Rev Majid el Shafie, murtadin MESIR pendiri org HAM

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Rev Majid el Shafie, murtadin MESIR pendiri org HAM

Post by ali5196 »

http://www.onefreeworldinternational.or ... m-fighter/#
Majed El Shafie : seorang pengacara Muslim dari keluarga mapan & terhormat di Mesir. Ia heran dengan aturan2 diskriminatif di Mesir ttg pembangunan gereja. Di Mesir ada larangan pembangunan gereja baru dan larangan renovasi gereja lama (dng maksud agar gereja tsb runtuh). Sidik punya sidik, suatu hari ia membandingkan Quran dengan Injil dan akhirnya singkat cerita, ia milih utk keluar Islam. Ia mendirikan organisasi utk membantu Kristen di Mesir, menulis buku & menjadi pendeta. Karena kegiatannya ini, ia ditangkap, disiksa dan dijatuhi hukuman mati karena murtad. Ia melarikan diri ke Israel dgn nekad, naik jetski! =D> =D> Karena ilegal di Israel, disana ia dipenjara 1 1/2 tahun. Kini ia hidup di Kanada, meneruskan profesi sbg pendeta dan memperjuangkan hak2 minoritas2 Kristen dll di negara2 Islam lewat organisasinya

Organisasnya penting dalam mengadukan kasus2 ke parlemen Kanada. Ia terus menantang para pemimpin dunia dan spiritual utk mempedulkan nasib Kristen, golongan yang paling dianiaya abad ini tapi tak seorang pemimpin-pun berani mengangkat masalah ini. Mereka justru lebih suka memusingkan diri dgn memperjuangkan hak2 Muslim. Majed bahkan berani mengorbankan nyawanya demi kebenaran.

Ia barusan merilis film Freedom Fighter utk menunjukkan kepada dunia apa yg terjadi pada minoritas2 Kristen di negara2 Islam spt Pakistan dan Afghanistan. Film ini adalah hasil karyanya selama 4 tahun menyelidiki kasus2 perbudakan, penindasan, pelecehan hak anak2 dsb. Salah satu kasus adalah pemerkosaan anak dua tahun karena keluarganya menolak masuk Islam.

Last edited by ali5196 on Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:31 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by ali5196 »

Ini kisahnya ia jadi murtad. INGAT ... ini bukan promo Kristen tapi penting utk menunjukkan kejamnya Islam & Muslim.

Selama 7 hari, Majed disiksa dgn kepalanya direndam dalam air dingin. Ia digantung dengan kaki diatas, disiksa dgn puntung rokok, dikunci dlm ruangan dgn anjing2 garang ... tapi karena mukjizat, ketiga anjing garang tsb tidak menyerangnya. Penjaga selnya bingung dan menjemput 3 anjing lagi. Ketiga anjing ini juga terdiam setelah mendekati Majed. Ia ditawari rumah, wanita dan segala bentuk kekayaan agar membocorkan nama pemimpinnya. Majed menjawab: pemimpinnya adalah Yesus Kristus. ''Silahkan tangkap dia,'' katanya. Akhirnya Majed dibiarkan diikat pada salib dan disiksa pada salib tsb. Majed tetap kukuh. Akhirnya interogatornya angkat tangan dan ia dibawa ke rumah sakit & pengadilan.

MENARIK: ketika Majed di Israel, ia dikirim untuk menyelidiki rudal2 Katusha yg ditembakkan Hezbollah ke Israel. Ia melihat bahwa rudal2 itu mengandung bola2 baja (cluster bombs?) yg efeknya sangat mematikan. Kesimpulannya, Hezbollah/Hamas bukan merudal Israel karena bela diri atau menuntut hak bernegara. Mereka memang bertujuan untuk membunuh Yahudi sebanyak2nya dgn cluster bombs ini. Dlm perudalan Haifa, 13.000 dari cluster bombs ini dikandung rudal2 dari Lebanon/Hezbollah. Ia heran mengapa media dan dunia internasional begitu mendukung Hezbollah yang haus darah.

Last edited by ali5196 on Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by harahap »

Faith Freedom Fighter

netter FFI = FFF

keren juga .....

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Mohmed Bin Atang
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Re: Rev Majid el Shafie, murtadin MESIR pendiri org menteren

Post by Mohmed Bin Atang »

harahap wrote:Faith Freedom Fighter

netter FFI = FFF

keren juga .....

kok ini :roll: ?
gini dong :green:


Tambahin kata Faith diatas judulnya, boleh tuh
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Re: Rev Majid el Shafie, murtadin MESIR pendiri org menteren

Post by harahap »

Freedom Fighter is the story of Majed. An Egyptian man who was beaten, tortured and sentenced to death for his faith. Having escaped to the west, this former victim now fights for those facing a similar fate at the hands of extremists, while their own governments turn a blind eye, or worse, participate in the persecution of religious minorities within their borders.
This film follows Majed on his journey to change the world. Traveling to Afghanistan and Pakistan, where he challenges their governments and attempts to rescue a family hiding in Pakistan after their 2 year old daughter was raped in an effort to "Force convert" them.

Dove Worldview:
This is a moving documentary, sharing the good that Majed El Shafie has accomplished, with the help of others, in his fight against persecution. Once of the Islamic faith, Shafie became a Christian in Egypt and immediately began to suffer persecution. He was tortured, having his clothes removed and suffered burning. That was only the beginning.
This documentary features his efforts to get various countries to help and to respect human rights. We also see him recount the tearful story of his best friend, Tamer, who took a bullet on his behalf and saved his life. In addition we meet Neha, a young girl who was raped and subsequently has had five surgeries. It becomes El Shafie's passion to get Neha and her family out of Pakistan to Canada. You will have to view the DVD to learn if he was successful.

Although this DVD contains a few strong videos and photos, such as bloody wounds on a man's body, and horror stories of torture, it is not gratuitous and the education this DVD provides, along with the hope, is inspiring. The viewer learns that there is an average of one persecuted Christian every three minutes and that last year 165,000 Christians were killed for their faith. We recommend that parents consult our content listing below. We are happy to award this educational and inspiring DVD our Dove "Family-Approved" Seal for ages twelve and above. It is a powerful DVD which will increase the viewer's gratefulness for his/her own life and may inspire more involvement to help set the persecuted free.

Content Description:
Sex: It's mentioned that women and girls have been raped due to their Christian faith and one man says he has nightmares, remembering the screams of the victims.
Language: None
Violence: A man says he was stripped naked and burned due to his faith; we see fires and protests; a coffin is seen being carried and other coffins are seen; a dead boy is briefly glimpsed with a sheet draped around his body; a gun is seen fired; people are shoved; a man mentions being burned with cigarettes; a hurt man is carried on a stretcher; a man's bloody face is briefly seen; talk of car being smashed; scars are seen on various people which are from torture and a few bloody wounds are seen; a sign is seen which reads, "Behead those who insult Islam"; man seen holding rifle; in some places it is said one must convert to Islam or give up a kidney or die; talk of beatings; a photo is seen of gun being held on man; woman seen with burned arm.
Drugs: None
Nudity: Shirtless boy; shirtless men; girl's stomach seen with scars.
Other: Talk of betrayal and governments which do not reflect human rights; a man gets choked up as he mentions his friend died on his behalf.
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Post by ali5196 »

Last edited by ali5196 on Fri May 31, 2013 5:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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