"bombs would not kill us, only the Americans would die".

Aksi2 terorisme, pemboman, demonstrasi kekerasan, intimidasi dan serangan2 kelompok2 Islam atas nama Islam. TIDAK termasuk honor killing, atau pembunuhan secara individu
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"bombs would not kill us, only the Americans would die".

Post by spaceman »

Afghan boy suicide bombers tell how they are brainwashed into believing they will survive
Child suicide bombers say they were told by their handlers that the "bombs would not kill us, only the Americans would die".

The mission was as simple as touching two wires together, the little boy was promised. The resulting blast would obliterate the American infidels – but God would spare him from the flame and shrapnel. Abdul Samat would be unharmed and free to run back to the men who had fitted his bomb vest.
Blindfolded and rigged with his explosive payload, the boy, who was about 13, was driven to his target in the Afghan city of Kandahar, after being plucked from the streets of Quetta in neighbouring Pakistan. Minutes before he was due to execute the attack, however, Abdul realised the lies of his recruiters seeking to turn him into a human bomb.
"When I opened my eyes, I saw it was a very black thing they wanted me to do," he later recalled.
"I began to cry and shout. People came out of their houses and asked what was wrong. I showed them I had something in my vest. Then they were scared too and called the police who took the bombs off me."
Afghan security officials say that Abdul's story is not unusual. In the past year, insurgents have used a wave of child suicide bombers, some as young as 10, on the ruthless assumption that small boys can pass through checkpoints and security cordons more easily than men.

A senior Afghan intelligence official estimated that more than 100 had been intercepted in the past 12 months, including 20 from the Kandahar area in the south. The insurgents seek to exploit the innocence of their recruits and turn it into a weapon.
The largely illiterate boys are fed a diet of anti-Western and anti-Afghan government propaganda until they are prepared to kill, he said. But the boys are also assured that they will miraculously survive the devastation they cause.
"The worst part is that these children don't think that they are killing themselves," said the official. "They are often given an amulet containing Koranic verses. Mullahs tell them, 'When this explodes you will survive and God will help you survive the fire. Only the infidels will be killed, you will be saved and your parents will go to paradise'."
Throughout the war against the Soviet invaders in the 1980s, and the civil strife that followed, Afghan fighters of all factions rejected suicide attacks as cowardly and unIslamic.
The tactic was adopted only after 2001, learned from Arab jihadists who had used it to devastating effect in Iraq.
The first Afghan suicide bomber is believed to have been a man called Hafez Abdallah, who in 2004 threw himself on a military Jeep and detonated mortar bombs strapped to his body. Suicide bombs hidden in vehicles or sewn into vests have since been widely employed.
The Taliban denies using children as bombers, pointing out that its battlefield code forbids any military use of pre-pubescent boys. One Taliban facilitator from northern Afghanistan told The Daily Telegraph: "All our bombers are men and they are all volunteers. We never use boys."
But Nato and Afghan security officials said the tactic has been widely adopted. Child bombers had been used by the Haqqani network, an insurgent group aligned to the Taliban.
Boys are frequently chosen from the madrassas, or Islamic colleges, in Pakistan's tribal areas, where poor Pashtun families in southern Afghanistan send their sons for a free education.
"They send them because they can't feed them sometimes. They have 10 sons, they can't feed them," said the Afghan official.
Gul Khan, who looks no older than 10, said his father had insisted he go to a madrassa in Pakistan run by a man called Maulawi Sher Jan.
"Each day they were preaching that we would tie bombs on to our bodies and attack foreigners in Afghanistan," he said after escaping and being arrested on the border.
"They told us the bombs would not kill us, only the Americans would die and you can come back to us."
Many of the captured boys have been pardoned, but others remain in Afghanistan's child jails. Once in custody, they often retract their televised confessions, justice officials in Kandahar said.
Three convicted child suicide bombers, seen by The Daily Telegraph, all said their confessions had been false and they were wrongly convicted. Haji Abdul Haq, the juvenile prosecutor for Kandahar, denied pressure had been placed on them and said they were often caught wearing bomb vests. "They confess at first, but when their families reach them, they change their minds," he said.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... rvive.html


Artikel bagus soal taqiya, tolong terjemahkan dong :green:
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Re: "bombs would not kill us, only the Americans would die".

Post by MaNuSiA_bLeGuG »

spaceman wrote:Afghan boy suicide bombers tell how they are brainwashed into believing they will survive
Child suicide bombers say they were told by their handlers that the "bombs would not kill us, only the Americans would die".

The mission was as simple as touching two wires together, the little boy was promised. The resulting blast would obliterate the American infidels – but God would spare him from the flame and shrapnel. Abdul Samat would be unharmed and free to run back to the men who had fitted his bomb vest.
Blindfolded and rigged with his explosive payload, the boy, who was about 13, was driven to his target in the Afghan city of Kandahar, after being plucked from the streets of Quetta in neighbouring Pakistan. Minutes before he was due to execute the attack, however, Abdul realised the lies of his recruiters seeking to turn him into a human bomb.
"When I opened my eyes, I saw it was a very black thing they wanted me to do," he later recalled.
"I began to cry and shout. People came out of their houses and asked what was wrong. I showed them I had something in my vest. Then they were scared too and called the police who took the bombs off me."
Afghan security officials say that Abdul's story is not unusual. In the past year, insurgents have used a wave of child suicide bombers, some as young as 10, on the ruthless assumption that small boys can pass through checkpoints and security cordons more easily than men.

A senior Afghan intelligence official estimated that more than 100 had been intercepted in the past 12 months, including 20 from the Kandahar area in the south. The insurgents seek to exploit the innocence of their recruits and turn it into a weapon.
The largely illiterate boys are fed a diet of anti-Western and anti-Afghan government propaganda until they are prepared to kill, he said. But the boys are also assured that they will miraculously survive the devastation they cause.
"The worst part is that these children don't think that they are killing themselves," said the official. "They are often given an amulet containing Koranic verses. Mullahs tell them, 'When this explodes you will survive and God will help you survive the fire. Only the infidels will be killed, you will be saved and your parents will go to paradise'."
Throughout the war against the Soviet invaders in the 1980s, and the civil strife that followed, Afghan fighters of all factions rejected suicide attacks as cowardly and unIslamic.
The tactic was adopted only after 2001, learned from Arab jihadists who had used it to devastating effect in Iraq.
The first Afghan suicide bomber is believed to have been a man called Hafez Abdallah, who in 2004 threw himself on a military Jeep and detonated mortar bombs strapped to his body. Suicide bombs hidden in vehicles or sewn into vests have since been widely employed.
The Taliban denies using children as bombers, pointing out that its battlefield code forbids any military use of pre-pubescent boys. One Taliban facilitator from northern Afghanistan told The Daily Telegraph: "All our bombers are men and they are all volunteers. We never use boys."
But Nato and Afghan security officials said the tactic has been widely adopted. Child bombers had been used by the Haqqani network, an insurgent group aligned to the Taliban.
Boys are frequently chosen from the madrassas, or Islamic colleges, in Pakistan's tribal areas, where poor Pashtun families in southern Afghanistan send their sons for a free education.
"They send them because they can't feed them sometimes. They have 10 sons, they can't feed them," said the Afghan official.
Gul Khan, who looks no older than 10, said his father had insisted he go to a madrassa in Pakistan run by a man called Maulawi Sher Jan.
"Each day they were preaching that we would tie bombs on to our bodies and attack foreigners in Afghanistan," he said after escaping and being arrested on the border.
"They told us the bombs would not kill us, only the Americans would die and you can come back to us."
Many of the captured boys have been pardoned, but others remain in Afghanistan's child jails. Once in custody, they often retract their televised confessions, justice officials in Kandahar said.
Three convicted child suicide bombers, seen by The Daily Telegraph, all said their confessions had been false and they were wrongly convicted. Haji Abdul Haq, the juvenile prosecutor for Kandahar, denied pressure had been placed on them and said they were often caught wearing bomb vests. "They confess at first, but when their families reach them, they change their minds," he said.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... rvive.html


Artikel bagus soal taqiya, tolong terjemahkan dong :green:

Seorang bocah pelaku bom bunuh diri menceritakan bagaimana mereka di cuci otak untuk mempercayai bawha mereka akan selamat " Bom tidak akan membunuh kita, hanya orang amerika yang akan mati"

Tugasnya mudah sekali, semudah menghubungkan 2 kabel, itulah yg dijanjikan kepada anak tsb. Ledakannya akan menghancurkan kafir amerika TAPI allah swt akan menyelamatkannya dari serpihan dan kobaran api. Abdul Samat akan selamat dan dapat berlari kembali ke orang yg memasangkannya rompi bom. Ditutupi matanya dan dipasangi bom, anak tsb yg berusia sekitar 13 tahun, diantarkan ke tempat target di salah satu kota afghan, kandahar setelah sebelumnya dicomot dari jalanan kota quetta di sekitar pakistan. Untungnya, beberapa menit sebelum melaksanakan misinya, abdul menyadari kebohongan orang yg merekrutnya yg ingin mengubah abdul menjadi pembom bunuh diri. "ketika kubuka mataku, aku menyadari bahwa perbuatan yg mereka minta aku kerjakan ini sungguh2 biadab" begitu katanya mengingat kembali.

"Aku mulai menangis. orang2 keluar dari rumahnya dan bertanya ada apa. aku menunjukan sesuatu di rompiku dan mereka menjadi takut dan menghubungi polisi yg melepaskan bom nya dariku." petugas resmi keamanan afghan menyatakan bhw cerita ttg Abdul itu cerita yg biasa. Tahun lalu, pengacau telah menggunakan gelombang bom bunuh diri yg menggunakan bocah, beberapa ada yg berusia 10 tahun dengan asumsi bahwa bocah kecil akan mudah melewati pos pemeriksaan lebih mudah dari orang dewasa.

Petugas intelejen senior afghan memperkirakan lebih dari 100 bocah bom bunuh diri digagalkan dalam 12 bulan kebelakang. termasuk 20 berasal dari daerah selatan kandahar. Para pengacau ingin mengeksploitasi keluguan dari bocah yg direkrut dan mengubahnya menjadi senjata.. Sebagian besar bocah yg buta huruf dicekoki dengan faham anti barat dan anti pemerintahan afghan hingga waktunya bagi mereka utk membunuh. Akan tetapi anak2 tsb dijanjikan bahwa mereka akan dengan ajaibny selamat dari kehancuran yg mereka sebabkan. " hal yang paling parah adalah bahwa anak2 ini tidak memikirkan bahwa mereka sendiri bisa terbunuh" ucap petugas resmi tsb. "Mereka dibekali jimat berisi ayat2 quran. para mullah berpesan kepada mereka ' ketika bom meledak, engkau akan selamat dan allah akan menyelamatkanmu dari kobaran api.hanya para kafir yg akan terbunuh, kau akan selamat dan orang tuamu akan pergi ke surga"

Taktik bom bunuh diri ini dimulai setelah 2001, diadopsi dari jihadis arab yg menggunakannya dengan efek mengerikan di irak. Anak2 ini biasanya direkrut dari madrasah2 atau sekolah2 islam di sekitar pakistan, dimana keluarga2 miskin dari suku pashtun mengirim anak2nya demi pendidikan gratis. Gul Khan yg berumur 10 tahun berkata bhw ayahnya memaksa mengirimnya ke madrasah di pakistan yg diasuh oleh Maulawi Sher Jan. "setiap hari mereka berkhotbah bahwa kami akan mengikatkan bom ketubuh kami dan menyerang orang2 asing di afghanistan" katanya setelah berhasil melarikan diri dan ditahan di perbatasan. " mereka berkata bahwa bom tsb tidak akan membunuh kami, hanya orang2 amerika lah yg akan mati"
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Re: "bombs would not kill us, only the Americans would die".

Post by 1234567890 »

anak kecil meledak ... nanti di syurga dapet 72 bidadari yang masih kecil juga ?
atau dapet yg sudah dewasa karena yang kecilnya sudah diembat muhammad
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Re: "bombs would not kill us, only the Americans would die".

Post by CrimsonJack »

Dapat mamad :stun:
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Re: "bombs would not kill us, only the Americans would die".

Post by kokokbeluk »


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Re: "bombs would not kill us, only the Americans would die".

Post by a_man »

regenerasi muslim selalu dilandasi pembodohan -> lingkaran setan, gak heran slim2 hidup dalam kebodohan sampe bom menjemput.
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