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Post by array »

seng-su wrote:Gimana dengan lapisan Troposfer??
Beneran tuh di situ ada bintang2nya?
Cuma Allah s.w.t yang tahu maksud dari ayat itu sesungguhnya, manusia hanya coba mengkaji.
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Post by jameela »

array wrote: "Dia menciptakan langit dan bumi dengan (tujuan) yang benar; Dia menutupkan malam atas siang dan menutupkan siang atas malam..." (Al Qur'an, 39:5)
Dalam Al Qur'an, kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan tentang alam semesta sungguh sangat penting. Kata Arab yang diterjemahkan sebagai "menutupkan" dalam ayat di atas adalah "takwir". Dalam kamus bahasa Arab, misalnya, kata ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan pekerjaan membungkus atau menutup sesuatu di atas yang lain secara melingkar, sebagaimana surban dipakaikan pada kepala.

Keterangan yang disebut dalam ayat tersebut tentang siang dan malam yang saling menutup satu sama lain berisi keterangan yang tepat mengenai bentuk bumi. Pernyataan ini hanya benar jika bumi berbentuk bulat. Ini berarti bahwa dalam Al Qur'an, yang telah diturunkan di abad ke-7, telah diisyaratkan tentang bentuk planet bumi yang bulat.
sdr. array, membungkus itu kan berarti ada yang dibungkus ( berada DIDALAM alat pembungkus) dan alat pembungkus yang berada diluar dari yang dibungkus, betul ?
spt contoh yang elo sebutkan, kelapa yang ada didalam sorban, betul ?
nah hubungannya dengan siang dan malam, itu yang dibungkus apa ?
dan yang membungkus itu apa ?

terus logika apa yang dipakai kok dari bungkus membungkus muncul asumsi
bentuk bumi itu bulat ? dalam dunia bungkus membungkus itu gak ada keharusan
yang dibungkus bentuknya harus bulat.

harap jawaban tidak memakai cabang ilmu baru kebudayaan arab:
maksamologi atau gatukologi apalagi ngawurmologi !!!.
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Post by imxris »

array wrote: Cuma Allah s.w.t yang tahu maksud dari ayat itu sesungguhnya, manusia hanya coba mengkaji.
aduh...jangan pake kata2 ini lagi dong klw gak bisa jawab klw tafsiran lo tuh salah...
ya sudahlah ray...belajarlah untuk menerima dan instropeksi...apa lo bener2 yakin alloh swt bisa tiba2 ngebenarin ucapan elo? atau malah nertawain elo??
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Post by seng-su »

array wrote: Cuma Allah s.w.t yang tahu maksud dari ayat itu sesungguhnya, manusia hanya coba mengkaji.

Dari uraian gue, jelas2 tafsiran 'langit = atmosfer' itu salah besar, alias taqqiya dari si penafsir, karena udah sengaja menyembunyikan kutipan ayat lanjutannya

Apa salahnya seh lu ngaku..?
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Post by seng-su »


trus... gimana tuh dengan teori lu soal "wilayah bumi yg terdalam adalah di dasar Laut Mati"..??

Hanya Awlah yang tahu juga?
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Post by walet »

ali5196 wrote:

7 Layers of Heaven/7 Lapisan langit
By Ali Sina

Dear Ali,

Tolong jelaskan pernyataan bahwa Muhamad meramalkan adanya 7 lapisan atmosfir 1400 tahun yg lalu ketika pengetahuan ini belum diketahui. Inilah pernyataannya :

Lapisan Atmosfir
Satu fakta ttg alam semesta yg diungkapkan Qur'an adalah bahwa langit terdiri dari 7 lapisan.

[2.29] Dia-lah Allah, yang menjadikan segala yang ada di bumi untuk kamu dan Dia berkehendak menuju langit, lalu dijadikan-Nya tujuh langit. Dan Dia Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu.

[41.12] Maka Dia menjadikannya tujuh langit dalam dua masa dan Dia mewahyukan pada tiap-tiap langit urusannya. Dan Kami hiasi langit yang dekat dengan bintang-bintang yang cemerlang dan Kami memeliharanya dengan sebaik-baiknya. Demikianlah ketentuan Yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Mengetahui.

Kata "heavens/langit/surga", timbul berkali2 dalam Qur'an, dan digunakan utk merujuk kpd langit diatas Bumi dan langit alam semesta. Mengingat arti kata itu, ini dianggap bahwa langit Bumi, atau atmosfir, terdiri dari 7 lapisan.

Bumi memiliki berbagai lapisan yg diperlukan utk menunjang kehidupan. Salah satunya adalah atmosfir, yg berguna sbg lapisan pelindung bumi. Kini dijelaskan bahwa atmosfir terdiri dari 7 lapisan. Spt juga dijabarkan dlm Qur'an. Jadi ini jelas mukjizat Qur'an.

Memang sekarang diketahui bahwa atmosfir dunia terdiri dari berbagai
lapisan yg bertumpuk, yang satu diatas yg lain. Dan memang terdiri dari 7 lapisan. In a scientific source, the subject is described as follows:

(Lihat gambar dlm artikel aslinya.)

14 abad lalu, saat langit dianggap sbg kesatuan dgn bumi, Qur'an menyatakan bahwa langit terdiri dari 7 lapisan. Sains modern menemukan fakta ini baru2 saja.

Jawab A SINA:

Pernyataan ttg mukjizat itu dibuat Harun Yahya dlm situs ini : ... _Quran.htm

Kenyataan ttg ketujuh Lapisan Langit
Konsep pre-Kopernikus ttg universal adalah geocentris, yaitu mereka berpikir bahwa Bumi datar dan menjadi pusat alam semesta.
Mereka percaya bahwa Matahari dan Bulan, bersama dgn planet2 Saturnus, Jupiter, Mars, Venus dan Mercurius dikenal sbg dewa/dewi.
Mereka2 inilah satu2nya obyek bergerak yg dapat dilihat orang dgn mata telanjang, sementara bintang2 nampak berposisi tetap.

Mereka percaya bahwa planet2 ini adalah “dewa2” dgn masing lapisan mereka. Lapisan ini tidak sama dgn orbit yg kita kenal sekarang ini. Dan mereka percaya bahwa planet2 ini tidak mengorbit Matahari tetapi mengorbit Bumi yang datar dalam urutan ini:

Bulan Mercurius Venus Matahari Mars Jupiter Saturnus

Yang paling dekat dgn Bumi adalah Bulan dan yg paling jauh adalah Satrunus. jadi konsep kle 7 lapisan langit didasarkan pada ilmu astronomi kuno, dimana setiap tubuh selestial memiliki lapisan mereka sendiri, satu diatas yang lainnya, persis seperti bawang.

Baik Judaism and Christianity make reference to these layers of heaven. For example Dante in his Divina Comedia refers to it and Paul the apostle, in 2 Corinthians 12:2 says: “I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know–God knows.”

The heaven was the physical world above. The concept of a spiritual heaven is a new concept. In the mind of the ancient man the distinction between physical heaven (sky) and spiritual heaven was fuzzy. For example “cielo” in Spanish still means both sky and heaven.

Not only the Heaven had seven layers, the Earth also had seven layers and it represented the underworld or the Hell. Dante, for example on visiting the lowest level of Hell meets two men with their bodies split and he learns that they were Muhammad and Ali. He describes his encounter with these two wretched men graphically:

“Truly cask, by losing mid-board or cross-piece, is not so split open as one I saw cleft from the chin to where the wind is broken: between his legs were hanging his entrails, his inner parts were visible, and the dismal sack that makes ordure of what is swallowed. Whilst all on seeing him I fix myself, he looked at me, and with his hands opened his breast, saying, "Now see how I rend myself, see how mangled is Mahomet. Ali goeth before me weeping, cleft in the face from chin to forelock; and all the others whom thou seest here were, when living, sowers of scandal and of schism, and therefore are they so cleft.”

The number seven was so engrained in the mind of the ancient man that you can find it everywhere.

Seven planets or gods had been identified and the phases of the moon changed every seven days. The Bible states that God rested on the seventh day after he completed his Creation. And every seventh year was sabbatical and that the seven times seventh year ushered in the Jubilee year.

The Pagans divided their weeks in seven days each day representing a deity.

Saturday which was the first day of the week (as it still is in Islamic countries) was dedicated to Saturn (Dies Saturni),

Sunday to Sun (Dies Solis),

Monday to Moon (Dies Lunae),

Tuesday to Mars (Dies Martis),

Wednesday to Mercury (Dies Mercurii),

Thursday to Jupiter (Dies Jovis), and

Friday to Venus (Dies Veneris). [1]

Out of this order come the familiar seven Archangels which include Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Sariel, and the fallen Lucifer.

The pagan concept of the seven layer of Heaven crept into Judaism and the number seven can be found in Judaism more than anywhere else. Why? Because Midrash teaches, there are seven layers of Heaven, obviously an influence of Paganism in Judaism.

“When Adam sinned, the Shechinah departed to the First Heaven. The sin of Kayin forced it to the Second Heaven; the Generation of Enosh to the Third; the generation of the Flood to the Fourth; The generation of the Dispersion to the Fifth; Sodomites, to the Sixth; Egypt of Avraham's day, to the Seventh ... (Bereishis Rabbah 19:7)” [2]

According to Judaic scriptures, creation took 7 days; Naaman had to wash 7 times in the Jordan to be cleansed from leprosy; the Israelites had to march around Jericho 7 days and 7 times on the 7th day; they had to set aside one day in 7 for rest and worship. There was a 7-armed lampstand in the temple, etc. In the last book, Revelation, we find mentioned 7 spirits, 7 lampstands, 7 churches, 7 stars, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 vials, 7 thunders, 7 plagues, 7 mountains and 7 kings. The tribulation period is to be 7 years being the last "week of years" of Daniel's 70 weeks (Dan 9:24 ff).[3]

Muhammad did not invent the concept of the seven layers of Heaven. He merely parroted it without understanding the Pagan origin of this idea. He wrote:

“So He ordained them seven heavens in two periods, and revealed in every heaven its affair; and We adorned the lower heaven with brilliant stars… “(Fussilat 41: 12)

This verse has nothing to do with layers of the atmospheres as claimed by the charlatan Harun Yahya. It has to do with the geocentric concept of the universe that was prevalent at the time of Muhammad. Note also that according to Muhammad, stars are lamps that are affixed to the ceiling of the lower layer of the Heaven for adornment purposes. The lower level is the sphere of the Moon. Obviously stars are not in the same layer where Moon is and neither the Moon nor the stars are in the lower atmosphere of the Earth.

In fact the concept of the layers of heaven as mentioned in the Quran is so unrelated to the layers of the atmosphere that the Islamic site tries to give a completely mystical significance to that verse and claims that it talks about the "spiritual heavens" which the soul will encounter after the death. [4]

“The reference to the fact that God has created seven heavens has generally been given in the Qur’an, in reply to the skepticism shown by the disbelievers regarding the possibility of life after death. … it refers to the vastness of His creation. It says that God has not just created one sky -- i.e., one universe, but seven such skies -- or seven universes.

It seems that the huge universe that we live in, the one whose boundaries are not yet known to man, is just one of these heavens (universes) there are seven others, of which we -- with all our scientific developments -- do not know anything about. Certain verses of the Qur’an clearly indicate that the whole huge mass of space around us is just one of these universes...”

The Islamic site quotes Maududi, the renowned Muslim scholar and the interpreter of the Quran who says:

“It is difficult to explain precisely what is meant by the ‘seven heavens’. In all ages man has tried, with the help of observation and speculation to conceptualize the ‘heavens’, i.e. that which lies beyond and above the earth. As we know the concepts that have thus developed have constantly changed. Hence it would be improper to tie the meaning of these words of the Qur’an to any one of these numerous concepts. What might be broadly inferred from this statement is that either Allah has divided the universe beyond earth into seven distinct spheres, or that this earth is located in that part of the universe which consists of seven different spheres." [5]

From the Ahadith (especially the Hadith of Mi’raj) we learn that the first heaven is the one that is closest to the earth. So the order begins from the earth and the highest heaven is the seventh heaven [6].

As one can see the real scholars of Islam are unable to explain the meaning of the seven heavens mentioned in the Quran and try to give esoteric significance to it. If we had to believe that the seven heavens is an allusion to the seven layers of the atmosphere then we have to assume that stars must be no more than eleven kilometers above the Earth, because as the verse 41:12 says the lower heaven is adorned with brilliant stars. The Troposphere ends at about eleven kilometers above the surface of the Earth.

Not only Muhammad, like other men of his time, believed that the sky had seven layers, he also thought that the Earth was made of seven layers too.

“Allah is He Who created seven Firmaments and of the earth a similar number…” [Quran 65.12]

In this verse the number of the earths is not in question. It assumes that everyone agrees that there are seven earths. The emphasis is on the claim that Allah is the creator of these seven earths. The reason is because just like the seven heavens, the ancient people had agreed that there were also seven layers of earth. Muhammad was simply stating what seemed to be obvious to the people of his time but of course he was dead wrong according to the modern science.

What are these seven earths that Muhammad was talking about? If there were seven continents on Earth, the Muslim apologists would not waste time to claim this verse is a miracle. But we do not have seven continents. Muhammad is talking about the seven layers of Earth. He is talking about the same layers that were described by Dante in his Inferno. Several hadith make this clear. Here is one:

Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever usurps the land of somebody unjustly, his neck will be encircled with it down the seven earths (on the Day of Resurrection). " [7]

Down the seventh earth is allusion to the bottom of the Hell, where Dante found Muhammad and Ali with their bodies torn asunder. It is interesting to note that both Muhammad and Ali raided innocent people killed them or exiled them and usurped their lands unjustly. Fadak was a beautiful village with many gardens that Muhammad usurped from the Jews of Khaibar after annihilating them and gave it to his daughter Fatima the wife of Ali. I am surprised Dante did not see Fadak around the neck of Muhammad and Ali when he saw them in Hell. Isn't this another proof that even their description of Hell was wrong?

The detailed description of these seven earths is given by Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah al-Kisa'i:

“... There are seven earths. The first is called Ramaka, beneath which is the Barren Wind, which can be bridled by no fewer than seventy thousand angels. With this wind God destroyed the people of Ad. The inhabitants of Ramaka are a nation called Muwashshim, upon whom is everlasting torment and divine retribution. The second earth is called Khalada, wherein are the implements of torture for the inhabitants of Hell. There dwells a nation called Tamis, whose food is their own flesh and whose drink is their own blood. The third earth is called Arqa, wherein dwell mulelike eagles with spearlike tails. On each tail are three hundred and sixty poisonous quills. Were even one quill placed on the face of the earth, the entire universe would pass away. The inhabitants thereof are a nation called Qays, who eat dirt and drink mothers' milk. The fourth earth is called Haraba, wherein dwell the snakes of Hell, which are as large as mountains. Each snake has fangs like tall palm trees, and if they were to strike the hugest mountain with their fangs it would be leveled to the ground. The inhabitants of this earth are a nation called Jilla, and they have no eyes, hands or feet but have wings like bats and die only of old age. The fifth earth is called Maltham, wherein stones of sulphur hang around the necks of infidels. When the fire is kindled the fuel is placed on their breasts, and the flames leap up onto their faces, as He hath said: The fire whose fuel is men and stones (2:24), and Fire shall cover their faces (14:50). The inhabitants are a nation called Hajla, who are numerous and who eat each other. The sixth earth is called Sijjin. Here are the registers of the people of Hell, and their works are vile, as He hath said: Verily the register of the actions of the wicked is surely Sijjin (83:7). Herein dwells a nation called Qatat, who are shaped like birds and worship God truly. The seventh earth is called Ajiba and is the habitation of Iblis. There dwells a nation called Khasum, who are BLACK and short, with claws like lions. It is they who will be given dominion over Gog and Magog, who will be destroyed by them… [8]

It is not hard to see these tales are nonsense. These are fairy tales that even children today would laugh at.

As it has been proven time and again, Quran is wrong in almost all its assertions. One error would have been enough to prove Muhammad was not a messenger of God but a liar. We have shown that there are hundreds of errors in the Quran. Yet Muslims desperately keep looking for “miracles” to fool themselves and find validation for their belief.


1- [To understand why this order was chosen see this link:]




5 - (Towards Understanding the Qur’an, translated by Zafar Ishaq Ansari, vol. 1, p.58 note no. 34.) From the Ahadith (especially the Hadith of Mi’raj)

6- Ibid

7- [Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 63. see also: Volume 3, Book 43, Number 633: and Volume 3, Book 43, Number 634:]

8- (Tales of the Prophets-Qisas al-anbiya, trans. Wheeler M. Thackston Jr. [Great Books of the Islamic World, Inc., Distributed by Kazi Publications; Chicago, IL 1997], pp. 8-9)” taken from: ... arths.html
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Post by walet »

midgard wrote:
ternyata, atmosfir itu cuma ada 5 lapisan ...
* Exosphere
* Thermosphere
* Mesosphere
* Stratosphere
* Troposphere

lho, Ionosphere di kemanain ?
ionosphere adalah bagian thermosphere ... phere.html

atmosfir di bagi demikian menurut suhu & ketinggian


sorry, admin, ini cuma tambahan ... kalau mau di pindah, ya, pindah aja ...
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Post by imxris »

Mungkin bener ayat ini, ada 7 lapisan...
5 lapisan hasil penelitian manusia,
2 lapisan diluar jangkauan manusia (ini mungkin lho...)
mungkin lapisan paling atas (lapisan ke-7) ada pintunya sorga
nah lapisan ke-6nya mungkin alam roh sebelum ditampung di surga
eh nerakanya dimana ya?
apa yg neraka dihukum di dalam perut bumi? atau di matahari?
gak tau dah, yg pasti tempatnya gelap dan banyak kertak gigi

Ok array, paling ga gw masih kasih support 7 lapisan langit menurut quran...
tapi tetep penafsiran yang lo dah sampaikan di atas salah jika mau dihubungkan dengan hasil penelitian abad ini...
langit dlm sudut pandang manusia ada 5...terima aja dulu...
yang duanya rahasia Alloh...

OK array???
Jadi jangan maksa lagi yah...yang lain udah cukup ...array dah pusing tuh gak ada yg mo dengerin dia...
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Post by seng-su »

midgard wrote:
ternyata, atmosfir itu cuma ada 5 lapisan ...
* Exosphere
* Thermosphere
* Mesosphere
* Stratosphere
* Troposphere

lho, Ionosphere di kemanain ?
ionosphere adalah bagian thermosphere ... phere.html

atmosfir di bagi demikian menurut suhu & ketinggian


sorry, admin, ini cuma tambahan ... kalau mau di pindah, ya, pindah aja ...
Wauah... berarti tafsir "langit=atmosfir" bukan salah besar dong...
Kekekekek... Image
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Post by El_Blaze »

Saya terus terang SEREM ngeLIAT oarang2 KAFIR di ROOM ini....


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Post by JCfollower »

El_Blaze wrote:Saya terus terang SEREM ngeLIAT oarang2 KAFIR di ROOM ini....


[-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X
karna kapir disini lebih jago dari momed,jibril, dan auloh swt ya???

tp kapir tetep kalah kok ma TUHAN YG REAL ^^
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Post by hanya.rizuki »

JCfollower wrote:karna kapir disini lebih jago dari momed,jibril, dan auloh swt ya???

tp kapir tetep kalah kok ma TUHAN YG REAL ^^

Kathir eh...kafir itu berasal dari kata kufur, yang artinya menutupi kebenaran. Sebenarnya kalian yang kafir itu dalam hati mengakui kok agama Islam yang dibawa Muhammad itu benar, dan juga dalam lubuk hati kalian terdalam kalian percaya bahwa Tuhan itu hanya satu (Alloh SWT). Tapi sayangnya kalian menutup kebenaran itu...dan penutupan akan kebenaran itu sudah di "takdirkan" oleh Alloh. Alloh menakdirkan seseorang itu menjadi ahli neraka ataupun ahli surga. Jadi saya hanya ingin menyampaikan bela sungkawa saja untuk teman-teman yang ditutup mata hatinya untuk "mengakui" kebenaran tersebut.

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Post by AkalSehat »

hanya.rizuki wrote:

Kathir eh...kafir itu berasal dari kata kufur, yang artinya menutupi kebenaran. Sebenarnya kalian yang kafir itu dalam hati mengakui kok agama Islam yang dibawa Muhammad itu benar, dan juga dalam lubuk hati kalian terdalam kalian percaya bahwa Tuhan itu hanya satu (Alloh SWT). Tapi sayangnya kalian menutup kebenaran itu...dan penutupan akan kebenaran itu sudah di "takdirkan" oleh Alloh. Alloh menakdirkan seseorang itu menjadi ahli neraka ataupun ahli surga. Jadi saya hanya ingin menyampaikan bela sungkawa saja untuk teman-teman yang ditutup mata hatinya untuk "mengakui" kebenaran tersebut.

apakah anda tahu matinya ahmad deedat?
oke anda mengira ini site kristen? jika anda merasa kristen salah dan busuk silahkan anda ke atau bawa tuh buku sekalian biar mata anda terbuka dari sumber kresten sendiri bukan cuma dengerin ustad sampean
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Post by Londo_PC »

kutukupret wrote:
@Tong array

rupanya anda seorang muslim yang terbatas kemampuan berpikirnya
Modal cuman COPY + PASTE
Tanpa memeriksa kebenaran suatu info, mirip auwloh swt anda....yang tidak tahu kalau bumi itu BULAT.

pak bukannya dulu gereja yang membantah teori bahwa bumi itu bulat???sehingga yang mengemukakannya di hukum mati....
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Post by seng-su »

Tipikal muslim...
giliran kepojok, gak bisa njawab, keluar jurus bancinya pake teriak "BERTOBATLAH"
Qurannya gak bisa dijadiin jawaban, malah "agama sebelah" yg dijadiin patokan...


Tunjukkan kalo islam agama paling sempurna!
Kalo Islam emang agama sempurna, masa sih masih tunjuk2 agama lain !?
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Post by JCfollower »

Londo_PC wrote:kutukupret wrote:
@Tong array

rupanya anda seorang muslim yang terbatas kemampuan berpikirnya
Modal cuman COPY + PASTE
Tanpa memeriksa kebenaran suatu info, mirip auwloh swt anda....yang tidak tahu kalau bumi itu BULAT.

pak bukannya dulu gereja yang membantah teori bahwa bumi itu bulat???sehingga yang mengemukakannya di hukum mati....
eit itu oknum bang..apakah mereka teriak2 bahwa bumi itu datar berdasarkan kitab mereka???
kitab mereka ada tertulis bumi itu bundar...
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Post by 1234567890 »

array wrote:Rahasia Besi
Masa RasulAllah Muhammad s.a.w bisa menyampaikan ayat seperti ini, sedangkan dia lahir di jama jahiliah kalau bukan firman Allah s.w.t

Besi adalah salah satu unsur yang dinyatakan secara jelas dalam Al Qur'an. Dalam Surat Al Hadiid, yang berarti "besi", kita diberitahu sebagai berikut:

"…Dan Kami turunkan besi yang padanya terdapat kekuatan yang hebat dan berbagai manfaat bagi manusia ...." (Al Qur'an, 57:25)

Kata "anzalnaa" yang berarti "kami turunkan" khusus digunakan untuk besi dalam ayat ini, dapat diartikan secara kiasan untuk menjelaskan bahwa besi diciptakan untuk memberi manfaat bagi manusia. Tapi ketika kita mempertimbangkan makna harfiah kata ini, yakni "secara bendawi diturunkan dari langit", kita akan menyadari bahwa ayat ini memiliki keajaiban ilmiah yang sangat penting.

Ini dikarenakan penemuan astronomi modern telah mengungkap bahwa logam besi yang ditemukan di bumi kita berasal dari bintang-bintang raksasa di angkasa luar.

Logam berat di alam semesta dibuat dan dihasilkan dalam inti bintang-bintang raksasa. Akan tetapi sistem tata surya kita tidak memiliki struktur yang cocok untuk menghasilkan besi secara mandiri. Besi hanya dapat dibuat dan dihasilkan dalam bintang-bintang yang jauh lebih besar dari matahari, yang suhunya mencapai beberapa ratus juta derajat. Ketika jumlah besi telah melampaui batas tertentu dalam sebuah bintang, bintang tersebut tidak mampu lagi menanggungnya, dan akhirnya meledak melalui peristiwa yang disebut "nova" atau "supernova". Akibat dari ledakan ini, meteor-meteor yang mengandung besi bertaburan di seluruh penjuru alam semesta dan mereka bergerak melalui ruang hampa hingga mengalami tarikan oleh gaya gravitasi benda angkasa.

Semua ini menunjukkan bahwa logam besi tidak terbentuk di bumi melainkan kiriman dari bintang-bintang yang meledak di ruang angkasa melalui meteor-meteor dan "diturunkan ke bumi", persis seperti dinyatakan dalam ayat tersebut: Jelaslah bahwa fakta ini tidak dapat diketahui secara ilmiah pada abad ke-7 ketika Al Qur'an diturunkan.

tentang besi (iron - Fe)
besi pertama kali ditemukan pada masa prehistorik dan pada abad 1200BC di india sudah mulai membuat besi [wikipedia] ... metallurgy[/wikipedia]
quote dari wiki :
The history of ferrous metallurgy began far back in prehistory, most likely with the use of iron from meteorites. The smelting of iron in bloomeries began in the 12th century BC in India, Anatolia or the Caucasus

The first wrought iron used by mankind during prehistory came from meteors

muhammad hidup pada tahum 632 AD [wikipedia][/wikipedia]
jadi ... pada saat muhammad hidup, besi sudah diproduksi secara massal selama +-1800 tahun ....

pernyataan di alquran mengenai besi adalah sesuatu yang sudah diketahui banyak orang pada jaman itu
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Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:26 pm


Post by imxris »


Satu lagi mas...dimungkinkan juga dalam ilmu pengetahun/sains, besi itu juga sudah ada sejak bumi ada...mungkin hasil dari penciptaan bumi itu sendiri, artinya gak haruslah terjadi meteor jatuh dari langit baru ada besi...sebelum meteor jatuh juga di dalam bumi sudah ada kandungan besinya...ini teori sains yang masih jadi bahan pertimbangan...
Malah tuh pandai besi pertama menurut yang terrecord dalam kitab nabi adalah keturuna ke-6 dari Kain (anak Adam) pada jaman sebelum nabi Nuh. Ini mau menjelaskan besi sudah ada sebelum peristiwa air bah melanda bumi dan besi sudah digunakan manusia.
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