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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by akuadalahkafir »

I Salute you ID Adadeh..
Saya akan dukung terus ID Adadeh semampuku.. untuk saat ini.. masih dengan dukungan moral.. semoga suatu saat nanti bisa dengan dukungan materi :green:

Ngomong-ngomong.. itu yang di Library of Congress Catalog, personal name sama publisher-nya itu ga jadi masalah kedepannya? itu bukan nama author-nya kan? :-s Bahaya banget kan? kalo author-nya sampe ketauan :-s
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by Topsy KreeT »

ADADEH wrote:Komik "Isaf dan Naila" versi Inggris sudah muncul di Belum muncul di karena template yang digunakan tidak memadai, dan sekarang Admin pusat sedang berusaha merombak template website faithfreedom agar bisa memunculkan komik gw dengan baik, tanpa cropping atau distorsi. udah berubah tuh templatenya..
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by iamthewarlord »

om Adadeh...
Saya sudah beli e-booknya, tapi aman kan account paypal saya?

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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by Jarum_Kudus »

Topsy KreeT udah berubah tuh templatenya..
Bener juga. Jadi keren banget ya?
Gw sih pinginnya FF Indonesia juga punya bagian depan kayak gitu, sehingga kita bisa mencantumkan tulisan2 bermutu seperti bagian depan apakabar. Udah hampir 10 tahun ini forum kayak gini terus tampangnya. Yang FF Belanda meskipun kecil dan gak gitu banyak anggotanya, tapi mereka punya halaman depan yang top.

Kan asik jika halaman depan FF Indonesia juga mirip dengan halaman depan FF International yang penuh gambar, berita, link ini itu. Tapi untuk melaksanakan ini tampaknya bakal dibutuhkan banyak sukarelawan.
iamthewarlord wrote:Saya sudah beli e-booknya, tapi aman kan account paypal saya?
Account paypal yang gw pake sejak tahun lalu sampe sekarang aman2 aja tuh. Siapa yang bisa membobol database paypal di amerika?
nadia ghazali
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by nadia ghazali »

om adadeh..moga2 perpustakaan di Australia jg bisa mengoleksi komik om adadeh segera
biar bule2 yg jd mualaf krn kawin dgn muslimers bisa melek mata mrk dgn identitas asli si awlo dan muhammad
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by iamthewarlord »

komiknya bagus, ceritanya runtut dan sangat mudah dimengerti.
Tidak ada hujatan disitu, saya pikir bagus juga untuk muslim ikut membeli.
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by suara-hati »

Setelah beberapa lama tidak mengunjungi FFI, hari ini saya baru “ngeh” kalau komik Muhammad karya teman senior Adadeh sudah beredar di tempat-tempat bergengsi.

Baru saja saya download ebooknya, hanya beberapa menit semua selesai.


Terimakasih. Mudah-mudahan volume berikutnya cepat menyusul.

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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by Adadeh »

akuadalahkafir wrote:I Salute you ID Adadeh..
Saya akan dukung terus ID Adadeh semampuku.. untuk saat ini.. masih dengan dukungan moral.. semoga suatu saat nanti bisa dengan dukungan materi :green:
Terim kasih banyak, aaa. Dukungan moral sudah lebih dari cukup.
Ngomong-ngomong.. itu yang di Library of Congress Catalog, personal name sama publisher-nya itu ga jadi masalah kedepannya? itu bukan nama author-nya kan? :-s Bahaya banget kan? kalo author-nya sampe ketauan :-s
Tentunya tak ada yang pakai nama asli. Kita semua kan sudah tahu tabiat jahanamnya Muslim terhadap para pengritik Nabi.
suara hati wrote:Setelah beberapa lama tidak mengunjungi FFI, hari ini saya baru “ngeh” kalau komik Muhammad karya teman senior Adadeh sudah beredar di tempat-tempat bergengsi.
Terima kasih banyak atas dukungannya. Memang aku juga tidak menduga komik iseng kayak gini kok ternyata bisa ke mana².
iamthewarlord wrote:Saya sudah beli e-booknya, tapi aman kan account paypal saya?
Tentu. Ini sama saja seperti membeli barang² lain dengan paypal.

Terima kasih banyak atas dukungannya, teman². Aku lagi sibuk bikin komik kencing unta nih. Heheehee...
biksu sonje
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by biksu sonje »

Adadeh wrote:Aku lagi sibuk bikin komik kencing unta nih. Heheehee...
horrrrrrreeeeeeee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, biksu sonje turut mendukung bang adadeh, semoga lancar semuanya + salam kenal ya bang
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by Adadeh »

Kafir barat **** mencoba menghakimi gw karena berani mengritik habis Muhammad:



Depicting Muhammad: Religion, Biography and Bad Faith
By A. David Lewis
Jul 14, 2011

We live at a time when the American public’s reaction to Islam can often be polarized and reflexive, a time with a desperate need for thoughtful information on this great religion and on its founder. Arguably, the biography of Islam’s prophet Muhammad has already been written. For Muslims, it is known as the hadith, a sacred collection of sayings and examples from the life of Muhammad. While the hadith are not as revered as the holy Qur’an, they hold a special place in Islamic culture. For example, in instances where proof of Islam’s reverence for women is sought, some will quote Hadith 1275 of Sunan Al-Tirmidhi (“Paradise is at the feet of mothers.”) or the section of Sahih al-Bukhari that says one’s mother is twice worthy of a child’s company before one’s father.
Now pause for a moment.

Think about what you just read.

Why were you inclined to believe what you just read? Assuming you didn’t have knowledge on hadith already, you likely accepted what the first paragraph said it was, right? It sounded convincing. It sounded authoritative. And, best yet, it was accompanied by specific quotations and citations. You have to admit, you’re inclined to believe all of it, you’re willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, because you assume that someone who is able to employ such examples means to use them sincerely.

The author of the graphic novel Biography of the Prophet Muhammad Illustrated – Volume 1 abuses that assumption made by readers. Going under the pen name ‘Abdullah Ibn Sa’d Ibn Abi Sarh, the author expects readers to give him (or her?) the benefit of the doubt that his quotations of the holy Qur’an, of the hadith, and of other Islamic sources are legitimate. At the same time, the pseudonymous writer gives no such benefit of the doubt to Muhammad himself, each time finding the ugliest possible interpretation of events in Muhammad’s life. Muhammad had no genuine affection for his wife Khadijah, claims Ibn Abi Sarh; he was only in it for her money. Further, slaves were drawn to early Islam not because of any earnest belief in its ethos but because it would help them overthrow their masters. And, Muhammad wasn’t visited by divine revelation; he was just an epileptic with delusions of grandeur.

Viewing Muhammad in this way—as a lost soul passing off his epilepsy as false prophesy—is not just the mission of the Biography, but it is the book’s self-inflicted Achilles Heel. Ibn Abi Sarh, whoever he or she is, says that this book is meant to show “the real face of Islam”: namely that the Prophet Muhammad was not a Prophet. This might short-circuit any of the famous prohibitions about visually depicting Muhammad (which would likely be a central concern for a graphic novel attempting such a biography), but it creates a much larger problem. The cover says The Biography of the Prophet Muhammad, but according to the contents inside, Muhammad is no prophet. The book goes from biography to conspiracy theory. And its citations weaken from circumstantial evidence to self-consuming quicksand. Why quote from the Qur’an for support if you also claim that it is entirely bogus?

Others have tried, to various degrees of success, to tell the story of Muhammad’s life from both outside and inside the Muslim faith. They include Deepak Chopra, religious historian Karen Armstrong, or President of the Islamic Foundation of North America Yahiya Emerick. Each of these chronicles at least acknowledges the historic importance of Muhammad and the distinct culture impact of the words he professed. Similar studies on the “historical Jesus” have also been written and lend their own value to better understanding the era in which each man lived. Whether men, prophets, or messiahs, figures like Muhammad and Jesus have profoundly shaped the modern world, inspiring billions and, in turn, earning a debt of respect for their places in human history.

Ibn Abi Sarh is not interested in showing any respect for Muhammad, even the modicum accorded to a leader of the opposition or the indicted in court. The Biography lacks the narrative equivalent of “good sportsmanship,” making any claims it sputters all the less credible. It is disappointing but unsurprising that its web site as well as its preface are rooted in, where “Ex-Muslims reveal Islam and Islamic threat.” The implication becomes that one has to lack compassion and has to make sweeping allegations in order to be an ex-Muslim. The site and the Biography end up making their target look all the better because, well, who would want such intolerance for others in their group?

Maybe comic book and graphic novel readers will one day have a biography of the Prophet Muhammad created for an English-language, multicultural audience that treats the subject matter with nuance: Respect accorded, questions raised, praise given, criticism noted. Perhaps the visual illustrations of Muhammad in such a thoughtful and deft book will become a secondary issue behind how the work manages to bridge interreligious divides. Quotes and footnotes won’t themselves be necessary: honesty to oneself, to one’s topic, and to one’s audience is.

It can be done. But the Biography of the Prophet Muhammad Illustrated – Volume 1 is not the book to do it. It’s Islamophobia masquerading as insider knowledge. Whether created by a Muslim, an ex-Muslim, a Christian, a Jew, an Agnostic, an Atheist, or another manner of believer, it’s written in bad faith.

A. David Lewis is the co-editor of Graven Images: Religion in Comic Books and Graphic Novels (Continuum) as well as both author of The Lone and Level Sands (where the Pharaoh is a protagonist) and co-author of Some New Kind of Slaughter (where Noah is a drunk). Lewis is also an Editorial Board Member of The International Journal of Comic Art and Special Curator for the Harvard University Center for Middle Eastern Studies Outreach Center.
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by Adadeh »

Tanggapan pembaca lain yang sudah membaca komik gw dan tahu benar akan wajah Islam sebenarnya:

· July 14 at 11:29pm
truthwillsetusfree (signed in using Yahoo)

As a person who has read the actual history of Islam, not the sugar coated version written by the likes of Karen Armstrong and Deepak Chopra who know Islam by reading the regurgitated narrative of Muslim apologists, and as one who has read Ibn Abi Sarh’s illustrated biography of Muhammad, I fully agree with this book.

What is obvious to me is that A David Lewis has not read the Sira of Muhammad, or the history of Tabari or the Tabaqat of Ibn Sa’d. Lewis makes an ignorant assumption that since Muhammad claimed to be a prophet and 1.5 billion people believe in him he must be someone like Jesus or Buddha. This is a very false assumption. I am not religious and don’t believe in the divinity Jesus or anyone. However, as a student of comparative religions I find the comparison between Jesus and Muhammad ridiculous.

Jesus never raided, looted or massacred anyone. He did not assassinate his critics. He did not torture people. He did not rape women. Muhammad did all these things. This is fact that any person can find out by reading the original biographies of Muhammad, stated above, and yes, they are translated into English and available from Amazon.

Lewis berates Ibn Sarh for not respecting Muhammad. According to Muhammad Ibn Sarh must be killed in the cruelest way. Tabari says that Abu Bakr burned, stoned to death or threw the apostates from a cliff. He killed hundreds of thousands of people who after the death of Muhammad rebelled and did not want to be forced to Islam.

Lewis has proven to be an ignoramus bigot. He expects Ibn Sarh to give Muhammad the benefit of doubt when he is utterly ignorant of the true life of Muhammad. Why not then give Hitler the benefit of doubt? And yet after you read the Sira you will see that Hitler was only a student of Muhammad.

I have read the biography of Muhammad from the original sources and I have also read this gourd breaking illustrated book of Ibn Sarh. This book is accurate. Ibn Sarh gives references to all the claims he makes. At least Lewis should have had the intellectual integrity to verify those references. But Lewis is an ideologue with no regards to truth and integrity. He vilifies all religions but Islam, because Islam like his misguided leftist ideology is a totalitarian doctrine that uses deception and terror.

I highly recommend this book and praise its author for his meticulous dedication to detail and accuracy. Read this book. You may also think that it is exaggeration because you simply can’t accept the fact that someone literally worshipped by so many people can be so evil. But the book is accurate.
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by Adadeh »

· July 14 at 3:36pm
truthwillsetusfree (signed in using Yahoo)

Iran has sentenced a Christian pastor to death (search on google) This is what Muhammad did and Muslims emulate their prophet. And according to this shameless man David Lewis, the apostates must respect Muhammad. How stupid of you Mr. Lewis. Now you kiss the derriere of Muslims and find yourself an ally with them because of your common hatred of the Judeo Christianity. This was the mistake the leftists in Iran did when they throw their lot with Muslims during the revolution of 1979. As soon as Muslims came to power the very first people they butchered were the leftists. You are really stupid man. You don’t know Islam and still defend it.
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by Adadeh »

· July 14 at 6:20pm
Bruce Church · Madison, Wisconsin

The Bible only records Noah getting drunk once, yet the A. David Lewis and his co-author make Noah out to be a drunk in "Some New Kind of Slaughter," and also mocks the God of the Bible by the title of his comic book, "Some new kind of slaughter." That's leftists for you--diss Christianity and Christ and defend Islam and Prophet Mo the max. Then Lewis has the chutzpah to say that Abdullah Sarh ought to respect Muhammad and Islam in his comic book. What a hypocrite and a dunce!

Muslim berusaha membela Nabi sesatnya dengan bantahan yang maha lebay:
Muhammad Bilal Khan
you wil come to know on day of judgement that muhammad pbuh brought a true religion for whole mankind... he is the most respectful of all human beings and he respected everyone.. his life is a symbol for mankind,,, even his enemy admited that he is man of truth....

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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by walet »

Sayang masih ada kafir **** bikin klaim macam2, tapi untung ada counter attact dan menggiring penulis untuk membaca kitab2 Islam yang menyebutkan kejahatan Muhammad.
Semoga Lewis membacanya dan mengoreksi tulisannya.

Dalam komik sebaiknya diperbanyak referensi dan menyebutkan bagaimana kuatnya referensi itu.
Mungkin banyak kafir gak tahu kitab Islam selain Quran dan Hadis.

Pembahasan bagaimana pentingnya Sirah Rasul Allah, Tafsir dll perlu diperbanyak.
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by Adadeh »

walet wrote:Sayang masih ada kafir **** bikin klaim macam2,
A David Lewis itu ternyata aktif promosi komik² pro-Islam. Lihat nih thema pidatonya di bulan Agustus 2011:

Comics and Muslim Identity

"Dust" from Marvel Comic's X-Men
Knafa mukanya musti ditutupin segala? Jangan² karena idunk-nya telah dibabat habis sama suami Muslimnya.

Lihat siapakah sponsor dibalik kebejadan organisasi tukang tiup ini:
Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies Outreach Center, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard, Shura: The Islamic Forum at Harvard Divinity School

Pangeran Alwaled bin Tolol itu adalah billioner - keponakan Raja Abdullah dari Saudi Arabia.

Pantesan si David Lewis sewot sama buku gw, sebab buku gw mengacaukan misinya promosi "Islam agama damai", sesuai dengan permintaan majikan Muslimnya si Alwalid (yang kayaraya lubis tapi maha beg0). David lebih memilih menjilat vantath Islam demi duit dinar Arab daripada membantu kafir kayak gw mencerdaskan sesama kafir. Begitulah cara² kotor Muslim Arab kayaraya dalam mengambil hati kafir haus duit. Tapi jangan takut, teman² para kafirun sedunia. Biar duit mepet, sponsor tak ada, komik gw akan mampu mengalahkan segala komik pro-Islam yang didalangi Alwalid.

Hanya dengan keyboard computer seharga Rp. 40.000, Ali Sina bisa menghebohkan seluruh dunia Islam. Negara² Islam jadi takut sama Faithfreedom sehingga main berangus, main sensor, main blokir. Jika "Islam itu berani karena benar", mengapa Muslim tidak berani menghadapi kritik Islam yang diajukan Faithfreedom? Mengapa begitu takut akan Faithfreedom?
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by diana orion »

maju terus bung adadeh. jangan takut sama 'islamic mercenaries' kayak david lewis gitu.

saya ada ide nih: gimana kalo bung adadeh minta tolong pak ali sina ato ibn warraq utk bikin review juga. atau robert spencer dari jihadwatch. atau mungkin kirim satu copy ke conservative site seperti pajamas media. disitu banyak reviewer yg cukup kritis sama islam: roger kimball, christian toto, michael leeden, atau andrew klavan.

ini cuman asal usul loh, soalnya saya ngga ngerti gimana caranya minta book review.
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by diana orion »

oh iya, saya kelupaan. di pajamas media kan ada si zombie yg punya webiste Mohammed Image Archive yg kontroversial itu:

mungkin dia mau review komiknya kalo punya copynya.
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by walet »

diana orion wrote:maju terus bung adadeh. jangan takut sama 'islamic mercenaries' kayak david lewis gitu.

saya ada ide nih: gimana kalo bung adadeh minta tolong pak ali sina ato ibn warraq utk bikin review juga. atau robert spencer dari jihadwatch. atau mungkin kirim satu copy ke conservative site seperti pajamas media. disitu banyak reviewer yg cukup kritis sama islam: roger kimball, christian toto, michael leeden, atau andrew klavan.

ini cuman asal usul loh, soalnya saya ngga ngerti gimana caranya minta book review.

Setuju, suruh mereka bikin kata pengantar.
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by Rasionalis »

Bung Adadeh,

...Kita tidak perlu merasa kesal atau jengkel kepada orang-orang yang menolak komik itu. Kita tetap berterima kasih atas komentar miring mereka. Semuanya itu adalah iklan gratis. Semakin banyak yang mengritiknya akan semakin banyak pula yang mencari dan ingin membacanya.
...Contoh seperti itu sudah amat sering kita saksikan di negeri ini. Setiap kali para ulama melarang menonton suatu film, semakin mbludak penontonnya.
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Re: Komik Riwayat Hidup Muhammad

Post by Adadeh »

diana orion wrote: atau mungkin kirim satu copy ke conservative site seperti pajamas media. disitu banyak reviewer yg cukup kritis sama islam: roger kimball, christian toto, michael leeden, atau andrew klavan.
Terima kasih untuk nama² tersebut, Diana.
gimana kalo bung adadeh minta tolong pak ali sina ato ibn warraq utk bikin review juga.
Lho, kan Kata Pengantar-nya kan ditulis Ali Sina sendiri tuh:
Kita tidak perlu merasa kesal atau jengkel kepada orang-orang yang menolak komik itu.
Terima kasih atas nasehatnya, bang. Tidak kesal kok, malah aku sangat berterima kasih Pak Lewis sudah meluangkan waktu menunjukkan kapasitas pengetahuannya akan Islam. Jebloque abizz...
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