Kenapa Islam Lebih Ganas Dari Kristen ?

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Kenapa Islam Lebih Ganas Dari Kristen ?

Post by snipey »

Sebuah tulisan dari blog ateis, oleh seorang ateis.
Isinya bisa kita anggap netral krn si penulis gak punya agama apapun utk ditaati atau tuhan yg harus dia takuti.

Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity: An Atheist’s Guide

By Robert Tracinski
January 27, 2015

The Charlie Hebdo massacre once again has politicians and the media dancing around the question of whether there might be something a little bit special about this one particular religion, Islam, that causes its adherents to go around killing people.

It is not considered acceptable in polite company to entertain this possibility. Instead, it is necessary to insist, as a New York Times article does, that “Islam is no more inherently violent than other religions.” This, mind you, was in an article on how Muslims in the Middle East are agonizing over the violent legacy of their religion.

It is obviously true that all major religions have had violent periods, or periods in which the religion has coexisted with violence. Even those mellow pacifist Buddhists. These days, especially the Buddhists, who are currently fomenting a pogrom against a Muslim minority in Burma.

But in today’s context, it’s absurd to equate Islam and Christianity. Pointing to the Spanish Inquisition tends to undermine the point rather than confirm it: if you have to look back three hundred years to find atrocities, it’s because there are so few of them today. The mass crimes committed under the name of Islam, by contrast, are fresh and openly boasted about.

As an atheist, I have no god in this fight, so to speak. We feel free to criticize and offend Christians without a second thought—thanks, guys, for being so cool about that—but antagonizing Muslims takes courage.

So it’s a matter of some practical urgency to figure out: what is the difference? What are its root causes?

As I see it, the main danger posed by any religion to its dissenters and unbelievers lies in the rejection of reason, which cuts off the possibility of discussion and debate, leaving coercion as an acceptable substitute. I’m with Voltaire on that one: “If we believe absurdities, we will commit atrocities.” But all religions are different and have different doctrines which are shaped over their history—and as we shall see, that includes different views on precisely such core issues as the role of reason and persuasion.

The life of Christ versus the life of Mohammed.

Mohammed was a conqueror who gained worldly political power in his lifetime and used it to persecute opponents and impose his religion. He also fully enjoyed the worldly perks of being a tyrant, including multiple wives. Jesus, by contrast, was basically a pacifist whose whole purpose on earth was to allow himself to be tortured to death.

He even explicitly forbade his followers to use force to defend him.
Similarly, there is an episode during the Last Supper when the apostles are squabbling about which of them is greatest. Christ intervenes and tells them that the greatest is he who serves others the most.
As far as I know, Christ was the first to insist that even the lowest, least significant person has value and that we will be judged by how we treat him.

Islam has no corresponding idea. This is a religion that is still very much in the “rights of the conqueror” mode, in which the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

Again, this goes back to the beginning.
To be sure, this brutal attitude is partly because of the backwardness of some of the quasi-feudal societies that are majority-Muslim, where divisions of tribe and caste still dominate. But then again, Islam hasn’t done much to elevate those societies, despite having more than a thousand years to do so.

The early history of Christianity vs. Islam

Christians started as a persecuted minority in a pagan society, so that gives them a certain comfort with being powerless.
The early history of Islam, by contrast, was further conquest and dominance, as Muslim invaders marched out into Persia and across North Africa.

The kingdom of god vs. the kingdom of man.

When Pilate asks him if he is a king, Jesus responds, “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.”

But when your prophet is the dictator, it’s more tempting to think that you can just mandate a perfect society.
An Islamic state is the kingdom of God brought to earth—exactly the approach that has been widely rejected at various points in Christian theology.

The different roles of “falsafa.”

Christianity took hold among Greeks and Romans steeped in the Classical philosophical tradition, and that left its mark. easier for Christianity to re-absorb Classical ideas during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance.

Islam went through an opposite progression. It encountered Classical science and philosophy, “falsafa” in Arabic, during its conquest of various Mediterranean countries, and the Muslim world would produce great scientists and philosophers steeped in the ideas of the Greeks, including ibn Sina (Avicenna) in Persia and ibn Rushd (Averroes) in Muslim Spain. But by the late Middle Ages, just as the West was rediscovering Classical philosophy, the Muslim world purged it.

Is God rational?

in Christian theology, God is rational: he acts according to reason and is understandable by reason.

Islam rejects this view. Al-Ghazali even rejected the law of cause and effect. The Muslim God does not establish laws of nature and leave them to operate. He is personally involved in causing every natural event by a direct act of will.

Secular law versus Sharia law.

The differences between Islam and Christianity are not just about the laws of nature. They’re also about laws for man.

Christianity has its own religious law, laid down by Moses in the Old Testament, though much of it does not survive Christ’s revisions. But Christianity also has a long tradition of coexisting with secular systems of law.

By contrast, Islam recognizes no room for any law other than what was supposedly revealed to Mohammed, and that is the source of a whole lot of trouble. The explicit argument offered by Islamists against representative government is the complaint that laws voted on by the people are laws created by man, whereas God is the only one who can make law.

Is it normal to struggle with faith?

Christianity has a tradition of being an introspective religion, one that is about plumbing the depths of one’s soul—and about struggling with one’s faith. The put-upon Job debates with God. Even Jesus struggled with temptation and doubt in the Garden of Gethsemane as he faced the prospect of crucifixion.

By contrast, Muslims widely accept a particularly literal version of what the Christian would call “salvation through works.” In its crudest version, this is the “die in jihad and get 72 virgins in paradise” outlook. Getting into heaven is less about reordering your soul or trying to introspect some greater meaning in your life—and more about punching a checklist of external actions, of being obedient to a long list of strictly enforced requirements and taboos.

The history of religion in America.

The final big difference between Islam and Christianity isn’t something that’s wrong with Islam, but rather something that happened uniquely in the West that influenced Christianity: the history of religion in America.

American religious leaders were deeply involved in developing the ideology of religious freedom.
Instead, religious freedom was literally preached from the pulpit, which is why it so naturally made it into our founding documents.

That’s only one aspect of Christianity in the West, of course, but it has had a global influence on the religion and its approach to liberty.

And of course, many of those who kill in the name of Islam don’t even know this history. One of my favorite stories is about British jihadists who headed off to join ISIS in Syria after buying a copy of the book Islam for Dummies. These guys aren’t following the narrow doctrinal disputes. What they absorb is an overall sense of what the religion means and how it is to be practiced. ... sts-guide/

Mirror: Kenapa Islam Lebih Ganas Dari Kristen ?
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Re: Kenapa Islam Lebih Ganas Dari Kristen ?

Post by 12345678901 »

kalo orang udah kefefet, dan emang mental fecundang ... dan udah ga mamfu ngebela fake otak ... ya jalan terakhir fake kekuatang 30 dengkul onta
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Re: Kenapa Islam Lebih Ganas Dari Kristen ?

Post by OpoBener2nd »

Simplenya, semua itu dicontohkan dari ajaran dan perilaku Nabinya...
Masih mau ngelak, wong udah terang benderang kok

Masa iya sih belajar agama kok seenaknya dewe ? Ambil yg baik buang yang jahat ?? Ke 2-2 nya terangkum dalam sebuah kitab pula....
Pertanyaannya, kalo ada ajaran yang jahat dalam suatu agama, opo bener itu berasal dari Tuhan ?

Dilarang membunuh, KECUALI...
Dilarang ******** sembarangan, KECUALI...
Dilarang berbohong, KECUALI....
dst dst dst

Belajar agama kok guyonan, ngaji teriak2 tapi nda tau artinya, sok2an jadi orang arab padahal mental "terjajah" Arab....
Hati iri dan dengki melihat kesuksesan orang lain yg berbeda agama, dan mencari celah untuk menghancurkannya...
Mencak2 kepanasan kalo agamanya dipertanyakan dan selalu mengancam individu pelakunya, padahal diri sendiri nda becus menjawab (karena emang bener yang dituduhkan kafir atau memang mereka terlalu geblek dan takut mengakui kebejadan Islam itu sendiri).....
Bahkan dalam hukum wajib mereka tentang sunat sendiri, mereka tidak mengetahui latar belakang alasan mengapa harus sunat, kalo ngga mencontek ajaran kitab sebelah yang diaku2 palsu

Islam, secara berjiwa besar harus mengakui dirinya sebagai agama kerdil dan plagiat....lebih cocok disebut sebuah "Faham" daripada agama, dan memberlakukan pendewaan terlalu berlebihan terhadap nabinya.
Masa depan Islam adalah penghancuran total atas kemanusiaan, bahkan walau tersisa 2 orang di muka bumi ini, tidak menutup kemungkinan saling bunuh antar mereka, atas nama Tuhan, dalam agama Islam....menyedihkan.
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