BUKU R Ehrenfeld : Funding Evil

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BUKU R Ehrenfeld : Funding Evil

Post by ali5196 »


Funding Evil: How Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop It (Membiayai Kejahatan : Cara Pendanaan Teror dan bgm menghentikannya) adalah sebuah buku yg ditulis oleh periset anti-teroris Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, direktor the American Center for Democracy dan Center for the Study of Corruption & the Rule of Law. Buku ini diterbitkan Agustus 2003.

ISIEhrenfeld menulis bahwa sebuah jaringan gelap intgernasional digunakan oleh kelompok2 teroris utk mendanai aktivitas teroris global mereka. Ia memaparkan kegiatan yayasan2 Islam, jaringan narkoba, pencucian uang dan penyuapan pejabat2, sambil menuding jarinya pada grup, organisasi dan individual tertentu. Keterlibatan Al Qaeda dlm perdagangan heroin di Afghanistan khususnya disorot secara mendetil. Ehrenfeld ;"Bin LadenLAH yg memanfaatkan profit perdagangan narkoba dan operasi2 pencucian uang dgn bantuan mafia Rusia." Negarw yg terlibat pendanaan terorisme ini, menurut Ehrenfeld, adalah Arab Saudi, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Indonesia, Libya dan Korea Utara.

Ehrenfeld bekerja sbg periset di New York University School of Law, dan dosen tamu di the Columbia University Institute of War and Peace Studies, dan sbg anggota Johns Hopkins SAIS. Ia mendapat Ph.D. dibidang kriminology dari the Hebrew University School of Law.

Artikel2 Ehrenfeld terbit di The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, National Review, the Eurobserver, The Jerusalem Post, the New York Sun & the Los Angeles Times. Ia sering tampil sbg komentator program2 Tv & radio spt The O'Reilly Factor, Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC & MSNBC. Ia juga menulis utk the Terror Finance Blog.

Ehrenfeld memberi kesaksian didepan Parlemen Eropa bahwa Otoritas Palestina menggunakan dana Barat UNTUK MEMBIAYAI TEROR. Ia juga menampaikan bukti2 kpd Parlemen UK ttg korupsi dlm badan Otoritas Palestina dan ia juga memberi kesaksian didepan Kongres AS ttg masalah2 teror.

Ehrenfeld menimbulkan kontroversi hukum internasional ketika ia kalah dlm kasus libel (pencemaran nama baik) melawan tokoh bisnis Saudi, KHALID BIN MAHFOUZ, di pengadilan tinggi Inggris. Mahfouz geram karena disebut Ehrenfeld dlm bukunya sbg salah seorang fasilitator dana teror. Ehrenfeld membalas menyeret Mahfouz ke pengadilan di AS dgn alasan bahwa keputusan pengadilan UK tidak dapat di-eksekusi di AS (tempat tinggalnya) dan bahwa bukunya tidak melanggar UU Penghancuran Nama Baik di AS. Kasusnya ditolak pengadilan New York karena pengadilan menganggap tidak memiliki yurisdiksi atas Mahfouz.

Karena kasus ini, gubernur NY meloloskan UU pd tgl and on May-01-2008 yg memberikan warga NY perlindungan atas keputusan pengadilan libel di negara2 lain yg hukumnya tidak dianggap konsisten dgn kebebasan berbicara yg Konstitusi AS."
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Post by ali5196 »

GUa akan coba terjemahkan buku ini. Sabar yahh ...
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Joined: Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:15 pm

Post by ali5196 »

http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php/ ... icle/4002/

Five books on terrorism you aren’t allowed to read
[Lima Buku ttg Terorisme yg TIdak Boleh Anda Baca --- di UK]

Buku2 ttg terorisme Islam 'dihapus dari peredaran' akibat kasus2 libel (penghancuran nama baik) di pengadilan Inggris. Dlm beberapa tahun ini, seorang bilioner Saudi, bin Mahfouz, menggunakan otot koceknya utk mengancam ke pengadilan dan menghancurkan masa depan penulis dan penerbit buku2 yg beredar di UK yg menguak ttg seluk beluk teror Islam. [Pengadilan di UK cenderung dianggap kuno dan pro pihak penuntut shg menghidupkan kebiasaan 'libel tourism', yaitu kebiasaan menyeret orang ke pengadilan di tempat yg dianggap si penuntut bisa menang dgn mudah--translator] Konsekwensinya, buku2 ini dilarang terbit di UK, tapi beredar di negara2 Barat lainnya. Intimidasi libel tourism ini mengancam free speech di UK.

Dibawah ini adalah daftar buku2 & pengarang2 tsb.

Matthew Carr, penulis Unknown Soldiers: How Terrorism Transformed the Modern World - terbitan Profile Books, Agustus 2006; ditarik dari peredaran akibat ancaman pengadilan bln January 2007.

Buku ini menelusuri sejarah berbagai kelompok teroris spt gerakan ‘Mau Mau’ di Kenya, perang Perancis-Aljazair dan gerakan gerilya Amerika Latin thn 70-an serta perang melawan teror akhir2 ini.

Kata sang penulis :
Buku saya ini bukan manual counterterrorist, tapi sebuah undangan kpd pembaca utk memikirkan kembali asal usul terorisme dan mempertanyakan cara kita memeranginya selama ini. Unknown Soldiers memakan waktu riset selama 3 1/2 thn, tapi ditarik dari peredaran setelah terbit selama 2 bulan. Untung buku itu diterbitkan di AS oleh New Press dgn judul baru : The Infernal Machine: a History of Terrorism From the Assassination of Alexander II to Al-Qaeda. thn depan buku ini akan terbit di Perancis. Namun di UK, buku saya dgn diam2 dihapus dari peredaran dgn cara macam sensor Soviet.

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Robert O Collins, co-author of Alms for Jihad: Charities and Terrorism in the Islamic World (Zakat bagi Jihad: Yayasan dan Terorisme dlm Dunia Islam)- terbitan Cambridge University Press, April 2006; ditarik dari peredaran August 2007.

Alms for Jihad ingin menyorot dunia rahasia yayasan2 Islam yg telah mendanai terorisme. Salah satu perbedaan yg paling menyolok antara Khartoum di thn 80an dan 90an adalah kehadiran yayasan2 zakat dan perkembangan pesat mereka di kantor2 yg direncanakan dgn cermat. Siapa yayasan2 ini, apa tujuan mereka dan mengapa memilih sebuah negara terpencil diperbatasan pinggir dunia Islam spt Sudan ? Ternyata transformasi Khartoum kedalam suatu pusat gerakan teror Islam internasional hanya dimungkinkan dgn dana tidak terbatas dari yayasan2 zakat.

Ribuan yayasan zakat yg membantu Muslim miskin, mendirikan mesjid, sekolah dan rumah sakit, tadinya tidak ada hubungan dgn terorisme. Tapi petro dollar ditangan tokoh2 bisnis Saudi berhasil mendirikan sebuah sistim perbankan mutakhir. 6 thn kemudian, invasi Soviet di Afghanistan dan revolusi Islam Shiah di Iran memaksa orang2 Saudi Sunni utk memulai jihad Mujahedin Arab-Afghan melawan kafir komunis dgn bantuan yayasan2 zakat Saudi, sambil tentunya mengglobalkan aliran Wahabi.

Setelah mundurnya Uni Soviet dari Afghanistan th 1989, ribuan mujahid Afghan-Arab yg memiliki komitmen terhdp revolusi Islami global tidak disukai pemerintah Muslim sekuler yg bercokol di pusat. Dgn bantuan yayasan2 zakat, mereka diterbangkan ke Sudan dimana mereka diterima dgn hangat oleh pemerintahan National Islamic Front pimpinan Umar Hasan al-Bashir & Hasan al-Turabi. Dgn bekal paspor Sudan, rumah dan tunjangan serta latihan militer di kamp2 sekitar Khartoum yg didanai yayasan2 zakat, mereka lalu di-infiltrasi ke Mesir, Algeria, Tunisia, Bosnia, Transcaucasia, Chechnya, Central dan ASIA TENGGARA, Palestina dan kemudian ke Eropa dan AS.

Sayap politik gerakan terorisme di Sudan ini adalah the Popular Arab and Islamic Congress (PAIC), yg berkumpul di Khartoum thn 1991, 1993 & 1995, dgn dana yayasan zakat dan pemerintah Sudan. Dibawah pimpinan Hasan al-Turabi, ratusan pemimpin menyatakan komitmen mereka utk mendirikan negara2 Islam, membagi informasi dan merencanakan revolusi Islam di negara mereka masing2. Sudan terpencil ini tiba2 menjadi lahan subur bagi terorisme ingternasional. Buku Alms for Jihad menawarkan penjelasan ttg komposisi, dana, pencucian uang dan management yayasan2 zakat itu.

April 2006, Cambridge University Press menerbitkan Alms for Jihad, yg disambut dgn baik akibat risetnya yg rapih, mendetil dan mampu menjelaskan hubungan kompleks antara yayasan2 zakat, institusi2 finansial Arab dan cara dana2 itu disalurkan utk menunjang revolusi Islam dgn cara apapun. Dlm hanya satu tahun, buku ini menjadi buku wajib bagi mereka yg menyelidiki yayasan2 zakat dan kaum profesional yg semakin meningkat yg terlibat dlm kegiatan anti-terorisme ---- sampai seorang bilioner Saudi menuntut Cambridge University Press karena pencemaran nama baik bln April 2007. Guna menghindari ongkos pengadilan yg sangat mahal yg sudah tidak mungkin dimenangkan Cambridge mengingat njlimetnya UU Inggris, Cambridge setuju utk menghancurkan semua bukunya, meminta 280 perpustakaan diseluruh dunia agar menarik buku tsb dan mengeluarkan permintaan maaf serta membayar kompensasi.

Kematian Alms for Jihad dgn sangat cepat ini telah mengintimidasi wartawan2 dan penerbit2 UK dan menghalangi mereka menulis atau menerbitkan tulisan2 ttg terorisme.

Robert O Collins

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Michael Griffin, author of Reaping the Whirlwind: The Taliban Movement in Afghanistan - published by Pluto Press in 2001 and 2003; withdrawn and all unsold copies destroyed in March 2004.

My book, Reaping the Whirlwind: The Taliban Movement in Afghanistan, started out as an analysis of the origins of the Taliban. The book begins with their capture of Kabul in 1996. Back then, it was all smoke and mirrors; nobody knew who the Taliban were or where they came from. When I started writing, there were various theories out there – on whether they were sponsored by Pakistan to create an artificial peace, whether they were autonomists or an Afghan movement, and whether they were representing US interests in the scramble to gather oil and gas resources in the Caspian.

My book was really tracing a profile, a portrait, a set of belief systems and then the history of the conflict that the Taliban encountered as they moved from Kandahar into the rest of the country, captured Kabul and tried to start dealing with the rest of the world. Latterly, obviously, if you research the Taliban you inevitably end up with al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.

My book was written in what I would call ‘the age of innocence’, when the Taliban were just a rather weird ethnic, religious phenomenon on the edge of the known world, Afghanistan, which nobody was interested in. And it was published six months before 9/11, when 9/11 itself was unimaginable. So it was written without the benefit of hindsight.

Everything that has been written since 9/11 has obviously been influenced by the impact of those events – by all the subsequent investigations, security measures, anti-terrorism legislation and all the speculation about who Osama bin Laden is, where he’s from, where he’s hiding and so on. So the whole story has changed.

In a sense, my book was a cut-and-paste job; I took excerpts from newspapers, media and reliable online sources and tried to put together a narrative of a movement that nobody knew much about but which everybody would come to know about six months after the publication of my book. So the book is innocent, and because it’s innocent, it is non-partial and I think it is very difficult to find that pure history of the Taliban these days because everything has been shovelled into a ditch of what the West wants everybody to believe about Islam, terror, the Taliban, al-Qaeda and so on. You can no longer find books that deal with the pure, unadulterated information about history. What you find now is commentary.

The media versions and the George W Bush version of who the Taliban were, or why al-Qaeda is a threat that justifies invading Iraq, are all very different from the original story both of the Taliban and al-Qaeda. That’s why I believe it’s important that people are able to read my book, which came before all those versions.

Reaping the Whirlwind was published in 2001 and a second version was published in paperback in 2003. This continued the story from where the first version ended, through to the conspiracy to attack the World Trade Center and to the immediate aftermath of the United States’ bombing of Afghanistan and attempted destruction of the Taliban government. The first version was published before the whirlwind - the attack on the World Trade Center - took place, and the second version was published to describe how that whirlwind actually happened.

Both the paperback and the original were pulped in 2004 as a result of successful libel action here in the UK. The book was also published in Spain and Japan, but only in short runs. The only copies of my work available these days are pirated versions in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where the writ of British laws apparently does not run.

Michael Griffin

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Jean-Charles Brisard, co-author of Forbidden Truth - never formally published in Britain; withdrawn from all British outlets, including internet bookshops, in 2006.

My book, Forbidden Truth, was published in France in November 2001. It was published in 10 other countries, including the United States, but not in Britain. Initially, the book was available to British readers only through Amazon.com, but due to UK laws I have had to agree to withdraw my book from all the places where it was available to British customers.

Forbidden Truth, written by myself, Guillaume Dasquié and Lucy Rounds, was the first book after 9/11 which asked questions about how the United States and other countries, including Saudi Arabia, ended up facing the events of 9/11. The core of the book was to explain how the al-Qaeda network was able to grow in the years before 9/11 because of the support of various organisations and of individual financiers. So the book explains the core financial backbone of the al-Qaeda network.

For many publishers and newspapers around the world, understanding the rise of the al-Qaeda network in the years prior to 9/11 is considered very important. So our book was of international public interest. Yet people in the UK have not been able to get hold of it.

I was sued in the UK even though my book wasn’t published there. My French publisher specifically excluded the UK from the publishing territory because we knew we might face legal problems due to your libel laws. Despite this, a judge decided he had jurisdiction over my book because a few people in the UK managed to get a copy of it through Amazon.com.

I signed an agreement for my book to be withdrawn. I believe, however, that at the time it would have been important for British readers to be able to get hold of my book.

Jean-Charles Brisard

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Rachel Ehrenfeld, author of Funding Evil: How Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop It, published by Bonus Books in America in 2003 - never formally published in the UK, yet it became the subject of a libel suit here after 23 copies were bought by Britons via internet bookshops, and is now not available at all in the UK.

Many have written about the origins, ideology, plans, infrastructure and operations of terrorist groups. Even after the 9/11 attacks on America, few have focused on the sources of their funds. Funding Evil: How Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop It addressed the lifeline of different terrorists groups around the world, focusing on the radical Islamic organisations and their financiers. It calls attention to and details the major funders of al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbollah and their offspring, and follows the money trail to its devastating results.

The analysis and suggestions in this heavily documented book offer methods to seriously impede the spread of terrorism and expanding influence of totalitarian Islamic law (Shari’a).

It is essential reading for policymakers, law enforcement officials and the media, who still seem to pay little attention to the idea that without funding, terrorists could not recruit, educate and train adherents, as well as conduct destructive operations. Funding Evil, should wake up our policymakers who seem completely oblivious to the growing and pervasive media campaigns and massive investments infiltrating and subverting the West from within.

Reading this book would help policymakers and law enforcement to gain an important leg up on the Fifth Generation warfare (5GW) now consuming and eroding our civilisation, through the methodical destruction of the foundations of individual, religious, civil, educational, political and financial freedoms we enjoy in the West. It’s a wake-up call to take preventive and offensive measures to stop the money flow to the enemies of democracy and freedom.

Rachel Ehrenfeld

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