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Konsep Poligami mulai di kenal di Amerika

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:08 pm
by asfintia
Tahukah anda, di FFI konsep poligami di hujah dan ditentang, tidak sadarkah anda bahwa di negara negara barat kehidupan Poligami justru merebak dan ada upaya dari beberapa organisasi gereja akan membawa masalah poligami ke dalam pernikahan gereja.


anggota yang tergabung dalam organisasi Christian Poligami ini menganggap adanya ketidak adilan di dalam pemerintahan, dimana kaum lesbi dan homo dilindungi undang undang, justru kehidupan poligami mendapat pertentangan di mana mana, padahal kehidupan seks bebas tanpa ikatan nikah malah tidak di atur dalam hukum.

mari kita lihat bersama konsep Poligami ala kristen

What does the bible say about it?

You probably assume polygamy is some sort of sin, like I once thought before studying it. They avoid the subject in churches, other than those bible stories about men and their multiple wives. What about those guys? Here's some biblical polygamists for you:

Abdon, Abijah, Abraham, Ahab, Ahasuerus, Ashur, Belshazzar, Benhadad, Caleb, David, Eliphaz, Elkanah, Esau, Ezra, Gideon, Heman, Hosea, Ibzan, Issachar's tribe, Jacob, Jair, Jehoiachin, Jehoram, Jerahmeel, Joash, Lamech, Machir, Manasseh, Mered, Moses, Nahor, Rehoboam, Saul, Shaharaim, Shimei, Simeon, Solomon, Terah, Zedekiah, Ziba

You may recognize some of those. What do we tell our kids about these men in the bible? Well we can't just say they were bad men. Abraham, Jacob, and Moses were certainly righteous men in God's eyes. David was king of Isreal and a man "After God's own heart". Maybe you're thinking they just made some mistakes by taking other wives? A lapse in their judgement? Low point in their faith? Well that reasoning doesn't work either because God actually gave wives as a gift:

And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things. 2 Samuel 12:8

This is God speaking to David through a prophet (Nathan). So not only is Polygamy not a sin, God approves and says he is the one who gives wives! It even says in that verse he would have given him more wives if David wanted them. This proves that polygamy is not a sin, but what about centuries later when Jesus was born and the Romans were in control?

Does the new testament change anything?

Jesus came into the world to make a new covenant. He came and simplified the law of Moses, and was the final sacrifice to atone for the sins of those who would believe in him. Did he change the rules on polygamy? Not at all. Polygamy isn't talked about much in the new testament, which isn't a big surprise since the Romans decided to make it illegal. The medieval laws were based on Roman laws later, and now you can see how it never became part of European or Western culture afterwards. Here are some specific new testament verses that may come up in a discussion on polygamy in the new testament:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. Matthew 19:9

Some people think this proves polygamy is forbidden, when the verse is simply talking about divorce. Divorce is what is forbidden (except in cases of unfaithfulness). If someone takes another wife without divorcing their first wife then that is fine. Otherwise they are causing their first wife to commit adultery, which is how adultery is actually translated: "WOMAN that breaketh wedlock".

To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife. 1 Corinthians 7:10

Here divorce is forbidden again, but what is interesting to note is that Paul says a wife who leaves her husband must remain unmarried. There is no such command to husbands to remain unmarried if they seperate from a wife, only that they must not divorce. This is another clear example that polygamy is allowed even in the new testament.

Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:2

This is another great example. If you look up the original greek version of this verse you'll notice that the words for 'his own' and 'her own' are completely different. In the wife's case 'her own' means just that: her own husband. But in the husbands case 'his own' actually translates to mean 'he himself' as in 'every man have himself a wife'. Paul knows God's law intimately and makes sure to allow for plurality here.

Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. 1 Timothy 3:12

Here it is talking to church leaders only. The greek word for 'one' here also means 'first', which makes more sense that it would say let deacons be the husbands of their first wife. Meaning they should not be divorced from their original wife.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh Genesis 2:24

This is an old testament verse referenced in the new testament in various places. Becoming 'one flesh' happens when a man and woman have intercourse. This can happen between man and wife, or man and prostitute. So it's not something that can only happen once, which means it can't be talking about monogamy in this verse.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:30 pm
by widon
Sejak penciptaan alam semesta oleh Tuhan, tidak pernah ada firman Tuhan ynag menyuruh manusia untuk berpoligami. Malah Tuhan sudah memberikan contoh bahwa manusia pertama Adam & Hawa dipertemukan dalam konsep MONOGAMI.
Dimana secara garis besar bahwa CINTA KASIH AKAN LEBIH MULIA BILA TIDAK "TERBAGI" karena tidak ada yang "TERSAKITI". Dan manusia mempunyai kekuatan untuk menjaga cinta kasih tersebut agar tidak terbagi, asal selalu berjalan dalam jalan Tuhan.

Tidak satupun firman Tuhan yang akan MENYAKITI perasaan / hati ciptaannya.

Apakah itu bukan hanya akal-akalan manusia saja untuk melegalkan kemauannya lalu diberi CAP "FIRMAN TUHAN" alias tidak ada larangan dari Tuhan.

Hanya jenis manusia yang RAKUS saja yang mengadakan poligami untuk memuaskan/mengumbar nafsu saja.

Makanya kalau mikir pakai KEPALA YG DIATAS, jangan pakai KEPALA YG DIBAWAH, mas/mbak

Re: Konsep Poligami mulai di kenal di Amerika

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:38 pm
by Sober
asfintia wrote:Tahukah anda, di FFI konsep poligami di hujah dan ditentang, tidak sadarkah anda bahwa di negara negara barat kehidupan Poligami justru merebak dan ada upaya dari beberapa organisasi gereja akan membawa masalah poligami ke dalam pernikahan gereja.

Kau itu maksa deh....kalau mau cari pembenaran terhadap poligami Islam, sepertinya Kristen sempalan bisa dijadikan kawan...

Ingat nak...

Ketika Tuhan memberi pasangan kepada Adam....dia hanya memberi SATU perempuan...bukan dua, tiga, empat, lima, atau sebelas.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:42 pm
by asfintia
yup betul widon sejak penciptaan pertama kenapa incest diperbolehkan. kenapa sakarang tidak boleh. Tuhan menyuruh adam mengawinkan anak anaknya tetapi mengapa sekarang incest gak boleh ?
kesimpulan: jadi semua perintah suka suka tuhan donk. babi dulu haram (Taurat) sekarang boleh dimakan (Ajaran Paulus). Ibrahim berpoligami (versi islam dan Kristen) kenapa sekarang gak boleh? tanya kenapa

Re: Konsep Poligami mulai di kenal di Amerika

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:46 pm
by asfintia
Sober wrote:
Ingat nak...

Ketika Tuhan memberi pasangan kepada Adam....dia hanya memberi SATU perempuan...bukan dua, tiga, empat, lima, atau sebelas.
xixixixi sekarang aku tanyak kenapa Tuhan menyuruh Adam mengawinkan diantara anak anaknya (penyimpangan seksual) atau disebut incest. tidak lain dari semua itu ialah hak dari Tuhan. Semua orang di sini pasti incest tidak diperbolehkan disemua agama. tetapi mengapa Tuhan menyuruh melakukan itu. jadi tidak ada yang boleh menganggap poligami itu dosa. itu semua Hak tuhan untuk memperbolehkan poligami sama seperti tuhan memperbolehkan Incest pertama kali. pahammmmm

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:51 pm
by boho
poligami itu hanya salah satu bukti " nabi besar junjungan " kagak bisa nahan nafsu............nafsu kagak ketahan......daripada zinah dan kena hukum rajam........maka untuk pembenaran nya pake poligami.......celakanya hampir semua perempuan diembat ama 'nabi besar junjungan', mulai dari tawanan perang, bini sahabat, bini tetangga, bini kafir, bini bawahan, ampe anak kecil umur 9 tahun..........ckckckckck.........nabi bejat koq diikutin..... aya aya wae.........

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:56 pm
by cahkangkung
ngomong kok ngawur, mana ada perintah Tuhan yang menyuruh incest??!!

cari pembenaran dengan mengadopsi yang ngawur,hanya akan mendiskreditkan diri sendiri!!

Konsep poligami Islam, mau dicari pembenaran dan penyandingannya, tetap akan tidak akan mengangkat harkat dan martabat Islam. Karena Poligami dalam Islam merupakan perintah Awloh dalam Quran, sedangkan Poligami dalam budaya yang Monogami semata2 merupakan penyelewengan,karena tidak ada dasarnya!

Re: Konsep Poligami mulai di kenal di Amerika

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:57 pm
by Sober
asfintia wrote: xixixixi sekarang aku tanyak kenapa Tuhan menyuruh Adam mengawinkan diantara anak anaknya (penyimpangan seksual) atau disebut incest. tidak lain dari semua itu ialah hak dari Tuhan. Semua orang di sini pasti incest tidak diperbolehkan disemua agama. tetapi mengapa Tuhan menyuruh melakukan itu. jadi tidak ada yang boleh menganggap poligami itu dosa. itu semua Hak tuhan untuk memperbolehkan poligami sama seperti tuhan memperbolehkan Incest pertama kali. pahammmmm
Aku kira kau mau batasi ke poligami...tapi bawa incest juga...

Okelah..Tanya kan secara jujur kepada dirimu sendiri...apa mau anak mu kawin incest ? Kalau kau mau mengatakan incest boleh karena poligami boleh....seharusnya jawabanmu juga "Ya" terhadap incest.

Bagi saya...Incest dan Poligami adalah ciptaan manusia..bukan suruhan Tuhan

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:04 pm
by Panzerfausted
menikahi beberapa wanita secara legal dan bertanggung jawab kepada wanita2 itu dan anak2 yang lahir, dianggap salah.

berhubungan seksual dengan beberapa wanita tanpa ikatan yang sah, dianggap wajar2 saja.

Itu dulu...

Akhirnya bule2 itu nemu jalan keluar dengan mlegalkan poligami

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:06 pm
by asfintia
cahkangkung wrote:ngomong kok ngawur, mana ada perintah Tuhan yang menyuruh incest??!!
loe ***** atau gimana ya, bayangin loe manusia yang diciptakan pertama kali (adam) dan istrimu (hawa)

bagaimana kalian bisa mendapat keturunan sebanyak penduduk di bumi ini kalau tidak melalui proses incest stupid. kalau loe punya anak cewek dan punya anak cowok gk ada jalan lain selain loe harus nikahin mereka berdua agar garis keturunan berjalan. mikirrrr donkkk

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:08 pm
by cahkangkung
Panzerfausted wrote:menikahi beberapa wanita secara legal dan bertanggung jawab kepada wanita2 itu dan anak2 yang lahir, dianggap salah.

berhubungan seksual dengan beberapa wanita tanpa ikatan yang sah, dianggap wajar2 saja.

Itu dulu...

Akhirnya bule2 itu nemu jalan keluar dengan mlegalkan poligami
elu mau ngomongin budaya,agama,gaya hidup ato apaan sih?? Masa elu nyandingin poligami yang merupakan ajaran Awloh dan merupakan bentuk kekafahaan Muslim dengan kumpul kebo yang ga jelas pelakunya ngaku agama apa,bahkan percaya Tuhan juga kagak??!! Typikal Muslim!!

Re: Konsep Poligami mulai di kenal di Amerika

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:10 pm
by asfintia
Sober wrote:Okelah..Tanya kan secara jujur kepada dirimu sendiri...apa mau anak mu kawin incest ? Kalau kau mau mengatakan incest boleh karena poligami boleh....seharusnya jawabanmu juga "Ya" terhadap incest.

Bagi saya...Incest dan Poligami adalah ciptaan manusia..bukan suruhan Tuhan
**** yang membolehkan incest siapa di islam incest adalah haram, aku hanya memberi contoh proses dibolehkannya poligami.

sekarang loe anggap dah incest itu dosa. tapi pernah terbayangkan nggak kalau loe manusia yang pertama kali diciptakan (adam) dan istri loe (hawa) gimana cara loe meneruskan garis keturunan loe tanpa incest? hayoo bisa jawab gak gua tunggu jawaban loe

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:17 pm
by asfintia
cahkangkung wrote:ngomong kok ngawur, mana ada perintah Tuhan yang menyuruh incest??!!
buka kejadian 4:1-dan seterusnya baca baik baik

Re: Konsep Poligami mulai di kenal di Amerika

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:30 pm
by Sober
asfintia wrote: **** yang membolehkan incest siapa di islam incest adalah haram, aku hanya memberi contoh proses dibolehkannya poligami.

sekarang loe anggap dah incest itu dosa. tapi pernah terbayangkan nggak kalau loe manusia yang pertama kali diciptakan (adam) dan istri loe (hawa) gimana cara loe meneruskan garis keturunan loe tanpa incest? hayoo bisa jawab gak gua tunggu jawaban loe
Itukan asumsi mu aja...(bahwa setelah menciptakan Adam...Tuhan tidak menciptakan manusia lain). Coba cari di kitab manapun (Quran, Alkitab, Wedha...dsb) apakah setelah Adam diciptakan, lalu Tuhan tidak mencipta manusia lagi....Yang dikatakan adalah Adam merupakan ciptaan pertama...tidak dikatakan bahwa Tuhan berhenti menciptakan manusia setelah Adam....

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:40 pm
by Nurlela
Walah itu berita basi bung ?
Konsep poligami bukan mulai dikenal di-Amerika, tapi itu berita lama bung !
Gereja Mormon yang di-dirikan Joseph Smith memang memperbolehkan Poligami. Pengikut Mormon sekarang ada sekitar 12.300.000 orang dan ada di 160 negara.

Poligami memang dilarang di Amerika Serikat tak terkecuali untuk kaum Mormon di negara Bagian Utah ( Mayoritas Mormon).

Polygami dilarang di-USA juga berdasarkan UUD - bagian equal rights to every person.

Gereja resmi dari agama Mormon melarang polygami - tetapi perpecahan dari agama Mormon resmi yg disebut Mormon fundamental - tetap memperbolehkan poligami.
Aliran ini banyak di-Utah dan meskipun dikejar pemerintah tetap berkembang.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:41 pm
by cahkangkung
asfintia wrote: buka kejadian 4:1-dan seterusnya baca baik baik
Baca Imamat 18:8 - dan seterusnya baca baik-baik.

Re: Konsep Poligami mulai di kenal di Amerika

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:52 pm
by asfintia
Sober wrote: Coba cari di kitab manapun (Quran, Alkitab, Wedha...dsb) apakah setelah Adam diciptakan, lalu Tuhan tidak mencipta manusia lagi....Yang dikatakan adalah Adam merupakan ciptaan pertama...tidak dikatakan bahwa Tuhan berhenti menciptakan manusia setelah Adam....

xixixixi kekeke bentar gua mau ketawa dulu
loe suruh gua cari di Quran & Alkitab kalau di wedha dan sebagainya aku gak ketemu masalah adam. di Quran dan Alkitab sama sama menyebutkan Adam manusia pertama dan setelah itu Tuhan tidak menciptakan Manusia lagi dengan langsung melainkan. dengan proses keturunan. kecuali Yesus (kristen) atau Isa (islam), Tuhan mengulangi kembali proses penciptaan seperti adam yaitu tanpa garis keturunan.

Re: Konsep Poligami mulai di kenal di Amerika

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:53 pm
by willie
asfintia wrote: What does the bible say about it?

You probably assume polygamy is some sort of sin, like I once thought before studying it. They avoid the subject in churches, other than those bible stories about men and their multiple wives. What about those guys? Here's some biblical polygamists for you:

Abdon, Abijah, Abraham, Ahab, Ahasuerus, Ashur, Belshazzar, Benhadad, Caleb, David, Eliphaz, Elkanah, Esau, Ezra, Gideon, Heman, Hosea, Ibzan, Issachar's tribe, Jacob, Jair, Jehoiachin, Jehoram, Jerahmeel, Joash, Lamech, Machir, Manasseh, Mered, Moses, Nahor, Rehoboam, Saul, Shaharaim, Shimei, Simeon, Solomon, Terah, Zedekiah, Ziba

You may recognize some of those. What do we tell our kids about these men in the bible? Well we can't just say they were bad men. Abraham, Jacob, and Moses were certainly righteous men in God's eyes. David was king of Isreal and a man "After God's own heart".
Anyway, Abraham and Sarah would have been monogamous apart from a low point in their faith when Hagar became a second wife (note how much strife this caused later). Jacob only wanted Rachel, but was tricked into marrying her older sister Leah, and later he took their slave girls at the sisters’ urging, due to the rivalry between the sisters. Jacob was hardly at a spiritual high point at those times, and neither was David when he added Abigail and Ahinoam (1 Samuel 25:42–43).

A very important point to remember is that not everything recorded in the Bible is approved in the Bible. Consider where polygamy originated first in the line of the murderer Cain, not the godly line of Seth. The first recorded polygamist was the murderer Lamech (Gen. 4:23–24). Then Esau, who despised his birthright, also caused much grief to his parents by marrying two pagan wives (Gen. 26:34).

God also forbade the kings of Israel to be polygamous (Deuteronomy 17:17). Look at the trouble when they disobeyed, including deadly sibling rivalry between David’s sons from his different wives; and Solomon’s hundreds of wives helped lead Solomon to idolatry (1 Kings 11:1–3). Also, Hannah, Samuel’s mother, was humiliated by her husband Elkanah’s other wife Peninnah (1 Sam. 1:1–7).
Maybe you're thinking they just made some mistakes by taking other wives? A lapse in their judgement? Low point in their faith?
Indeed.. They just mere human being who is able to commit sins. And such a mere human, sometimes they also had low point in their faith.
Well that reasoning doesn't work either because God actually gave wives as a gift:

And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things. 2 Samuel 12:8

This is God speaking to David through a prophet (Nathan). So not only is Polygamy not a sin, God approves and says he is the one who gives wives! It even says in that verse he would have given him more wives if David wanted them.
Look at the verse again. It doesn't say God really want the polygamy system.

"..I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives.."
The phraseology means nothing more than that God in His providence had given David, as king of Israel, everything that was Saul's. The history furnishes conclusive evidence that he never actually married any of the wives of Saul. But the harem of the preceding king belongs, according to Oriental notions, as a part of the regalia to his successor.

The verse actually only say that whatever happen in our life, including bad things, are under the providences of God. God allow bad things while actually he doesn't want bad things happen to us.
Does the new testament change anything?

Jesus came into the world to make a new covenant. He came and simplified the law of Moses, and was the final sacrifice to atone for the sins of those who would believe in him. Did he change the rules on polygamy? Not at all. Polygamy isn't talked about much in the new testament, which isn't a big surprise since the Romans decided to make it illegal. The medieval laws were based on Roman laws later, and now you can see how it never became part of European or Western culture afterwards. Here are some specific new testament verses that may come up in a discussion on polygamy in the new testament:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. Matthew 19:9

Some people think this proves polygamy is forbidden, when the verse is simply talking about divorce. Divorce is what is forbidden (except in cases of unfaithfulness). If someone takes another wife without divorcing their first wife then that is fine. Otherwise they are causing their first wife to commit adultery, which is how adultery is actually translated: "WOMAN that breaketh wedlock".
The clearest evidence that monogamy is God’s ideal is from Christ’s teaching on marriage in Matthew 19:3–6. In this passage, He cited the Genesis creation account, in particular Genesis 1:27 and 2:24, saying ‘the two will become one flesh’, not more than two.

Another important biblical teaching is the parallel of husband and wife with Christ and the Church in Ephessian 5:22–33, which makes sense only with monogamy (Jesus will not have multiple brides).

The 10th Commandment ‘… You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife (singular) …’ (Exodus 20:17) also presupposes the ideal that there is only one wife. Polygamy is expressly forbidden for church elders (1 Tim. 3:2). And this is not just for elders, because Paul also wrote: ‘each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.’ Paul goes on to explain marital duties in terms that make sense only with one husband to one wife.

The example of godly people is also important. Isaac and Rebekah were monogamous (they are often used as a model in Jewish weddings today). Other examples were Joseph and Asenath, and Moses and Zipporah. And the only survivors of the Flood were four monogamous couples.
To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife. 1 Corinthians 7:10

Here divorce is forbidden again, but what is interesting to note is that Paul says a wife who leaves her husband must remain unmarried. There is no such command to husbands to remain unmarried if they seperate from a wife, only that they must not divorce.
A very important point to remember is that not everything recorded in the Bible is approved in the Bible. Consider where polygamy originated first in the line of the murderer Cain, not the godly line of Seth. The first recorded polygamist was the murderer Lamech (Genesis 4:23–24). Then Esau, who despised his birthright, also caused much grief to his parents by marrying two pagan wives (Gen. 26:34).

God also forbade the kings of Israel to be polygamous (Deuteronomy 17:17). Look at the trouble when they disobeyed, including deadly sibling rivalry between David’s sons from his different wives, and Solomon’s hundreds of wives helped lead Solomon to idolatry (1 Kings 11:1–3). Also, Hannah, Samuel’s mother, was humiliated by her husband Elkanah’s other wife Peninnah (1 Sam. 1:1–7).
This is another clear example that polygamy is allowed even in the new testament.

Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:2

This is another great example. If you look up the original greek version of this verse you'll notice that the words for 'his own' and 'her own' are completely different. In the wife's case 'her own' means just that: her own husband. But in the husbands case 'his own' actually translates to mean 'he himself' as in 'every man have himself a wife'. Paul knows God's law intimately and makes sure to allow for plurality here.

"..let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own

That is, let every man that has a wife enjoy her, and make use of her, and let every woman that has an husband, receive him into her embraces; for these words are not to be understood of unmarried persons entering into a marriage state, for the words suppose them in such a state, but of the proper use of the marriage bed, and teach us that marriage, and the use of it, are proper remedies against fornication. And that carnal copulation of a man with a woman ought only to be of husband and wife, or of persons in a married state; and that all other copulations are sinful. And that polygamy is unlawful. And that one man is to have but one wife, and to keep to her. And that one woman is to have but one husband, and to keep to him.
Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. 1 Timothy 3:12

Here it is talking to church leaders only. The greek word for 'one' here also means 'first', which makes more sense that it would say let deacons be the husbands of their first wife. Meaning they should not be divorced from their original wife.
Why should I believe that the word 'mia' at that verse is best translated at 'first' while majority of the experts are sure that it is best translated with 'one'?
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh Genesis 2:24

This is an old testament verse referenced in the new testament in various places. Becoming 'one flesh' happens when a man and woman have intercourse. This can happen between man and wife, or man and prostitute. So it's not something that can only happen once, which means it can't be talking about monogamy in this verse.
What a joke.. You say that Genesis 2:24 can be applied for the prostitute also? Moron...

Anyway.. I cann't find a 9 years old girl on this pic.. :lol:


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:56 pm
by asfintia
cahkangkung wrote: Baca Imamat 18:8 - dan seterusnya baca baik-baik.
nah itulah intinya cahkangkung, mengapa pertama Tuhan menyuruh lalu melarang. dari situ kita bisa mengambil kesimpulan Bahwa keputusan itu di tangan tuhan suka suka Tuhan you know

Re: Konsep Poligami mulai di kenal di Amerika

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:59 pm
by Sober
asfintia wrote:

xixixixi kekeke bentar gua mau ketawa dulu
loe suruh gua cari di Quran & Alkitab kalau di wedha dan sebagainya aku gak ketemu masalah adam. di Quran dan Alkitab sama sama menyebutkan Adam manusia pertama dan setelah itu Tuhan tidak menciptakan Manusia lagi dengan langsung melainkan. dengan proses keturunan. kecuali Yesus (kristen) atau Isa (islam), Tuhan mengulangi kembali proses penciptaan seperti adam yaitu tanpa garis keturunan.
Jangan kebanyakan Ketawa..ntar dikirain orang gila...

Utk yang dibold...kasi ayat-ayatnya donk....Yang komplit yah...

Kalau ayat-ayatnya nggak ada...ngak usah ketawa lagi ya...

Kau udah diskak ama Bambang karena Allah mu nggak sanggup membunuh Bambang...jadi jangan malu-maluin ketawa nggak menentu...

Seharusnya kau itu merenung mengapa Bambang kok masih hidup...Allah mu ternyata tidak berdaya.