a/l ttg hak2 kaum dhimmi, kafir, minoritas non-Muslim, murtadin, musryikun dlm Islam.
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Post by ali5196 »

Dalam percakapan di situs ini seorang muslim (yang menganggap non-muslim tidak tahu menahu ttg Islam) ingin menenangkan lawan diskusinya bahwa the "k" word, alias kata KAFIR, tidak menghina non-muslim, katanya. Kenapa ? Karena kata muslim genius itu, kata itu hanya berarti : "tidak percaya pada muhamad", jadi non-muslim tidak perlu loncat2 merasa terhina.

http://indonesian.knowislam.info/forum/ ... c&start=20
QUOTE ali 8115: I am very surprised that you are taking the “k” word as an insult. As far as Islam is concern, “kafir” is clearly defined as people who are practicing a different belief and religion than Islam i.e. non-Muslim. Actually “kafir” is Arabic for “non-Muslim”. You should not be any more insulted for being referred to as “kafir” as to being called non-Muslim. I am sure you are proud for being called non-Muslim and you should too be proud when referred to as kafir.


1.Katakanlah: "Hai orang-orang yang kafir,
2. aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah.
3. Dan kamu bukan penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah.
4. Dan aku tidak pernah menjadi penyembah apa yang kamu sembah.
5. Dan kamu tidak pernah (pula) menjadi penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah.
6. Untukmulah agamamu dan untukkulah agamaku".
Rupanya muslim ini (dan 99% muslim lainnya di dunia) tidak pernah baca Quran.

BACA SENDIRI SURAH 98:6 : The unbelievers, among the People of the Book and the idolaters (musyrikun), shall be in the Fire of Hell, dwelling therein forever. Those are the WORST OF CREATURES.

Terjemahan lain ; THE VILEST OF CREATURES.
Kata "Worst" dlm kamus bahasa indonesia = paling jelek, paling parah, paling rendah.
Kata "Vilest" = paling rendah, jijik, hina, melarat.

Nah, kalau ada lagi seorang temanmu yang muslim yang mengaku sebutan kafir biasa2 saja, tunjukkan saja padanya surah ini. Dan tanya padanya apakah ia setuju dgn Quran atau tidak. Apalagi mereka2 yang punya orang tua atau saudara non-muslim. Kalau Quran benar, ibu mereka kalau gitu jijik, rendah, hina ??

Dan perhatikan alasan mana yang mereka gunakan untuk membela nabi mereka:
"Nggak kok, ini ayat pasti palsu, pasti dipalsuin Yahudi."
"Ah ini terjemahannya nggak bener."
"Ah, lu nggak ngerti bahasa arab."
"Ah ini khan dulu."
"Ah elu pingin cari2 kesalahan islam aja." ATAU
"yah kalau emang Allah bilang, pasti bener." Nah, masihkah anda mau berteman dgn orang itu ?

So, who still feels proud being called kafir ? Adadeh, do you copy ??
Last edited by ali5196 on Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by ali5196 »

Dari : "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam", Robert Spencer, hal 165.

(sorry MOD, jangan dihapus, ini bukan gua yg bilang tapi Sistani)

Rendahnya anggapan Muslim terhadap non-muslim yang juga disebut dgn "the vilest of creatures" in Q98:6 bukan cuma berlaku dulu. Hal ini ditegaskan pemimpin Shiah Irak, GRAND AYATOLLAH SAYYID ALI HUSAYNI SISTANI, yang dipuji2 Barat sebagai tokoh reformasi Islam, moderat dan harapan bagi demokrasi di Irak dan di Timur Tengah tanpa tedeng aling2 dalam peraturan2 agamanya.

Diantara peraturan2 Sistani terdapat daftar NAJIS:
http://www.sistani.org/html/eng/main/in ... eng&part=3

1. Air kencing
2. tahi
3. air mani
4. mayat
5. darah
6. anjing
7. babi
8. KAFIR !!!
9. alkohol
10. keringat binatang yang makan hal2 najis.

Ditambahkan Sistani, "Seluruh tubuh KAFIR, termasuk rambut dan kukunya dan semua bentuk cairan tubuhnya adalah najis."

NGGAK PERCAYA ? LIHAT ; www.sistani.org, click on Islamic law and click on "najis things".

Ini kalau tidak salah adalah Sistani yang sebelum pemilu Irak pergi ke Inggris utk pengobatan bukan ? Coba kalau si dokter kafir yang merawatnya tahu akan hal ini ... dan menolak utk merawatnya ... pasti ia akan dicap Islamophobe.

Bayangkan kalau Jerry falwell, evangelis AS yang megnatakan bawha semua muslim sederajad degan bagi dan tahi dan keringat anjing .... wah dari paris sampai Poso, BAKAR2 LAGI !

Demikian more info dari religion of peace. Are you feeling the peace yet ?
Last edited by ali5196 on Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NoMind »

Kafir = Bintang dan Najis

Quran 8:55
Sesungguhnya binatang yang paling buruk di sisi Allah ialah orang-orang yang kafir, karena mereka itu tidak beriman.

Quran 47:12
Sesungguhnya Allah memasukkan orang-orang mukmin dan beramal saleh ke dalam jannah yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai. Dan orang-orang kafir bersenang-senang dan mereka makan seperti makannya binatang. Dan jahannam adalah tempat tinggal mereka.

Quran 9:28
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang musyrik itu najis, maka janganlah mereka mendekati Masjidilharam[sesudah tahun ini. Dan jika kamu khawatir menjadi miskin, maka Allah nanti akan memberimu kekayaan kepadamu dari karuniaNya, jika Dia menghendaki. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana.

With Best Regards,
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Post by monasjazz »


kekeke ... ada lagi nih si KFR ..

definisi KFR setiap orang berbeda-beda ...
so ... versi kamu sendiri KFR itu apa ???

APAKAH SETIAP AGAMA ..memiliki istilah KFR ???


so... kamu mengaku beriman tidak ?

definisi BERIMAN ...

versi ISLAM adalah ..

Percaya bahwa ada TUHAN ( La ilalah ilallah )
Percaya hal-hal yang ghoib .. (malaikat,jin,setan, dll )
Percaya adanya Nabi-nabi ( utusan Tuhan melalui wahyu )
Percaya kepada kitab-kitab ( petunjuk hukum-hukum beragama )
Percaya kepada hari kebangkitan ( hari perhitungan amal baik / buruk )

BILA SAJA ...engkau tidak-merasakan memiliki 5 (lima) point tersebut ( RUKUN IMAN ISLAM)
tentu saja engkau sudah termasuk dalam kategori KFR ( versi ISLAM)

so ...ukurannya sangat jelas ...
engkau termasuk orang seperti apa di mata seorang MUSLIM ..

hehehe ...

boleh saja kamu percaya ada TUHAN ( mbuh ..TUHAN seperti apa )
namun bila engkau TIDAK PERCAYA pada KITAB_KITAB ? ...
itu berarti engkau belum BERIMAN 100% ..

sangat wajar bila orang-orang yang beriman itu berperingkat-peringkat ..
setiap orang tidak sama ...

ada yang 20%, 40%,60%, 80%, 100% ..

iman yang 20%,40%,60%,80%, belum dikatakan BERIMAN ( masih KFR)
sedangkan ..
iman yang 100% , bolehlah dikatakan itulah BERIMAN ( bukan lagi KFR )

hehehe ...

lakukan checklist pada dirimu sendiri ..
engkau termasuk yang mana ?

apakah engkau 100% BERIMAN ...
ataukah engkau seorang semi BERIMAN...
ataukah engkau seorang semi KFR...
ataukah engkau 100% KFR ...

Ogredoss Orc
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Post by Ogredoss Orc »

NoMind wrote:Kafir = Bintang dan Najis

Quran 8:55
Sesungguhnya binatang yang paling buruk di sisi Allah ialah orang-orang yang kafir, karena mereka itu tidak beriman.

Quran 47:12
Sesungguhnya Allah memasukkan orang-orang mukmin dan beramal saleh ke dalam jannah yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai. Dan orang-orang kafir bersenang-senang dan mereka makan seperti makannya binatang. Dan jahannam adalah tempat tinggal mereka.

Quran 9:28
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang musyrik itu najis, maka janganlah mereka mendekati Masjidilharam[sesudah tahun ini. Dan jika kamu khawatir menjadi miskin, maka Allah nanti akan memberimu kekayaan kepadamu dari karuniaNya, jika Dia menghendaki. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana.

With Best Regards,

Quran 9:28
28. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang musyrik itu najis[634], maka janganlah mereka mendekati Masjidilharam[635] sesudah tahun ini[636]. Dan jika kamu khawatir menjadi miskin[637], maka Allah nanti akan memberimu kekayaan kepadamu dari karuniaNya, jika Dia menghendaki. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana.

[634]. Maksudnya: jiwa musyrikin itu dianggap kotor, karena menyekutukan Allah.

[635]. Maksudnya: tidak dibenarkan mengerjakan haji dan umrah. Menurut pendapat sebagian mufassirin yang lain, ialah kaum musyrikin itu tidak boleh masuk daerah haram baik untuk keperluan haji dan umrah atau untuk keperluan yang lain.

[636]. Maksudnya setelah tahun 9 hijrah.

[637]. Karena tidak membenarkan orang musyrikin mengerjakan haji dan umrah, karena pencaharian orang-orang muslim boleh jadi berkurang.
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Post by ali5196 »

http://www.sistani.org/html/eng/main/in ... eng&part=3


107. An infidel i.e. a person who does not believe in Allah and His Oneness, is najis. Similarly, Ghulat who believe in any of the holy twelve Imams as God, or that they are incarnations of God, and Khawarij and Nawasib who express enmity towards th e holy Imams, are also najis. And similar is the case of those who deny Prophethood, or any of the necessary laws of Islam, like, namaz and fasting, which are believed by the Muslims as a part of Islam, and which they also know as such.
As regards the people of the Book (i.e. the JJEWS AND CHRISTIANS) who do not accept the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah (Peace be upon him and his progeny), they are commonly considered najis, but it is not improbable that they are Pak (pure). However, it is better to AVOID them.

108. The entire body of a Kafir, including his hair and nails, and all liquid substances of his body, are najis.

109. If the parents, paternal grandmother and paternal grandfather of a minor child are all kafir, that child is najis, except when he is intelligent enough, and professes Islam. When, even one person from his parents or grandparents is a Muslim, the child is Pak (The details will be explained in rule 217).

110. A person about whom it is not known whether he is a Muslim or not, and if no signs exist to establish him as a Muslim, he will be considered Pak. But he will not have the privileges of a Muslim, like, he cannot marry a Muslim woman, nor can he be buried in a Muslim cemetery.

111. Any person who abuses any of the twelve holy Imams on account of enmity, is najis.

Nah lo, nah loo !! Mana lagi muslim yang berkoar bahwa kata "kafir" tidak menghina ? Islam the religion of peace ! Are you feeling the peace yet ?

Atau mungkin Sistani sebenarnya adalah YAHUDI yang nyamar jadi ayatollah dan menjelek2kan Islam ? hmmmmmm .... bisa jadi !
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Post by ali5196 »

More lessons from that YAHUDI; The Grand Ayatollah Sistani

http://www.sistani.org/html/eng/main/in ... eng&part=3

Apa yang membuat barang NAJIS ?

If there are two things and one does not know which of them is Pak, and which is najis, and later a damp Pak thing touches one of them, that thing does not become najis.

129. If the ground, cloth, or similar things are wet, then only that part will become najis where najasat reaches, and the remaining part will remain Pak. Same is the case with melon, cucumber etc.

130. When a syrup or ghee is in a fluid state, in a manner that if some quantity of it is removed, it does not leave an empty trace, the entire quantity will become najis immediately when even their slightest part becomes najis. But if it has solidified, and when some part of it is removed, a trace of emptiness is seen, then only that part will be najis which has come in contact with najasat, even if the empty trace gets filled up later. So, if the droppings of a rat fall on it, only that part will becom e najis on which the droppings have fallen, and the rest will remain Pak.

131. If a fly or an insect sits on wet, najis thing, and later sits on wet, Pak thing, the Pak thing will become najis, if one is sure that the insect was carrying najasat with it, and if one is not sure, then it remains Pak.

132. If a part of one's body which is perspiring becomes najis, all those parts to which the sweat reaches, will become najis. Where it does not reach will remain Pak.

133. If there is blood in the phlegm, or substance which comes out of the nose or throat, the part with blood will be najis, and the remaining part will be Pak. Hence, if these substances come out of the mouth, or the nose, the part about which one is sure that najasat has reached, will be najis, and the part about which one is doubtful whether najasat has reached it or not, will be considered Pak.

134. If an ewer or a vessel with a hole in its bottom, is placed on najis ground, and its water ceases to flow, allowing water to collect under it, till it is seen as one with the water inside the vessel, the water in the vessel will be najis. However , if the water inside the vessel continues to flow forcefully, it will not become najis.

135. If a thing enters the body reaching najasat, but has no trace of it when brought out of the body, it is Pak. Hence, if the apparatus of enema, or its water, enters one's rectum, or a needle or knife, or any other similar thing, is driven into the bo dy and has no trace of najasat when it is taken out later, it is not najis. Same is the case with sputum and mucus of the nose, if it contacts blood within the body, but does not have any trace of blood when it comes out of the body.
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Post by ali5196 »

More Islamic logic :
http://www.sistani.org/html/eng/main/in ... eng&part=3

Rules regarding Najasaat

136. To make the script and pages of holy Qur'an najis, and violate its sanctity, is undoubtedly haraam, and if it becomes najis, it should be made Pak immediately with water. In fact, as an obligatory precaution, it is haraam to make it najis even if no violation of sanctity is intended, and it is obligatory that it should be made Pak by washing it with water.

137. If the cover of the holy Qur'an becomes najis, causing its desecration, the cover should be made Pak by washing it with water.

138. Placing the holy Qur'an on a Najisul Ayn, like, blood, or a dead body, even if it be dry, is haraam, if the intention is to profane it.

139. Writing the holy Qur'an with najis ink, even one letter of it, amounts to making it najis. And if written, it should be erased or washed off.

140. If giving the holy Qur'an to a non-believer involves its desecration, it is haraam to give it to him, and it is obligatory to take it back from him.

141. If a page from the holy Qur'an, or any sacred object like a paper on which the names of Almighty Allah or the Holy Prophet or the holy Imams are written, falls in a lavatory, it is obligatory to take it out and make it Pak with water, no matter what expenses it may entail. And, if it is not possible to take it out, the use of that lavatory should be discontinued till such time when one is certain that the page has dissolved and petered out.
Similarly, if Turbatul Husayn (the sacred earth of Karbala, usually formed into a tablets to place one's forehead on, while offering prayers) falls into lavatory, and it is not possible to take it out, the lavatory should not be used until one becomes sure that it (Turbatul Husayn) has ceased to exist, and no tra ce of it is present there.

142. It is haraam to eat or drink or make others eat or drink something which has become najis. However, one may give such a thing to a child, or an insane person. And if a child or an insane person eats or drinks najis thing on his own accord, or makes food najis with his najis hands before consuming it, it is not necessary to stop him from doing so.

143. To sell or lend a najis thing which can be made Pak, has no objection, but the buyer or the borrower must be told about it, particularly in the following two situations:

That if he is not informed, he might contravene the law of Shariah, like, if he wants to eat or drink it. Otherwise, it is not necessary to inform.
That the buyer or the borrower will pay heed to the advice. If one knows that it will have no effect, it will not be necessary to tell him.
144. If a person sees someone eat or drink something najis, or pray with a najis dress, it is not necessary to admonish him.

145. If a place or carpet of a man's house is najis, and if he sees that the wet body or dress of his visitor will touch the najis thing, since it is he who is responsible, therefore he should inform the visitor, provided the two situations mentioned in rule 143 obtain.

146. If the host comes to know during the meals, that the food is najis, he should inform the guests about it. But if one of the guests becomes aware of it, it is not necessary for him to inform others about it. However, if his dealings with the other guests are such, that he himself may become najis, or be involved in Najasat if they became najis, he should inform them.

147. If a borrowed object becomes najis, the borrower must inform the owner, provided the situations mentioned in rule 143 is observed.

148. If a child says that a thing is najis, or that he has washed and made it Pak, his word should not be accepted. But, if he is about to attain the age of puberty, and assures that he has washed and made it Pak, his word should be accepted if the thing is normally in his charge, and if he is reliable.
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Post by ali5196 »

http://www.sistani.org/html/eng/main/in ... eng&part=3

Ways of proving Najasat

122. There are three ways of proving the najasat of anything:

One should be certain, or satisfied that something is najis. If one suspects that something may be najis, it is not necessary to avoid it. Accordingly, eating or drinking at stalls and guest houses where public goes to eat, and where people without scruples about najasat frequent, is allowed unless one knows that the food supplied is najis.
If a reliable person who possesses, controls or manages a thing, says that it is najis. For example, if the wife, or a servant, or a maid says that a particular utensil or any other object which she handles, is najis, it will be accepted as najis.
If two just persons testify that a certain thing is najis, provided that their testimony deals with the reason for najasat.

123. If a person does not know whether a thing is Pak or najis because of ignorance, for example, if he does not know whether the droppings of a rat is Pak or not, he should enquire from those who know. But, if he knows the rule, and doubts the nature of particular thing, like when he doubts whether a thing is blood or not, or if he does not know whether it is the blood of a mosquito or a human being, the thing is Pak, and it is not necessary to make investigation or enquiry about it.

124. A thing which was originally najis, and one doubts whether it has become Pak, will be considered as najis. Conversely, if a thing was originally Pak, and if one doubts whether it has become najis, it will be considered Pak. And it is not necessary t o ascertain, even if it is possible to do so.

125. If a person knows that out of the two vessels, or two dresses used by him, one has become najis, but cannot identify it, he should refrain from using both of them. But if he does not know whether it is his own dress, or the dress which is no longer possessed by him, or is the property of some other person, which has become najis, then it is not necessary for him to refrain from using his own dress.
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Post by ali514L »

Heaheahea... ternyata nyadar juga kalean sebagai worst creature. Tumben otak kalean jalan. Hari ini keabisan congyang ya? Sayang kalian tetep tak tau diri untuk berusaha tak menjadi worst creature. :twisted:

Please!!! Enjoy to be the worst creature until the end of the world. :twisted:
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Post by ali5196 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: kata muslim yang ngaku2 pengikut agama "damai". KETAHUAN BO'ONG ELU SEKARANG ! huuuaaaahaaahhaaaaa ... SKAK ! :shock: :shock:
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Post by ali514L »

Ha? SKAK apaan? Enak aja. Ga bisa maen catur ya? :lol:
Pernyataan gw di atas jelas menyatakan toleransi *****!:


Huahaha... Ternyata selain worst kafir juga *****. Terutama yang satu ini. :lol:
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Post by ali5196 »

Jadi anda nggak menantang pernyataan Sistani ? Ternyata memang tidak ada Muslim yang sanggup menantangnya karena ajarannya memang sesuai dengan Quran.

Makanya Muslim jangan nangis kalau nggak disukai seluruh dunia kafir.

Makanya cepat2 anda cuci tangan setelah main komputer ciptaan orang najis/kafir. Ngomong2 listrik masuk rumah anda itu juga ciptaan kafir. Naek mobel elu ? Awas ! Buatan kafir ! :oops: Naik onta dong, biar halal !
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Post by monasjazz »


hehehe ...

yang paling keras bilang KFR itu adalah AL QURAN lho!!!!

artinya apa ??? heh ..

artinya yang paling MENGHINAKAN KFR itu adalah

so ... Muhammad saw, muslim , hanya ikut-ikutan pada TUHANNYA ( ALLAH swt)
ikut-ikutan itu ...maksud gua ... menyebarkan informasinya ...
bahwa kalau ellu KFR ...
ellu sangat HINA di mata tuhannya monasjazz ( ALLAH swt)

hanya ....sesimpel itu KOQ !!!!

kalau mau tanya lebih lanjut..
" hey TuhanNYA monasjazz ( ALLAH swt)"
koq berani-berani nya ellu menghinakan gua heh! ""
ellu mau lawan gua ya ???

paling-palingan ...
ellu kagak bakalan dapat jawaban ..

ntar SETELAH ellu pada MATE ( meninggal dunia)
baru ellu di tanya ... diberi jawaban ...

" inilah yang paling kita ( ALLAH swt dan para malaikatNya) tunggu-tunggu ...
karena sampai dengan akhir hayatnya dalam keadaan menantangKU
maka rasakanlah JANJI yang telah AKU sampaikan kepadaMU
melalui Nabi-Nabi yang telah diutus kepadamu ..."

cerita-cerita seperti ini ..banyak koq di dalam QURAN ..

saran gua jangan deh dibaca,... karena ngeriiii ...deh
bagi orang-orang yang tidak khusyuk lagi bersabar ...

( mohon ..jangan tanya lagilah..hey, monasjazz , referensi kamu
surah berapa ? ayat berapa? kata siapa? buku mana ? hehehehe ...
ini hanya kesimpulan gua saja koq ... berdasarkan pemahaman sendiri ...
yang ****,OOT lagi terbelakang ...
karena pengetahuan ini adalah pengetahuan tempoe doeloe
14 abad yang lalu / udah ketinggalan zaman ...

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Post by wachdie.jr »

ali514L wrote:Heaheahea... ternyata nyadar juga kalean sebagai worst creature. Tumben otak kalean jalan. Hari ini keabisan congyang ya? Sayang kalian tetep tak tau diri untuk berusaha tak menjadi worst creature. :twisted:

Please!!! Enjoy to be the worst creature until the end of the world. :twisted:
Kok bau yakk...??? pantes aja ada Image monyet berbulu
Image kambing lagi boker disini...
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Post by monasjazz »


hehehe ...


inilah kepastianKU

di akhirat, engkau ( KFR) akan AKU hinakan sesuai ketentuan/ketetapanKU

di dunia, engkau akan dihinakan oleh para utusanKU,
ummat/kaum yang menciantaiKU dan AKU mencinta mereka

sesungguhnya engkau ( KFR) tiada pelindung seorangpun bagimu ...

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Post by fren »

Guwe dulu pikir kalau kata "Murtad" itu kasar dan kesannya negatif, tapi sekarang gua nyadar bahwa orang yg murtad dari Islam itu jauh lebih baik karena mereka udah buang bawaan 'main tuhan sendiri'.
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Post by monasjazz »



gaya bahasa yang berdeda-beda tapi memiliki persamaan ..

MURTAD ??? yang membangkang kali ya ?

membangkang apa ?

membangkan PERINTAH ( ALLAH swt)
membangkang LARANGAN ( ALLAH swt)

MURTAD pada orang tua ..

membangkang/melawan orang-tua ...


gimana rasanya murtad ?
ya gitu deh ..

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Post by anti islam »

Penyanyi untuk onta arab sich kamu makanya lagu kamu itu-itu aja
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Post by Mr_GEJROT »

Si A, keluar dari agama X dan masuk agama si B yang Z, oleh agama X disebut murtad.
Tapi oleh agama Z disebut bertobat.
Si B, keluar dari agama Z, disebut sesat.
Tapi masuk diagama X disebut mualaf, menerima hidayah.
Jadinya gimana? Yang jelas kalau mau murtad ya murtad saja, wong alloh nggak maksa kok, kenapa umatnya yang nyembah alloh pada ribut
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