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Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:19 am
by ali5196

Sekitar 90% pemuda/i Palestina menolak hak Israel utk eksis
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook- Feb. 28, 2007

Lihat dlm link diatas, peta dlm buku teks sekolah : Israel = “Palestina”
[Geography grade 12, p. 143]

Poll baru2 ini ttg anak2 Palestina menunjukkan hubungan langsung antara kurikulum PA dgn pendapat anak2 Palestina. PMW's newest report on Palestinian Authority schoolbooks warns that because of the PA curriculum, which repeatedly and utterly rejects Israel's right to exist, "The well-meaning (Palestinian) student is left with no logical justification or religious option to accept Israel as a neighbor ..."
[See full Executive Summary below and Chapters 1-4 of report.]

At a Washington news conference to release the new report, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton likewise concluded that these PA schoolbooks are "...deeply disturbing, particularly for the denial of Israel's existence..."

The results that PMW and Sen. Clinton have warned about can be seen in a new poll released by Near East Consulting, a Palestinian research institute, which asked Palestinians, "Does Israel have the right to exist?"

Among young people ages 18 -25, those who have been most influenced by PA education, an overwhelming number - between 84% - 93% -- denied Israel's right to exist. [] This was higher than the overall figure of 75% who denied Israel's right to exist. It should be noted that PA teachings denying Israel's right to exist are endemic throughout PA society and media, including among Fatah leaders, which would account for the high levels of denial of Israel's legitimacy throughout PA society.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:31 am
by Phoenix
Ayo anak siapa lagi mau didaftarin jadi jihadis???




Baby Jihad Celebrates his Birthday, and the Intifada

The following ad appeared in the Palestinian Authority-owned daily:

"Jihad Al-Aksa Dia Fauzi Maala addresses Palestinian children in honor of his first birthday ... [which] coincides with the first anniversary of the Intifada.

"...The world and its leadership should hear my message and that is that we, the Palestinian children, are the timebombs around the neck of the occupation... I tell all of you Palestinian children and swear to you that the future belongs to you with the help of Allah; enjoy the God-given victory...

"[Signed:] Your brother, Jihad Al-Aksa Dia Fauzi Maala"

Note that the baby's first name means 'the Holy War for the Al-Aksa Mosque.'

Terima kasih atas komentarnya

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:43 am
by Lulldapull
ali5196 wrote: SETUJU SEPENUHNYA ! Karena 'Palestina' bukan milik Arab.
"There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist."
-- Golda Meir, statement to The Sunday Times, 15 June, 1969.

"How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to."
-- Golda Meir, March 8, 1969.

"Any one who speaks in favor of bringing the Arab refugees back must also say how he expects to take the responsibility for it, if he is interested in the state of Israel. It is better that things are stated clearly and plainly: We shall not let this happen."
-- Golda Meir, 1961, in a speech to the Knesset, reported in Ner, October 1961

"This country exists as the fulfillment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy."
-- Golda Meir, Le Monde, 15 October 1971

"[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs."

-- Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the 'Beasts,"' New Statesman, June 25, 1982.

"The Partition of Palestine is illegal. It will never be recognized .... Jerusalem was and will for ever be our capital. Eretz Israel will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And for Ever."
-- Menachem Begin, the day after the U.N. vote to partition Palestine.
Dan bagaimana anak-anak serdadu AmeriKKKa memikirkan kediaman ayah/ibu mereka? Enam kaki dibawah tanah? Tentu tidak! Gerombolan bajingan di Gedung Putih dan Knesset akan mengatakan pada anak-anak Amerika yang malang ini bahwa ayah dan ibu pergi untuk membunuh Usamah bin Ladin dan Saddam Hussein serta membebaskan Iraq dan sekarang ia ada di surga. Haleluyah, nak! Haleluyah!

BTW, anak-anak Palestina ini adalah hasil akhir dari lingkungan mereka yang keras. Sebabnya? Binatang pengerat Zionis menganggap mereka lebih rendah dari binatang, bukan sebagai manusia yang sama dengan mereka. 60 tahun pendudukan militer dan perlakuan keji yang dilakukan entitas teroris Zionis menyebabkan masyarakat Palestina di satu sisi dan masyarakat Yahudi di sisi lain menjadi masyarakat militer. Bagi warga Palestina - mulai dari anak TK sampai kakek nenek - secara keseluruhan, Zionis adalah binatang buas yang sulit diatur, kecuali dengan rentetan AK-47 dan sebangsanya.

Tentang kutipan Leech5196, ini adalah bukti bahwa Zionis selalu menganggap semua manusia (termasuk AmeriKKKa pembelanya) sebagai ghoyim. Ini adalah sebab mengapa saya selalu menganggap derajat Zionis lebih rendah dari cacing, demikian pula sang pendukung macam Leech5196 cs...

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:48 am
by Lulldapull
Here is an interesting timeline.

1917-1948 jewish terrorism against the Arab and British leads towards the creation of the state.

1948-1967 incitement against arabs, shelling refugee camps,international israeli terrorism against jewish people in arab land leads towards the jews leaving Iraq,libya,morocco,yemen etc...

1967-1973 Open warfare on the lines of control between Egypt,Syria,Jordanian Fronts

1973 With the Egyptians being attacked by US Fleet and Unparrelled in history support military,economic, and political support of the UNITED STATES The Israelis remove the Egyptians from the Military Balance against them.

1967-1988 No mention of the Israelis of a Palestinian People or Palestinian Suicide bombing against Israel.

1987-88 First palestinian Intifadeh (shaking off)

1989 Us aid to israel increases

1990-1991 First Palestinian suicide bomber

1992 Madrid talks Israeli recognition of the palestinian people and grievances.

1995 Yitzak rabin Killed by Radical Right Wing Jew

1999 Israel retreats from South Lebanon occupied terratory excluding the shaba farms

2000 Ehud Barak shows The Palestinian Leader Arafat the Israeli Map showing a palestinian state made up of several enclaves inwhich the israelis control all passes and roads inbetween them, This is the First time Israel shows the palestinian that they accept a shared soverignty of jerusalem.

2001 Radical Right wing assists in throwing out Labor in favor of Ariel Sharon, Sharon former Israeli general convicted by his own Govt of a Limited responsibility for the Massacres of Refugees at Sabra and chantilla.

2002 Israel quits Gaza Strip yet still controls all air and sea and border crossings to it Making the Gaza strip the worlds largest concentration camp/prison

2006 Israel again bombs southern lebanon and retreats leaving Hizbullah to claim a great popular victory.

From This we can gain the following...

From 1967-1989 There were NO suicide bombing palestinians and also NO Israeli Recognition of the Palestinian People.

Once the Israelis were unable to recieve Palestinian assistance in the Occupation the United states was able thru economic assistance support the costs of the uprising and occupation.

Once The Israelis were taxed by the Arab forces of 1973 the United states intervened militarily to support the Israelis.

The Israelis are not above harming the world wide jewish community and leaving them out to dry for their support. (see Lavron affair,see tripoli pogrom,see the israeli assistance to the Iraqi pogrom against the jews or "pre 1948 Israelis" turning away refugee ships beliving their deaths would serve Zionism more.)

Israel is a terrorist state, granted international recognition and support.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:39 pm
by spiderweb
Yahudi teroris? Gua kok belum pernah yah denger yahudi menabrakkan pesawat ke gedung kembar, naruh bom di bar di bali, bikin kacau di thailand and filipina, ngledakin metro di london, ngledakin kereta di madrid, ....

Terus gua kok belum pernah yah tahu kalau yahudi gembor2 mau menguasai dunia, mau menerapkan hukum syariah di negara non muslim, bikin kacau di negara tuan ruamh walaupun mereka cuma imigran, ...


Re: Terima kasih atas komentarnya

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:38 pm
by ali5196
Lulldapull wrote:Dan bagaimana anak-anak serdadu AmeriKKKa memikirkan kediaman ayah/ibu mereka? Enam kaki dibawah tanah? Tentu tidak! Gerombolan bajingan di Gedung Putih dan Knesset akan mengatakan pada anak-anak Amerika yang malang ini bahwa ayah dan ibu pergi untuk membunuh Usamah bin Ladin dan Saddam Hussein serta membebaskan Iraq dan sekarang ia ada di surga. Haleluyah, nak! Haleluyah!
lim... Muslim ... kalau mau mengigau jangan disini yah.

Sadam Husein & Bin Laden di surga ? Oh jadi elu pengikut Sadam Husein toh !!! Sadam Husein yg menggas, menyiksa, mengakibatkan kelaparan, memperkosa Irak itu toh ??? Bin Laden yg oleh Muslim 'moderat' dikatakan bukan Muslim baik itu toh ... si raja opium, poligami & pembunuh masal itu toh !

Oh, orang2 macam itu toh yg dikasih masuk surganya Islam ??
Ok deh ! Terima kasih atas konfirmasimu bahwa Allah memang mengijinkan BAJINGAN2 macam ini ke 'surga'nya.

BTW, anak-anak Palestina ini adalah hasil akhir dari lingkungan mereka yang keras. Sebabnya? Binatang pengerat Zionis menganggap mereka lebih rendah dari binatang, bukan sebagai manusia yang sama dengan mereka. 60 tahun pendudukan militer dan perlakuan keji yang dilakukan entitas teroris Zionis menyebabkan masyarakat Palestina di satu sisi dan masyarakat Yahudi di sisi lain menjadi masyarakat militer. Bagi warga Palestina - mulai dari anak TK sampai kakek nenek - secara keseluruhan, Zionis adalah binatang buas yang sulit diatur, kecuali dengan rentetan AK-47 dan sebangsanya.
Zionis menganggap Palestina lebih rendah dari binatang ?? NGGAK SALAH TUH !!! Zionis 'binatang buas yg sulit diatur' ??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Rupanya anda mengalami KOMA ala Islam, selama 40 tahun terakhir ini ! Baca nih apa yg ditulis orang ARAB SENDIRI !!!

Kesengsaraan PALESTINA : SALAH SENDIRI ! ... php?t=4938
"Walla, apa yg diharapkan Hamas ? Mereka berlaku spt anak kecil, membuat onar, lalu cengeng nangis minta bantuan barat. Orang di Gaza hidupnya sudah sulit ... ehh sekarang ditambah lagi, kita dijajah lagi oleh IDIOT2 HAMAS yg berlaku tolol dan tidak bertanggung jawab." - (komentar Al Arabiya)
TRAGEDI DUNIA ARAB ... php?t=7029

Video : Kebencian dlm Islam (QURAN) terhdp YAHUDI ... php?t=7205
Tentang kutipan Leech5196, ini adalah bukti bahwa Zionis selalu menganggap semua manusia (termasuk AmeriKKKa pembelanya) sebagai ghoyim. Ini adalah sebab mengapa saya selalu menganggap derajat Zionis lebih rendah dari cacing, demikian pula sang pendukung macam Leech5196 cs...
Kamu menganggap Zionis lebih rendah dari cacing (atau babi atau monyet atau najis), bahkan lebih rendah dari pembunuh2 masal spt Bin Laden dan Sadam Husein, karena memang Quran yg mewajibkan kau utk berpandangan spt itu. TANPA adanya IsraelPUN, Muslim akan terus benci kpd sisa manusia lain yg bukan Muslim. Ini memang udah dari sononya... nggak bisa dirubah ... Quran yg mengajarkan kebencian ini ! Hanya Quran. Bukan Injil, bukan kitab Veda, kitab Budha, Harry Potter. Cuma Quran.

Terima kasih atas konfirmasinya ! :wink:


Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:37 pm
by Lulldapull
spiderweb wrote:Yahudi teroris? Gua kok belum pernah yah denger yahudi menabrakkan pesawat ke gedung kembar, naruh bom di bar di bali, bikin kacau di thailand and filipina, ngledakin metro di london, ngledakin kereta di madrid, ....

Terus gua kok belum pernah yah tahu kalau yahudi gembor2 mau menguasai dunia, mau menerapkan hukum syariah di negara non muslim, bikin kacau di negara tuan ruamh walaupun mereka cuma imigran, ...

Penguasaan lewat proksi. Ingat apa kata Dr. Mahathir? :wink: Bukankah kelahiran Nazi sebagai reaksi atas sikap imigran Yahudi di Jerman yang suka membuat keonaran?

lim... Muslim ... kalau mau mengigau jangan disini yah.

Sadam Husein & Bin Laden di surga ? Oh jadi elu pengikut Sadam Husein toh !!! Sadam Husein yg menggas, menyiksa, mengakibatkan kelaparan, memperkosa Irak itu toh ??? Bin Laden yg oleh Muslim 'moderat' dikatakan bukan Muslim baik itu toh ... si raja opium, poligami & pembunuh masal itu toh !
Anda mengalami kesulitan mencerna kalimat saya? Mungkin Anda perlu mencek kondisi kejiwaan Anda di Londonistan... :lol: :lol: Allah SWT saja yang menentukan tempat mereka kelak, bukan Nabi Muhammad SAW atau Mullah sekalipun, apalagi kecoak Liverpool macam kau. Murtadin macam Anda menyuruh kami Muslim agar tak mencap keimanan orang, malahan bertindak sebaliknya.

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black... :lol: :lol:

Di masa Saddam, orang Iraq yang mendiami penjara "hanya" ribuan, namun berkat Operasi Iraqi Freedom, puluhan ribu masuk penjara.
Zionis menganggap Palestina lebih rendah dari binatang ?? NGGAK SALAH TUH !!! Zionis 'binatang buas yg sulit diatur' ???

Rupanya anda mengalami KOMA ala Islam, selama 40 tahun terakhir ini ! Baca nih apa yg ditulis orang ARAB SENDIRI !!!
Warga Yahudi di entitas Zionis pun banyak yang mengakui hal itu, termasuk LSM macam B'Tselem dan sebagainya. Saya memang KOMA akan semua propaganda a la kertas toilet yang keluar dari anus lobi Zionis di AS.
Kamu menganggap Zionis lebih rendah dari cacing (atau babi atau monyet atau najis), bahkan lebih rendah dari pembunuh2 masal spt Bin Laden dan Sadam Husein, karena memang Quran yg mewajibkan kau utk berpandangan spt itu. TANPA adanya IsraelPUN, Muslim akan terus benci kpd sisa manusia lain yg bukan Muslim. Ini memang udah dari sononya... nggak bisa dirubah ... Quran yg mengajarkan kebencian ini ! Hanya Quran. Bukan Injil, bukan kitab Veda, kitab Budha, Harry Potter. Cuma Quran.

Terima kasih atas konfirmasinya !
Hmm... :roll: :roll:

All Hail To The Jewish master Race

By:Texe Marrs

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

—Proverbs 16:18

"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."

If I asked you what group of people embrace a set of doctrines like this, what would your answer be? Most of you would probably answer, "The Nazis." Today, in fact, it is Jews who make all these poisonous claims to racial superiority. No, not all the Jews. But, as I will document, a huge number of leaders among the Jews ascribe to these wicked and dangerous theories of racial and blood superiority.

No Basis for Peace

In his memoirs of his years in the White House, former President Jimmy Carter wrote that there could have been peace between the Arabs and the Israelis had it not been for the bigoted, Nazi-like racial views of Israeli's Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Begin, Carter recalled, believed the Jews were a Master Race, a holy people superior to Egyptians and Arabs. Begin also believed that God wanted the Jews to own the land, so there was absolutely no basis for peace. The Jews lusted after the land and intended to have it. Period.

Popular New York City Rabbi Mendel Schneerson taught that the Jew is superior and "a totally different species."

Jews a Totally Different Species?

Rabbi Mendel Schneerson, the late Jewish Lubavitcher and friend of the senior George Bush, also believed the Jews are a superior Master Race. Many Jews today agree with the late Rabbi. Some even believe that Schneerson will himself someday be resurrected and return as the Jewish World Messiah. Schneerson once explained his theory of Jewish racial superiority this way. He said, "We have a case of the Jew...a totally different species."

"The body of a Jewish person," Schneerson bragged, "is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world. Bodies of the Gentiles are in vain. An even greater difference is in regard to the soul...A non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness."

Holocaust activist Elie Wiesel, whose lies about his holocaust experiences seem to be legion, also claims that Jews are a superior race. "Everything about us is different," Wiesel boasts. "Jews are ontologically exceptional."

No Mixed Marriages for the Superior Race
This poisonous theory of the Jews impacts their relations with all other nations and peoples. Because they are convinced they are the Master Race, superior, god souls living amongst inferior beasts, Israel does not sanction or allow mixed marriages (The Jerusalem Report, October 20, 1994, p.26). In the U.S.A., liberal Jews scream out for more mixed marriages, but only among Gentiles! Jewish leaders fund civil rights organizations and are in favor of increased immigration of foreign races. But back home in Israel, the Sharon government is now building a Berlin-style wall creating an apartheid nation, to keep "inferior" Arabs in their segregated ghettos.

Ze'ev Chafeto, the courageous Jewish editor of The Jerusalem Report magazine, notes that Israeli laws harshly prohibit people of non-Jewish races from immigrating to Israel. The Jews are determined to keep their race "pure" and unblemished, just as the Nazis sought for the Aryans. Christians are especially not welcome, and Israelis frequently use words similar to the condescending slang word "******" to describe Christians and Gentiles—vulgar, Yiddish slur words like "shiksa," "schwartze," and "shegetsz."

Since the Jews are claimed to be the Master Race, whose souls are said by the Talmud to be on a far higher plane than the animalistic, "satanic souls" of Gentiles, it is common for Jewish authorities to brand all Gentiles by the derogatory Yiddish term "goy," a term akin to a curse word. Meanwhile, Arabs are deemed so inferior they are even lower than the goy.

Jewish Blood vs. Inferior Blood

When several of his students were accused of murdering a teenage Arab girl, Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg insisted: "Jewish blood is not the same as the blood of a (Gentile) goy." In other words, if a god-like Jew kills an inferior goy, how can that be murder?

Israeli Yeshiva (school) students often demonstrate and chant, "Death to the Arabs." Defending their extreme behavior, Rabbi Ido Elba explains, "According to the Talmud (Jewish book of traditions), one may kill any Gentile." Rabbi Schlomo Aviner adds that normal human codes and laws of justice and righteousness do not apply to the Jews.

The widely studied Gush Emunim holds that, "Jews are not and cannot be a normal people...The Covenant made between God and the Jewish people effectively nullifies moral laws that bind normal nations."

"Jesus a Bastard," says Jewish Talmud

Even the leaders of Israel My Glory, a fanatically pro-Zionist, supposedly Christian ministry, have made note of the bizarre views of the Jews as found in their own book of laws and traditions, the Jewish Talmud. The organization's magazine (Dec./Jan. 1995/1996) published a revealing article detailing many of the hate-filled Talmudic beliefs of the Rabbis and their Zionist followers.

These beliefs include the teaching that Jesus was born a bastard and his mother, Mary, was a harlot (Mishna Yebamoth 4,13); that Jesus practiced black arts of magic (Sanhedrin 1076), and that Jesus is now suffering eternal punishment in a boiling vat of filthy excrement (Mishna Sanhedrin X, 2). These references come from the English translation of the Talmud known as The Soncino Talmud.

Indeed, the hate-filled, anti-Christian movie, The Last Temptation of Christ, produced by Universal Studios and its Chairman, the Jew, Lewis Wasserman, was an accurate, if disgusting, reflection of what the Jews' most holy book, the Talmud, teaches. And yet the Rabbis and leaders of the Jewish-led Simon Wiesenthal Center, The ADL, and the Southern Poverty Law Center have the audacity to blast and criticize Mel Gibson's upcoming movie merely because it recounts the gospel truth about the trial and death of Jesus. What hypocrites!

Memory of Jesus to be Blotted Out

The Talmud is full of language that portrays the Jews as God's Master Race and depicts all other races as trash and garbage. It warns Jews to stay away from Christians because Christians are said to be "unclean" and "murderers."

On the other hand, a Jew is pictured as one of God's Chosen People. The Jew is said to possess so great a dignity that no one, not even an angel, can share equality with him. In fact, the Jew is said to be the equal of God. Rabbi Chanina says that, "He who strikes an Israelite acts as if he slaps the face of God's Divine Majesty."

Because the Christian is considered unclean, a murderer, and an idolater, he must be exterminated, slaughtered without pity, squashed like a bug. "The memory of that man (Jesus) should be forever blotted out."

"Kill All Christians"—Talmud

The famous Jewish rabbi, Maimonides, acclaimed by Christian apologists and defenders of Zionism as "a great man of God," encouraged Jews to kill all Christians. In the Talmud (Hilkoth Akrum, X, 1), Maimonides says, "Do not have pity for them. Show no mercy unto them. Therefore, if you see one in difficulty of drowning, do not go to his help... it is right to kill him by your own hand by shoving him into a well or in some other way."

The monstrous and barbaric treatment Israel gives to Palestinians and other Arabs taken prisoner is easily understood when we realize that the Jews' own holy book, the Talmud, commands that heretics and traitors be killed without delay (Abhodah Zarah, 266) and that a Gentile taken prisoner may be killed, "even before he confesses...the sooner the better" (Choschen Hammischpat, 388, 10).

Murder of Gentiles Praised as a "Holy Sacrifice"

Moreover, the murder of Gentiles by Jews is said by the Talmud to be a "holy sacrifice" to God (Zohar, III, 2276 and I, 38b and 39a). Death of Gentiles by beheading is especially recommended (Pesachim, 49b).

The award-winning Jewish propaganda movie, Schindler's List, depicts Schindler lamenting how few Jews he has been able to save from a Nazi labor camp. But a little, old Jewish man says to him, "In our holy book, the Talmud, it says that if you save just one life, it is as if you have saved the entire world."

Actually, the exact wording in the Talmud says that if you save just one Jewish life, it is as if you have saved the entire world. According to the Talmud, Gentile lives, of course, have no value at all.

It is important to remember that, to the Jews, the Talmud is not an obsolete and crusty document. The rabbis teach that it is a living and breathing instructional document, a modern-day, indispensable holy book. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an ardent Jewish believer, was quoted in The New York Times as giving credit to the Talmud for her success on the bench. "The Talmud," said Ginsburg, "is my sacred guide for daily living."

Children Raped and Murdered

In Rome, Italy, in 2000, Italian police broke up a ring of eleven top Jewish gangsters. It was discovered that they had been kidnapping Gentile (non-Jewish) children between the ages of two and five from orphanages, raping them, and then murdering the children. These despicable crimes were recorded live on film and sold throughout the infamous global "snuff film" industry. Over 1,700 customers had paid as much as $20,000 per film to view little children being raped and murdered.

Both the Associated Press and Reuters agencies reported this heinous crime on September 27, 2000 (Also see The Rome Observer, October 1, 2000). But few U.S. newspapers and none of America's TV news networks carried this shocking news story. Why?

When Italian TV broadcast scenes of the arrests of the snuff film perverts at prime time to more than eleven million viewers, Jewish officials went berserk. Claiming "blood libel," they demanded that the Jewish elite who sat on the board of directors of the Italian TV network punish those responsible for allowing this news to surface. It was done. The TV executives were fired.

One cannot help but wonder: Was it Judaism's most holy book, the Talmud, that put it in the hearts of those monsters to commit such brutish and evil crimes against children? After all, their Talmud says that if a grown man rapes a young girl under three years of age, "it is nothing." And Gentiles, according to the Talmud, may be killed practically without restriction.

The Master Race—Beyond Good and Evil

In any event, the Jewish Master Race cannot be held to normal standards of righteousness and morality. They are said to be "beyond good and evil." That is what Adolf Hitler believed about the Aryans. It is what Ariel Sharon and hundreds of Jewish rabbis and Illuminists believe about the Jews.

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin (left), accused of ordering the genocidal murder of thousands of unarmed Egyptian POWs in 1973 and disposal of their bodies in mass graves dug by bulldozers, dismissed the heinous crime as "ancient history." Later, when Rabin conducted peace talks with PLO leader Arafat, angry Jews conspired and assassinated Rabin.

When questioned about his earlier role in the genocidal massacre by Israeli defense forces of thousands of unarmed Egyptian POWs during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin snapped, "I'm not going to discuss that. That's ancient history." An odd and telling comment, indeed, since the Jews insist there is no statute of limitations that prevents the capture, trial, and execution of Germans accused of war crimes that occurred in the 1930s and 1940s, over six decades ago.

"Ye Shall Die Like Men"

God is not a racist. He has no use for haters. In the Holy Bible, our Saviour totally refutes and condemns the heinous and unconscionable Master Race theory, confirming to us that there is nothing holy in men's flesh and blood: "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God" (I Corinthians 15:50).

In the Bible, King David flatly told the unrighteous Jews that even though by tradition they claimed they were gods, "ye shall die like men" (Psalm 82:1-8).

The Jews fervently believe their blood is divine, and that only the Jews comprise a Holy Nation. They view themselves as "God's Chosen," a special Master Race. Their Zionist leaders smugly view other peoples as vermin, as inferior and of little value. The Jews and their leaders are sadly mistaken. They are in dire need of instruction and repentance.

Moreover, our God is preparing for them a great surprise. Unless they repent of their racism and sins and turn to Jesus Christ, these elitist Jews are going to a place where there is a lot of room. Indeed, Proverbs 27:20 and Isaiah 5:14 assure us that Hell is never full, and is always being enlarged. Thus, there is plenty of room amidst the flames for the ungodly Jews whose arrogance and pride cause them to esteem themselves the Master Race.>

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:40 pm
by Lulldapull
ali5196 wrote:

Sekitar 90% pemuda/i Palestina menolak hak Israel utk eksis
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook- Feb. 28, 2007

Lihat dlm link diatas, peta dlm buku teks sekolah : Israel = “Palestina”
[Geography grade 12, p. 143]

Poll baru2 ini ttg anak2 Palestina menunjukkan hubungan langsung antara kurikulum PA dgn pendapat anak2 Palestina. PMW's newest report on Palestinian Authority schoolbooks warns that because of the PA curriculum, which repeatedly and utterly rejects Israel's right to exist, "The well-meaning (Palestinian) student is left with no logical justification or religious option to accept Israel as a neighbor ..."
[See full Executive Summary below and Chapters 1-4 of report.]

At a Washington news conference to release the new report, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton likewise concluded that these PA schoolbooks are "...deeply disturbing, particularly for the denial of Israel's existence..."

The results that PMW and Sen. Clinton have warned about can be seen in a new poll released by Near East Consulting, a Palestinian research institute, which asked Palestinians, "Does Israel have the right to exist?"

Among young people ages 18 -25, those who have been most influenced by PA education, an overwhelming number - between 84% - 93% -- denied Israel's right to exist. [] This was higher than the overall figure of 75% who denied Israel's right to exist. It should be noted that PA teachings denying Israel's right to exist are endemic throughout PA society and media, including among Fatah leaders, which would account for the high levels of denial of Israel's legitimacy throughout PA society.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:40 pm
by ali5196
Terima kasih Kembali ! :wink: Itu memang Modus Operandi Pengikut Agama Damai. Nggak ada yg heran ! :lol: ... php?t=9476
Anak2 Suicide Bomber Palestina, Rim Al-Riyashi, diwawancarai TV Hamas: 'Mama Membunuh Lima Yahudi dan Kini Mama di Surga'
Lihat Video Clipnya di :

"Berapa Yahudi dibunuh Mama ?"

Pewawancara : "Mari kita berbicara dgn kedua anak pejuang jihadi dan pencapai syuhada Rim Al-Riyashi; Dhoha dan Muhammad. Dhoha, kamu cinta Mama, bukan ? Kemana Mama pergi ?"

Dhoha: "Ke surga."

Pewawancara: "Apa yg dilakukan Mama ?"

Dhoha: "Ia melakukan syuhada."

Interviewer: "Mama bunuh Yahudi, khan?"

Interviewer: "Berapa Yahudi yg dibunuh Mama, Muhamad?"

Muhammad: "Huh?"

Interviewer: "Berapa Yahudi yg dibunuh Mama ?"

Muhammad: "Segini ... " (menunjukkan jari2 tangannya)

Interviewer: "Berapa itu ?"

Muhammad: "Lima."


Interviewer: "Ayo dong ... cerita .... atau bacakan sajak 'Mama Rim' utk kami .... ayo dong..."

Dhoha: "Rim, kamu bom api."

Interviewer: "Ayo, teruskan."

Dhoha: "'Anak2 dan senapan mesinmu adalah motto-mu.'"

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:07 pm
by ali5196 ... 805#165805

Hamas mencuri image Mickey Mouse utk mengajarkan kebencian dan supremasi Islam
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook - May 6, 2007

TV Hamas menggunakan tokoh mirip tokoh terkenal Disney, Mickey Mouse utk mengajarkan kebencian terhdp Israel & AS dan dominasi Islam.

Tokoh mirip Mickey Mouse bernama Farfur, adalah bintang acara mingguan TV Hamas (Al-Aqsa TV) mengajarkan hal2 spt pentingnya solat setiap hari, minum susu, sambil membenci Israel & AS dgn alasan 'resistensi' atau kata lain bagi TEROR.

Farfur mengacu kpd Israel sbg “okupasi Zionis yg opresif,” yg "harus dibalas dgn resistensi anak2."

Penonton yg kebanyakan anak2 dibawah usia 5 tahun, mengatakan bahwa setelah mati, anak2 bertanggung jawab kpd Allah atas apa yg mereka lakukan atau tidak lakukan bagi mesjid AL Aqsa, Yerusalem dan tahanan Palestina.

Kalimat2 spt: “Kami akan menang, Bush! ... “Ah, Sharon mati” menekankan 'kemajuan' dominasi Islam.

Using a character based on an appealing, world famous and beloved icon like Mickey Mouse to teach Islamic supremacy and resistance as Islamic duty is a powerful and effective way to indoctrinate children.

The effectiveness of this program is heightened by including child viewers, who phone in to the show and recite poems with images of hate and violence; for example, “We will destroy the chair of the despots, so they will taste the flame of death;” and, "Rafah sings ‘Oh, oh.’ Its answer is an AK-47. We who do not know fear, we are the predators of the forest."

It is unclear what screening process, if any, is used in the selection of the poems to be recited. Either the themes are selected by the screeners, which reinforces the hate orientation of the program, or they are the initiative of the children and parents, which demonstrates the great success of the show's hate messages.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:12 pm
by ali5196

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:21 pm
by ali5196
Ajaran KEBENCIAN dlm budaya Arab/Muslim 4 artikel ... php?t=4039

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:36 pm
by ali5196
ali5196 wrote: ... -and-pigs/


Juni 2002 wawancara di TV Saudi dgn bocah 3 tahun bernama Basmallah, yg disebarluaskan oleh Middle East Media and Research Institute:

Wanita Pewawancara
Anchor: Basmallah, kau tahu Yahudi ?
Basmallah: Ya.
Anchor: Kau suka mereka ?
Basmallah: Tidak.
Anchor: Mengapa tidak ?
Basmallah: Karena . . .
Anchor: Karena mereka apa ?
Basmallah: Karena mereka monyet dan babi.
Anchor: Karena mereka monyet dan babi. Siapa yg mengatakannya ?
Basmallah: Allah kami.
Anchor: Dimana ini dikatakan ?
Basmallah: Di Quran.

Anchor: [Speaking directly into the camera.] Basmallah, puji Allah. Semoga Tuhan memberkatinya. Tidak ada yg dapat memberikannya lebih daripada seorang bocah beriman macam dia. Semoga Allah
memberkati ayah dan ibunya. Generasi anak2 berikutnya harus menjadi Muslim2 sejati. Kami harus mendidik mereka sekarang saat mereka masih anak2 shg mereka akan jadi mualaf.
Bandingkan dgn anak2 seumurnya yg dibesarkan di BARAT :

Umur 3 thn sudah terkenal diseluruh DUNIA !


Dengarkan ia bernyanyi dan kau akan gemas deh ... (bikin gua kepingin punya anak lagi !) :wink:

Bernyanyi bersama ayah, sambil masuk Guiness World Book of Records sbg penyanyi termuda yg menerbitkan kumpulan lagu dlm CD ! Hebring !!

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:48 pm
by ali5196
Islam oh Islam, apa sih yg kau tawarkan bagi anak2mu ???
:cry: :cry:

with thanks to phoenix : ... php?t=1942






Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:53 pm
by ali5196

Direkrut utk mati

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:44 pm
by pod-rock

Direkrut utk mati

June 1, 2007

Seperti orang lain, Brooke Goldstein tidak bisa mengerti kenapa teroris arab Palestina merekrut anak kecil utk menjadi para pembunuh, jadi dia pergi ke Tepi Barat dan bertanya pada mereka, Heather Robinson menulis.

Ditahun 2004, Brooke Goldstein yg berumur 24 tahun menghabiskan musim panasnya di Tepi Barat memfilmkan lebih dari lima jam wawancara pribadi dengan para teroris – semuanya dia lakukan tanpa pengawalan dan tanpa senjata. Seorang pelajar bidang Hukum di Cardozo, Ms. Goldstein berhadapan dengan Zacaria Zubeidah, seorang yang terkenal sebagai perekrut anak2 kecil utk pembom bunuh diri. Dia mewawancara anak dan keluarga para pembom bunuh diri ini, yang semuanya mengangankan “mati sebagai martir”. Filmnya, “The Making of a Martyr,” akan ditayangkan sebagai bagian dari the Brooklyn International Film Festival pada hari Sabtu dan Selasa.

Ms Goldstein hanya muncul dalam film tampak belakang; fokusnya pada orang2 Arab Palestina. Film yang diambil dikamp pengungsi Nablus, Jenin dan kota2 lain ini menunjukkan anak2 yang sedang bermain, kadang ditengah reruntuhan bangunan dan bekas2 pertempuran.

Dalam wawancaranya, orang tua para pembom bunuh diri ini duduk dalam sebuah ruang tamu yang dihiasi oleh poster mereka yang telah meninggal, dan teroris anak2 duduk dengan tangan mereka menggenggam kuat2 senapan mesin mereka yg bersandar pada lutut mereka seraya menjawab pertanyaan2 Ms. Goldstein.

Ms. Goldstein terilhami melakukan proyek ini setelah membaca sebuah berita yg berkisah tentang Hussam Abdu, ditahun 2004, anak umur 16 tahun yg akan menjadi pembom bunuh diri tapi kemudian mengubah niatnya dan menyerah pada chekpoint Israel. Bayangan si anak, dengan tangan diatas kepalanya, sama takutnya seperti tentara israel yang meneriakan perintah2, menghantui terus kepala Ms. Goldstein. Lalu dia menelaah masalah ini seperti yang diajarkan dalam perkuliahannya, sebagai ahli hukum.

“Saya berpikir, ‘tahu ngga, ada argumen hukum disini yang tak seorangpun menyebutkannya, yg mana pembom bunuh diri itu sendiri – yang berumur kurang dari 18 – adalah juga menjadi korban seperti para penduduk sipil israel yang dia bunuh,”’ katanya. “Anak2 ini tidak melakukan hal itu karena kehendak mereka sendiri.”

Malam sebelum ‘serangan’ pertamanya ke Tepi Barat, dia ketakutan. “Saya telpon saudara perempuan saya dan berkata, ‘kau harus tahu aku ada dimana kalau-kalau aku tidak kembali dalam waktu 24 jam.’ Aku memikirkan perlakuan para militer israel tersebut. Jutaan perihal2 mengerikan berlintasan dibenak saya.”

Kedatangannya tidak membuat rasa takutnya hilang. “Ada tiang gantungan di Ramallah – dimana mereka melakukan penggantungan dimuka umum. Ada foto2 anak2 kecil yang meninggal sambil memegang senjata – “poster2 martir” – kemanapun kau melihat .. dengan tulisan2 seperti “Pahlawan Kita”.

Ketika kelompok ini berjalan menembus kota, mereka berbicara pada anak2 arab palestina disekolahan dan dijalanan. “Orang yang menjadi penunjuk jalan kami mendorong kami utk berbicara dengan anak2, saya pikira saya akan selalu, jauh dalam hati saya, punya kesulitan utk berpikir bahwa masalahnya sudah sangat2 buruk. Kupikir mungkin ini adalah sebuah kegilaan,” katanya.

Ternyata, fanatisme yang ada jauh lebih buruk dari yang pernah dia bayangkan. “Hal yang paling membuat kami terkejut adalah membandingkan penampilan normal anak2 ini dgn apa yang keluar dari mulut mereka.” Katanya. “Aku memeluk anak yang tampan ini dipangkuanku, dan penerjemah saya menerjemahkan kalimat2 kebencian yang sangat.”

Kisahnya selalu saja sama. “tidak ada anak kecil yang akan berkata, ‘aku tidak mau jadi martir.’ Mereka membicarakan tentang ketenaran, surga, perawan2 dan Ferris wheels (Kesenangan hidup sesudah mati). Mereka dengan bahagianya bilang mereka benci yahudi,” katanya.

Anak-anak jauh lebih fanatik dibanding orang tua mereka. “ketika kami mewawancara keluarga Hussam utk film ini, orang tuanya merasa terganggu. Mereka tidak percaya akan konsep pembom bunuh diri anak-anak ini,” Kata Ms. Goldstein. “Lalu saya wawancara saudarinya, yang bilang, ‘aku begitu bangga pada saudaraku, Hamas bilang dia seorang pahlawan.’ Sebelumnya saya ini Cuma punya saudara seorang pecundang, kerdil, dan cacat mental. Tapi sekarang saya adalah perempuan terkenal dikelas saya, dan sangat bangga.”

Sebagai tambahan bagi anak2 ini, Ms. Goldstein mewawancara Mr. Zubeidah, panglima Brigade Martir Al-Aqsa di Jenin. Saat itu, Militer pertahanan Israel telah membuat lima kali usaha utk membunuhnya. Secara pribadi, Mr. Zubeidah bukanlah seorang figur keras seperti yang dia harapkan. “Sama seperti bicara pada anak2 lain, Cuma ini berumur 27 tahun,” katanya. “Dia tersenyum. Penerjemah saya bilang, ‘dia bicara sesuatu tentang membunuh yahudi2.”’

Ms. Goldstein tidak bilang dia yahudi, tapi dia bertanya jika dia ada dijalan2 Tel Aviv, bisa tidak dia terbunuh oleh serangan bunuh diri ini? Jawabannya mengerikan: “Kata dia, ‘tentu saja bisa. Disini kau adalah teman saya. Saya melindungimu. Tapi jika kau ada didaerah israel, saya tidak lagi melindungimu.”’

Sekarang berumur 26, Ms. Goldstein, yang menamatkan sekolah hukumnya tahun 2005, menyiapkan sebuah ‘think tank’ international yg terdiri dari pengacara, psikater dan pembuat kebijakan utk mengurus masalah perekrutan anak2 utk teror ini. “ini adalah masalah bagi tiap orang yg harus dikhawatirkan,” kata dia. “Ada anak2 yang jadi pembom bunuh diri sekarang di Irak dan Afghanistan. Dan ini diatur oleh orang2 dewasa.”

Ini adalah maksud dari pembuatan filmnya yg dibuat dengan kejujuran dan perasaan kasihan dalam penyajian Hussam dan anak2 lain yg mudah dipengaruhi yang berada dalam belas kasihan masyarakat pemangsa, dan juga menyajikan orang2 dewasa, yang kelihatannya berpartisipasi dalam eksploitasi anak2 ini lebih karena intimidasi bukannya karena sogokan.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:47 pm
by ali5196
Anak2 PALESTINA : Direkrut utk MATI ... 363#178363

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:51 pm
by ali5196
HAMAS gunakan Mickey Mouse utk mengajarkan kebencian kpd anak2 ... hp?t=13298

JIHAD dgn Mickey Mouse! ... hp?t=13951

TV Hamas menayangkan program anak-anak, untuk membenci dan membunuh. Dalam clip ini nampak gadis kecil sebagai 'reporter tv' dengan boneka Mickey Mouse mengajari jihad, dan jawaban masalah mereka adalah AK-47, suatu senjata otomatis buatan Rusia yang sangat umum bagi orang Arab. ... y-2007.htm
Hamas Mickey ! :wink: Luntur tidak dijamin :lol:

Komentar perusahaan Walt Disney, pemegang hak cipta atas Mickey Mouse :
"We were appalled by the use of our character to disseminate that kind of message," Iger told a meeting of the Society of Business Editors and Writers at the Disneyland Hotel. "I think any time any group seeks to exploit children in that manner, it's despicable."

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:21 pm
by ali5196
WALID SHOEBAT (mantan teroris) dlm wawancara dgn CNN ttg masa kecilnya dicekoki ajaran kebencian terhdp Yahudi

Walid Shoebat : ketika kami pergi dgn sekolah ke kebon binatang, saya melihat orang melemparkan puntung rokok ke kandang gorila.. Mereka benci gorila karena menganggap mereka keturunan Yahudi.

Juga lihat wawancara dgn Brigitte Gabriel, wanita Lebanon pejuang anti-propaganda Islam di AS.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:50 am
by ali5196
http://arabracismislamofascism.wordpres ... man-bombs/

Palestinian Terrorism using children ... 20314.html

Women acting as human shields aid escape of Palestinian militants ... -headlines

Palestinians Shoot 15 Human Shields. 200 Gaza residents decided their “human shield” tactics worked so well against the Israelis, … ... ields.html

‘Palestinian’ Arabs’ vicious tactics of HUMAN SHIELDS… ... ields.html

Child Murder Glorified Palestinian society is programming these children to die in order to keep hatred going, … “Fatah Tries to Use 11-Year-Old Boy as Human Bomb. …

Why Palestinian children die… Saturday 20th Mar 2004 Om Mohammed helps her twelve-year-old son Abu Ali with a toy suicide bomber belt he fashioned on his own. “I hope to be a Martyr…I hope when I get 14 or 15 to explode myself.” His mother is proud of her son: “God gave him to me to…

Palestinian Children Die as Human Shields for Adult Terrorist Leaders

Human Bombs, Human Shields - The United Nations & Israel

Human Bombs, Human Shields (by Arabs)

Video: Child Bomber at Check Point,Palestinian boy used to carry bomb through Israeli checkpoint … The youngest suicide bomber to date was a 16-year-old from Nablus.

Fateh used 11-year-old boy as human bomb ... n-bomb.php

Teach Kids Peace ? Exploiting Youth for Terror

Coverage of Unwitting Palestinian Boy-Bomber ... rticle=648

Palestinian Weapons Production and Smuggling: What’s New
In addition to their cynical tactic of using Palestinian civilians as human shields by firing rockets from densely populated areas…

Terrorist organizations operate from within civilian population, while cynically exploiting uninvolved civilians and using them as human shields, …

Boy used as bomb dupe…
ISRAELI troops yesterday arrested a boy, 12, who didn’t know he had a bomb in his schoolbag.

Bomb hidden under toddler
The wife of a wanted Palestinian fugitive tried to hide a hand grenade under her baby; Five fugitives were arrested in a house where 10 Kg of explosives were found…,7340 ... 70,00.html

IDF: Explosives carried by Palestinian youth were to be used in Tel Aviv
Israel - Sep 9, 2007
The boy was ordered to transfer the explosives to terror operatives beyond the checkpoint so that they could piece together a suicide bomb belt ... 2FShowFull