama "sesungguhnya akan hadir seorang nabi yang bernama "AHMAD"ikutlah kalian dgn nya"
saya kasih bocoran juga buat ujian anda mas.....di alkitab tidak ada nubuatan yg bernama "AHMAD" . org islam memang suka sekali bersilat lidah, berbohong, emang udah ajaran nabimu sih. dasar ga tau malu.
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Post by Laurent »

india bisa maju justru krn murtad dr Muslim sejak Merdeka thn 1947
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Post by Hand15 »

Sebenarnya India itu doloenya mencakup Pakistan ama Bangladesh, cumanya karena itu: Islam, nggak mau mayoritas orang Hindu, jadinya ribut ribut minta pisah bikin negara sendiri.

Terjadilah pengungsian besar besaran orang Hindu dan Muslim. Yang satu mengungsi ke Bangladesh(dulu Pakistan timur) dan Pakistan, yang satu lagi mengungsi ke India.

Begitulah, padahal cuma karena masalah Agama.
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Post by anti_phedofil »

Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi wrote:o ya saya kasih bocoran d bro di alkitab Lama "sesungguhnya akan hadir seorang nabi yang bernama "AHMAD"ikutlah kalian dgn nya"
Kenapa elu ngikut Muhammad dan bukan Ahmad?Kalo bener nubuatan itu ada elu ikut aliran Ahmadiah adja, lebih tepat lafal pendirinya.
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salju surga
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Post by salju surga »

rfox wrote:
bohong aja ach ente....kitab tahun berapa tuh????
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