YERUSALEM : ijin kunjung menurut aturan 'toleran' Islam

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YERUSALEM : ijin kunjung menurut aturan 'toleran' Islam

Post by ali5196 » ... es_du.html

July 22, 2007
Akses bagi Yahudi memasuki tempat2 suci selama kekuasaan Muslim ''toleran'
Andrew Bostom

Kita perlu melihat sejarah dan melihat apa yg akan terjadi kalau Muslim dibiarkan menguasai tempat2 suci di Yerusalem.

“L’shana habaah b’rushalyim”, walau kami jauh, jiwa kami tidak pernah jauh dari kota suci itu ...

Seorang Yahudi Polandia, Gedaliah dari Siemiatyce (w. 1716),
mencatat nasib orang Yahudi Palestina, saat ia kembali ke Yerusalem thn 1700. Keadaan yg mengenaskan, yg dicatatnya dlm buku Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, memaksanya utk kembali ke Eropa guna mengumpulkan uang bagi Yahudi2 Yerusalem.

Sehubungan dgn akses Yahudi kpd Temple Mount (Haram-esh-Sharif), khususnya, ia mencatat:

Muslim tidak selalu mengijinkan anggota kepercayaan lain masuk Temple Mount -KECUALI ia masuk Islam, karena mereka (Muslim) mengatakan bahwa tidak ada agama yg semurni Islam yg pantas masuk tempat suci ini. Mereka tidak lelahnya mengakui itu, walau TUhan sudah memilih orang Israel, walau ditinggalkanNYa karena kesesatan mereka utk kemudian memilih Muslim ... 1

Laporan Gedaliah mencerminkan perlakuan HINA kpd Yahudi yg ditolak masuk Temple Mount, dan hanya diijinkan utk berdoa di Tembok Barat selama 13 abad kekuasaan Muslim, setelah membayar bermacam2 'upah' kpd penguasa Muslim. Memang, sebuah pogrom Arab-Muslim bln Agustus 1929 dimana gang2 Arab merajah desa2 dan distrik2 tetangga, membunuh 133 dan melukai 339 Yahudi di Yerusalem - diakibatkan oleh sebuah permintaan sederhana Yahudi bagi otorisasi utk membangun tempat2 duduk dan sebuah layar dijalan sempit selebar 2 meter didepan Tembok Barat.

Tembok Barat di abad 19

Akses Yahudi bagi goa Machpelah (Makhpela) didekat Hebron, yg dipercaya mengandung tempat peristirahatan para patriarkh (diatas mana Muslim penjajah mendirikan mesjid), 3 dibawah kerajaan Mamluk, dan kemudian dibawah Ottoman, mencerminkan sikap2 anti-dhimmi, dan khususnya anti-Yahudi selama 8 abad penjajahan Muslim. Sebelum
1266, kondisi kunjungan2 itu digambarkan 4 oleh kronikler abad 12,
Benjamin dari Tudela. 5 Guna melihat the putative sepulchers pada patriarchs didalam goa itu, pengunjung diwajibkan membayar. Benjamin menambahkan, 6

JIka seorang Yahudi memberi bayaran tambahan kpd penjaga goa, sebuah pintu besi gy berasal dari jaman nenek moyang kami terbuka, dan sang pengunjung turun dgn lilin. Ia menyeberangi dua goa kosong, dan dlm yg ketiga ia melihat 6 kuburan, yg diukir dgn nama ketiga Patriarch dan istri2 mereka dlm huruf Ibrani. Goa itu penuh dgn peti2 berisi tulang2 manusia, yg dibawa kesana sbg tempat suci ..

Namun th 1266, Sultan Baybars Mamluk, saat mengunjungi Hebron, melarang Yahudi dan Kristen utk masuk Machpelah. 7 Larangan ini berlangsung bagi Yahudi sampai akhir mandat Inggris (1948); Orang2 Kristen awan, kecuali tokoh2 terhormat spt the Prince of Wales th 1862, dilarang masuk sampai thn 1922. Professor Eliezer Bashan menyimpulkan sejarah larangan diskriminatif selama 600 thn ini, dgn sebuah anekdot dr thn 1336: 8

Pelancong Eropa yg mengunjungi Hebron sebelum dan selama jaman
Ottoman (1517-1917) dan yg mencoba megnunjungi goa tsb tidak diijinkan, dan mereka memberlakukan mereka sama dgn Yahudi. Mereka diijinkan berdoa hanya diluar tembok2. John Mandeville, misalnya, yglahir di England dan berhijrah ke Tanah Suci th 1336, sampai di Hebron dan menulis berikut : "Tidak seorang Kristenpun boleh masuk tempat itu, kecuali dgn ijin Sultan, karena mereka menganggap lelaki Kristen = anjing dan mereka mengatakan tidak dapat membiarkan orang macam itu memasuki tempat yg begitu suci."

Orang Inggris lainnya yg berada disana th 1753 dan juga 10 thn kemudian melaporkan bahwa Yahudi bahkan TIDAK DIIJINKAN JALAN di jalanan menuju goa tsb. Bahaya yg dihadapi seorang Kristen yg mendekati tempat tsb disebut dlm laporan ini (diterbitkan 1845):

"Muslimin menjaga tempat suci itu dgn sangat ketat, dan mengancam setiap Kristen yg berani menginjakkan kakinya didekatnya".

Wakil Konsul Perancis di Basra, yg mencoba berkunjung kesana th 1834, meminta ijin sang Muazzin, namun ia dikatakan bahwa ia terlebih dahlu harus memeluk Islam. Misionaris (H. Bonar) yg mengunjungi Hebron th 1856 dilarang masuk dan mengungkapkan pendapatnya, menekankan sikap berbeda dari Yahudi dan Kristen:

"Fanatisme Muslim menutupi goa ini dari dunia; fanatisme yg sebuas ini tidak ditemukan dimanapun keculai di El-Khulil (Hebron). Kuil Yahudi terbuka bagi siapa saja; katedral2 dan gereja2 Kristen mengundang siapa saja; hanya Mahomedanism dgn ekslusivitas aneh mereka menutup setiap gerbang mesjid dari orang asing."

S. Ehrlich, pedagan Yahudi dari Russia, yg ingin mengunjungi tempat itu, menyamar sbg lelaki Muslim dan berhasil memasuki goa itu pd thn 1833.

Kristen pertama yg diijinkan masuk goa itu adalah Pangeran Wales,
1862. Ia mendapat hak istimiewa karena bukan saja ia berasal dari keluarga kerajaan namun karena situasi politik setelah Perang Krimea th 1856. Inggris dan Ottoman menikmati hubungan khusus karena bersama2 menahan ekspansi Russia... Penguasa Ottoman mencoba membiasakan penduduk Muslim pada sikap yg lebih toleran terhdp orang Eropa dan Kristen, namun penduduk setempat yg fanatik dan pemimpin2 mereka tidak suka pada sikap toleran ini dan tetap memberlakukan larangan masuk pada Kristen2 awam. Beberapa saat setelah kunjungan
Pangeran Wales, sebuah epidemi menjalar di Hebron, yg oleh Muslim dianggap sbg azab Allah karena di-desekrasinya tempat suci tsb, dan penduduk hampir berontak.

DIbawah mandat Inggris (1922-1948), baru Kristen bisa mendapatkan akses kpd gedung tsb, tapi Yahudi tidak mendapatkannya.


1. Gedaliah of Siemiatyce, Sha'alu Shelom Yerushalayim (Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem), (Hebrew), Berlin, 1716. [English translation in, Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam, pp. 377-80.]

2. Bat Ye'or Islam and Dhimmitude, 2001, pp. 161-162

3. Emil G. Hirsch, M. Selighson, Solomon Schechter. "Machpelah". The Jewish; A. A. Bonar and R. M. McCheyne, A Narrative of a Mission of Inquiry to the Jews from the Church of Scotland in 1839, Edinburgh, 1842, pp. 180-81, 273.

4. "Machpelah". The Jewish

5. Richard Gottheil, Wilhelm Belcher. "Benjamin of Tudela". The Jewish

6. "Machpelah". The Jewish

7. Eliezer Bashan. "The Prohibition on Non-Muslims Entering Mosques in the Ottoman Empire as Reflected in European Sources." Shofar, Winter, 1997, p.63;

8. Ibid., pp. 63-66.
Last edited by ali5196 on Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:24 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by ali5196 » ... /mf20.html

“Saya menghormati fakta bahwa Israel mengijinkan sebuah suasana toleransi antar-agama dimana setiap hari Jumat, ribuan Muslim bersolat secara terbuka di Temple Mount di Yerusalem. Ketika saya melihatnya, saya bertanya pada diri sendiri, dimana di dunia Islam 1.000 Yahudi diijinkan berdoa dimuka umum spt ini ?

— Muslim author Irshad Manji
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Post by ali5196 »

The Islamic claim to the Temple Mount is very recent
Jerusalem's role as "The Third Holiest Site in Islam" in mainstream Islamic writings does not precede the 1930s. It was created by the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al Husseini
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Post by ali5196 » ... E_ID=49454

Jews, Christians shut
from Temple Mount
Muslim access to holy site unrestricted
despite Islamic threats to Israeli elections
Posted: March 27, 2006
9:41 a.m. Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2006

JERUSALEM – One day before national elections here, Jerusalem police this morning closed the Temple Mount to Jews and Christians in response to what officials say are specific threats – mostly by Muslim groups – related to disrupting the voting.

The Temple Mount is the holiest site to Judaism. Muslims today were able to access the Mount without restrictions.


"We had information that if the Jews come to the Temple Mount, the Muslims will start violence. So we took the decision to close the Mount to Jews and tourists," Jerusalem police spokesman Shmulik Ben Ruby told WorldNetDaily.

Police say they received alerts that Palestinian militants and Jewish Temple Mount activist groups are planning to use the politically charged period immediately prior to the elections to instigate provocations on the Mount.

The police would not specify which groups were associated with any threats to the Temple Mount, but a source in the Jerusalem District Police Department told WND the warnings were "mostly concerning Muslim groups."

Leaders of the major Jewish Temple Mount organizations denied to WorldNetDaily they were planning any provocations.

But Raed Sallah, leader of the Islamic Movement, an extremist group that promotes Muslim sovereignty over the Mount, reportedly has been delivering speeches at Israeli mosques urging Muslims to rush to the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Mount before elections to protect it from "Jewish attacks." The Movement has been providing buses to bring Muslims to the Al Aqsa Mosque.

The Islamic Movement has been involved with Temple Mount violence, including leading riots that officially started the Palestinian intifada, or uprising, in 2000 after Arab protesters threw rocks at Jewish worshippers at the Western Wall. Those riots took place just prior to Israeli elections following a visit to the Mount by then-candidate for prime minister Ariel Sharon. Palestinian leaders, including the late Yasser Arafat, have admitted they used Sharon's Temple Mount visit as a pretense to start the intifada.

Muslims have carried out all violent attacks on the Temple Mount the past few years. Still, the police today took action to restrict access only to Jewish and Christian visitors in response to the election-related threats.

Police are also on high alert throughout the country for terror attacks by Palestinian groups seeking to impact the elections.

Police spokesman Ben Ruby said the police will reassess the situation on election day tomorrow and may again bar Jews and Christians from the site.

Non-Muslims regularly are barred from the Temple Mount on most hours throughout the week.

The Temple Mount was opened to the general public until the intifada started in 2000. Following the onset of violence, the new Sharon government closed the Mount to non-Muslims, using checkpoints to control all pedestrian traffic for fear of further clashes with the Palestinians.

The Temple Mount was reopened to non-Muslims in August 2003. It still is open but only Sundays through Thursdays, 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., and not on any Christian, Jewish or Muslim holidays or other days considered "sensitive" by the Waqf, the Muslim custodians of the Temple Mount.

During "open" days, Jews and Christian are allowed to ascend the Mount, usually through organized tours and only if they conform first to a strict set of guidelines, which includes demands that they not pray or bring any "holy objects" to the site. Visitors are banned from entering any of the mosques without permission of the Wafq. Rules are enforced by Waqf agents, who watch tours closely and alert nearby Israeli police to any breaking of their guidelines.
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Post by ali5196 » ... E_ID=46961

Al Aqsa leader: Jews have no right to Mount
In WND interview claims mosque 'was built by the angels'
Posted: October 22, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Following is a WorldNetDaily exclusive interview with Sheik Kamal Hatib, vice-chairman of the Islamic Movement, the Muslim group in Israel most identified with Temple Mount militancy. The Movement, which Israel says is associated with Hamas, campaigns for Islamic control of Israeli holy sites, and has been calling the past few weeks for Muslims to ascend the Mount en mass to protect it from "Jewish attacks."

Translated from Arabic by Ali Waked.

By Aaron Klein
© 2005

WND: Who should have sovereignty over the Temple Mount – Jews, Christians, or Muslims. Or should it be shared?

HATIB: We absolutely believe that Al Aqsa, all its different parts, all its walls, all its courts, and everything down the mosque or up it, all these fully belong to the Muslims. Only to them. No one other than the Muslims has any right over Al Aqsa, or even over any grain of its sand. We, the Muslims, insist and emphasize that the only sovereignty over Al Aqsa must be for the Muslims. We will not accept or recognize any other sovereignty, including shared control.

WND: But what about the previous Jewish Temples? Do you believe they existed? Do Jews have any historic claims to the Temple Mount whatsoever?

HATIB: We the Muslims believe that Al Aqsa was built since the time of Adam – God bless him. It was built 40 years after the construction of the Al Haram Mosque in Mecca which was built thousands of years ago. Al Aqsa was built by the angels as it is mentioned in a verse of the Quran. The mosque is mentioned in the Quran, which speaks about the raising of the prophet.

We believe that the Jewish Temples existed, but we deny they were built near Al Aqsa. When the First Temple was built by Solomon – God bless him – Al Aqsa was already built. We don't believe that a prophet like Solomon would have built the Temple at a place where a mosque existed.

WND: What you are saying contradicts reality. There is no serious scholar or archeologist in the world who argues Al Aqsa was built before the Jewish Temples. And if the Temples didn't exist on the Mount, what then do you say is the Western Wall? What do you make of all the archeological findings?

HATIB: About the Kotel (the Western Wall), we deny any relation between the Temple and the Al Aqsa Mosque. We believe that the Western Wall is part of the mosque and not the Wall of Lamentation, as the Jews say. ... The Western wall is an inseparable part of the mosque.

And all the historical and archeological facts deny any relation between the Temples and the location of Al Aqsa. We must know that Jerusalem was occupied and that people left many things, coins and other things everywhere. This does not mean in any way that there is a link between the people who left these things and the place where these things were left.

WND: You have been calling repeatedly for Muslims to protect Al Aqsa from Jewish attack. Which Jews exactly are trying to attack Al Aqsa?

HATIB: We believe the danger over Al Aqsa existed and continues. As long as Jewish groups have ambitions to reconstruct their Temple at the same place of Al Aqsa, the danger of an attack will still exist. Some of these Jewish extremist groups even believe the years between 2005-2007 is the period in which the Temple must be built, and not building it by then means the Lord's anger will be directed towards them, as they argue. Therefore, this is a very sensitive period and we call in a very loud voice to all who are concerned that the mosque is a redline for us, and any harm caused to it will bring a great catastrophe and a great disaster. The Israelis and the Jewish people will have to face one and a half billion Muslims from all over the world.

WND: It seems you and the Islamic Movement are using Al Aqsa as a political tool to incite Muslims against Israel.

HATIB: Our relation with Al Aqsa is not a political question. Far from that, it is a question of religion and faith. We have the honor to fill this role in favor of Al Aqsa. If the Israelis thought that the Arabs in Israel would not have strong relations and feelings towards Al Aqsa, then they were mistaken. This mosque will always be part of our faith. Our demand from the Israelis and the world is not to desecrate it.

WND: What if a Jew did attack the mosque?

HATIB: We suggest to the Jews and Israelis not to be dazzled from the weakness of our nation at this period. [Israeli Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon's provocative visit five years ago caused an intifada for the last five years and caused the killing of more than 4,000 Palestinians and more than 1,300 Israelis. Therefore we say that any attack against Al Aqsa means the deluge.

WND: You were talking about Al Aqsa being mentioned in the Quran. But I understand it is never directly mentioned. And the city of Jerusalem is not mentioned once. Commentators later concluded a verse about Muhammad descending to the furthest mosque referred to Al Aqsa. Meanwhile, Jerusalem is mentioned thousands of times throughout the Torah. Half the Torah is about Temple worship. Explain why you feel the Mount is not holy to Jews?

HATIB: The fact that Jerusalem is mentioned in the Torah does not in any way mean that the city was populated or built by the Jews. Everyone knows that when the prophet Abraham came from Iraq in 1850 before Christ he was given by the Arab King Melchizedek the land where he and his wife lived in Hebron, and it was 600 years before Moses' message, which also proves that Abraham was not a Jew.

And your saying that our faith is based on this interpretation of the verse [about Al Aqsa] is a totally wrong analysis. The Al Aqsa of the Quran is the same Al Aqsa of our days, not any other mosque. That is what our Sharia says. As for what you say that Jerusalem is mentioned thousands of times in the Torah; it is not a matter of numbers and quantity. There is a very clear historical event mentioned in the Quran concerning the mosque that was built by Adam and where all our prophets prayed.

WND: Speaking of praying, currently, Jews and Christians can only ascend the Mount at certain hours on certain days, and only with approval from the Wafq (the Mount's Muslim custodians). If they go up, it is to tour. Non-Muslims are not allowed to pray on the Mount. Why is it so offensive to you if Jews or Christians pray on the Temple Mount?

HATIB: We don't want even these scheduled visits, which are allowed to take place only because of the Israeli occupation. The visits are not the result of a free choice of the Muslims and the Wafq. If it was not for Israel, these visits could not take place at all.

As a principle, we are not against the possibility that Jews and Christians enter our mosques, but in present there is a campaign against Al Aqsa and the Jewish occupation still has dangerous ambitions towards the mosque and every entry will be done to demonstrate a religious presence. Therefore, if they would enter freely into the mosque, there will be political consequences and interpretations that we cannot accept.

Speaking about the Christians, I say that every person who believes in God must act for peace and for love among human beings and not to help in creating hate and war. Unfortunately, the evangelical Christians believe in the necessity of a war of civilizations. Because of this belief, President Bush, supported by these groups, is leading this war against the Muslim world.

The crazy support of these Christian groups for Israel is based on their faith that the return of the Messiah – God bless him – would be in Israel. Therefore they support Israel, because they believe that the continuation of Israel to exist hastens the arrival of the Messiah. God forbid! The Messiah can never be the reason for war.

Aaron Klein, WorldNetDaily's Jerusalem bureau chief, is known for his regular interviews with Mideast terror leaders and his popular segments on America's top radio programs.
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Post by ali5196 » ... 71_pf.html

Jewish Inroads in Muslim Quarter
Settlers' Project to Alter Skyline of Jerusalem's Old City

By Scott Wilson
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, February 11, 2007; A01
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