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Re: Taqiya: Hamas = Rekayasa Israel utk hindari Perdamaian

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:05 am
by swatantre
snipey wrote:Rakyat Arab Palestina harusnya sadar, mereka diberi makanan, uang, senjata dsb oleh negara2 Arab lainnya
Captain Pancasila wrote: ... un....html
Mata uang shekel merupakan mata uang utama yang berlaku di Jalur Gaza. Satu shekel sama dengan 2500 rupiah Indonesia. Mata uang Israel itu bisa didapat saat mengambil uang di ATM Bank of Palestine. Pilihannya: dollar Amerika, atau shekel Israel.
walet wrote:
Hubungannya apa mata uang dan dikasih uang?
Dikasih uang riyal lalu dikonversi ke mata uang lain kan juga bisa.
Eropa kasih uang ke Indonesia juga pasti pakai Euro dan dikonversikan ke rupiah.
snipey wrote: Bukannya dengar koar-koar ini malah buka aib...?
kalau saja Captain Pancasila diam tak buka mulut, kita gak akan tahu kalo dia sbnrnya = gak cerdas.
Rasionalis wrote:...Semakin lama mengikuti dan menyimak tulisan bung Captain Pancasila, semakin kuat kecurigaan saya kepadanya. Jangan-jangan bung CP ini adalah kafirun yang menyaru sebagai muslim.
...Biar pun ditertawakan, diejek bahkan dihina, dia tetap tenang saja. Oleh karena itu saya meragukan dia muslim. Karena apa yang dilakukannya lebih banyak menurunkan atau merendahkan martabat muslim.
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Re: Taqiya: Hamas = Rekayasa Israel utk hindari Perdamaian

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:09 am
by swatantre
1234567890 wrote:
jadi kaya si sampah busuk kompos dong ?

dan juga si ustadz jebolan pesantren bom CS

masa semua netter muslim = antek yahudi ?
Mungkin lebih tepatnya: JONGOS yahudi ... :finga:
Jongose mrongos kokean ndobos koyo ban gembos... :rolling: :rolling:

Re: Taqiya: Hamas = Rekayasa Israel utk hindari Perdamaian

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:18 pm
by Rasionalis
1234567890 wrote:jadi kaya si sampah busuk kompos dong ?

dan juga si ustadz jebolan pesantren bom CS

masa semua netter muslim = antek yahudi ?
...Kalau bung Kompas, ya, memang pantas dicurigai. Apa yang dia lakukan selama ini sungguh membuat citra muslim (mualaf) sangat buruk. Bangga sebagai pembohong dan penipu.
...Tetapi kalau bung CS, saya kurang sependapat. Masih banyak argumennya yang masuk akal dengan logika yang sangat baik. Halangan yang dia dan para muslim lainnya hadapi adalah memang terlalu sulit, bahkan hampir mustahill, membela, memoles atau mempercantik Islam dan Muhammad yang memiliki begitu banyak kelemahan dan keburukan.

Re: Taqiya: Hamas = Rekayasa Israel utk hindari Perdamaian

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:22 pm
by snipey
Sama spt umumnya muslim di Indonesia, Captain Pancasila tanpa check dan recheck menganggap = semua yg jelek itu asalnya dari Israel/Yahudi...dan semua yg bagus itu muncul dari islam / Muhammad / Alloh SWT.

Saya rasa : saya gak asal ngecap tth asal muasal uangnya HAMAS (Saudi Arabia, negara2 Arab, dan Iran)
Baiklah, saya cek ulang, dan ini yg saya temukan:


HAMAS Funding

HAMAS receives funding from Palestinian expatriates, Iran, and private benefactors in Saudi Arabia and other moderate Arab states. Some fundraising and propaganda activities take place in Western Europe and North America. As of 2003 US intelligence sources estimated that the militant Palestinian group Hamas had an annual budget of 50 million dollars, raising much of that money through its reputation as a charity. ..

The Hamas organization is also operating in European countries and the United States, mainly among the Palestinian population, by conducting fundraising (through charity associations and foundations - Dawa activity). Some of the funds received are channeled to finance terrorist activity in Israel, and other monies are intended for the funding of Hamas civilian activity. The United States is seeking to bankrupt Hamas by undermining its reputation as a charity.

Syria serves as an important base of the Hamas organization, from a political, information and operational perspective. Officials in the Hamas leadership reside in Syria and conduct their operations from there. ...
The Syrian Government enables the Hamas leadership and its terrorist commanders to conduct their various activities on its soil, including the formulation of the Hamas operational strategy, the training of terrorist operatives, the funding of terrorist activity against Israel and assistance in the purchase of arms and for resistance at the expense of moderates in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

The Hamas is active in a number of other countries in the Middle East, including Iran, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. These countries provide support and assistance in funding and operations training.

The Hamas has an extensive network of financial sources, operating within the framework of Dawa activity, with a total value of tens of millions of dollars a year.

Gulf States - A considerable proportion of the aforementioned funds originate from various sources in the Gulf States (The Gulf Cooperation Council States). Most of the funding is from Saudi Arabian sources, with a total value of $12 million a year.

Iran - Its contribution was once estimated at $3 million a year. Syria, a long-standing Iranian ally, serves as the main hub through which Tehran sends weapons to Hezbollah and Hamas...

Site maintained by: John Pike
Page last modified: 26-03-2012 18:42:19 ZULU ... -funds.htm
As of 2009 the Council on Foreign Relations estimates Hamas's annual budget at $70 million.[175]

In the early 2000s the largest backer of Hamas was Saudi Arabia, with over 50% of its funds coming from that country,[176] mainly through Islamic charity organizations.[177] An earlier estimate by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs estimated a $50 million annual budget, mostly supplied by private charitable associations but with $12 million supplied directly by Gulf states, primarily Saudi Arabia, and a further $3 million from Iran.

Saudi owned al-Taqwa Bank has been identified of holding money for Hamas as early as 1997. Jamie C. Zarate, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department, told Congress that 60 million was moved to Hamas accounts with al-Taqwa bank.

... Aufhauser indicated that Saudi financial support “has been supplemented by money from Iran and Syria flowing through even more dangerous rejectionist groups in the West Bank.”[185]

According to the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), another reported funding source for Hamas is through the 21,000 Arabs of Palestinian and Lebanese descent who live in the Foz do Iguaçu area of the tri-border region of Latin America. According to Paraguayan Interior Minister Julio César Fanego, they have donated "something between $50 and $500 million" to 16 Arab extremist groups between 1999 and 2001, in amounts ranging from $500 to $2,000.[186][187]

In the late 1980s, 10% of all Hamas funding came from Islamic Republic of Iran.[188] Later, from 1993 to 2006, Iran provided Hamas with approximately $30 US million annually. More recent assessments indicate that Iranian funding has increased significantly between 2006–2009, to hundreds of millions of Euros per year. After 2009, sanctions on Iran made funding difficult, forcing Hamas instead to rely on religious donations by individuals in the West Bank, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.[189][190]

Hamas approved a 540 million dollar government budget for 2010 with up to 90% coming from "undisclosed" foreign aid which includes funding from Iran and Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood according to western intelligence agencies.[191] Due to the Gaza blockade, Hamas still faces a financial crisis.

With a bureaucracy of around 30,000 staff, the organisation is growing faster than can be handled with salaries being delayed or prioritised for the lowest paid. To fund it's budget, Hamas has raised new taxes on businesses and imposed a 14.5% tax on luxury goods smuggled through the tunnels.

Gaza businessmen have accused Hamas of profiting from the blockade and using these taxes to buy large tracts of land and private buildings for public facilities in competition to established businesses.