Murtad2 INDIA & PAKISTAN yg tantang Islam

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Murtad2 INDIA & PAKISTAN yg tantang Islam

Post by Adadeh »

Pendeta KK Alavi - anak imam Islam terkemuka di India - Pendeta yang paling dibenci Muslim ekstrim

Thiruvananthapuram – Manjeri di Kerala adalah kota yang mayoritas masyarakatnya adalah Muslim dan kota itu punya tempat bersejaraha Islami. Di kota ini nama Pendeta K.K. Alavi, anak dari imam Islam terkemuka, bisa membuat para Muslim konserfativ gelisah.

Pendeta ini dikenal sebagai "orang Kristen paling berani di India". Pendeta Alavi telah menerima banyak sekali ancaman pembunuhan dari para Muslim setelah dia murtad masuk Kristen di usia 21 tahun.


Menurut sumber2 surat kabar, para imam Islam saat khotbah menyebut namanya sebagai musuh Islam dan bahkan kelompok2 Islam ekstrim menyewa pembunuh untuk menghabisinya. Selain mengutuk pendeta KK Alavi di konferensi2 Muslim, surat2 kabar, dan majalah, kelompok2 Islam juga telah mengedarkan kaset2 di India dan Timur Tengah yang mencela Pendeta Alavi dan pesan Kristianinya. Banyak pula yang berusaha menuntutnya ke pengadilan dengan tuduhan yang beraneka dari menipu, menyelundupkan senjata, sampai perkosaan.

Akan tetapi, Pendeta Alavi (53) tahun tidak goyah dan terus melakukan hal yang terbaik yang bisa dia lakukan, yakni menyebarkan kabar baik tentang Yesus Kristus.

Selain telah menulis lebih dari 20 buku dan traktak untuk mengajak Muslim mengerti inti ajaran Yesus, Pendeta Alavi juga menyelenggarakan pembuatan traktak, buklet, dan penelaahan pandangan Islami akan Kristen.

“Bulan lalu, beberapa wartawan datang padaku untuk mengingatkan bahwa para pembunuh telah dikerahkan untuk membunuhku.” demikian kata Pdt. Alavi. “Aku telah menerima ancaman pembunuhan seumur hidupku dari fundamentalis Islam. Jadi aku tidak kaget waktu mendengar dari wartawan2 yang dapat bocoran dari orang di kelompok radikal Islam India.”

Pejabat2 polisi dan keamanan juga menegaskan bahwa beberapa kelompok Islami memang mau membunuhnya, demikian dilaporkan. Compass Direct.

Meskipun Pengadilan Tinggi Kerala telah mencoba memberikan perlindungan kepadanya, Pdt. Alavi yang bekerja sebagai pendeta di gereja Lutheran, New Hope India Mission, menolak perlindungan itu. “Aku bisa minta perlindungan polisi ke mana pun aku pergi, tapi aku percaya jika aku melakukannya maka aku akan kehilangan perlindungan dari malaikat penjagaku.” Katanya. “Jadi aku menolak perlindungan dari manusia dan berpaling kepada Tuhan untuk dapat penjagaan dan perlindungan. Siapa yang dapat membunuhku jika Tuhan bersamaku?”

Menurut Pdt. Alavi, usaha2 pembunuhan telah dialam dirinya sejak tahun 1981 ketika sekelompok Muslim menyerang rumahnya sambil bawa golok. “Aku lari sekuat tenaga ke kantor polisi. Setelah itu aku berlindung di rumah seorang pengacara Hindu, “katanya. Di lain saat, seorang yang tak dikenal menembaki rumahnya, sehingga temboknya berlubang-lubang dan masih tampak sampai saat ini. Bahkan di gereja pun nyawanya tidak aman. “Suatu saat ketika aku sedang khotbah di gereja, seorang mengacungkan senjata mengarah kepadaku … tapi dia melarikan diri setelah seorang jemaat mencoba berbicara padanya. Keluargaku ketakutan, tapi aku tahu Tuhan akan melindungiku..”

Rev. Alavi still receives many threatening letters from militant organizations such as Tiger Force and the Islamic Front. His church has been attacked several times and the Cross destroyed.

“Now, sources have alerted me that I’m on the hit list prepared by the Muslim fundamentalist National Development Front,” he said.

Why? Because “I happened to be the first Muslim in a Muslim town who still converts Muslims in modern times,” he said. “They saw clearly that I’m a sort of a bridge for many to walk to Jesus. They could never stand the idea. Hence I happen to be their foremost enemy.”

Such are the ordeals of a pastor whose widely published testimony has inspired hundreds of Indian Muslims to turn to the path of Jesus. His life story, published in a booklet titled An End of a Search, is translated into 32 languages and circulated in many cities in southern India.

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5. Rev. Khalid Soomro - Pakistani ex-Muslim

Pakistan: Ex-Muslim Christian cleric's house burned, life threatened

Karachi. A famous Scholar and Vatican decorated Pakistani Christian Rev. Khalid Soomro who engaged himself in volunteer services to [manage] PCP(Pakistan Christian Post) Karachi Bureau office is not safe in Pakistan. Muslim extremist group set his house on fire on July 27 [but he and his family survived]. The family members of Mr. Soomro informed PCP about threatening e-mails and calls to Mr. KM Soomro, which have pushed him to hidings in Pakistan.

One of the Threat e-mail reads as:
Mr.Khalid Mansoor Soomro

I am editor of (Zarb-e-Momin) a large weekly-circulated newspaper. I come to know that you become kafir (infidel) and left Islam, and you are working against Islam in an Islamic country. This is too much.

Behave yourself and repent and again enter into Islam, otherwise, our youths will be forced to make you human being. I have read your testimonies and know about your activities. This is the first and last warning to you, your family and your whole network. If I heard any negative activity on your end then we will be on right path to punish you.

Your father
Haji Abdul Rasheed ... 002748.php
Rev. Khalid Soomro house set on fire by terrorists in Pakistan ... newsid=507

His Testimony :
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7. Rev. Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo - Pakistani, International Director of UK-based Barnabas Fund.


The Rev. Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo is the international director of the Barnabas Fund based in England. The Fund is a ministry which assists Christian minorities in the Islamic world and in other areas where Christians undergo persecution. Dr. Sookhdeo was recently in the United States where he spoke with David W. Virtue of VirtueOnline. Dr. Sookhdeo is a leading world authority on Islam, author of several books on Islam including "Understanding Islamic Terrorism" and "A Christian's Pocket Guide to Islam". Born in Pakistan of Islamic parentage he converted to Christianity while a student in London in the early 60s.
His interview :
His books : ... 48-9704906
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Post by ali5196 »

16. Mohammed Altaf( Now Simon Altaf) - Pakistani ex-Muslim - Abrahamic Faith Ministries

Simon Altaf a former Muslim from Pakistan, now based in London, who writes books to alert Christians to the dangers of ignoring or underestimating Islam.

Abrahamic Faith Ministries was founded by Simon Altaf who discovered God's love for Israel.

Simon Altaf : "I am an Ex-Muslim Convert of the dominant Sunni sect from Lahore, Pakistan. I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ back in September 1998 after reading the testimony of an Egyptian convert while browsing the internet one day. Later Walid and I both decided to create a website on the internet,, to propagate the truth to the world about what is coming to pass. Our aim is not to spurn hatred or draw enemy lines, far from it, our aim is to show all people the deception that they have been lured into, whether they be Muslims who do not recognise the path of self-destruction that they have chosen so that all may be touched by the light of life and Christians who have not discerned the signs of the times. As Ephesians 6:12 quite rightly states: ‘For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.’ Our fight is against the spiritual forces of Islam not flesh and blood, Walid being an Arab and me being a Pakistani we can fight against what is in effect our own flesh and our own blood and for this reason we strive to expose the fallacy of fundamentalist Islam and the threat that it poses to the world. Our testimonies can be found at the end of this book.

"I believe in the God of Israel (YHWH) who re-established Israel in her original land in 1948 as he promised in the Bible (Isaiah 66:, I proclaim that (Jesus of Nazareth) of Israel is Yeshua who died for my sins and became my sin offering. It is time for people to look at the Hebrew Scriptures to discover the truth. I am offering these numerous articles explaining why the Bible alone is God's written word and Yeshua is the only one who is Messiah of Israel."

His Website :

His testimony can be found in his book "This is our Eden, This is our End" (Co-authored with Walid Shoebet(Ex-Islamic PLO Terrorist)
His other Books :
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Post by ali5196 »

28. Salah - Ex-Muslim Palestinian, Now Gospel Musician


In July “Jesus 101” was introduced nationwide and the new G-Soul Sound was born. The olive complexioned street savvy kid from Baltimore, has finally made good and is impacting a new generation with his new brand of gospel music.

In Jesus 101, Salah attempts to capture the emotion of his radical new birth from Islam into Christianity. Born to Palestinian parents, his music exudes the passion it took for him to turn against the traditions of his family and become a follower of Jesus Christ. Salah is no overnight success story. He has paid his dues and can talk about the darker days when he had to balance several jobs to keep his dream alive. He knows the struggle of having to pay the rent and keep food on his children’s table, yet remain faithful to the almost irresistible tug in his soul to reach the masses with his music.

Salah's Interview about How he came to know the real Jesus

TGL: Many artists in the gospel music industry don’t have a testimony like yours. You were once Muslim. How did the transition from Islam to Christianity take place?

**Salah: My wife was brought up in a Baptist Church and I was born in the Muslim faith. Both of my parents are Palestinian. Being naive and young at the time my wife and I thought that when our kids were born we would teach them both faiths and they could decide what faith they wanted to follow when they got older.

We figured that this plan would work but all marriages have rough moments and we really “went through.” I gave my life to Jesus six years ago when I was 27. At that time, we were actually in the midst of separating and getting a divorce. My daughter was only 3 and she came to me one Sunday morning and asked me if I would go to church with her and her mother. God was setting me up because he knew that I would not be able to say no to my little girl… I was going through so much. So when my daughter came and asked me to go I said, “Okay, yeah I’ll go.”

My wife hadn’t been attending church for years but on that Sunday she decided to attend this church that met in a high school called Grace Church. So I got dressed and went to church that Sunday and Pastor Derek Grier began to speak and he said “Church, I planned a sermon this Sunday but there is somebody here that needs to hear a different word.” So I was looking around, like who is that somebody? So he started speaking and he started speaking directly at me. Not that he was looking at me but God was speaking directly to me. It was one of those things that were unmistakable. It was like, how could he know these things about my life. It was just too intimate. So I am looking at my wife thinking this ‘is this a set up.’ ‘Did you talk to him about what was going on in my life?” The first week, I just kind of asked it in my mind and thought okay, this is a coincidence. There has got to be some folks in here going through what I am going through. I blew it off and went back the next Sunday. But the next week the same thing happened. He said “Church I planned a sermon this Sunday but there is somebody here that needs to hear a different word.” Again, he began to speak directly to me. This time it was even more personal. At that point I could not turn away and say it was a coincidence. And I asked my wife, “Did you tell this man what is happening in my life?” But I thought there is no way she could have told him these things because there are some things he is saying that she don’t even know about me.

So I began to really start paying attention now. So I went back the 3rd week and the same thing happened. It just kept getting deeper and deeper. I think by the 5th week I was listening and it got to the end of the message and I kind of zoned out because I was just blown away. But when I snapped back into it, Pastor Grier was asking “Is there anyone that does not know Jesus Christ as there Lord and Savior” and I raised my hand because I did not know Jesus. The next thing I know he is talking about “come on down” and I am thinking ‘what is this, the Price is Right?’ So I went down and I said the prayer of salvation and he said that “The angels in heaven had begun rejoicing over my response to the Gospel, and my name was written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” He added, “You are a different person and not the same one you were when you walked in here.” At the time I didn’t realize what I had done. When I came back to myself , I just raised my hand to be honest that I didn’t know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I don’t believe I really gave my life to Christ that day. But two Sundays later, I prayed again with the Pastor. I confessed it from the bottom of my heart and Jesus Christ came in.

TGL: How should a Christian approach a Muslim if they want to lead them to Christ?

**Salah: I think one of the problems is that the church does not prepare us to go out and to learn about other faiths. You don’t have to know everything about every faith but just enough to know what is going on in people’s hearts. I think the church needs to really prepare folks. I guess one song that epitomizes this is Darwin Hobbs and Shirley Murdoch and they were singing about ‘some pray to a God Muhammad,’ That’s not correct because Muslims don’t pray to Muhammad as if he were a God. Muslims look at Muhammad as if he were a prophet. He simply brought what Muslims consider to be God’s message to the Muslims. If Christians do not understand these things, they are going to end up disrespecting somebody or turning them off. I think the most important thing is for Christians to come in a spirit of love. Not to come at them with an air that I am better than you, because I have Christ and you don’t. I believe that a lot of religions, [share] a lot of [moral] fundamentals. But the missing ingredient in every other religion is Jesus Christ. Muslims believe in Jesus Christ but they just believe He is just a mere prophet.

TGL: So Christians lack understanding?

**Salah: Yeah. If you were witnessing to a Buddhist without having an understanding about what it is that makes them believe what they believe, even though we are sharing in love, it might appear that we are coming in disrespect. Most people that would come to me would just blatantly tell me that I was going to hell because I didn’t believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. And I didn’t want to hear that because in my opinion I was living the best life I could as a Muslim. So I believe we could end up loosing a whole lot of folks, if we don’t realize how we are supposed to really approach them.

TGL: If you had to name one thing, what was it that drew you to Christianity? Was it that there was someone telling you about yourself or was it the presence of love that you never felt before? What was it?

**Salah: The first thing that sparked my attention was the fact that this man knew all my business. There was no way this man could know all my business, unless someone was telling him all my business and the only one who knew all my business was God. Only God knew the things that were coming out of his mouth. The second thing that God did, knowing my love for music, he drew me in through the powerful praise and worship of that church. I love the feeling behind the praise and worship. I ended up becoming a praise and worship leader at Grace.

There is no greater feeling in the world to me. There is not a drug, not an alcoholic beverage, absolutely nothing that can compare to the feeling. But I can only speak for true worshippers who aim to minister in the presence of God. There is nothing in the world that can compare to experiencing His Presence. So when I began to sing the praises and learn more and more about what those words meant, you know God just enlarging Himself inside of me. His presence is so real that when He touches you, you can’t deny it. This is something that I didn’t experience in Islam. All my life I desired to have a close personal relationship with God. I never got it with Islam.

TGL: As a Muslim, you had a pretty strict lifestyle, in terms of making sure you are praying at certain times of the day and they are faithful to it. Coming from something that is so strict [Islam] to something that is more about you and your relationship [Christianity], how did your lifestyle change?

**Salah: It really changed tremendously because now I can pray to God whenever I want to pray to Him. It doesn’t have to be a certain time and I don’t have to face in a certain direction. I didn’t have to say the same prayer every time I pray. It is more intimate where if I want to just talk to God I can get down on my knees and talk to Him. Every time you pray as a Muslim it is the exact same prayer, you have to pray at certain times. It is more ritualistic in my opinion.

I am now with the praise team at New Birth in Atlanta, with Bishop Eddie Long. I am also in the men’s choir and on the drama ministry in a church that big. It has over 25,000 members. My responsibility as a leader has gotten much larger and I am not saying it is always easy because if I am ever tempted to do something out of line, I can’t because it seems like everybody in the city seems to go to my church.

TGL:: Your style of gospel has been defined as G-Soul – “not your mama’s gospel.” So what do you want everyone to know about your music?

**Salah:: I call it G-Soul because the “G” stands for God. I believe that God wants to do something different through me. I have never been a very traditional person nor am I a religious person. I just love Jesus Christ. I love God’s word and I just want to make sure everyone else gets a chance to love Jesus Christ. I want to be able to get to young people. If you listen to my stuff it is really more R&B and …I mean I really didn’t change anything from what I used to do musically. It is still R&B Hip Hop and the only thing I did was put God lyrics to it. I didn’t want to get put into the gospel box or the contemporary Christian box because I believe once you get put in a box you automatically turn off a demographic that needs to be touched. G Soul is about winning souls for God.

TGL: What is the name of the CD?

**Salah:: The name of the CD is Jesus 101. All the stuff in there is very basic. It is easy for the believer and non-believer to listen to and get into. It has very nice beats that people can start moving to. It is very melodic, the verses and the hooks, you know. Before you know it you are bobbing to it and even humming the melodies and then the next thing you know you are singing to God. It kind of sneaks up on you and smacks you in the head.

TGL: Do you have a website?

**Salah:: I do. It’s And there are samples of the CD on there and it is available on-line at and As soon as we finish working out national distribution it will be released commercially. It will be an internationally distributed CD. We are trying to do it as big as we can, because God is so big we can’t do it small.

His WebSite :
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29. Rev. Mawlawi Dr. Imad ud-Din Lahiz - Penulis Ttg. Islam yang Produktif, Pengkhotbah, Penerjemah Qur'an

Padre Imad-ud Din Lahiz wrote his life story in 1866. This English translation of the Urdu publication, Waqicat-i cImadiyya, is based on a text published by the Punjab Religious Book Society, Lahore, in 1957.

Imad ud-Din was a prolific writer. His works reflect the influence of the two chief contenders of that great debate between Muslims and Christians in Agra in 1854, Mawlawi Rahmat Ullah and Padre C.G. Pfander. In addition to Imad ud-Din’s writing about Islam, its history, faith and practices, his translation of the Qur’an into Urdu and his many Bible commentaries, he responded to the works of Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadiyan. Much within some of his writings offers us his reasons in detail for his conversion to Christ.

The writer became a Christian on April 29, 1866 simply for the sake of attaining salvation.

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34. Dr. Abraham Sarker - Former Muslim, Bangladesh - Now christian Evengelist, Founder of "Gospel for Muslims" Ministries


Abraham Sarker was born into a devout Sunni Muslim home in Bangladesh, where he was being raised to be a future Islamic leader. Sarker’s mother was an Islamic schoolteacher and his father a prominent Islamic politician. He begins his personal introduction with the statement “This is a story about how God snatched me from the clutches of hell and introduced me to the eternal Savior, Jesus Christ.” This journey began when, at the age of 15, young Abraham had a deeply disturbing dream in which he faced the judgment of God and was thrown into a lake of fire. This dream occurred three times, several days apart, and brought the young man to his knees, asking God to reveal to him the meaning of the terrifying dreams. He tells of his mysterious and dramatic encounter with God while in the mosque, seeking god with all his heart, and the peace that then came over him. It was not a simple process, but God continued to lead him out of darkness into the light, and to show His hand in amazing ways. This young man eventually accepted Christ as his Savior with great joy, but not without a price. He had to face rejection by his family and persecution by those he called friends. As he says, “The gospel was free to me- but it cost me everything to follow Christ.” His faith remained firm, and in time he had the privilege of seeing two of his brothers and his father come to faith in Christ. ... eviewID=35

His Book - "Understand My Muslim People"

WebSite :
Kutipan dari bukunya:
Dear Friend,

Did you know that Islam is the second largest religion in the world after Christianity? Until God opened my eyes to see the truth, I was one of 1.2 billion Muslims blinded by Islam.

Today, my passion is for Musllims to know Jesus Christ, who gives eternal hope and assurance of salvation. I pray that the church in America and around the world will receive a vision for Muslim evangelism.

May you allow God to use your life to reach millions of Muslims with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In His service,

Dr. Abraham Sarker
Founder & Director of Gospel For Muslims, Inc.
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Salman (Ahmed) Rushdie


Indian-born British writer forced into hiding when his novel The Satanic Verses (1988) led the Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini to demand his execution. Rushdie’s novels include Midnight’s Children, Shame, The Satanic Verses, Haroun and the Sea of Stories, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Fury, and the forthcoming Shalimar the Clown. His latest book is Step Across This Line: Collected Nonfiction 1992–2002.
Rushdie has won the Booker Prize, the “Booker of Bookers,” the Whitbread Prize, the Writer’s Guild Award, the Aristeion Prize, and major literary awards in Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Hungary.
He has served as honorary Vice-President, Member Trustee-at-Large, and President of PEN American Center. He was also a founder and first President of the International Parliament of Writers.
He lives in New York City.
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Hassan Palakkode

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, April 6 (UNI) — Amid tight security and chanting of mantras, young Muslim scholar Hassan Palakkode and two others, including a woman, today embraced Hinduism at a ceremony held here according to vedic rites.

After the "Ganapati havan" and purification ceremony, the trio, Hassan Palakkode, Akbar and Jama, were formally converted to Hinduism and adopted new names Kamala Hassan, Raju and Uma respectively. The ceremony, organised by the state unit of the Shiv Sena, was held under the leadership of Acharya Yogananda Swami. It was attended by sanyasis from several ashrams.

A large posse of policemen stood guard outside the venue, near the famous Sree Padmanabha Swami Temple, as Hassan, who completed a course to be eligible to become a maulvi, had attracted the wrath of Muslim fundamentalists for writing "secular" articles and questioning polygamy. He is reportedly facing threats to his life after he announced his decision to embrace Hinduism.

While the woman, Jama, is a Christian married to a Hindu, Akbar is Hindu-converted Muslim.

Thirty-year-old Hassan is the first Muslim intellectual in the state to change faith. His adoption of a new name Kamala Hassan evokes memories of a recent high profile conversion in the state-that of noted writer Kamala Das into Surayya.

Mr Hassan said though he had embraced Hinduism, he would never force his parents, wife, children or brothers to change faith. He would try his best to cooperate with them.
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Tillakaratne Dilshan
Pemain Kriket Srilanka murtad dan memeluk agama Budha


Tillakaratne Mudiyanselage Dilshan (born October 14, 1976 in Kalutara) is a Sri Lankan cricketer. Known as Tuwan Mohammad Dilshan prior to his conversion from Islam to Buddhism, Dilshan made his Test debut against Zimbabwe in 1999. November of that year, he arrived on the scene with a 163. He made his One day international debut against Zimbabwe a month later. An aggressive right-hand batsman, he is also a capable spin bowler and his off breaks are mostly used in the one-day arena.
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:prayer: :prayer:

Ibn Warraq is the bestselling author of several books on Islam. He currently lives in the United States. He is an outspoken critic of Islam who has written extensively on what he views as the oppressive nature of Islam and religion in general.

The name Ibn Warraq (Arabic ابن وراق, most literally "son of a papermaker") is a pseudonym that has traditionally been adopted by dissident authors throughout the history of Islam.

Among the few personal details known about his life is that he was born in 1946 in Rajkot, India, to Indian-Muslim parents who soon emigrated to Pakistan, and that he studied at the University of Edinburgh under the scholar Montgomery Watt, who wrote a widely-read biography of Muhammad in two volumes.

Ibn Warraq has written several books, some of which are scholarly and gather together critical research on such topics as the origins of the Qur'an and the life of Muhammad. Other books seek to promote secular humanist values among Muslims.

In March 2006 a letter he co-signed entitled MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism with eleven other individuals (most notably Salman Rushdie) was published in response to violent and deadly protests in the Islamic world surrounding the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy.

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Post by curious »

cuma mau komentar ttg buku Ibn Warraq
gua sudah baca buku Why I Am Not A Muslim & Leaving Islam. Buku Leaving Islam isinya testimonium dari para murtad. Kebanyakan sudah pernah di muat di website secularislam yang dulu dikelola si Ibn Warraq. Tapi katanya dia menarik diri dari situs itu, dan sekarang kalo nggak salah testimonium2x murtadin juga pada dicabut :(

Kalo Why I Am Not A Muslim, cocok dibaca buat yang belum tahu banyak ttg Islam. Yang sudah sering baca di FFI sih mungkin nggak akan menemukan hal baru. Yang disayangkan, dia nggak kasih reference ke ayat-ayat qur'an atau hadist, cuma disebut saja. Jadi bukunya nggak begitu useful kalo mau dipakai sebagai reference dalam debat. It gives you the idea, but you will have to do your own work! Generally, itu juga comment yang pernah gua baca ttg buku What the Quran Really Says - nggak ada reference ke ayatnya.

mungkin diubah, dipotong atau tidak diapa apain sama sekalicuma yang menyampaikan kan non muslim yang anti Islam jadi untuk amannya ya aku bilang palsu (Mualaf, 2006)
Bagi saya lebih baik berbohong untuk menegakkan Islam daripada membuat Muslim jadi Murtadz.... (warded, 2006)

Contoh ketauhidan dalam Islam: GOSOK GIGI. (Mualaf, 2006)
Muslim masih setia terus sama allahnya biar DITIPUIN juga.(SiBodoh,2006)
Membagi istri kepada sahabat menunjukkan akhlak mulia, kemurnian solidaritas yang tinggi, kemuliaan budi pekerti (kong na'if, 2006)
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Anwar Shaikh

Lagi2 seorang penulis besar abad 20, yg mampu melihat keburukan Islam, meninggal dunia pd November 25, 2006.

Anwar Shaikh lahir June 1, 1928 di Gujarat, waktu itu masih bagian India. Keluarganya sangat teguh dgn agama Islam. Th 1947, India sedang merampungkan proses menuju kemerdekaan dari Inggris dan seketika pula, Muslim dan Hindu mulai perang saudara.

Pd saat ini Anwar Shaikh, sang jihadis muda, membunuh dua Sikh dan seorang Hindu TANPA RASA MENYESAL sedikitpun. Namun pada usia
25, Anwar mendapatkan sinar humanitas dan meninggalkan Islam.

Anwar bekerja sbg guru di Pakistan namun ia pindah ke INggris di thn 1956 dan menjadi pengusaha sukses. Ia menikah dgn orang Inggris dan berintegrasi dgn masy Inggris. Mungkin karena ia mulai merasakan penyesalan ia kemudian memeluk agama Hindu.

Th 1973, Anwar secara terbuka memulai misinya utk meng-eradikasi Islam. Sejak itu ia sangat vokal melawan Islam, menulis sejumlah buka dan mengadakan missi utk mendidik dunia atas bahaya Islam. Ia penuh kasih sayang terhdp keluarganya yg Muslim dgn mengatakan, "The problem is not Muslims, the problem is Islam".

Pd thn 1990an, Anwar Shaikh mendapatkan fatwa mati karena buku2nya.

Anwar Shaikh sudah tiada namun semangatnya masih hidup lewat kata2nya.

Islam: The Arab Imperialism
Chapter - 1: WHAT IS A PROPHET

Other Works:
Islam: The Arab National Movement
Islam: Sex and Violence
Islam and Human Rights
This is Jihad
Faith and Deception
Taxation and Liberty
Last edited by ali5196 on Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Britain's only Asian bishop, Bishop Nazir-Ali, 48, was born in Karachi into a mainly Shia Muslim family. He was ordained in 1976 after studying at Cambridge, and became the world's youngest Anglican bishop when he was made first Bishop of Raiwind in 1984.

He is married to an Englishwoman and has two sons, whom he credits with the fact that last year he was named the Church of England's trendiest bishop: a survey revealed him as the only one who could name all five Spice Girls.

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Post by No_Name »

sama kayak phoenix, kalau udah pernah maapin juga ye...


seorang Muslim fanatik, yg dibesarkan di keluarga Muslim fanatik, sekolah di sekolah tinggi Islam, dan pernah menulis buku Islam, yg dahulu selalu menetang orang Kristen di kampusnya dg cara berdebat maupun secara fisik akhirnya murtad.

dia mengalami banyak sekali penolakan dari keluarganya, sampai leingkungannnya, dia mengalami percobaan pembunuhan, juga anaknya.
tapi Yesus tidak pernah meninggalkan dia, sampai akhirnya keluarga dan orang2 yg pernah menerornya semua akhirnya menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Juru Slamatnya.

baca kisah lengkapnya:

Jesus Christ Saved a Fanatic Muslim

Testimony of Paul Ciniraj

My Background

I was born and brought up in a noble muslim family in South India. My Father, Kassim Pillai Labba, was a retired Headmaster of a Higher Secondary School and also an Islamic Scholar. My mother, Fatima Beevi, was a house wife. Traditionally ours is a priestly family of Muslim community, called "Labba family". Labba (Al-Abba) means Father, that is "Father of the Community". In our society Labbas are highest as priests.

In my early childhood I have learned Arabic (though it was not my mother tongue) and the Qur'an. I have written and published books about the Qur'an too. but I came to the saving grace of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ many years ago while I was a university student. There were some Christian boys distributing tracts which explained who the Lord Jesus Christ was. I, being a Muslim, was dead against their activities and used to threaten and torment them both physically and mentally. I was young, self-righteous and rigid in my views and was fully convinced that harassing and hurting them was the right thing to do.

Jesus Took Away My Sin

A Piece of a TractPaul Ciniraj Mohamed praying for the GCIC meeting.
One day I found a piece of tract in my notebook. It still remains a mystery how it has found its way into my book. I was about to throw it into a dustbin when my eyes caught the following words: "For the wages of sin isn death, bu the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). These words made me feel uneasy. Still in spite of myself I read on, "Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance : Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the worst" (1 Tomothy 1:15). Until this moment I was convinced that I was not a bad man, and led my life in a proper way. But now, all of a sudden, I was full of doubts about my attitudes, intentions and conduct.

The Vision

I went to bed, but was restless and could not sleep for a long time. When I finally fell asleep, I had a very strange and disturbing vision: One by one, all the transgressions and violations I had committed since my childhood began to appear before me, like the scenes in a movie. Then each one of them transformed into a blister on my body, till I was completely covered with festering sores. I felt unbearable pain. Realising not I was doing, I cried out "God! Here me! Save me!"

Then, a person surrounded by bright light came down from heaven and touched me. I understood that He was Jesus, the one whom I had been waging a war against. His touch was pleasant, it cooled both my body and mind. I closed my eayes with a heavenly joy, and when I finally opened them again, I saw that all the blisters and sores disappeared from my body. But Jesus, who came in bright and spotless, was now infested with my sores. I immediately understood the meaning of this vision of mine, although it was only later, when I began to study the Bible, that I read this verse in the Bible: "Christ was without sin, but for our sake God made Him share in our sin in order that in union with Him we might share the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). I woke up a new man. At once I shared my experinece to my father and my mother with a great joy. But my mother said, it was not from God, but trick of Iblis (Satan). But I was fully convinced that God the Heavenly Father made me as a new creation and His own child by the power of Salvation of His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

This is my story how I, and later, my family too believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. I was called for His powerful ministry. He filled me with the Holy Spirit and gave me the gifts of preaching His Word, healing the sick, evangelising the unreached and many others.

Persecution to the Family and Children

family: Paul Ciniraj, Mrs. Mercy Ciniraj, Besly Ciniraj (older son), Hepzy Ciniraj (daughter) and Lesly Ciniraj (youngest son)Facing the Wrath
But mine was by no means an easy path. Some of the community I formerly belonged to felt that my accepting Jesus Christ was an act of betrayel and they tried to take revenge. Once someone sprinkled sulfuric acid on my body. But by God's grace, they could not do any serious harm. The other time an assassin attacked me with a knife, intending to kill me. I survived the attack, though my lower jaw as badly damaged and I lost several teeth.

I made known that I had forgiven that person and hold nothing against him. Amazingly, later he had repented for his act and his own accord accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour.

Children Not Spared
I have two sons and one daughter. A secret terrorist group had sent a man to destroy my entire family. He managed to make my children consume poison, and all of the three of them were in the hospital in a critical state. Christian community kept praying for their recovery. One by one, they began to get better. My daughter, though, remained in coma for nearly 30 days. Her recovery was just like someone being raised from the dead. the man, who gave poison to my children, was shaken to see the power of our Lord in action. He too became a follower of Jesus Christ and dedicated himself to working among the Muslim nations, particularly those involved in the acts of terror, and winning them over for the Lord.

Last year I and one of my fellow evangelists were severly beaten in a village by a Hindu and Muslim mob and they burned down our prayer hall. God alone has saved me. Recently our Lord has enabled me to overcome a murder attempt. By making an accident somebody tried to kill me and I am undergoing the treatment. While I was in the hospital my wife and children also faced a murder attempt at home and God saved them miraculously

Reunion of Parents and Brotheren

Paul Ciniraj and family with his father Janab Kassim Pillai and mother Fatima BeeviFamily Reunion
I must mention that my parents, my brothers and sisters were all devout Muslims. Most of the seniors are Hajis (man who did pilgrimage to Mecca is called Haji) and Hajjummas (woman who did pilgrimage to Mecca is called Hajjumma). Having let Jesus Christ into my life, I was ex-communicated and for quite some time was not allowed to have any contacts with my parents and the extended family. I and my wife felt sad about it and brought this matter to the Lord in prayers. Gradually, I began to re-establish links with my people through letters and telephone calls. Finally, a day came when they had accepted the fact that I worship Jesus Christ, visited my place and stayed with us and their grandchildren. I spoke to them about the love of God. They left, and we had maintained good contacts since then.

Later I was told that just two days before his death, my father accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour because he had had a vision of Jesus with the marks left by the nails and His hands and feet. My mother too became a believer shortly before her death.

Experiencing the Face of Death; But No Turning Back

under persecutionSpreading the Message of Love
Presently, I work for Him who took away my sin. My family is assisting me in my mission. Our ministry is called "Salem Voice Ministries". Jesus Christ is the King of Salem (king of peace) and priest of God Most High (Hebrews 7:1). We proclaim His voice (Gospel). That is "Salem Voice". Our web:; email: [email protected]

Our Lord has given me inspirations by the Holy Spirit and enabled me to write and publish several devotional books in the language of Malayalam related the Bible. By the grace of our Lord, many are inspired and got salvation by those books. And I have been honoured as the "Malankara Sabha Missionary" by the Bishop's Council of the Indian Orthodox Church. I am helping the Bible Society of India to translate the Bible in Tazi language for the special audience too.

We love India as our mother and we are keen to win India to the love of Jesus by spreading the message of the Gospel through charitable and social activities. We distribute tracts and Bibles, provide missionary training to volunteers, send out missionaries, run orphanages, help to educate both children and adults. We are planning to launch some mobile dispensaries shortly to reach remote rural areas. We have an intention to establish a Cross Cultural Training and Rehabilitation Center for the Persecuted Christians for giving Bible Course and Missionary training for the young believers as well as sheltering and nursing care for those who are facing persecutions and hardships because of the precious faith in Jesus Christ.
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Post by Adadeh »

Khalid Mansoor Soomro

Pakistan: Ex-Muslim Christian cleric's house burned, life threatened

Karachi. A famous Scholar and Vatican decorated Pakistani Christian
Rev. Khalid Soomro who engaged himself in volunteer services to
[manage] PCP (Pakistan Christian Post) Karachi Bureau office is not
safe in Pakistan. Muslim extremist group set his house on fire on July
27 [but he and his family survived]. The family members of Mr. Soomro
informed PCP about threatening e-mails and calls to Mr. KM Soomro,
which have pushed him to hidings in Pakistan. ... 002748.php

Rev. Khalid Soomro house set on fire by terrorists in Pakistan ... newsid=507

His Testimony :


One of the Threat e-mail reads as:

Mr. Khalid Mansoor Soomro

I am editor of (Zarb-e-Momin) a large weekly-circulated newspaper. I
come to know that you become kafir (infidel) and left Islam, and you
are working against Islam in an Islamic country. This is too much.

Behave yourself and repent and again enter into Islam, otherwise, our
youths will be forced to make you human being. I have read your
testimonies and know about your activities. This is the first and last
warning to you, your family and your whole network. If I heard any
negative activity on your end then we will be on right path to punish

Your father
Haji Abdul Rasheed
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Tashbih Sayyed
Muslim sekuler penentang keras Jihad

Tashbih Sayyed

Penulis Salman Rushdie (tengah) berdiri bersama Salim Mansur (paling kiri), Tashbih Sayyed (kedua kiri), Wafa Sultan (kedua kanan) and Nonie Darwish (paling kanan) dalam Perjamuan Makan Malam di acara Konferensi Yahudi Amerika ke 30. Profiles in Courage: Voices of Muslim Reformers in the Modern World,' in Beverly Hills, California, September 17, 2006.

Tashbih Sayyed baru saja berpulang.
Tashbih dulu punya karir panjang di TV Pakistan. Dia menentang Zia ul-Haq yang mengutamakan pengIslamanan Pakistan, dan Tashbih melarikan diri ke Amerika Serikat. Di AS dia mendirikan dua surat kabar Pakistan: (1) Pakistan Today; dan (2) Muslim World Today. Dia pun menulis 8 buah buku, termasuk "Mohammad – A Secularist's View". Dia muncul diwawancarai di film Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West. Dia adalah Presiden dan pendiri The Council for Democracy and Tolerance, tokoh utama di Hudson Institute dan anggota Jihad Watch.

Tashbih was insightful, humorous, and above all, fearless in his opposition to the jihad ideology of Islamic supremacism. Despite numerous threats and a relentless barrage of insults and personal attacks, he kept on trying to awaken the world to the magnitude of the threat we face, never trimming his truth-telling to fit current fashion.

He was a dear friend, and he will be greatly missed.

May his memory be eternal.
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Post by ali5196 »

Adadeh wrote:Tashbih Sayyed
Muslim sekuler penentang keras Jihad
Mungkin dia murtad dalam hati saja, kayak teman kita, anakbingung ...
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Post by ali5196 »

dari Adadeh :

Mohammad Anwar Shaikh

Mohammad Anwar Shaikh (born June 1, 1928 as Haji Mohammad) is a Pakistani-born author currently residing in Cardiff. He was born into a religious muslim family. His mother could recite a large part of the Qur'an from memory. After the age of 25 he became a critic of Islam and later wrote many books critical of Islam.

Sekarang Anwar Shaikh beragama Hindu.
Ini bukunya:

Islam The Arab Imperialism
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Post by ali5196 »

dari Adadeh :

Abdul Hakkeem
Since I accepted Christ as my personal Saviour in 1975, I had to face severe opposition both from my family and from the Muslim community. After my conversion I was called by God to become a witness of the Lord Christ. At first I did not find any open door, however I know the Lord Jesus Christ had a purpose in my life and that I must fully dedicate my life to Him. Since I was a Muslim convert, it was my vision to share the Gospel among the Muslims and to find out the suffering of Muslim converts in order to console and encourage them so that they might be well built up in the Lord.
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