Daftar USEFUL IDIOTS yg membantu Islam

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Post by ali5196 »

The Chorus of Useful Idiots
By Bruce S. Thornton


Ketololan adalah alasan mengapa penduduk negara bebas sering menyerang negara mereka sendiri sambil membiarkan arus yg akan menghancurkan negara mereka. Masyarakat2 totaliter memang jagoan2 dlm hal disinformasi, propaganda, dan kebohongan telak2, semakin besar semakin yahud ! Berapa jumlah generasi kaum kiri yg berhijrah ke Uni Soviet dan menyatakan sumpah setia mereka kpd surga sosialis itu ?

Kini, ketololan ttg sejarah Timur Tengah dan wajah Islam sebenarnya sekali lagi membuat warga2 negara Barat mengelu2kan tiran2 spt Sadam Husein, Nasralah, Ahmadinejad dsb. Yang paling menonjol adalah ketololan mereka ttg konflik di Israel. Mereka merengek2 menuntut 'negara bagi orang Palestina,' yg menurut mereka adalah resep bagi perdamaian di TimTeng. Propaganda ini sejak th 1967 mengakibatkan pembunuhan sejumlah besar penduduk sipil Israel.

Padahal orang TImur Tengah sendiri yg mengatakan bahwa masalahnya BUKAN Palestina, namun EKSISTENSI ISRAEL.
Lama sebelum 'penjajahan' Tepi Barat dan Gaza, orang2 Yahudi sudah menjadi sasaran teroris dan gerilyawan Muslim. (baca : mulai Jaman Muhamad !) Tapi namanya Useful Idiots, mereka lebih suka nampang di demo ketimbang membaca FFI.

Useful Idiots AS menyamakan Gandhi dgn Nasrallah :shock: :shock:
http://theinfidelsage.blogspot.com/2006 ... chive.html
Last edited by ali5196 on Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by ali5196 »


http://www.nypost.com/seven/01152007/po ... rials_.htm


January 15, 2007 -- Has a former president of the United States - a Nobel Peace Prize winner, no less - given his blessing to wanton murder and terrorist assaults against Israel?

Sure looks that way.

How else to read that astonishing statement on page 213 of Jimmy Carter's new anti-Israel screed, "Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid"?

To wit: "It is imperative that the general Arab community and all significant Palestinian groups make it clear that they will end the suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism when international laws and the ultimate goals of the Roadmap for Peace are accepted by Israel." (Emphasis added.)

You don't have to read between the lines here.

Carter isn't calling on the Palestinians to give up terror and murder now as a way to convince Israel they are serious about peace. Rather, he says they can wait until they've achieved their goals at the bargaining table. No need, says Carter, to give up terrorism until then.

Certainly, that's how 14 members of the Carter Center's advisory board read that paragraph. Indeed, it's why they angrily submitted their resignations last week. :twisted:

That's also how Melvin Konner read it. He's a respected anthropology professor at Emory University and had been asked to be part of an academic group meant to advise the former president and the Carter Center on how to respond to criticism of the book.

As Konner wrote to John Hardman, the center's executive director, in declining the invitation: "I cannot find any way to read this sentence that does not condone the murder of Jews until such time as Israel unilaterally follows President Carter's prescription for peace. The sentence, simply put, makes President Carter an apologist for terrorists and places my children, along with all Jews everywhere, in greater danger."
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Post by ali5196 »


Teman Akrab : Dhimmi & Master

Sunday, January 14, 2007
Iran & Venezuela Dedicate Two Billion Dollars For Attacks On America

Chavez and Iran unveil anti-US fund
Ahmadinejad and Chavez have strong ties and frequently call each other "brother" [AFP]

The presidents of Iran and Venezuela have agreed to spend billions of dollars to help other countries free themselves from what they describe as 'US domination.'

"This fund, my brother," Chavez said, "will become a mechanism for liberation."

Chavez said the fund "will permit us to underpin investments ... above all in those countries whose governments are making efforts to liberate themselves from the [US] imperialist yoke ... Death to US imperialism."

Ahmadinejad, who is on a tour of Latin America, said that Tehran and Caracas had the task of "promoting revolutionary thought in the world".

"The reason for all the current problems is the erroneous direction of the powerful countries, where there is poverty, hate, enmity and war," he added. HATE ?? Siapa yg benci siapa ???? :shock: :shock:
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Post by ali5196 »

Absolutely NOT a Dhimmi : NICOLE KIDMAN
http://theinfidelsage.blogspot.com/2006 ... chive.html

Kidman mengutuk Hamas, Hezbollah
NICOLE Kidman and a few friends have made a public stand against terrorism.

The actress, joined by 84 other high-profile Hollywood stars, directors, studio bosses and media moguls, has taken out a powerfully-worded full page advertisement in today's Los Angeles Times newspaper.

It specifically targets "terrorist organisations" such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine.

"We the undersigned are pained and devastated by the civilian casualties in Israel and Lebanon caused by terrorist actions initiated by terrorist organisations such as Hezbollah and Hamas," the ad reads.

"If we do not succeed in stopping terrorism around the world, chaos will rule and innocent people will continue to die.

"We need to support democratic societies and stop terrorism at all costs."
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Post by ali5196 »



Perkawinan Muslim-Catholic naik di Italia

Rome, Jan. 16, 2007 (CWNews.com) - According to the Catholic charitable organization Caritas, the number of marriages between Italians and foreign natives living in Italy has risen tenfold in the past 15 years.

In 1991 there were 60,000 such “mixed marriages” registered in Italy; last year there were 600,000, Caritas reports.

Italian men preferred Filipino, Romanian, Peruvian, and Albanian women. In contrast, Italian women preferred Senegalese, Tunisians, and Moroccans. The more affluent northern section of Italy leads the way in mixed marriages.

About 10% of the mixed marriages involve a Muslim with a Catholic spouse. In the vast majority of such cases, the children are raised as Muslims. If the wife is Catholic, statistics show that she is likely to convert to Islam.

Mengingat ketegangan antara Barat - Muslim sekarang ini, tidak heran bahwa perkawinan campur ini sering rapuh. Jumlah lama perkawinan rata2 antara Catholic-Muslim di Italia hanya bertahan sekitar 5 - 13 tahun
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Post by ali5196 »


D'Souza: "There is no 'inherent conquering spirit' in Islam" (ooooh such a ... USEFUL Idiot)
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Post by ali5196 »


Ms Armstrong mengaku sbg ex biarawati (alias Irene Handono ?? :lol: ). Pernah membandingkan Paus John Paul II dgn Muslim fundamentalis. :roll: Keluar sendiri atau dikeluarkan dari biara ? hmmm ... Rajin mengritik gereja Katolik, tapi tidak berani mengritik Islam.

Kampanye Ngawur Karen Armstrong
http://www.indonesia.faithfreedom.org/f ... php?t=7983
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Post by ali5196 »

UK : USEFUL IDIOT Britih Airways melarang pegawai Kristen mengenakan salib tetapi membiarkan Muslim mengenakan jilbab
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/a ... =NEWS&ct=5

Pegawai BA menyeret majikannya ke pengadilan karena memberhentikannya secara sementara karena mengenakan salib
By JANE MERRICK 14th October 2006

Menurut British Airways, Nadia Eweida-warga Inggris kelahiran Mesir-melanggar aturan seragam BA dgn mengenakan salibnya diluar seragamnya.

Nadia Eweida yg disuruh pulang karena menolak mencabut salibnya

Ny Eweida, yg memiliki rekor kerja 7 tahun tanpa pernah merepotkan majikannya mengatakan kecewa karena diskriminasi ini. Ia heran mengapa Muslim dan kaum Sikh boleh mengenakan lambang2 keagamaan mereka sementara ia malah dikenakan sanksi. Kasus ini masih berlanjut. Ny Eweida sudah 3 bulan diistirahatkan tanpa gaji
menunggu keputusan tribunal. Gila nggak !!

Last edited by ali5196 on Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:21 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by ali5196 »

Useful Idiot berikutnya : sekolah negeri di UK yg melarang siswi mengenakan salib
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/arti ... article.do

Sekolah melarang gadis 13 thn mengenakan salib

Samantha Devine dgn salibnya yg membuat uringan para guru

Sama spt kasus Nadia Eweida diatas, gadis ini dianggap melanggar peraturan seragam sekolah dgn mengenakan salib, padahal Muslim boleh mengenakan jilbab dan lelaki Sikh malah boleh pakai turban segala !

Keputusannya utk menolak mencabut salibnya ini mencuatkan kembali konfrontasi disekolah2 lain yg melarang siswi2 mengenakan kalung (termasuk salib) karena alasan 'keamanan & kesehatan.' :shock: :shock: :shock: ????

Ayahnya mengancam akan menyeret sekolahnya ke pengadilan ! Katanya, "Orang di negara ini sangat takut utk buka suara ttg agama lain. Tapi orang2 Katolik dgn seenaknya didiskriminasi."

Kasus masih berlangsung mengakibatkan stress tidak perlu bagi keluarga gadis ini. Bayangkan ! Orang di negara sendiri nggak boleh pakai salib. Kok persis di Saudi yah ?? :roll: :roll: :roll: RRuaaarr biasa useful idiots di Inggris ini !!
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Post by ali5196 »


http://www.americanchronicle.com/articl ... leID=19535

By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
January 23, 2007

Anda tidak salah baca. Chaplain Lt. Gordon James Klingenschmitt diseret ke pegnadilan militer dan dipecat dari U.S. Navy. Kejahatannya ? Berdoa atas nama Yesus dlm seragamnya diluar sebuah kapel. Setelah mengabdi kpd US NAVY setelah 15 1/2 tahun dan memenangkan 6 penghargaan atas keberaniannya, Lt. Klingenschmitt kini didepak secara tidak terhormat.

Nah, bandingkan berita ini dgn penyuluh agama Islam di Guantanamo Bay yg justru mendapat PROMOSI.

Menurut berita, "Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England secara pribadi memberikan promosi kpd Navy chaplain Abuhena Mohammed Saifulislam dari jabatan letnan ke letnan komandan.

Malah, "England secara pribadi mendedikasikan sebuah pusat Islam baru di HQ Marine di Quantico, Va., atas nasehat Saifulislam . . ."

Sang Muslim chaplain membacakan ayat2 Quran dlm upacara pengangkatannya yg mengundang anggota2 CAIR, yg kebanyakan dari mereka kena tuduhan terlibat dlm terorisme.

Saifulislam, namanya berarti 'Pedang Islam,' diberi panggung yg dibayar negara utk menyebarkan agamanya. Dgn Quantico mosque, Pentagon mem-fasilitasi kitab suci yg digunakan musuh sgb manual perang mereka.

Protes masyarakat mengakibatkan Pentagon membatalkan keputusannya terhdp Chaplain Klingenschmitt, walau US Navy masih belum menerimanya balik. Ia dianjurkan utk menyeret US NAvy ke pengadilan.
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Post by ali5196 »

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Post by ali5196 »

Useful Idiots in UK : Menghukum warga yg protes Islam


Mark Anthony Norwood, of St Martins Road, Gobowen, Shropshire, who in December 2002 was convicted under the 1986 Public Order Act of a "religiously aggravated" offence after displaying a poster picturing one of the Twin Towers in flames and containing the words "Protect the British people" and The Muslim symbols of a crescent and star were also shown surrounded by a prohibition sign and the message "Islam out of Britain."

He was fined £300. :shock: :shock:

The "religious aggravation" aspect of the conviction was introduced through the application of the 2001 Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act.

:shock: :shock: :shock: SO much for FREEDOM OF SPEECH !!!
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Post by swatantre »

Iya nih, saya lihat kok banyak kejadian kaya gitu di Britain. Ada apa dg inggris sekarang ini, ya?
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Post by ali5196 »

Michel AOUN : pemimpin Kristen yg kerjasama dgn Hezbollah (yg pro Iran & pro Syria) di Lebanon yg kini mengancam perang saudara

Ketahuilah bahwa Aoun didepak dari negaranya yg pro-Syria dan setelah Syria didepak dari Lebanon, baru Aoun mampu kembali dari pengasingan. Aoun malah pernah mengancam Hezbollah sbg organisasi teroris dlm wawancara dibawah ini :
ROBERTSON/Pewawancara : ... Tell me about Hezbollah. We hear about the terrorist group Hezbollah. What relation do they have to Syria?

GENERAL AOUN: Hezbollah is not a separate entity from Syria. It is under the Syrian operational control.

ROBERTSON: The so-called terrorist group is under the operational control of Syria?

AOUN: Yes, 100 percent, no question about that.
Aoun bermesraan dgn Nasrallah !! :shock: :shock: :shock:
It's official: Aoun and Hezbollah are allies
Tuesday, 7 February, 2006 @ 5:17 AM

Beirut - Last week Ya Libnan reported that general Aoun declared that Hezbollah is his closest ally. Yesterday he made it official. Aoun and Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah Secretary General met to ink their agreement.
Dan keduanya sekarang mencoba memaksa jatuhnya pemerintah Seniora yg terpilih secara demokratis. BTW, Aoun belum pernah mengecam pembunuhan politisi2 Kristen (yg terakhir ; Pierre Gemayel) yg jelas2 menunjuk pada keterlibatan Hezbollah.

Nice ! :twisted: With friends like these, you do not need an enemy. (Dgn pengkhianat sbg teman, kau tidak lagi perlu musuh.)
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Post by ali5196 »

http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/a ... 013682.php

UK: Periset batalkan investigasi kedlm kelompok2 Jihad, karena TAKUT dibunuh kelompok2 jihad

Dewan2 riset menangguhkan keterlibatan mereka dlm proyek pemerintah yg bertujuan mengidentifikasi pertumbuhan kelompok2 Islam radikal diseluruh dunia. Alasan mereka : ini bisa membahayakan nyawa para periset Inggris di negara2 Muslim.

DEPLU UK menyediakan dana £1.3m bagi proyek yg disebut "Combating terrorism by countering radicalisation." Para pakar diminta utk memfokus kpd negara2 yg diidentifikasi sbg penghasil terors. Tapi nggak jadi deh .... karena para pakar (yg rajin mengritik agama2 lain selain Islam), agak takut pada Islam. :twisted:
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Post by ali5196 »

Begini nih kelakuan USEFUL IDIOT

Thursday, February 16, 2006
Here is a picture of a man welcoming his new muslim overlords: His name is Jens Byskov.

Jens, you should be ashamed of yourself. Please look at the map below and decide where in the Islamic world you would like to live. You do not speak for the rest of us.
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Post by ali5196 »

Cara USEFUL IDIOT menyensor diri :
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Post by ali5196 »

USEFUL IDIOT AS yg paling berbahaya : NANCY PELOSI


Dgn gencarnya ia mendorong Senator Keith Ellison (Senator Muslim AS pertama) utk masuk Komite Judisial Kongres. Kalau ini terjadi, Keith Ellison--yg dekat dgn CAIR (organisasi Islam yg anggotanya dituduh terlibat memberi bantuan kpd teroris Muslim)--- memiliki akses ke segala info rahasia negara, termasuk dlm memerangi terorisme Islam.

Thanks Nancy !
Nancy - siap memukuli masa depan AS dgn palu Islamnya ...
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Post by ali5196 »

Lebih banyak info ttg Useful Idiots bisa ditemukan di :
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Post by ali5196 »

UK : sebuah sekolah teganya mendepak seorang guru mereka (hilanglah hak pensiunnya !) karena dianggap 'menyinggung' Muslim ....

Friday, 2 February 2007, 19:54 GMT

UK : Guru dipecat karena dituduh mengatakan 'Semua suicide bombers adalah Muslim'
Mr McLuskey said the school was too quick to sack him

Akibat keluhan dari siswa2 Muslim, seorang guru dipecat dari sebuah SMP.

Andrew McLuskey dipecat dari SMP Bayliss Court di Slough setelah sebuah Pelajaran Agama membahas kebaikan dan keburukan agama.

Siswa yg predominan Muslim mengeluh bahwa ia mengatakan, 'Kebanyakan suicide bombers adalah Muslim.' (LOH ! BETUL KHAN ????)

Namun sang guru menampik tuduhan itu dan mengatakan bahwa sekolahnya terlalu gegabah dlm memecatnya tanpa memberinya kesempatan utk bela diri.

!!! :shock: :shock: Kasus2 semacam ini hanya akan meningkatkan kebencian terhdp Islam. Horas !! Pekerjaan FFI menjadi semakin mudah ! :twisted:
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