Aisha Difitnah, allah bertindak dan Menghadiahi 10 Ayat!

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Aisha Difitnah, allah bertindak dan Menghadiahi 10 Ayat!

Post by Rebecca »

BERIKUT adalah cerita tentang lahirnya AL-NooR 11-20. Ketika aisha difitnah terlibat affair, allah lalu menghadiahkan 10 AYAT spesial untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. allah melalui muhammad mengatakan bahwa aisha tidak terbukti bersalah! :D

BUKHARI, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 591:
Narrated 'Urwa bin Az-Zubair:

Sa'id bin Al-Musaiyab, 'Alqama bin Waqqas and 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah regarding the narrating of the forged statement against 'Aisha, the wife of the Prophet, when the slanderers said what they said and Allah revealed her innocence. 'Aisha said, "But by Allah, I did not think that Allah, (to confirm my innocence), would reveal Divine Inspiration which would be recited, for I consider myself too unimportant to be talked about by Allah through Divine Inspiration revealed for recitation, but I hoped that Allah's Apostle might have a dream in which Allah would reveal my innocence. So Allah revealed:-- 'Verily! Those who spread the slander are a gang among you...' (The ten Verses in Surat-an-Nur) (24.11-20)

BUKHARI, Volume 8, Book 78, Number 670:
Narrated Az-Zuhri:
I heard 'Urwa bin Az-Zubair, Said bin Al-Musaiyab, 'Alqama bin Waqqas and 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah bin 'Uqba relating from 'Aisha, the wife of the Prophet the narration of the people (i.e. the liars) who spread the slander against her and they said what they said, and how Allah revealed her innocence. Each of them related to me a portion of that narration. (They said that 'Aisha said), ''Then Allah revealed the ten Verses starting with:--'Verily! Those who spread the slander..' (24.11-21)

All these verses were in proof of my innocence. Abu Bakr As-Siddiq who used to provide for Mistah some financial aid because of his relation to him, said, "By Allah, I will never give anything (in charity) to Mistah, after what he has said about 'Aisha" Then Allah revealed:-- 'And let not those among you who are good and are wealthy swear not to give (any sort of help) to their kins men....' (24.22) On that, Abu Bakr said, "Yes, by Allah, I like that Allah should forgive me." and then resumed giving Mistah the aid he used to give him and said, "By Allah! I will never withhold it from him."

JIKA menurut allah bahwa aisha tidak bersalah, maka siapakah yang bersalah menurut allah? Siapakah yang menebarkan isu tersebut? Bukankah allah tahu dan dia hidup yang bukan hanya di angan-angan muhammad saja? :D. Lalu, kenapa allah butuh saksi untuk menyatakan bahwa hal tersebut hanya saksi dusta? Bukankah allah tahu siapa yang membuat saksi dusta tersebut?

[24:13] Mengapa mereka (yang menuduh itu) tidak mendatangkan empat orang saksi atas berita bohong itu? Oleh karena mereka tidak mendatangkan saksi-saksi maka mereka itulah pada sisi Allah orang-orang yang dusta.

Lalu, jika allah menganggap fitnah thd aisha tsb adalah fitnah besar, kenapa allah tak tahu siapa yang melakukan saksi dusta tersebut? Kenapa allah tak langsung meng-azab saja mereka yang menjadi pelakunya?Sebenarnya allah tahu nggak sih siapa pelakunya?

[24:16] Dan mengapa kamu tidak berkata, di waktu mendengar berita bohong itu: "Sekali-kali tidaklah pantas bagi kita memperkatakan ini. Maha Suci Engkau (Ya Tuhan kami), ini adalah dusta yang besar."

PERTANYAANku kembali lagi: KENAPA allah justru butuh EMPAT orang saksi untuk membuktikan bahwa aisha tidak bersalah?

YUSUFALI: Why did they not bring four witnesses to prove it? When they have not brought the witnesses, such men, in the sight of Allah, (stand forth) themselves as liars!

Hai, allah kenapa jawabanmu cuma berupa dugaan seperti ini?kenapa allah tak tahu persis siapa yang memfitnah aisha dan LANGSUNG dan SAAT ITU JUGA menunjukkan kpd semua yang hadir di situ bahwa kau hidup dan mampu menyingkapkan rahasia yang tak diketahui manusia?Hihihi... :D

[24:11] Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang membawa berita bohong itu adalah dari golongan kamu juga. Janganlah kamu kira bahwa berita bohong itu buruk bagi kamu bahkan ia adalah baik bagi kamu. Tiap-tiap seseorang dari mereka mendapat balasan dari dosa yang dikerjakannya. Dan siapa di antara mereka yang mengambil bahagian yang terbesar dalam penyiaran berita bohong itu baginya azab yang besar.

Bagaimana kafir mau percaya allah hidup, wong untuk membuktikan aisha tak bersalah saja allah butuh EMPAT ORANG SAKSI!...udah gitu jawabannya pakai kira-kira lagi alias guess doang! Hihihi... Seharusnya kalau allah itu emang hidup, kasih tunjuk tuh LANGSUNG dan SAAT itu siapa sih yang memfitnahin aisha!...allah kok nggak punya power untuk membuka rahasia! Ha...ha..ha...allah kok MENCLA-MENCLE! :D

Jika allah berani menyimpulkan aisha tak bersalah, seharusnya buktiin sekalian dong siapa yang bersalah! Gitu baru hebat!...Ini pake acara minta tolong EMPAT SAKSI lagi! Ha...hahaha...darimana allah tahu si aisha tidak bersalah, jika allah sendiri masih butuh EMPAT SAKSI! :D
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Post by Duladi »

Satu lagi bukti nalar dari Rebeca bahwa Muhammad seorang penipu!
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Post by Rebecca »

setelah awloh kasih hadiah 10 ayat untuk menyatakan aisha tak bersalah, KENAPA auloh nggak tahu siapa yang memfitnah aisha? kok masih butuh 4 saksi?

woi, awlohhhhhhh...elo perlu bantuan setan lg? Hihihihi...
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Post by charles-mattel »

ini juga bukti kalo quran itu bukan buat umat, tapi buat mohamet & konco2nya
ternyata aisah juga nikmati kecepatan awloh dalam menurunkan wahyu, bukan cuma mohamet yang bisa
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awlloh kq armuk n ndak konsisten, katanya awlloh maha tau, kq dibalik tnya dgn question dri rebeca kq awlloh maha tidak tau ya :lol:
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Post by Rebecca »

allah omniscient/maha tahu nggak sih? kenapa dari 10 ayat yang diturunkan nggak langsung menunjuk siapa yang MEMFITNAH aisha?...

Kenapa allah malah butuh EMPAT SAKSI yang dibutuhkan untuk mngklaim bahwa aisha TAK BERSALAH?

woiiiiiii...allah, siapa yang MEMFITNAH aisha? kok elo nggak tahu sih?...kelihatan banget awloh itu si muhammad yang main duga-duga! hihihi...BUTUH EMPAT saksi pula! hahahha...

Seharusnya kl awloh itu benar hidup, TUNJUKKIN dong langsung pd orang-orang yang ada di situ, SIAPA sebenarnya yang memfitnah aisha?...LANGSUNG saat itu juga!...kl main tebak-tebakan gini mah, nenek-nenek jg bisa! :D
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Post by murtad mama »

@ata paling ndak sesuai dgn ayat qoran supaya bermualabah (saling melempar laknat) spya siapa yg kena laknat itulah orgnya (advice dri koran bok) :lol: :lol:
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  • Sirat Rasul Allah by Ibn Ishaq book 16- Aisha Sufwan

    According to Aisha, ‘When the apostle of Allah was about to depart on a journey, he used to throw lots to decide which of his wives he would take with him. Before an expedition against the Banu Mustaliq, my lot came out; so the apostle of Allah took me with him. In those days women used to eat only the necessities of life, and did not become strong and heavy on meat. When my camel was ready, I would seat myself in the howdah, which my attendants would then lift on to the back of the camel; then they would attach it to the beast and we could set off.

    ‘During our return from the Mustaliq expedition we paused to rest for a night. Before the company set off again, I withdrew for a moment; but I was wearing a string of Yemeni beads and when I returned I found they had fallen from my neck. Although the people were about to start I went back to the place where I had been and searched until I found them. The attendants who were in the habit of saddling my camel had meanwhile done so and had taken up the howdah (thinking that I was in it as usual) and tied it upon the camel; then they had led the camel off. When I returned to the camp not a soul was there, so I wrapped myself in my cloak and laid myself down, for I knew that they would miss me and come to seek me.

    ‘While I was thus reclining, Sufwan ‑ who had fallen behind the company for some reason, and had not spent the night with them ‑ passed by and observed me. He exclaimed, “To Allah we belong, and to Him we must return! This is the wife of the apostle of Allah!” and he brought his camel near and said, “Mount!” He withdrew a little and I mounted, then he took hold of the camel’s head and advanced rapidly, being anxious to overtake the company; but we neither overtook them, nor did they miss me, until they again encamped. When Sufwan arrived, leading me on his camel, slander was uttered against me although I knew nothing of it.

    ‘I became very ill when we arrived in Medina and so I still did not hear the slanders, but they were communicated to the apostle as well as to my parents. They did not speak of it to me, but I observed the absence of that kindliness which the apostle of Allah used always to show me when I was ill. This I thought strange on his part. However, I knew nothing of the matter until I had recovered from my illness, after more than twenty days.

    ‘At that time we still lived like true Arabs and had no privies in our houses as the Persians did, because we despised and disliked such luxuries. Instead, we went out to an open plain in Medina , the women going at night. Thus I walked out one night, and the woman who walked with me stumbled over the hem of her skirt and cursed, saying “Let Auf perish!” “By Allah!” I exclaimed. “That seems to me an evil wish, since it concerns a Believer who has fought at Badr.” The woman asked, “Has not the news reached thee, o daughter of Abu Bakr?” and when I asked what news she told me of the slanders. I could scarce believe it and fled to the house of my mother, weeping so that I thought my heart would break. I said to my mother, “May Allah forgive thee; the people slander me and you have said nothing of it to me!” and she replied, “Do not be unhappy. There are but few handsome women ‑ who are loved by their husbands, and have rivals ‑ who escape false imputations and slander.”

    ‘Meanwhile, unknown to me, the apostle of Allah addressed the people, glorified and praised Allah, and said, “How do you dare to insult me by insulting my family, and by saying things about them which are not true? By Allah, I know nothing but good of them.” [The lies were spread by some of the Khazraj and by the sister of another wife of the apostle.] When the apostle of Allah had finished, Usayd, one of the Aus, rose and said, “If the slanders are spoken by the Aus, we shall silence them; and if they be spoken by our brothers, the Khazraj, say the word and we shall punish them!” Then one Sad b. Ubada, who had hitherto seemed a true Believer, said, “You lie. By Allah, you have sug­gested this punishment only because you know the slanderers are of the Khazraj; had they been of your tribe you would not have suggested it.” Usayd retorted, “ You lie, by Allah! You are a Hypocrite and give your support to the Hypocrites!” Then the people assailed each other, and it would have taken little for evil to come to pass between the two tribes.

    ‘The Apostle of Allah now consulted Ali and Usama, and Usama spoke only what was good, saying, “0 apostle of Allah. We know only good of Aisha, and thou knowest only good of her, and these are merely false and idle rumours!” But Ali said, “There are many women! Thou canst take another! Ask her slave and she will tell thee the truth.” So the apostle of Allah summoned my slave to examine her. Ali rose and struck the woman a violent blow, and said, “Tell the truth to the apostle of Allah”, and she replied, “I know only what is good; and I cannot say ill of Aisha, save that one day I was kneading my dough and asked her to watch it, but she fell asleep and a sheep came and ate it up.”

    ‘After this, the apostle came to me, while both my parents were with me; and I wept. He sat down, glorified and praised Allah, and then said, “Thou must have heard what the people are saying. Fear Allah! If thou hast done wrong, then repent, for Allah accepts the repentance of his servants.” While he spoke thus, my tears ceased to flow. I waited for my parents to reply to the apostle, but neither of them spoke; and I entertained too low an opinion of myself to hope that Allah would reveal verses of the Koran about me. But I hoped the apostle might have a vision in his sleep, in which Allah would expose the liars, or justify me, or tell the apostle the truth. When I saw that my parents did not speak, I asked, “Will you not reply to the apostle of Allah?” They said, “We know not what to say to him!”

    ‘When I saw my parents thus estranged from me my tears flowed once more, and I cried, “I shall never repent to Allah for what I am accused of, because Allah knoweth I should be repenting something which did not occur, and thus I should speak untruth. But if I deny the charges, you will not believe me.”

    ‘And the apostle of Allah had not yet left us when he lost consciousness, as always happened before a revelation; then I neither feared nor cared, for I knew that I was innocent, and that Allah would do no injustice to me. But my parents seemed about to die for fear, lest Allah might send a revelation confirming the words of the slanderers.

    ‘The apostle of Allah came back to consciousness and sat up, and the perspiration trickled like pearls from his forehead, although it was a winter day. Then he wiped it away, and said, “Allah has revealed thy innocence”, and I replied, “Allah be praised!” After that, he went out to the people and recited to them verses of the Koran revealed to him by Allah, and he ordered the slanderers to be scourged.’

    Sufwan, who had been slandered with Aisha, met one of the worst slanderers, the poet Hassan, and struck him with his sword. Another man, Thabit, hastened to assist Hassan, grasping Sufwan, and tying his hands to his neck with a rope; he then took him to the dwelling of one of the Khazraj, where Abdullah b. Rawaha met them. He asked, ‘What is this?’ and Thabit re­plied, ‘Are you displeased? He struck Hassan with a sword and, by Allah, he might have killed him.’ Abdullah asked, ‘Does the apostle of Allah know of this?’ and when Thabit said he did not, Abdullah told him, ‘You have been presumptuous 1 Let the man go.

    When the apostle heard of this, he had Sufwan and Hassan brought before him, and Sufwan explained, ‘He offended and mocked me; anger overcame me, and I struck him.’ Then the apostle said to Hassan, ‘Why do you malign my people when Allah has given them enlightenment? I think you deserved the blow.’ However, the apostle soothed the poet by presenting him with a fortress in Medina , and a Coptic slave girl. Then Hassan composed verses complimentary to the chastity and beauty of Aisha.
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Post by Rebecca »

aisha nagih tuh sm awloh, siapa sih si PEMITNAH? :D ...kok awloh cuma bilang aisha tak bersalah tanpa tauk siapa pelaku pemitnah? :lol:
Tuh kan tak ada kejelasan dari awloh siapa sih yang memitnah aisha? malah BERANTEM dan bunuh-bunuhan tuh! ckckck...

Woi, awloh...kok sampai 1400thn sudah berlalu elo tak tahu siapa yang memitnah aisha? :D
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Post by charles-mattel »

ketika mohamet mati: awloh juga ikut mati
wong awloh itu cuma ada di pikiran mohamet
tanya awloh? ya dia nggak akan pernah jawab
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orang Khazraj itu memang banyak yg munafiq ....
misi Nabi di madina adalah untuk mempersatujan ke dua suku ini (Aus & Khazraj) sehingga ini menjadi sangat sensitif dan bahaya, oleh karena itulah Allah pun menurunkan ayat Rekonsiliasi :
  • [24:14] Sekiranya tidak ada kurnia Allah dan rahmat-Nya kepada kamu semua di dunia dan di akhirat, niscaya kamu ditimpa azab yang besar, karena pembicaraan kamu tentang berita bohong itu.

    [24:17] Allah memperingatkan kamu agar jangan kembali memperbuat yang seperti itu selama-lamanya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman.
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Post by Rebecca »

MONTIR KEPALA wrote:orang Khazraj itu memang banyak yg munafiq ....
JADI SIAPA pemitnah aisha? Kok awloh tahu aisha tak bersalah sementara dia tak tahu siapa pelakunya?SEHARUSNYA awlohmu itu jangan mencla-mencle!...HUKUM si pemitnah whatever it takes!...bukankah fitnah lebih kejam dr kejahatan kelamin? ckckck... :D
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amit2 dech ... lemot pisan ...

Rekonsiliasi itu artinya melupakan permasalahan. dan agar belajar dari peristiwa bahwa kalo ada berita bohong jangan maen embat dan kalo nuduh harus mendatangkan 4 saksi.

ya sudah lupakan itu sekarang mah perbaiki diri ...kira2 begitu ...

ini postingan gue yg terakhir .... penjelasan cukup MATANG dan AKURAT. kecuali bagi yg Lemot ...

silakan dilanjut bobo dulu
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Post by Rebecca »

Awloh desperate, nggak tahu siapa yang memitnah aisha sampai saat ini! sampai-sampai awloh butuh EMPAT saksi untuk mengetahui ketidak-salahan aisha. Padahal 1400thn sudah bok! :D

[24:13] Mengapa mereka (yang menuduh itu) tidak mendatangkan empat orang saksi atas berita bohong itu? Oleh karena mereka tidak mendatangkan saksi-saksi maka mereka itulah pada sisi Allah orang-orang yang dusta.

Padahal bohong dan isu fitnah terhadap aisha itu menurut awloh adalah DUSTA besar! :wink:

[24:15] (Ingatlah) di waktu kamu menerima berita bohong itu dari mulut ke mulut dan kamu katakan dengan mulutmu apa yang tidak kamu ketahui sedikit juga, dan kamu menganggapnya suatu yang ringan saja. Padahal dia pada sisi Allah adalah besar.

[24:16] Dan mengapa kamu tidak berkata, di waktu mendengar berita bohong itu: "Sekali-kali tidaklah pantas bagi kita memperkatakan ini. Maha Suci Engkau (Ya Tuhan kami), ini adalah dusta yang besar."

KEbohongan rekonsiliasi ala si penipu momon lagi-lagi terbukti. Dalam hal ini awloh menginginkan mereka yang memitnah dihukum di dunia dan akhirat! :wink:

[24:19] Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang ingin agar (berita) perbuatan yang amat keji itu tersiar di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman, bagi mereka azab yang pedih di dunia dan di akhirat. Dan Allah mengetahui, sedang, kamu tidak mengetahui.

Akibat ketidak jelasan siapa yang memitnah aisha ini, terjadi bunuh-membunuh di antara muslim. Kenapa awloh tidak menunjukkan siapa yang memitnah aisha? :D

Sufwan, who had been slandered with Aisha, met one of the worst slanderers, the poet Hassan, and struck him with his sword. Another man, Thabit, hastened to assist Hassan, grasping Sufwan, and tying his hands to his neck with a rope; he then took him to the dwelling of one of the Khazraj, where Abdullah b. Rawaha met them. He asked, ‘What is this?’ and Thabit re­plied, ‘Are you displeased? He struck Hassan with a sword and, by Allah, he might have killed him.’ Abdullah asked, ‘Does the apostle of Allah know of this?’ and when Thabit said he did not, Abdullah told him, ‘You have been presumptuous 1 Let the man go.

SEBELUM si pemitnah dimasukin ke nereka oleh muhammad, kenapa nggak ditunjukkin awloh sj siapakah jati diri si pemitnah tersebut?

BUKHARI, Volume 1, Book 3, Number 106:
Narrated 'Ali:
The Prophet said, "Do not tell a lie against me for whoever tells a lie against me (intentionally) then he will surely enter the Hell-fire."

Bagaimana awloh tahu aisha tidak bersalah, kl awloh sj masih butuh EMPAT saksi untuk mengujinya? Ini firman awloh atau muhammad seh? kok nggak MAHA TAHU!... :D
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Post by gaston31 »

seandainya nih, seandainya lho...
klo waktu itu Allah tunjukan pelakunya liwat ayat, trs ntar apa gunanya hakim n jaksa?
knp pengadilan dinegara manapun saat ini, membutuhkan saksi utk menuntut suatu perkara?
knp ga tanya kpd Tuhan masing2 aj? kan beres!
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Post by ahmad_doni »

ooo...jadi ayat2 alquran itu cara "diturunkannya" seperti itu yah...pantes aja, banyak rekayasa dan akal bulus muhammad di dalamnya....
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Post by zeba0th »

gaston31 wrote:seandainya nih, seandainya lho...
klo waktu itu Allah tunjukan pelakunya liwat ayat, trs ntar apa gunanya hakim n jaksa?
knp pengadilan dinegara manapun saat ini, membutuhkan saksi utk menuntut suatu perkara?
knp ga tanya kpd Tuhan masing2 aj? kan beres!
sekarang ini ceritanya kok gak bisa si Aulloh keluarin kesaktiannya?? begitu bung.... kenapa mesti ikut aturan buat manusia?? coba deh lo pikir!
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Post by gaston31 »

coba de ngaca, apa Tuhan versi lain jg bkal ngeluarin kesaktian spt itu saat ini?
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Post by openyourmind »

bukannya si auloh itu mahatau???
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Post by zeba0th »

gaston31 wrote:coba de ngaca, apa Tuhan versi lain jg bkal ngeluarin kesaktian spt itu saat ini?
berarti kamu OOT dong.... kita lagi bahas si aulloh..ok!!!

ingat... auuuuuuulllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooh!!!
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