Page 30 of 33

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:01 am
by Moderator 5
Sekali lagi saya peringatkan para netter, terutama netter JIFA



Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:14 pm
by death_of_anger
To : AkuAdalahAing

perdebatan Soal umur Aisah waktu dinikahi udah dibahas, bosen kaya ga ada pertanyaan lain

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:38 pm
by death_of_anger
To belantara hati : Jawab aja, yg ditanya AAA kalo ML bukan menikah

Boleh menikah dengan perempuan yang belum haid

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:46 pm
by CintaMuhammad
Aturan di dalam Islam membolehkan menikah dengan perempuan yang belum haid sama sekali. Tetapi suami tidak boleh mencampurinya sebelum ia haid (siap secara fisik dan mental). Jika seorang lelaki mencampuri perempuan yang belum haid, maka hukum perkawinannya batal dan lelaki itu tak boleh menikah dengan perempuan tadi selama-lamanya.

Re: Boleh menikah dengan perempuan yang belum haid

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:54 pm
by The-Fed
CintaMuhammad wrote:Aturan di dalam Islam membolehkan menikah dengan perempuan yang belum haid sama sekali. Tetapi suami tidak boleh mencampurinya sebelum ia haid (siap secara fisik dan mental). Jika seorang lelaki mencampuri perempuan yang belum haid, maka hukum perkawinannya batal dan lelaki itu tak boleh menikah dengan perempuan tadi selama-lamanya.
mana aturannya, tampilkan disini !

aturan itu dibuat oleh allah swt, muhammad atau ulama ?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:18 am
by sinar
Bayangkan pergada Sang Nabi masuk di anak kaya gini:




Kalau Anda tidak jijik, namanya bukan manusia normal, kaya sang Nabi.

Re: Nilai Moral Nabi Yg Meniduri Gadis 9 Th

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:23 pm
by jayalah.indonesia
Moralnya: parasit jahat buat kemanusiaan dan peradaban

The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:47 pm
by Scorpion
Ini ada artikel yang saya ambil dari" onclick=";return false; yang berisi kuliahan Father Zakaria Boutros

"The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet" Part IV, ada yang bisa membantu menterjemahkan? Kalau bisa dibundel Part I, II, III juga.


This being the continuation of Fr Zakaria Botros’ examination of Muhammad's sexual morality (or lack thereof). See here for Part I, Part II, and Part III.

Once again, at the start of the show, Fr Botros read from a famous Ibn Taymiyya excerpt regarding how to differentiate between real and false prophets. Taymiyya asserted that there are many false-prophets, such as Musailima “the Liar,” that many of these so-called prophets were, in fact, “possessed,” and that the only way to determine the authenticity of any prophet is by examining his biography (sira) and deeds, and see if he be found worthy of the title of prophet.

After reading the lengthy quote, Fr Botros concluded with a, “Good for you, Ibn Taymiyya! You at least knew this much.”

The viewers were then given the usual warning: “This show is for adults only! Young ladies and children should leave now.” He then exhorted the viewers to keep in mind as he reads about Muhammad that “this is the prophet you follow. Bear this in mind, O you Muslim!”

Fr Botros then lamented how for 1400 years barriers have been erected around Muhammad so no one—Muslim or infidel—could critique his life: “But the time has come, my friends; the barrier is broken!”

Next he recapped the past three episodes dealing with Muhammad’s sexual habits—including (but not limited to) his sucking the tongues of boys and girls, kissing the breasts of his daughter Fatima, "lusting" after 2-3 year-old girls, laying with a dead woman, homosexual inclinations, receiving revelations while dressed in women’s clothing, copulating with nine women in a row without washing in between (and then bragging about it), greeting people while in the nude, and proclaiming that he will copulate with Mary the mother of Jesus in heaven. (To this latter one, the priest, with a disgusted look on his face, said, “Come on, guy! Get real.”)

He began this episode by saying that no less than 34 books, including the Tafsir of al-Qurtubi and Sahih Muslim, record that Muhammad used to “fondle”—Botros scowled at the screen—“kiss and have sex while fasting, though he forbade others from doing so.”

Said the host: “Interesting. But we know that prophets have special dispensations: Do you have anything more explicit?”

Fr Botros: “Fine. How’s this: the prophet used to visit [copulate with] his women when they were menstruating -- so sorry for this disgusting topic! Forgive me, people!”

He then pointed out that the main problem with this is that the Koran (2:222)—“Muhammad’s own words,” as he put it—forbade Muslims from going near menstruating women.

He went on to quote from a number of hadiths affirming that Muhammad freely had sex with menstruating women, including from Sahih Bukhari (v.5, p. 350), which said that if Muhammad desired a menstruating woman, he placed a sheet around her and proceeded with his business, to which the priest cried:

“Come on man! Couldn’t you find another one of your 66 women? It just had to be the one menstruating?”

Then, earnestly looking into the camera: “But seriously, people: are you not ashamed of these things? I know I am—just mentioning them. And this is your ‘prophet’—the ‘exemplary man’?”

He then read a hadith, narrated by Aisha, and contained in the canonical six, wherein the prophet’s young wife recounted how, whenever she was menstruating, if the prophet “wanted her,” he used to “command” her to have sex with him, to which the priest exclaimed—“Commanded! This is rape! Who is this character you are following?”

He read from a number of other hadiths, all demonstrative of Muhammad’s sexual proclivities toward menstruating women—which the Koran forbids—adding, “People, if this is how the ‘prophet of God’ behaves, what can we expect from the average man?”

Asked the host: “Well, could other men behave this way?”

Fr Botros: “Sure, the prophet was always generous to his followers, giving them ways out. According to eight hadith compilations, Ibn Abbas relayed that Muhammad said if a man cannot help himself and copulates with his menstruating wife, all he has to do is pay one dinar in atonement; if he sleeps with her towards the end of her cycle, when she isn’t bleeding as much, he need only pay half a dinar—a discount!" [saying “discount” in English and laughing].

Host: “As you pointed out, since Muhammad had so many women, why did he even feel the need to resort to the ones that were menstruating?”

Fr Botros: “Ahhhh. I see you are wisely connecting the dots. The simple reason, my friend, is that Muhammad used to like smelling”—here he went sniff, sniff—“menstruation blood.” He then quoted from al-Siyuti, where Aisha relayed that Muhammad said to her “Come here,” to which she replied, “But I am menstruating, O prophet of God.” So he said “Expose your thighs”; she did so and “he proceeded to lay his cheek and chest on her thighs.”

Fr Botros: “Help me people! How can such perverse behavior come from a prophet—the ‘greatest role model’?”

He then read a Sahih Bukhari hadith (v.6, p.2744) relayed by Aisha where she said that, while menstruating, the prophet used to lay his head on her thighs and recite the Koran.

Fr Botros: “While reciting the Koran!!”

Next he read from Ahkam al-Koran (v.3, p.444) where a woman declared that she used to cup water from a well that had, not just menstruation blood, but dog flesh, and all manner of filth, and give Muhammad to drink.

Fr Botros: “What happened to Koran 2:222?! Yet the ‘seal of the prophets’ can drink such foul water?"

Then, while shaking his head with eyes downcast: "O Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad..."

[Stay tuned for part V of "The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet"]

Re: Nilai Moral Nabi Yg Meniduri Gadis 9 Th

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:42 pm
by iamthewarlord
tua bangka gila, anak umur 9 thn di embat.

Re: Nilai Moral Nabi Yg Meniduri Gadis 9 Th

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:58 pm
by moh_mad007
Maklum bro...islam itu nabinya sakit JIWA , pedophile malah jadi sunnah nabi ....ampe di ikutin juga tuh ama umatnya.


Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:20 am
by ramonhorpa
AkuAdalahAing wrote:ok deh saya pribadi "NGAKU KALAH DEBAT" lawan kamu.

Sekarang kamu jawab dengan TEGAS ya:

Mohon anda menjawab dengan TEGAS !!!

PS: saya TIDAK AKAN MENDEBAT jawabanmu !!!
Yang ini aku kurang setuju bang !
Belum tentu seperti yang anda bayangkan, sebab bisa aja mereka melakukan oral - ini lebih masuk akal, karena si anak memang masih suka bermain-main. Dengan oral, dia mendapatkan permainan baru . . . yang tidak menyakiti fisiknya. Tentu saja dengan memoleskan sedikit rasa apel atau strawberry (rasa korma 'kali yg tepat) dan dengan sedikit pengarahan bagaimana menangani 'mainan' yang satu itu . . . . jadi dah !
Bukankah si tua pernah bilang ia suka 'bermain-main' dg si bocah ?
Permainan itulah yang mereka lakukan di mana masing-masing mendapatkan 'toy' !

Kesimpulannya : ga ada masalah di antara si bocah dan si tua.

Re: Boleh menikah dengan perempuan yang belum haid

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:50 am
by iamthewarlord
CintaMuhammad wrote:Aturan di dalam Islam membolehkan menikah dengan perempuan yang belum haid sama sekali. Tetapi suami tidak boleh mencampurinya sebelum ia haid (siap secara fisik dan mental). Jika seorang lelaki mencampuri perempuan yang belum haid, maka hukum perkawinannya batal dan lelaki itu tak boleh menikah dengan perempuan tadi selama-lamanya.
Aturan setan.

Belum haid sudah di nikahkan, haid pertama boleh di coblos, anak belum haid trus di coblos sama calon suami, hukumannya ga boleh menikahi anak perempuan itu selama2nya? Bukannya tanggung jawab?
Harusnya di larang dari depan, tidak boleh menikah bila belum bisa bertanggung jawab atas perbuatannya sendiri, nah ukuran tanggung jawab ini kan ada batas umurnya.
Islam agama dari setan.

Coblos anak kecil, ya harus di penjara seberat2nya.

Re: Re:

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:56 am
by iamthewarlord
AkuAdalahAing wrote:ok deh saya pribadi "NGAKU KALAH DEBAT" lawan kamu.

Sekarang kamu jawab dengan TEGAS ya:

Mohon anda menjawab dengan TEGAS !!!

PS: saya TIDAK AKAN MENDEBAT jawabanmu !!!
ramonhorpa wrote:
Yang ini aku kurang setuju bang !
Belum tentu seperti yang anda bayangkan, sebab bisa aja mereka melakukan oral - ini lebih masuk akal, karena si anak memang masih suka bermain-main. Dengan oral, dia mendapatkan permainan baru . . . yang tidak menyakiti fisiknya. Tentu saja dengan memoleskan sedikit rasa apel atau strawberry (rasa korma 'kali yg tepat) dan dengan sedikit pengarahan bagaimana menangani 'mainan' yang satu itu . . . . jadi dah !
Bukankah si tua pernah bilang ia suka 'bermain-main' dg si bocah ?
Permainan itulah yang mereka lakukan di mana masing-masing mendapatkan 'toy' !

Kesimpulannya : ga ada masalah di antara si bocah dan si tua.
Pertanyaannya... apakah si tua dengan oral dapat menikmati sex nya?

Re: Re:

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:03 pm
by ramonhorpa
atas :
Pertanyaannya... apakah si tua dengan oral dapat menikmati sex nya?
Masalah dapat menikmati atau tidak kukira adalah relatif om !
Yang jadi masalah adalah bahwa si tua secara membabi-buta mempergunakan siapa saja sebagai pemuas nafsunya. Adakah cinta di sana ? Kukira tidak, karena fokusnya adalah kepuasan diri pribadinya (si tua) semata !Gitu 'kali om . . . ?

perasaan kemarin aku sudah post ke sini kok ilang ya ... ?

Re: Nilai Moral Nabi Yg Meniduri Gadis 9 Th

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:38 am
by hejjjj1
se7 bro.. emank biadab bngt tuh orang!! masah anak kecil juga dicicipi!!!!!! =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Re: Istilah Barat

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:43 am
by hejjjj1
g perlulah nyari2 alasan istilah barat atau apa kek.. sebagai manusia normal aja,, apa anda ingin menikahi anak kecil????? [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X

Re: Nilai Moral Nabi Yg Meniduri Gadis 9 Th

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:22 pm
by l3m4h
hik... postingan ku kok di buang ke tong sampah.....

Muhammad adalah sosok pemberi contoh, utusan dst, dengan apa yang kalian nilai ini, akan membuka hati kalian semua. bahwa sanya apa yang beliau lakukan ada rahasia dibalik rahasia. .... hanya pikiran kalian saja yang kotor. sehingga tidak bisa "membaca"


Re: Nilai Moral Nabi Yg Meniduri Gadis 9 Th

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:46 pm
by walet
l3m4h wrote:hik... postingan ku kok di buang ke tong sampah.....

Muhammad adalah sosok pemberi contoh, utusan dst, dengan apa yang kalian nilai ini, akan membuka hati kalian semua. bahwa sanya apa yang beliau lakukan ada rahasia dibalik rahasia. .... hanya pikiran kalian saja yang kotor. sehingga tidak bisa "membaca"

Apa postinganmu out of topic lari ke agama non Islam?
Apa postinganmu sopan?
Apa postinganmu mencaci maki?

Re: Nilai Moral Nabi Yg Meniduri Gadis 9 Th

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:19 pm
by iamthewarlord
l3m4h wrote:hik... postingan ku kok di buang ke tong sampah.....

Muhammad adalah sosok pemberi contoh, utusan dst, dengan apa yang kalian nilai ini, akan membuka hati kalian semua. bahwa sanya apa yang beliau lakukan ada rahasia dibalik rahasia. .... hanya pikiran kalian saja yang kotor. sehingga tidak bisa "membaca"

apa contoh moralnya?
apa rahasianya?

Re: Nilai Moral Nabi Yg Meniduri Gadis 9 Th

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:57 pm
by AkuAdalahAing
l3m4h wrote:hik... postingan ku kok di buang ke tong sampah.....

Muhammad adalah sosok pemberi contoh, utusan dst, dengan apa yang kalian nilai ini, akan membuka hati kalian semua. bahwa sanya apa yang beliau lakukan ada rahasia dibalik rahasia. .... hanya pikiran kalian saja yang kotor. sehingga tidak bisa "membaca"

iamthewarlord wrote: apa contoh moralnya?
muhammad saw menghormati kebiasaan anak-anak muda kaum pagan dengan mencontoh kebiasaan itu walaupun beliau sudah berumur 50 tahun.
iamthewarlord wrote: apa rahasianya?
beliau (muhammad saw) bersabda: ternyata... LEBIH NIKMAT DARIPADA THARID !!!

Diriwayatkan Abu Musa:

Rasulullah berkata, "Banyak di antara lelaki mencapai (level) kesempurnaan tetapi tidak ada antara wanita yang mencapai levelini kecuali Aisha, isteri Pharaoh, and Maryam, anak Imran. Dan tidak ada keraguan, keunggulan Aisha dari wanita lain seperti keunggulan Tharid (i.e. masakan dari daging dan roti) daripada masakan lain."