BBC, Secret Lives: ungkap tabu Islam ttg murtadin

Orang-orang dari seluruh dunia yang murtad (termasuk dari FFInternasional). Siapa mereka dan mengapa mereka meninggalkan Islam ? Murtadin2 dari FFIndonesia silahkan masukkan pengakuan ke 'Mengapa Saya Murtad ?'
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BBC, Secret Lives: ungkap tabu Islam ttg murtadin

Post by ali5196 »

Uploaded by MonsterAmoebe on Aug 22, 2010

Christians can practice their faith freely across much of the Arab world but converting from Islam to Christianity is another matter entirely. Omar Abdul-Razek investigates. Omar Abdul-Razek, a reporter from the BBC's Arabic Service, spent 3 months investigating the hidden world of converts, travelling across the region from Egypt to Morocco and eventually to the United States. He meets people who feel compelled to keep their new-found Christian faith a secret and a new generation of 'shock' preachers who use the internet and satellite TV to attack Islam in the hope of winning more Christian converts.

MAROKO: pindah agama dilarang secara jelas dlm UU.

Catatan: bagian acara BBC ini yg menyebabkan acara Fr Zakaria Boutros ditarik dari peredaran AL Hayat TV. BBC menuduh seorang milyuner evangelis Kristen (JOyce Meyer) mendukung Fr Zakaria yg berkotbah ttg nabi mohammad menggunakan bahasa 'rasis, menghina,' demikian kata wartawan BBC ini yg langsung membuat Meyer mencabut dukungan bagi Fr Zakaria. Tapi kemudian Fr Z kembali mengudara di menurut Lihat juga
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