IDI AMIN, Diktator Muslim Kanibal Kudeta KAFIR UGANDA

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IDI AMIN, Diktator Muslim Kanibal Kudeta KAFIR UGANDA

Post by Laurent »

Boleh tanya, apakah benar IDI AMIN , diktator UGANDA yang terkenal dengan kekejamannya pada masa pemerintahannya itu seorang muslim ???


IDI AMIN = MUSLIM yang mengkudeta Negara Kristen UGANDA
Last edited by Laurent on Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Simon Templar
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Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Simon Templar »


Born c.1925
Koboko or Kampala[A]
Died 16 August 2003 (aged 77–78)
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Nationality Ugandan
Spouse(s) Malyamu Amin (divorced)
Kay Amin (divorced)
Nora Amin (divorced)
Madina Amin
Sarah Amin
Profession Ugandan Army officer
Religion Islam
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Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Laurent »

Saat "Idi Amin Dada" menangkan Oscar
by Rizki Ramadhani Feb 27, 2007; 08:39pm :: Rate this Message: - Use ratings to moderate (?)

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Sangat menarik kiranya jika kita ingin melihat nuansa sejarah atau penggambaran orang – orang besar dunia lewat layar lebar. Menarik untuk melihat seperti apa figure seseorang digambarkan di layar lebar. Apakah figure yang digambarkan benar – benar menunjukkan karakter tokoh yang sebenarnya, atau justru melenceng jauh sehingga film tersebut lebih layak dicap sebagai alat propaganda atau hujatan terhadap tokoh yang igambarkan. Tak jarang hasil yang terjadi adalah sangat controversial. Apalagi jika yang digambarkan dalam film tersebut adalah hal yang sangat peka. Seperti misalnya kisah penyaliban Nabi Isa dalam “The Passion of the Christ” yang dihujat oleh orang – orang Yahudi karena dianggap menyalahkan Yahudi sebagai penyebab disalibnya Isa Al Masih.

Tak terkecuali tadi malam, saat pengumuman penghargaan Academy Award atau lazim dikenal dengan Oscar dilaksanakan. Hampir semua media massa di Indonesia hari ini menjadikan foto pelaksanaan kegiatan Academy Award itu sebagai headline di samping isu terakhir tentang kapal Levina yang tenggelam di Kepulauan Seribu. Selintas berita penghargaan Oscar itu biasa saja. Saya pun melihat demikian, sampai saat mata saya tertumbuk pada artis kulit hitam bernama Forest Whitaker yang meraih oscar sebagai aktor terbaik. Mungkin dia mencetak kontroversi karena menjadi satu dari hanya 4 aktor kulit hitam yang mendapat Oscar. Tapi yang lebih controversial lagi adalah film yang membawanya meraih oscar tersebut.

Forest Whitaker memenangkan Oscar dalam perannya di film “The Last King of Scotland”. Yang menarik adalah di film ini dia memerankan Idi Amin Dada, dictator asal Uganda. Sebuah negara di Afrika. Menarik karena Idi Amin Dada adalah dictator beragama Islam yang paling terkenal kebrutalannya di dunia. Dan penggambaran kebrutalan sang dictator itulah yang diberi penghargaan Oscar. Entah apakah ini salah satu cara untuk mengekspose sisi buruk orang yang beragama Islam.

Walaupun begitu, cukup menarik juga untuk mempelajari fakta seputar Idi Amin Dada. Diktator muslim asal Uganda yang meninggal tahun 2003 lalu di Jeddah Arab Saudi.
Mengenal Idi Amin Dada baiknya dimulai dengan mengenal Ku Klux Klan. Suatu kelompok rasialis di Amerika Serikat yang terbentuk pasca perang sipil di abad ke – 19. Ku Klux Klan terkenal di seluruh dunia karena sikap rasialisnya yang menghendaki pemurnian ras kulit putih amerika dari ras – ras lain, terutama dari ras kulit hitam. Mereka tak segan – segan melakukan pembunuhan terhadap orang kulit hitam.

Idi Amin Dada sama persis seperti Ku Klux Klan. Hanya berkebalikan. Jika Ku Klux Klan sangat rasialis terhadap kaum kulit hitam, maka Idi Amin Dada adalah sebaliknya. Pemerintahannya di Uganda sangat membenci ras selain kulit hitam.

Idi Amin Dada lahir di Kampala, ibukota Uganda, pada tahun 1924. Tidak ada biografi yang jelas mengenai dia. Tapi beberapa sumber mengatakan bahwa Idi Amin Dada lahir dari seorang ayah Katolik yang masuk Islam. Saat dia kecil, ayahnya meninggalkan keluarganya. Jadilah Idi Amin tinggal bersama ibunya. Sejak kecil dia dimasukkan ke dalam sekolah agama Islam dan sangat baik dalam membaca kitab suci Al – Qur’an.

Tahun 1946, Idi Amin masuk ke dalam dunia militer dengan menjadi tentara kolonial Uganda yang saat itu masih dijajah oleh Inggris. Dia pernah ditugaskan untuk menumpas pemberontakan di Somalia. Lewat jalur militer inilah karir militer Idi Amin cemerlang. Saat Uganda merdeka di tahun 1962, Idi Amin diangkat sebagai deputi komando tentara dimana saat itu Milton Obote menjabat sebagai perdana menteri. Saat Milton Obote terkena kasus penyelundupan emas dari Kongo, Obote terpaksa turun dari jabatan perdana menteri yang kemudian diambil alih oleh Idi Amin. Saat itu presiden Uganda, Mutesa, sedang berada di luar negeri. Idi Amin Dada kemudian melakukan kudeta militer di tahun 1971 yang membuatnya menjadi penguasa multak Uganda. Dia berkuasa sampai tahun 1979. 8 tahun pemerintahannya dipenuhi dengan pembantaian kejam dan paling berdarah sepanjang saejarah Uganda dan bahkan dunia. Ada sumber yang mengatakan bahwa tidak kurang dari 300.000 orang meninggal saat pemerintahannya. Idi
Amin yang sangat menjaga kemurnian ras kulit hitam dan khususnya suku asalnya sendiri yakni suku Kakwa, salah satu suku beragama Islam di Uganda, memerintahkan pembantaian orang – orang yang menentang pemerintahannya. Dia juga bertanggung jawab atas pembunuhan banyak orang kulit putih di Uganda dan juga pengusiran orang – orang Asia, khususnya India dari sana. Saat gencar isu rasial anti kulit hitam di pertengahan tahun 70, Idi Amin tidak tinggal diam. Dia selalu bepergian kemana – mana menggunakan tandu yang diangkat oleh orang kulit putih, sebagai tanda bahwa orang kulit hitam tidak lebih rendah statusnya dari orang kulit putih. Konon, istana kepresidenan di Kampala dia gunakan juga sebagai tempat interogasi dan penyiksaan. Bahkan Idi Amin diceritakan memenggal kepala lawan – lawan politiknya dan menyimpannya di lemari es. Kebrutalan pemerintahannya membuat harian terkenal Times di tahun 70-an menjulukinya sebagai “Wild Man of Africa”. Manusia liar dari Afrika. Dialah
dictator muslim yang terkenal di seluruh dunia karena kekejamannya dan pembantaian – pembantaian yang dilakukannya.

Di Afrika kekejaman Idi Amin Dada hanya dapat disamai oleh almarhum Mobutu Seseseko, mantan dictator Kongo yang juga terkenal karena pembantaiannya. Harian kompas di tahun 1999 bahkan pernah memuat nama Idi Amin Dada sebagai salah satu dictator pembantai dengan “prestasi membantai” yang cukup besar, bersama dengan mantan presiden Soeharto dan juga nama – nama dictator pembunuh terkenal lainnya seperti Adolf Hitler dari Jerman, Benito Musollini dari Italia, Joseph Stalin dari Uni Sovyet, dan Nicolai Ceacescu dari Rumania.

Entah apa arti dari penghargaan Oscar terhadap film yang menggambarkan kebrutalan dictator muslim ini. Hanya saja nantinya penonton harus lebih arif untuk melihat bahwa belum tentu penguasa yang beragama muslim bisa menerapkan nilai – nilai agama yang dianutnya dalam pemerintahannya, tidak peduli siapa pun orangnya. Entah itu Idi Amin, Soeharto, atau bahkan Saddam Husein sendiri pun sudah menunjukkan hal itu. Tapi menarik juga bukan, melihat bahwa tidak sedikit sejarah mencatat penguasa muslim yang tampil untuk menjadi diktator dan pembunuh dengan kekuasaannya, yang tidak segan – segan membunuh siapapun lawan politiknya bahkan biarpun lawan politiknya itu sama – sama beragama Islam. Siapapun dia.

- M. Rizki “Sorong” Ramadhani –
- Rebellion never end –
- The Rebels never die – ... 82219.html

Ternyata Diktator top dunia didominasi kaum MUslim semua ya
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Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Laurent »

Idi Amin Dada
Big Daddy, Butcher of Uganda, "Last King of Scotland",
"His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of all the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular"

Idi Amin, who liked his friends to call him "Big Daddy," came to be known as "The Butcher of Uganda." He was born into the Kakwa tribe in Koboko, a city close to northern Sudan - one of the most ruthless Islamic states in history. His father was originally a Catholic named Andreas Nyabire, who converted to Islam in 1910 and renamed himself Amin Dada. His mother, Assa Aatte, was the daughter of a Lugbara Sultan and an occultist. Idi's father abandoned him shortly after his birth, when he suspected that Idi Amin was not his son. Having no father around, his mother's practice of sorcery, the influence of brutal Islamic warlords all around him, and considering he received very little education, Amin was primed to accept Islam.
As a young boy, Amin moved into the home of Sheikh Ahmed Hussein. There, he started reciting the Qur'an and learning about Muhammad. He tried to enroll in the equivalent of grammar school but he was not admitted. At twelve, the young Amin participated in the Nubian riots and was injured by protesting college students, exacerbating his disgust for education.
In 1941, Idi Amin enrolled in the Garaya Islamic school at Bombo. Over the next three years, Idi Amin was tutored by Islamic scholar Muhammad Al Rajab. Even though he was essentially illiterate, even as an adult, he excelled in reciting the Qur'an - winning an award for doing so. This is yet further proof of the mindless nature of Islam. A Muslim who can spew Qur'anic verses by rote, even though they may not not understand what they are saying, is worthy of praise and may even receive rewards for their excellence.
Idi Amin's first real job was as a door, hat, and coat attendant at the Imperial Hotel. It was there in 1946 that a British army officer, impressed by Big Daddy's stature, recruited Amin into the British colonial King's African Rifles association, where the wannabe dictator served with the laundry and kitchen staff. He moved on from there when he was assigned to take care of Shifta animal raiders in Somalia. This was a watershed moment in Amin's life. He started to finally get noticed as a ruthless and heartless thug, with his brutal treatment of suspected perpetrators.
Amin's celebrity began to fully bloom when he became Uganda's heavyweight boxing champion in 1951. He held unto the title until 1960, when it was stripped from him for his excessive use of torture. In 1952, Amin, then a corporal, was sent to suppress the Mau Mau revolt in Kenya. He was subsequently promoted to sergeant for his ability to fight and kill Mau Mau. He was eventually nominated to the rank of "efendi," which was the highest rank available to black soldiers, but he failed the written part of the promotion exam.
His "Dada" moniker was acquired while in Kenya. Each time he was caught with a young woman in his tent, he tried to avoid punishment by pleading that she was his "dada," or sister. He fathered two illegitimate children with two different "sisters" while on the warpath in Kenya.
British officers described him as "...a splendid (rugby) player with nothing but bone from the neck up, and needs things explained in words of one letter." Sadly, the Brits would go on to say of Idi: "He's a splendid and reliable soldier and a cheerful and energetic man, an incredible person who certainly isn't mad - very shrewd and cunning."
The "Big Dada" returned to Uganda in 1954, where he was selected "Best in the Parade" for Queen Elizabeth. He fathered another child with a Langi woman and continued to impress his superiors as a soldier.
In 1958, Big Daddy had another chance to show off his four years of Islamic schooling when he was up again for promotion to efendi, but he failed the written part of the test yet again. Acknowledging that Idi Amin was for all intents and purposes illiterate, the KAR accommodated his disability in 1959 by allowing him to complete a test that only involved field exercises. The man who would murder half a million of his own people became a prime example of what happens to Muslims who are trained to recite the Qur'an, and who are taught to follow Muhammad's example, to the exclusion of all else. The Butcher was the reincarnation of Islam's prophet, illiteracy and all.
Word spread about this good Muslim's sadistic treatment of tribesman suspected of being involved with cattle rustling in northern Uganda and the Turkana region in Kenya. The British authorities launched an investigation into what came to be known as the "Turkana Massacre." Exhumations revealed that Amin's victims had been sadistically tortured, they had testicles cut off, they were savagely bludgeoned to death, and in some cases, they were buried alive. However, with Uganda's pending independence only months away, the British colonial authorities decided that the court-martialing of one of Uganda's two black officers would lead to political turmoil. No charges were brought against this "overzealous" soldier.
On October 9, 1962, the Uganda People's Congress party and the Kabaka Yekka party united to beat out the larger Democratic Party. The Protestant Bugandans (Uganda's largest tribe) formed the Kabaka Yekka. The Uganda People's Congress represented the Muslim-dominated northern and western parts of the country. Catholics formed The Democratic Party to oppose the Kabaka Yekka, and attracted the smaller tribes and religions. It wouldn't take long for the Kabaka Yekka to learn about what happens when one sides with Muslims. The new coalition divided up the rule of the country. The Kabaka Yekka made Sir Edward Mutesa king, and the Uganda People's Congress appointed Apolo Milton Obote as Prime Minister. Amin, having been an Obote advocate and popular figure, was soon promoted to Major.
The first test to the new government came in early 1964, when the charismatic Amin succeeded in planting the seeds of revolt in the minds of his fellow soldiers, convincing them that the military was underappreciated by the new government. This led to a mutiny by the Ugandan Army, where they demanded higher pay and more rapid promotions. Obote was forced to call in British troops to help restore order. Ironically, Amin was even said to have been called to act as a mediator in the negotiations between the government and the military he had incited to riot.
The new government gave in and appeased the military. This ushered in the beginning of a trend where the military would become increasingly more important as a political force in Uganda. To this end, Obote took the popular Idi Amin as his personal protégé, and started promoting him quickly through the ranks. Amin soon reached the rank of Colonel and was assigned as Deputy Commander of the Army and Air Force (which was a collection of carrier pigeons and a boomerang at this time).
Interestingly, in 1963, the resolutely Muslim Amin was sent to Israel to take a paratrooper training course. There, he established relationships that would later be leveraged to enable Israelis to supply arms to the African Christian and Animist Anya Nya rebels fighting the genocide being perpetrated against them by the fundamentalist Islamic Arab government in the Sudan. While it might seem strange that Amin would knowingly assist those fighting Islamic tyranny, neighboring Muslim dictators seldom get along, especially when money is involved.
But that didn't satiate "Big Daddy's" greed. In 1965-66, Obote and Amin were implicated in a scandal involving the smuggling of gold, coffee, and ivory out of the Congo. The proceeds were supposed to have been used to support troops loyal to the murdered DRC Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba. However, the money mysteriously vanished. An investigation was ordered by Ugandan King Mutesa, and eventually culminated in a nearly unanimous "no confidence" vote being passed by the Ugandan ministers.
In response, Obote promoted Amin to Chief of Staff, had five ministers arrested, suspended the 1962 Constitution, and declared himself as President of Uganda for life. Amin then led an attack on King Mutesa's palace. Mutesa somehow managed to elude Amin's "crack" troops and escape into exile, by executing an amazing escape plan, which consisted entirely of jumping over the back wall and hailing a taxi in the street.
Amin was then rewarded with a promotion to Major-General and top Commander of the Army and the "Air Force." Idi Amin started to establish considerable loyalties within the army. He used his smuggling proceeds and creative use of military assets to recruit members of his own tribe as well as Muslims from the West Nile area near the all-Islamic northern Sudan border.
In December of 1969, unidentified assassins tried to kill President Obote as he was returning from a party rally. He escaped, but was badly wounded. During the ensuing investigation, Amin's whereabouts were conspicuously unknown. He showed up later in a meeting where the Deputy Army Commander indicated that they were closing in on the players in the attempted assassination, and planned to present their findings in a follow-up meeting on January 26, 1970. On January 25, at 11PM, shots were heard at the Deputy Commander's residence. Police found the investigator and his wife dead. Obote, suspicious of Amin, relieved him of his role as Commander of the Army and the Ugandan "kite brigade," and assigned him to an administrative desk job.
Obote eventually found an opportunity to squash the threat from Amin more thoroughly, and relayed orders to his loyal Langi officers, that Amin and his Army supporters were to be arrested. The word of the plan was leaked to Amin, and Big Daddy decided to strike first. On January 25, 1971, while President for Life Obote was out of the country at a Commonwealth Conference of Heads of Government meeting in Singapore, Amin staged a coup d'etat and took control of the country, declaring himself "President Idi Amin." The coup is reported to have been backed by Israel and Britain.
This was business as usual in the Islamic world, and "Big Daddy" was welcomed both within Uganda and by the international community. He gave the typical lip service that his rule was only temporary and he would of course hand the country back over to the rule of the people when matters stabilized. "I am not an ambitious man, personally," Amin said after taking power, "I am just a soldier with a concern for my country and its people."
Britain, Israel, and the U.S. were quick to recognize Idi Amin as the rightful leader of Uganda. In fact, a British intelligence operative remained alongside Amin as a mentor throughout his entire reign.
Amin's Islamic and military background determined the character of his rule. He instituted an Advisory Defense Council composed of military commanders, placed military tribunals above the system of civil law, appointed soldiers to top government posts and supporting agencies, and even informed the newly inducted civilian cabinet ministers that they would be subject to military discipline. Uganda was, in effect, governed from a collection of military barracks scattered across the country, where battalion commanders were the local warlords.
Amin earned massive cheers from Ugandans when he disbanded Obote's feared General Service Unit - Uganda's secret police. Then, following Muhammad's and Hitler's lead, the Butcher hired 15,000-18,000 thugs for the newly created "State Research Bureau" and the "Public Safety Unit." They became Amin's death squads and hunted down and murdered all Obote loyalists, which quickly evolved into mass executions of officers and troops.
In once incident, thirty-two officers were placed in a cell and blown up with dynamite. A survivor of one of Amin's prisons described how bullets were conserved and the nuisance of sharpening swords was avoided by strangling the prisoners and finishing them off with sledge hammers to the head. Amin's soldiers were sent to Akoroko, Milton Obote's native village, and killed everyone they could find. As many as 6,000 of the army's 9,000 officers were executed within The Butcher's first year of power.
Like all thugs, Amin was insecure. So he, like Muhammad, lashed out against those who made him feel inferior. His death squads next targeted the "intelligentsia" within Uganda. Amin selected prominent people from various factions of the Ugandan society to serve as examples for the rest of the country. He executed or had assassinated the former Prime Minister, the Ugandan Chief Justice, the Vice Chancellor of Makere College, the President of the Bank of Uganda, a prominent playwright, and several of his own parliamentary ministers. And to ensure that he was murdering enough infidels to be seen as a good Muslim, the Butcher added Janani Luwum, the Anglican Archbishop of Uganda, to the list.
As his taste for tyranny grew, he began ethnic cleansing and extended his rage to engulf the entire civilian population of Uganda. He imported troops from Zaire and the Sudan so that after a while, less than 25% of his army was Ugandan. He became justifiably paranoid, and regularly moved his residences, which helped Big Daddy survive 22 assassination attempts.
Once, the presidential limousine was ambushed and filled with bullets, killing everyone inside, but Amin had switched cars down the road. In another attempt, a grenade bounced off of Big Daddy's cheek and rolled away before it exploded, killing Amin's driver.
The Islamic dictator was said to have killed more than 300,000 Ugandan civilians, and the total is more likely 500,000 of his own countrymen during his 9-year reign. In addition, his troops killed tens and probably hundreds of thousands of non-Ugandans during his campaigns against neighboring nations.
Demonstrating a sense of style, the luxurious Nile Mansions Hotel in Kampala became Amin's terror and torture headquarters. As a nightly attraction for Amin and his guests, friend was pitted against friend in a battle to the death, with the promise that the survivor would be set free. When this bloodletting was over, other people were tortured and then killed. Ultimately, for their entertainment pleasure, tens of thousands of Ugandan citizens were abducted, mutilated, and murdered.
In 1972, Amin tried his best to follow in the footsteps of his mentors, Hitler and Muhammad. Their eerily similar, hateful, manipulative, and oppressive doctrines were laid out as how-to books for wannabe dictators like the Butcher of Uganda. (This grim reality is laid out in detail in Prophet of Doom - Chapter 16, "Mein Kampf.")
The Acholi and Lango tribes served as great substitutes for the Christians and Jews of the Qur'an and Mein Kampf, but they didn't have sufficient booty to steal. For this, Idi Amin turned to the Asians, most of whom were Indian. They dominated the manufacturing and trade businesses in Uganda. They were lawyers, doctors, the owners of factories, and successful businessmen. Just like Muhammad, Amin claimed that Allah talked to him and told him to chase away the Asian exploiters and hand over the economy to the Ugandans. He declared an "economic war" on the Asian population. 50-90,000 Indians and Pakistanis were given 90 days to leave the country. As they gathered their possessions, Amin's soldiers plundered them with impunity. When the Indians checked their luggage to board planes to leave, Amin's troops simply confiscated it. Then in keeping with Islamic tradition, called Sunnah, Amin divided the spoils amongst his thugs. The abandoned businesses and houses were handed over to his supporters; the choicest of which went to those who had proven themselves the most adept at organizing the slaughter of his rivals. Amin had become indistinguishable from Muhammad - kissing cousin to Adolf Hitler.
After Amin's demands for increased assistance from Britain were ignored, he severed ties in 1972. Like his Muslim brothers throughout the Middle East, he nationalized 85 British-owned businesses. He expelled the Israeli military advisers after they refused to give him a squadron of Phantom jets to bomb Kenya and Tanzania. He advised Golda Meir to "tuck up her knickers" and run to Washington. Amin then turned to Colonel Muammar Muhammad al-Qadhafi and the Soviet Union for support.
With the Asians gone, Amin directed his hatred toward Jews, making a number of anti-Semitic declarations, including publicly praising Adolf Hitler for killing six-million Jews during World War II. He had planned to have a statue of Hitler erected in the center of Kampala, the nation's capitol. Amin's anti-Semitism was exemplified in a bizarre telegram to Kurt Waldheim, the Secretary General of the United Nations, which stated that he had analyzed the Middle East situation and found that all of the problems were caused by the hated Jews, saying: "Germany was right when Hitler was the supreme commander. He burnt over six-million Jews. This is because Hitler and all German people knew that the Israelis are not people who are working in the interest of others in the world. That is why they burnt the Israelis alive with gas."
President Amin agreed to officially change Uganda into a Muslim state after Saudi Arabia and Libya agreed to provide the money necessary to enforce that level of societal oppression. However, against Qadhafi's and the Saud family's wishes, Amin did not spend the OPEC funds they ultimately supplied on mosques or the Islamic indoctrination programs necessary to maintain a Muslim dictatorship. Instead, he spent the money buying U.S. fighters, Russian tanks, and then lined his pockets as well as those of his friends. Big Daddy was known to go around with great wads of money literally bulging out of his pants.
The Butcher of Uganda was able to build a large military with Libyan OPEC money and with the alleged confiscation of $1.5 billion in foreign aid stolen from the U.S. and Britain. Most of his weapons came from his new communist friends.
This caused grave concerns in Kenya. In June of 1975, they impounded multiple shiploads of Soviet-made arms en route to Uganda. Tensions steadily rose until like his mentor Muhammad with Mecca, Adolf with Austria and Czechoslovakia, and Saddam with Kuwait, Idi Amin announced that large parts of southern (non-Muslim) Sudan and western and central Kenya, within just a few miles of Nairobi, were historically part of Uganda. Amin backed down, as bullies do, when Kenya deployed troops and armored vehicles along the Uganda-Kenya border.
It was during this period that Idi Amin formed strong ties with the Palestinian Liberation Organization, giving the PLO another nation in which to hide in addition to Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Yemen. Big Daddy even offered himself as the "first volunteer in the jihad to uproot Jews from Palestine." Fittingly, the former Israeli embassy in Uganda was offered to the PLO as a headquarters.
In 1976, Amin conspired with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). He invited them to bring their hijacked Air France A-300B Airbus filled with 258 hostages to the friendly confines of his Islamic state. After landing in Entebbe, Amin personally greeted the PFLP terrorists and their anti-Semite German Baader-Meinhof terrorists playmates at the airport, where he made an inspirational speech and supplied the Palestinian terrorists with weapons and extra Ugandan troops. Between June 30th and July 1st, all 149 of the non-Jewish and non-Israeli hostages were freed after Israel agreed to negotiate for the release of 53 jailed "freedom fighters" held in Israel, Kenya, and Europe. However, rather than make the mistake of caving in to terrorists, despite having several close friends on the plane, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin gave the go-ahead for Operation Thunderbolt. On July 4th, 29 Israeli commandos flew 2,500 miles from Israel on three C-130 Hercules transport planes. They staggered their departures and left in separate directions to avoid suspicion, and flew under 100 feet above the Sinai and the Red Sea to avoid being shot down by Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Israel had the blueprints to the airport, allowing them to negotiate an undetected landing. A black Mercedes with Land Rovers escorts trying to appear as a visiting Amin motorcade, rolled off the C-130s packed with Israeli commandos in Ugandan army uniforms, and stormed the airport building. Seven hijackers, their accomplices and approximately twenty Uganda soldiers were killed. Hostages Pasco Cohen, Ida Borovitch, and Jean Jacques were killed in the shooting and eight others were wounded. The Israeli officer who led the raid, Lieutenant Colonel Yonatan Netanyahu, who was the older brother of Israel's future Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, was the only commando killed. One of the hostages, unbeknownst to the Israelis, had been previously taken to a local hospital when a piece of meat had been caught in her throat. The day after the raid, Idi Amin ordered the execution of all surviving air-traffic controllers, policemen, and anyone else on duty during the raid. He then sent his State Research Bureau to pick up the 74-year-old Mrs. Dora Bloch. They dragged her kicking and screaming out of the hospital in plain view of patients and staff and threw her into the trunk of a car. She was on the plane with her oldest son to go to her youngest son's wedding. Her body was later found dumped in a forest 20 miles away from the hospital. As an adjunct to the raid, to ensure the safety of the rescue forces and to prevent a retaliatory strike, Israel commandos destroyed 11 of Uganda's MIG fighters at the Entebbe airport, which amounted to about 25% of the Ugandan air force.
Amin was considered by many to be a charismatic leader, and was often portrayed by the international press as a popular African independence figure. He was even elected president of the Organization of African Unity (although the presidents of Tanzania, Zambia, and Botswana, did boycott the meeting).
As the years went on, Amin became increasingly erratic and outspoken. He had his tunics specially lengthened so that he could wear more World War II medals, including the Military Cross and the Victoria Cross. He granted himself a number of titles, including "King of Scotland," and even appeared at a royal Saudi Arabian funeral in 1975 wearing a kilt. Just like the delusional Muslim terrorists today, after Britain broke diplomatic relations with his regime, Amin declared he had beaten the British and conferred on himself the decoration of "Conqueror of the British Empire." Radio Uganda then read out the whole of his new title: "His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of all the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular."

Despite his treatment of and public statements against the United Kingdom, Britain maintained diplomatic relations with Amin. Still remembered as Queen Elizabeth II's "Best in Show", Amin was invited to a formal dinner celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Queen's coronation in 1978. During the meal, President Amin asked Queen Elizabeth to "send him her 25-year-old knickers to mark the occasion."
It is commonly believed that he suffered from neurosyphilis, which he likely shared amongst all of his wives and scores of concubines. His obsession with sex, his sexual perversions, and utter disregard for women became legendary. In yet another way, Idi Amin had become just like Muhammad. As his collection of wives grew, Big Daddy divorced three wives over national radio under the grounds that they violated Islamic law by running businesses. These businesses were actually given to them by Amin from his booty stolen from the Indians. His second wife spoke out against the divorce and was later found with her arms and legs removed. He had her children, between 4 and 8 years old, brought in front of her body, where he shouted at them about how bad their mother was and how she brought this upon herself. This demented pervert would ultimately father an estimated 45 children with his 5 wives and 30-50 mistresses.
Amin dabbled in Kakwa blood rituals and cannibalism. He publicly bragged, "I have eaten human meat," and "I ate them before they ate me." He said to an adviser as they sat down to dinner, "I want your heart. I want to eat your children." He liked to feed the corpses of his executed countrymen to the crocodiles in the Nile. When the killings became too numerous, and the crocodiles couldn't keep up, scores of bloated corpses would float down the Nile. So many bodies were tossed into the river, that workers at a dam were assigned to monitor and clean out the intake ducts to prevent them from being clogged with corpses. Rumor has it that he kept the severed heads of his political rivals in his freezer and would have them brought out on silver platters at dinner so he could scold/taunt them while he was eating. While he didn't have a freezer, Muhammad did the same thing with corpses following the battle of Badr.
By 1977, Uganda's economy was in a shambles - as is every Islamic nation's. Apart from OPEC funding, Islamic states are universally bankrupt. Amin's Ugandans, like Muhammad's Arabs, were unable to keep the businesses they stole functioning. Inflation of over 1,000 percent destroyed the nation's currency, making Uganda's bills only useful as leaflets to distribute the pictures of Idi Amin that they bore. Like their Islamic neighbors, Uganda produced nothing - that is except terrorists. (Even the "production" of oil cannot be credited to Islamic states since they stole/nationalized the facilities from foreign companies, and to this day foreigners run every aspect of oil production.)
Adding to Ugandas economic woes, world support for Big Daddy's regime faltered as accounts of Amin's mass murders reached the international press. The United States put crushing economic and political pressure on Idi Amin by going so far as to limit its purchase of coffee from Uganda. Of course, the U.S. didn't get around to doing this until 1978 - seven years into Idi's campaign to kill a half-million people. It's also important to keep in mind that countries had already stopped buying coffee from Uganda a few years before this "boycott," due to uncertain delivery dates and past failures in fulfilling contracts.
In October 1978, Amin sent some of his last loyal troops to deal with multiple Ugandan units that had rebelled. Some of the mutineers fled across the Tanzanian border. Amin then accused Tanzania's President Nyerere of inciting the rebellion. Any good regime leader knows that creating a foreign enemy is the best way to rally the support of their countrymen - helping them forget any concerns or freedoms they may have previously considered important. Amin invaded Tanzanian territory and formally annexed a section across the Kagera River boundary on November 1, 1978. Nyerere mobilized his citizen army reserves and counterattacked, joined by Ugandan exiles united as the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA). The Ugandan army retreated steadily, not forgetting to dedicate themselves to looting along the way. Qadhafi sent 3,000 troops to aid his fellow Muslims, but the Libyans soon found themselves on the front line, while the Ugandan Army units were using the supply trucks to carry their plundered wealth in the opposite direction. By April, 1979 Tanzania had taken the capital city of Kampala. Idi Amin was offered asylum by Qadhafi and he fled to Libya with his four living wives and many of his 30 or so sex slaves. It is said that he brought as many as 20 or 30 of his children with him too. The Amins probably couldn't remember the last time they were able to get the whole family together.
The Amins' stay didn't last long, however. Idi's security guards got involved in an altercation with Libyan police, and Big Daddy was forced to leave the same year he arrived. He lived for a short time in Iraq before being invited by the Saud family of Wahhabi warlords to live in Saudi Arabia - where he spent the next 23 years. His Muslim dictatorial brothers gave Amin, one of the most inhuman men in history, a monthly stipend, domestic servants, drivers, and luxury automobiles. OPEC loves mass murderers.
In 1999, the Butcher of Uganda gave an interview to a Ugandan newspaper. He talked about how great his life was and that he liked to spend his days fishing, swimming, playing the accordion, and reciting from the Qur'an. He expressed absolutely no remorse about killing a half-million people. He was quoted saying, "I'm very happy now, much happier then when I was president."
On August 16th, 2003 Idi Amin died in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The cause of death was reported to be multiple organ failure. He was quickly buried in Saudi Arabia to adhere to Muslim Sunnah. Upon his death, Uganda's ambassador to the United States, Edith Sempala commented: "Ugandans are kind of relieved. But on the other hand, we do sympathize with the family. Idi Amin had children. He had wives. They're hurting, obviously." She also said, "He could have been buried in Uganda. It's just when Muslims die, they are buried immediately. There's just no way he could have been brought to Uganda in time."
The Muslim dictator Idi Amin was never tried for his crimes against mankind.

beginilah kelakuan muslim di negeri kafir. Kalo nggak bikin gerakan separatis, ya kudeta pemerintahan kafir
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Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Laurent »

hebat sekali ISlam, bisa mengkudeta negara KAFIR lalu saat berkuasa berusaha mengislamkan negara tersebut seperti kasusnya UGANDA di bawah IDI AMIN. Islam memang jagoan soal kekerasan, bukan hanya teroris aja tapi juga diktator. Buktinya Diktator Top Dunia didominasi Muslim seperti Saddam Hussein, Zia al-Huq, Idi Amin, juga Suharto
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Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:57 am

Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Laurent »

Artikel mengenai IDI AMIN seorang MUSLIM :

Idi Amin & Islam

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RULE NUMBER ONE: Keep an open mind.

Remember the most important strength of our Islamic Religion is... The significant characteristic of the Noble Qur-an is its practicability. It does not indulge in wishful thinking. Nor does its teachings demand the impossible or float on rosy streams of unattainable ideals. The Qur-an accepts man for what he is and exhorts him to become what he can be. The image of the Creator is apart from mankind. We are his creations, therefore there is no ambiguity in trying to identify with Allah the Creator or the dichotomous nature of claiming that he begot a son; In essence Islam absolves the fancy urge of humanity to exclusivity or superiority over others eg. delusions of grandness eg. Royalty; when our only duty to Allah, the Creator is Faithful worship, Righteousness and Piety in all our deeds. It does not brand man as a helpless or hopeless creature, condemned from birth to death, and drowned in sin from womb to womb. Indeed, in Islam, a new born baby is born in a state of absolute purity; we do not have the concept of the original sin so to speak, and, in fact, one’s book of deeds is only opened at the age of 18; Today's universally accepted age of Consent. The Qur-an portrays humankind as noble, honourable and dignified beings.

The practicability of the Qur-anic teachings is established by the examples of Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) and Muslims throughout the ages. The distinctive approach of the Qur-an is that it's instructions are aimed at the General welfare of man and based on the possibilities within our reach. A final characteristic is the moderation or harmony between the Divine and the Human, the spiritual and the material, the individual and the collective. The Qur-an pays attention to all facts of life and all needs of man, and deals with them in such a way as to help man realize the noble objectives of his being. For this approach of moderation, the Qur-an calls the Muslims a Middle nation( 2:143) and with this middleness they are called the best society ever evolved for mankind as they enjoin the right, combat the wrong and believe in Allah (3:110). This Quranic wisdom functions in three principal dimensions: inwardly, outwardly and upwardly. It penetrates into the innermost recesses of the heart and reaches the farthest depths of the mind. It is aimed at the healthy cultivation of the individual from within.

RULE NUMBER TWO: Keep your emotions in check.

RULE NUMBER THREE: Check out this site and study it for one month:

Islam has increasingly taken ultimate priority in the upbringing of our Dada family culture. Away from our animist past history, and looking back, we see that Grandpa was a practicing Roman Catholic with the name Andrea right up to and, during, the first decade of the 20th Century (1900-1910) before he was converted to the Islamic faith by one of the four Kakwa Sultans to whom he was conscripted as a Bugler in the Sultan’s Asikari. Grandpa’s full name was then known as Andrea Dada son of Nyabira, who in turn was the son of Dada of the Adibu Clan, and he was converted to Islam by a fellow Kakwa by the title of Sultan Ali Kenyi of the Dimu Clan of Ko’buko, perhaps the most notorious, influential, and towering Ugandan Kakwa Chief in the first half of the 20th century. Sultan Ali Kenyi cultivated a friendship with Major C.H. Stingard who had a particular fondness for Kenyi’s Kakwa tribe.

He once wrote that, “Southward and Westwards of Yei is inhabited by the Kakwa, the most intelligent people in the Lado Enclave, excepting perhaps the Makaraka. These people who speak Bari are chiefly situated about the sources of the Yei, their biggest chief Bangala [Gbangala of Gulumbi] now deceased, lived 37 miles south of Yei. South of Bangala, and at the source of Kaya, is the Kakwa Chief Ali Kenyi who has recently passed to Uganda. The Kaya [River sic] having been made the new frontier between the Sudan and Uganda.” The Kakwa are thus now divided among three Governments, as they extend westwards into Belgian Congo, about Aba and the Kibi River. Hammudah Abdalati once wrote in “Islam in Focus" what I have taken as cardinal principles with which I have been able to overcome trying times as a Muslim in this increasingly Global Village. He provided me with a common but literate and proper insight into my religion and I must say it has helped me to appreciate the principles, which Islam stands for. For once I developed interest in a faith to which I was born into with a view to pursue this course of deeper knowledge on my own. Indeed, Muslims in the Western Hemisphere, especially those young among us, used to reside in remote areas and faced complex problems.

All the surrounding circumstances were unfavourable as far as my beloved religion Islam was concerned. Radio comments and television shows, news items, magazine articles, motion pictures and even school textbooks, all seem to misrepresent Islam and not always innocently. Besides, certain over enthusiastic Born Again groups try to exploit the condition of these Muslims in the hope that they may become converts to this denomination or that sect. On the other hand, there were many temptations in life to divert the attention of people and turn their interest away from the right course of religion. This was harmful enough but it was more so in case of us young Muslims and is still much more in the case of Islam, the religion that is poorly understood in the highly developed countries of the world.

It is true that some Muslim parents try to provide their children with religious guidance and instruction but of what good are these limited efforts and how effective could it have been in the high pressure environment in the west and indeed back home in Uganda. Some Muslims, who are innocent victims of their high-pressure environment, become indifferent and self-contained. They feel ashamed or suspicious of their surroundings. Consequently, they cannot possibly make any valuable contribution to their society or derive any significant benefit from it. Others flow with the tide of society to become fashionable and acceptable. These too neither contribute to nor benefit from the society in which they live. Such Muslims often became destructive and disgraceful for they are without effective religious morals.

Along with these indifferent, withdrawn and indulgent Muslims, there are others who may not be better in any way. They are probably fascinated by what seems to be a high degree of effective organisation of certain religious groups or by the wide social circulation fostered by certain secular fraternities. Such individuals are, for the most part, marginal people and mere joiners. They may even be viewed as souls lost in the lonely crowd so characteristic in this modern world of the 21st century. They join not because they have become indoctrinated in the faith of this or that particular group. Nor is it because they have developed unselfish love for humanity. Rather, they join because they do not appreciate their own Islamic heritage.

As a result of this, and of their living in non-Muslim environments, they may not acquire the necessary knowledge and courage to stand out as Muslims. If such Muslims have any real interest in religion, they will not deviate from the path of Islam which stands for the highest level of religious evolution and human aspiration in over one billion Muslims across the globe and still counting! Moreover, if they do really care for spiritual and moral welfare of humankind, they will find the greatest satisfaction within the framework of Islam. So, whenever they join any other group, they can only show a superficial interest and will settle for poor substitutes. The result is that they lose the spiritual contact with their fellow Muslims and remain marginal in their circles of association. When the ultimate consequences of the total situation are analysed, they will be found deplorable and harmful to all parties concerned. A loss to the Muslim platform is a greater loss to all other worthy platforms.

The True Muslim can contribute most effectively to the realisation of responsible citizenship and universal peace, mutual understanding, human brotherhood, freedom of conscience and maintenance of human dignity. All these principals are part and parcel of Islam we are enjoined upon and entrusted to us. If a Muslim who is supposed to stand for these principals is lost or grows indifferent it means that humanity at large will be deprived of his valuable contributions. This Hammudah Abdulati believed is indeed not a small loss. We have good reason to believe that our Holy Book, the Glorious Qur-an, is the Master Book of Revelation and the standard of religious truth. We also believe that Islam has come to re-affirm the Eternal Divine message and settle the past religious disputes so that man may embark upon creative constructive activities in all walks of life. This does not mean that the Muslims set themselves apart from or above the rest of mankind. We try neither to impose Islam nor to classify the human race into inferior and superior ranks.

We do not entertain the concept of favoured and condemned nations or endorse the doctrine of the chosen and the Gentile. Rather, we are commissioned to convey the divine message to mankind and to make our indispensable contribution to humanity. In other words, the Muslims cannot afford to be indifferent, exclusive or arrogant. It is our solemn duty to open wide our minds to all the realities of life and stretch far our arms to all peoples of whatever class, creed, race or nationality. The good which we can do and the services we can render will fully materialize only when we put Islam into practice and associate with other people in the kind humane spirit of Islam. In view of all these circumstances, I was able to make a fresh start in Islam without any intention of causing Muslims to become blind fanatics or narrow-minded people because Islam is strongly opposed to such things. Our hope is to re-acquaint the one thousand Million Muslims globally and their like with the truth of Islam and provide them with spiritual insight into the universe and a moral approach to the human condition in this increasingly materialistic environment. If this is realised, it will make us responsible citizens of our respective countries, honourable members of the human race and above all else–God-minded people.

With all intents and purposes, pessimism is not the outlook of the future of Islam as I see and neither is it a brave confession of despair and helplessness to which Muslims may seem subject. Neither is it a reflection of the expected outcome of a losing spiritual battle the Muslims are fighting across the Globe? Certainly, not but rather pessimism and despair. Even fatalism are contrary to the spirit of Islam and helplessness is incomparable with faith in Allah. The future which Islam has in great abundance in a sense explains the vitriol we pertinently get from the increasingly alarmed sects; there is a great and bright future in store for Islam.

The spiritual battle which the Muslims are fighting today is not a losing battle. Our numbers are a testament to this fact. If Muslims, for any reason, lose their spiritual battle, humanity will suffer irreparable losses I believe. The significance of this re-affirmation in my beloved Islam is to draw a realistic picture of the situation which is confronting an increasingly triumphant Muslim nations world-wide. This is to warn parents and the youth alike of the dangers that are amongst us and how to overcome them. Moreover, it is to remind all those who are genuinely interested in our spiritual heritage and well being of humanity that Muslims have to be alert and take a fresh attitude towards humanity and it problems. Hammudah Abdalati gave me an insight into the events that lead to the singular preservation of our Holy Scripture. During the Khalifate of Uthman Bin Afan, about fifteen years after the death of Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him), the compiled copies of the Qur-an were distributed widely in the new territories which came into contact with Islam. Most of the inhabitants did not see Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) or Hear him.

Due to regional and geographical factors, they were reading the Holy Qur-an with slightly different accents. Differences in recitation and Intonation began to arise and cause disputes among Muslims. Khalifa Uthman acted swiftly to meet the situation. After mutual consultation with all the leading Authorities, he formed a committee of four men made up of the former scribes of Revelations. All the copies in use were collected and replaced by one standard copy which was to be used according to the Accent and dialect of Qur aysh, the very same dialect and accent of Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) himself. That dialect was adopted and standardised because it was the best of all dialects and the one in which the Qur-an was revealed. Thus, the Holy Qur-an was again restricted to the accent and dialect of the man who received it. From that time onwards, the same standardised version has been in use without the slightest change in words or order or even punctuation marks. From these observations, scholars have concluded that the Qur-an stands today as it first came down, and as it always will be.

To it there has never been any addition; from it there was no omission and in it there occurred no corruption. Its history is clear as daylight; its authenticity is unquestionable and its complete preservation is beyond doubt. The Qur-an is full of unexemplified wisdom with regard to its source, its characteristics and its dimensions. The wisdom of the Qur-an derives from the wisdom of the author who could not have been any other than Rabbanah watt Allah himself. It also derives from the compelling power of the Book which is inimitable and which is a challenge to all mankind of letters and knowledge. The realistic approach of the Qur-an, the practical solutions it offers to human problems and the noble objectives it sets for man marks the Qur-anic wisdom as being of a special nature and characteristics. To Allah’s care, we leave our Muslim brethren and in him do we have infinite confidence that our endeavour will not be in vain. “I only desire reform to the best of my power and my success in the task can only come from Allah. In him I trust and unto him I look.” My most spiritual experience took place one eventful day when Dad took us to Makkah on the date when the Governor of Makkah would be doing the annual cleansing of the Holy site.

As we circulated, Tawwaf, the Kabah the inherent keeper of the keys to the Kabah recognised Amonye (dad) and joyfully grabbed his hand leading him towards the Golden Door upwards a flight of stairs. Amonye instinctively told us to stay close to him as we were given the privilege to enter the inner most sanctuary of the Holy Kabah. The keeper of the keys instructed All the Boys to pray two Rakkats at each of the four walls of the Kabah. What struck me was the fact that at every wall and at that particular moment, in time, we were facing millions of Muslims from every point of the globe who were praying towards this very centre of the Muslim Universe! Our Teaching claims that the Kabah is Parallel to a similar Kabah Twaffed by Angels in Heaven and that if one were to head straight up from this point they would actually head up the mythical staircase to heaven. We were then given the privilege to clean the inside of the Kabbah which we did with relish and spiritual faith. After which we went a final stretch of stairs up to the very top of the Kabah where brass rings hold the Woven black Silk Shroud.

The whole family never stopped talking about this event. Whenever I re- tell this story to learned Imams and Sheikhs in Africa, they always tell me how lucky I was to have had this chance to enter the inner Sanctuary of the Holy Kabah. The significance of the Keeper of the Key to the Kabah recognizing Dad was not lost to me. They had last met in 1972 when Dad came for his initial Haj in the company of the Late King Faisal. On that momentous day, as soon as they walked into the sacred sunctuary it started to rain. Shocked Faisal looked across at his VIP visitor and said "You must be a Special Visitor. This last happened centuries ago." Dad only smiled back in his mind, a certain knowledge of his Adibu / Bura Clan's reknowned Rain Making skills... here was Al-Amin being praised for his service to Islam by a descendant of a particular sect appointed by the original Al-Amin (The Prophet Peace Be Upon) following the future prophets just decision in solving a wrangle amongst the Qura ish tribe who were undecided on who was supposed to place the Holy Black stone on the newly reconstructed Kabah.

The wrangle had come to a head and the chiefs had decided that the very next inbound traveller on the caravan trade route would decide what solution to take in the dispute. Fatefully, Al-Amin as Muhammad Peace (Peace Be upon Him) was then called for his trustworthy character was the very next person to arrive from an errand as part of Khadija’s trade caravan. The chiefs were heartened when they saw Al-Amin and requested him to solve the problem. His solution was brilliantly simple. He thought for a moment and then said “bring me a Robe.” He took the robe they brought and spread it on the ground and placed the Black Stone on it and then said , “Let the elders of each clan hold onto one edge of the robe". They all complied and together carried the stone to the site of the construction. There, the Future Prophet of Islam picked up the stone and laid it in its place by himself. Indeed, bloodshed was thus averted and the dispute was solved.

The Qura ysh completed the building of the Kabah raising its walls to a height of the olden measure of 18 cubits and in order to make it more defensible, they raised its entrance through the Golden Door we passed through with Dad above ground level. I do recall a small argument we had as to the number of pillars that hold/support the roof. Originally on that initial roofing by “Pachomius” a Byzantine Trader who was also a builder by trade, they erected two parallel rows of three pillars each to support the ceiling and built that stairway on its north side that led us to the very roof of the Kabbah. There is also variations as to at what age our future Prophet of Islam actually was at the time of the reconstruction of the Kabbah and his Trustworthy (Al-Amin) arbitration between the Qura-ysh clans concerning the Black Stone. While some claim he was 25 years, others claim he was 35 years old.

Another Highly enlightening experience was Amonye's (dad's) annual ritual of breaking fast at the Haram Alsharif in Makkah from the start to the finish of the Holy Month of Ramadhan. We would set off in a long convoy with him in the metallic blue Vogue Range Rover or the white Caprice Classic Chevrolet estate , while we took the rear in either the Burgundy Fleetwood Cadillac or the cream 505 Peugeot estate. We normally set off right after Asir prayers and would arrive just before the magrib prayers and take up vigil until the announcement to break fast which we did with dates and fresh fruit juice. We would then pray in congregation with fellow muslims the magrib prayers. Then we would go out for a proper supper before returning for the extended prayer vigil "Taraweh Prayer" after the Ishah prayers. We would return to Jeddah before the morning prayer and in time to take Suhur/Dako. This ritual would be performed daily for either the 29 or 30 days in the month of Ramadhan.

Much to his credit, once he fell silent on the world stage by say 198l, he refocussed his energy into understanding further his own religion. His immense curiosity was infectious and we would go on extended tours of the Holy sight. We almost made it to the top of the famous mountain which marked the beginning of the Hijrah where Muhammad and Abu Bakr Al Saddiq took refuge from the search by fellow Quraysh. Jebel noor has always been a photo shoot opportunity whenever members of our family came into town. We learnt and visited arafat the sight of the final sermon. Memorably in 1987 I was given the task of being an Honorary Mutawaf [Guide ] for Baba Ramadhan with the responsibility of guiding him through a complete Ummrah. We set off for Makkah as a group comprising the whole family, then Amonye (dad 0 bought tickets on the Domestic Saudia Flight to Madina - just the two of us. We arrived to a fully packed Harram Al-Shari. I was able to show him the Holy sight at the Mimbar where it is recommeded to pray two rakkats since it was highly valued as a sight where Arch Angel Jibril would often descend from Heaven to convey the message from Allah. We would then join a long line towards the viewing portal of the graves of Umar, Abu Bakr and Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.

From there we would move on to a marbled wall where we would also pray two rakkats since it was also a location where quite often the Arch Angel Jibril would also descend with a message from Allah sub hanah wat Allah. We would then move on to the very first masjid Al Kubah. From hence we would go and visit the battle field of Uhhud, the burial sight of Hammzah Alayhi sallam. I would show him the point on the mountain side where at the point of defeat when Khalid Ibn Walid's brilliant military tactics almost cost the Holy prophet his life then apparently droves of Angels came winging down to earth at that very spot to defend the Holy prophet. He came out of the attack with a broken tooth. To this day the place is considered close to Heaven as a point of entry and exit for the Holy Angels. We then went to other points of the steady war front where at a particular location the Sahabahs had built mosques on the battle field and would always pray two Raqqats at each sight. I also showed him the mosque at which the commandment came to shift direction from toward Masjid Al Aqsa and towards Makkah and the Holy Kabbah and then went to show him the burial sight of the muhajirin in the centre of Madinah Al Munawarah. Finally we set off on a 400 mile drive back to Jeddah inside an air conditioned Kangaroo Spring Hilux Toyota Double Cabin Truck. Sadly, the tour had had some tragic overtone since misleading information had reached us that maybe Mariyam Babirye and Hussien Kato had died. My elder sister Salamssidah and the remaining wife Mama Ariye had probably panicked when sending the information which turned out thankfully not to be true. I remember while we were on the flight to Madinah, Baba Morro suddenly broke down into tears. All I could do was place my hand over his trying to comfort him. The mother of the twins had decided to go back to Uganda leaving the children in Kisangani at the tender age of only four months!

On his hurried way back to Zaire on Ethiopian Airlines I remember the two brothers sitting at the Departure Lounge in an extended heart to heart discusion. What I only found out later on our regular trips for swimming at corniche with Amonye (dad) was (he told me that) Baba Morro had requested Amonye (dad) to send me to Kisangani to look after him but Amonye (dad) had declined claiming that I was still studying in the UK but that when I finished he would think about it.

I always felt touched by that request and in some way my coming to Uganda in 1990 and Baba Morro's eventful return to his homeland in the early 1990s brought us together again. At the back of his mind he has always had it that I was a very knowledgeable person as far as our religion ISLAM was concerned which I found amusing.

Ruthless Muslims:

Much has been written or said about the ruthless Muslims who emerged from the burning and dry deserts of Dark Arabia (Saudi Arabia) to conquer the Roman and Persian Protectorates and even to venture around the walls of Europe. Many have expressed the opinion that those Muslims were motivated by religious zeal to spread Islam by force as far as they could reach. Many others consider this opinion silly and naïve, because Islam by its nature cannot be forced and even if it were supposedly forced on the conquered people, it could not have lasted there for long, and non-Muslims would have been liquidated from the conquered regions.

History bears witness to the fact that whereever Islam reached, it survived with the exception of Spain on account of certain reasons and that wherever Muslims conquered or went, they lived side by side with non-Muslim natives. Moreover, they argue that one cannot force a religion like Islam on anyone and find him/her sincere and honest about his or her faith as were those Muslim converts of the new lands. It needs more than compulsion to develop such good Muslims out of a defeated people and it requires much more than suppression to make them uphold and cherish the “Forced Religion”. If there is any religion or constitution to gurantee peaceful freedom of religion and forbid compulsion in religion, it is Islam and Islam Alone! To this point, the Qur-an refers as follows: “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error. Whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy Hand hold, that never breaks, and Allah hears and knows all things.

”Even in the propagation of Islam, a Muslim is not only forbidden to employ force but is also commanded to use the most peaceful methods. To Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) Allah say: “Invite all to the way of your lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: For your lord knows best who have strayed from his Path and who Receives guidance and dispute you not with people of the Book (Jews andChristians) except with means better than mere disputation, unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong and injury. But say we believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our God and your God is One and it is to Him we Bow in Islam Now if my religion was so designated for Peace and if the Muslims were so dedicated to peace and if the Qur-an is favourable to Peace, why then did the Holy Prophet Launch Wars and Commanded Battles? Why does the Qur-an say Slay them and Fight them? To examine these seemingly innocent enquiry? Hammudauh Abdulati explained the following Historical facts that accompanied and anticipated the Muslim Wars Against the Infidels. The Muslims were initially being threatened from within by the disenchanted at Medina as well as by the Raids organized from Makkah. They were driven to a point where they could not stand any more persecution and threats, their families were separated from them by force.

Their properties were confiscated, their blood was shed. They were forced to leave their hometown in three waves of migration two to Abyssinia and one to Medina. They endured for over thirteen years with the new tactics of the Makkan enemies of Islam. There was no course for the Muslims except to await their final annihilation in a plural massacre or defend themselves against oppression and persecution. It must have been a paradox since Islam came to assure them of dignity and strength , freedom and security and to ally them with Allah the Supreme Source of Goodness and help, power and Peace. Yet, here, they were helpless and anxious, threatened and terrified. Islam commissioned them to establish peace to enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, to support the oppressed and emancipate the subjugated and to prove how reliable and helpful to his Servants Allah is. But how could they do that if they themselves were oppressed, subjugated to terror and projected to helplessness? What perplexed them most of all at the time was that Revelations had been silent on the matter and had given them no specific instructions as to what to do.

Their perplexity did not last long and Allah relieved their grief by a Divine Resolution to solve their problems and those of any who might find themselves in a similar situation from hence forth. Allah commanded,“Verily Allah will defend those who believe: Verily Allah loves not any that is a Traitor to faith or shows ingratitude. To those against whom war is made, permission is given to fight, because they are wronged, and Verily Allah is most Powerful for their Aid" They are those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right for no cause except that they say Our Lord is Allah. Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another. There would surely have been pulled down Monasteries, Churches, Synagogues and Mosques in which the Name of Allah is commemorated an Abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who Aid his cause, for verily Allah is full of strength, Exalted in Might, Able to Enforce His will.

They are those who if we establish them in the Land establish Regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. With Allah rests the end and decision of all Affairs (22:38-41). With this permission from Allah there was no more persecution oppression to be inflicted on the Muslim; from Hence forth we stopped the Doctrine of Turning the other Cheek! There was resistance from our side to restore tranquility, to regain their peace and freedom, to reunite with their families and take back their belongings. There were Battles and Wars with Malicious infidels who flagrantly denied Muslims Peace and Freedom. But never was there any aggression from the Muslims side, or any destruction of homes, crops, supplies, etceteras or any killing of non-fighting women, children and the elderly plus Disabled people.

The Muslims observed these strict Rules of engagement Eons before the formation of the UN charter for Human rights and remained within the Limits of Allah. That, for sure, was something which had never been experienced before nor has it been experienced after. It was under these principles and revelations of Subhanah Wat Allah that the Muslims in the end achieved decisive Victories. Islam’s outstanding contribution to Civilisation was based on three major characteristics one of which is a kind of dynamic wisdom not the static type. It provokes the mind and quickens the heart of the believer. In this wisdom there is stirring dynamism and there is moving force attested by historical evidence. Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) is no myth. He came to us in the full glare of written history and has been accounted for by friend and fore, as well as by our very own incorruptible Qur-an itself. When Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) first launched the call of Allah, his only power was the Qur-an. His Humanity was a telling factor. He did not claim to posses any supernatural powers but only proclaimed his status as a messenger of Allah and his only wisdom was the Miracle of the Qur-anic wisdom. The penetrating dynamism of the Qur-an is tremendous and irresistible to this very day. Over 1 Billion Muslims and still the fastest growing religion is a solemn testament to Qur-anic wisdom. There are numerous examples to show that the most dynamic personalities and the most conclusive arguments could not reach the realm of the dynamic wisdom of the Qur-an.

Allah speaks of the Qur-an as a Rooh or Spirit and life and as a light wherewith the servants of Allah are guided to the Straight Path. Again, Allah says “Had we sent down this Qur-an on a mountain, verily you would have seen it humble itself and cleave asunder for Fear/Owe of Allah. Such are the similarities which we propound to men, that they may reflect” (Chapter 59: verse 21). The key words are Rooh and Sad which mean that the Qur-an originates life, quickens the soul, radiates the guiding light and moves the seemingly immobile objects. This is the kind of spiritual dynamism of which the Qur-an speaks. This inward penetration is different from and far deeper than that of any other legal or ethical system, because the Qur-an speaks in Allah’s name and refers all matters to our Creator. The outward function of the Qur-an embraces all walks of life and covers the principles of the entire field of human affairs from the most personal matters to the complex international relations. The Qur-an reaches areas unknown to any secular system of law or code of ethics and inaccessible to any popular doctrine of religion. What is remarkable about the Qur-an in this respect is that it deals with human transactions in such a way as to give them a divine transaction and acknowledges him as the first source of guidance and the ultimate goal of all transaction. It is man’s spiritual guide, his system of law, his code of ethics and above all his way of life. In its upward function the Qur-an focuses on the one supreme Allah.

Everything that was or that is or that will be must be channelled into and seen through this focus, the active presence of Allah in the Universe. Man is merely a trustee in the vast domain of Allah, and the sole purpose of his creation is to worship Allah. This is no pretext for seclusion or passive fatalistic retirement from life. It is an open invitation to man to be the true embodiment on earth of the excellent qualities and attributes of Allah. When the Qur-an, in its upward attention, focuses on Allah, it opens before man new horizons of thought, guides him to unexemplified standards of high morality and acquaints him with the eternal source of peace and goodness. Realizing Allah alone as the ultimate goal of man is a revolution against the popular trends in human thought and religious doctrine - a revolution whose objective is to free the mind from doubt, liberate the soul from sin and emancipate the conscience from subjugation. In all its dimensions, the Qur-anic wisdom is conclusive. It neither condemns nor tortures the flesh, nor does it neglect the soul. It does not humanise Allah nor does it deify the Human Apostles and Messengers of Allah.

Everything is carefully placed where it belongs in total scheme of creation. There is a proportionate relationship between deeds and rewards, between means and ends. The Quranic wisdom is not neutral. It is demanding and it's demands are joyfully welcomed by all those blessed with appreciation and understanding. The wisdom of Allah’s words calls for truth in thought and pity in action, for unity in purpose and goodwill in intent. That is the Qur-an in it is guidance sure, without doubt…(2:2) this Book which we have revealed unto you, in order that you might lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into light. (14:2).

Jaffar Remo 1966-

Son of Idi Alemi 1928-2003 RIP

Son of Amin Dada 1889-1976 RIP
Last edited by Laurent on Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Laurent »

Kekejaman IDI AMIN dalam memimpin UGANDA ternyata dipengaruhi oleh agamanya yaitu ISLAM :

01 Agustus 1981
Adegan Amin Yang Kejam
SESAAT sesudah (25 Januari 1971) merebut kekuasaan dari tangan Presiden Uganda Milton Obote, ia membuat pernyataan populer, yang diingat musuh politiknya. "Saya bukan politikus tapi tentara profesional. Saya orang yang sedikit bicara dan selalu bertindak tegas selama karir profesi saya," katanya. Sejak itu Mayor Jenderal Idi Amin Dada Oumee justru tak pernah berhenti berbicara, dan mewujudkan tindakan tegasnya dengan membantai musuh politiknya. Banyak cerita beredar menggambarkan kekejaman Idi Amin -- yang kemudian mengangkat dirinya sebagai field marshal -- memperlakukan musuh bangsa kulit putih serta bangsa Asia. Pers Barat, terutama, sangat jijik melihat perilaku Amin -- apalagi setelah tokoh Afrika hitam tadi menghina bangsa kulit putih. Dengan kebencian semacam itulah, film Rise and Fall of Idi Amin dibuat. Di situ, menurut Asbari Nurpatria Krisna yang menulis di Sinar Harapan (27 Juni), diperlihatkan secara sadis Idi Amin memancung kepala menteri kehakiman kabinetnya, dan menyimpan penggalan kepala tadi di lemari es. Juga diperlihatkan bagaimana Amin mengerat daging musuhnya, dan menelannya. Pastor dan pendeta dibunuhnya pula. Pendeknya film itu "hampir tidak menggambarkan kebaikan sama sekali dari seorang tiran," tulis Asbari. Selain bisa mempengaruhi massa melawan penguasa, ia juga menganggap film tadi bisa "mengganggu ketenteraman kerukunan beragama di Indonesia." Bagai gayung bersambut, Majelis Ulama DKI Jakarta juga turut menanggapi Rise and Fall of Idi Amin. Dalam suratnya ke Badan Sensor Film (13 Juli), Majelis Ulama Jakarta mengkhawatirkan pemutaran film itu akan memancing munculnya keresahan di kalangan umat Islam. Majelis juga mengkhawatirkan film itu akan menimbulkan pandangan keliru terhadap Islam, yang seolah-olah mengajarkan dan membolehkan kebengisan dan kekejaman seperti digambarkan film tadi. Akhirnya Majelis Ulama Jakarta meminta BSF bersama sejumlah wakil umat beragama di J akarta memeriksa ulang film tersebut. KHM Syukri Ghozali, Ketua I Majelis Ulama Jakarta, meskipun ikut menandatangani surat itu, mengakui bahwa ia belum menonton Rise and Fall of Idi Amin. Ia bahkan mengatakan ia jarang sekali melihat film -- kecuali jika menerima undangan. Jadi dari sumber manakah Majelis Ulama Jakarta bisa memberi penilaian? "Dasarnya dari tulisan di Sinar Harapan itu," jawab Kiai Syukri. Ketua BSF Thomas Sugito tentu saja kaget. Sebab, menurut Sugito, bagian-bagian yang dianggap kejam dalam tulisan Asbari, justru memang dipotong BSF. Adegan itu antara lain Idi Amin memancung kepala seorang dokter dan menyimpannya di lemari es, Idi Amin memakan daging musuhnya, Idi Amin membunuh kedua istrinya di depan anaknya, Idi Amin bermain dengan dua kekasihnya di ranjang, serangan Israel ke Entebbe dan Idi Amin merebut gereja dan menjadikannya masjid. Semuanya sepanjang lima menit. Kenapa potongan tadi muncul dalam tulisan Asbari? Suatu kesalah-pahaman rupanya telah terjadi. Hari itu, 18 Mei, seperti biasanya tiap tengah bulan BSF menyelenggarakan pemutaran film. Selain memperlihatkan guntingan berbagai adegan porno dan sadis, juga diputarkan Rise and Fall of Idi Amin. Memenuhi permintaan penontonnya-para wartawan -- film itu diputar lengkap (belum dipotong). Atas kesepakatan kedua belah pihak, segala sesuatu (baik hasil diskusi maupun pemutaran film) yang terjadi di salah satu ruang BSF itu biasanya tidak ditulis. Setiap mengawali acara itu pun, Sugito beberapa kali mengingatkan kesepakatan tadi. Tentu saja Sugito kaget membaca tulisan Asbari, apalagi setelah Majelis Ulama Jakarta turut nimbrung. "Kok pemikiran wartawannya cuma sampai di situ saja," katanya. Ia menganggap tulisan Asbari tadi melanggar Kode Etik Jurnalistik, karenanya BSF akan mengirim surat protes. Tentang permintaan Majelis Ulama Jakarta "Jika Majelis Ulama menghendaki menonton, saya akan beri kesempatan," lanjutnya. Asbari ternyata tetap pada pendiriannya, sekalipun adegan keji tadi sudah dipotong. Efeknya terhadap penonton, menurut dia, akan sama saja. Pendeknya jika film tersebut tetap diputar "akan mengganggu SARA (Suku, Agama, Ras dan Antar Golongan)," katanya. "Bagaimanapun jahatnya Idi Amin, dia toh masih punya kebaikan. Segi ini yang tidak ditonjolkan dalam film." la memang benar. Rise and Fall of Idi Amin hampir seluruhnya menggambarkan kesintingan Idi Amin menurut pandangan Barat. Tokoh itu, yang lahir (1925) di Desa Koboko, dari keluarga muslim, memerintah Uganda (selama lima tahun) dengan tangan besi. Ia terutama sangat membenci satuan tentara yang berasal dari suku Acholi dan Langi. Idi Amin sendiri berasal dari suku Kakwa. Dalam suatu adegan, misalnya, diperlihatkan sekelompok pembangkang (dari Acholi dan Langi) ditembaki satu-satu di suatu lapangan terbuka. Sesudah itu, rekan mereka yang masih hidup diperintahkan menggali kubur, buat mereka yang tewas, juga buat penggalinya sendiri. Di puncak kekuasaannya itu, Idi Amin diperankan Joseph Okita dengan suatu upacara kebesaran militer menganugerahkan sebuah satya lencana kepada seorang anaknya yang dianggap berjasa membantunya. Dengan licin ia digambarkan pandai bermain sandiwara di depan utusan suatu negara Arab. Ketika utusan tadi tengah meninjau suatu bangunan, mobil Idi Amin yang diperintahkan jalan dulu (hanya dinaiki sang sopir) mendadak meledak. Mendengar ledakan tersebut, utusan dari suatu negara Arab tadi jadi jungkir balik. Kepada tamunya itu, Idi Amin mengatakan bahwa perbuatan tadi dilakukan musuhnya -- sekalipun sesungguhnya pendukung Idi Aminlah yang melakukannya. Mungkin adegan ini dianggap berlebih-lebihan. David Martin dalam buku General Amin juga punya cerita mengerikan. Penulis itu mengutip cerita seorang tahanan yang lolos di penjara Makindye, Kampala, yang dijuluki Sel Singapura, tentara Idi Amin dengan mudahnya mematahkan lengan dan kaki tawanannya. Di suatu sel mereka disiksa dan ditembaki -- hingga lantai di situ digenangi darah setebal 0,6 cm. Kepada Inggris, dalam situasi keuangan Uganda yang nyaris bangkrut, Idi Amin pernah meminta 25 pesawat tempur Harrier, yang bisa take off secara vertikal. "Buat apa?" tanya Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Menlu Inggris. "Untuk mengebom Dar es Salaam (ibukota Tanzania), ' jawab Idi Amin Dengan negeri tetangganya itu, yang membantu Presiden Obote, ia memang bermusunan. Tapi permintaan edan tadi, tulis David Martin, tidak dikabulkan. Dan sesungguhnya, masih banyak kesintingan Idi Amin yang sangat komersial untuk difilmkan. ...
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Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Laurent »

African Insights Blog - August 2003

Idi Amin - The little - big Man - thoughts on his life and death


I often visited the Nile International Hotel for lunch or dinner on a balmy Kampala night. I would sit there in the gardens, surrounded by other guests and look up at the Hotel, flags flying in the equatorial breeze, a Marabou Stork vulture would fly overhead toward the trees in the distance reminding me of another vulture that had walked on the same grounds where I sat. He had an office here and the Hotel became infamous for being a torture and interrogation chamber for a multitude, the end of the road for many others

Fortunately those days are behind for the Pearl of Africa, Idi Amin died today August 16th far from the place where his reign of terror and death took place in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The one who thought he was immortal, at the end of the day, was mortal like all of us and many in Uganda hope, that if there is a hell that he be the latest arrival and join the company of Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, the infamous Emperor Bokassa of the Central African Republic and many others who have sown terrors in their lands. Today there are no Ugandan flags flying at half-staff for the former self-proclaimed President for Life of Uganda.

In a rare interview Idi Amin was asked what he wanted to be known for when he died. His answer was rather surprising, “a great athlete.” The reality for Idi Amin is that at his death most of us see him as a butcher, rather than a boxer and athlete. Which brings up the question: Who was this Idi Dada Amin? Who was this man who gave himself titles (pure son of Africa, His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal, Al Hadji Doctor, Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular) and medals (Victorian Cross amongst them, self-bestowed) that would drag any man down to the red earth of Africa?

Idi Amin was a big man, size wise, but in reality a small man of heart. He pursued power, women, fame, he desired to be loved by the people of Uganda, only to be despised and rejected. A man deeply insecure that wanted to be taken seriously but often was seen as a bumbling buffoon who never saw that with the titles he gave himself came responsibilities. He wanted to be served, but in turn never learned to serve those whom he presided over. He became a laughing stock even in his own country, so he resorted to naked, abusive power, terror and fear to subjugate a country. He went through life as an intimidator, even British citizen had to bow to him and pledge allegiance. He wanted to be seen as a great statesman and wrote letters of advice to President Nixon at the time of Watergate, asked Queen Elizabeth to come to Kampala and find a real man, him. He offered himself to be King of Scotland, thank God, that was turned down.

When you study the life of Idi Amin, you see a life that was corrupted by power. Power, that ran amok, power that was not harnessed, but allowed to reign freely subjugating a people who wanted a servant leader, but got a tyrant, twice the son of hell that Milton Apollo Obote had been, the President of Uganda that Idi Amin overthrew. He called himself big Daddy, the one who never had a father around him. His father abandoned the family soon After Amin was born in Kabogo near the Sudanese and the Democratic Republic of Congo somewhere around 1925 (when he died he was between 78 and 80). His father was a Kagwa, a small Sudanese tribe. His mother belonged to the Lubarra tribe that lives around the northern town of Arua.

Idi Amin the product of an absent father and a mother that was said to have been a witch and traditional herbalist. From his birth there seems to have been a pact with the devil, a sort of selling of the soul, the absence of heart in the quest for power. Idi Amin was one that used people to get things, instead of using things to serve people. He wanted to be King and somewhere in this quest he forgot that he was a mere mortal, he as many others before him, saw himself as a semi-deity that was above the rule of law, above common decency. Some accounts say, he even bragged on several occasions to having consumed human flesh, commenting that it “tasted salty.”

Not much is known about his childhood and youth. His mother moved south to the Jinja area where she became involved with a soldier in the “King’s African Rifles.” A man she was purported to have bewitched when things did not turn out to well in their relationship. Young Amin might have attended a missionary school for some time, but his early job was selling (mandazis) donuts in Jinja, became a cook for the soldiers at the “King’s African Rifles” barracks where he was inducted as a private because he was a big, burly bully and fit the type of person who the British sought as soldiers in their African Army.

As a soldier his evil side came to the forefront. He was the kind who showed no mercy, especially if his enemy was helpless. He left a trail of tears in Kenya, northern Uganda. He carried out his duties in a most ruthless manner.

Boxing and Rugby became the sports he started to participate in, becoming the heavyweight champion of Uganda and in rugby he was simply an animal. His British officer would take a hammer to his forehead and prime him for the contest to release his mean streak and competitive spirit and off he went to destroy the competition.

Relationally this conqueror the British Empire as he proclaimed himself was also a failure. He had no real friends, only those whom he bought, he eliminated so many of his friends, people who worked with him and for him, from ministers to general, from soldiers to common citizens, anyone who stood in his way to keeping the power, real or imagined, throwing their bodies into Lake Victoria or the Nile River. The fish in Lake Victoria around Kampala and Jinja grew to enormous size according to some, and the Dam on the Nile was clogged with bodies, the crocodiles became fat and fishermen often pulled in bodies into their nets. When an enemy was killed he often would spend time with the corpse and perform what a blood rite, a cutting with the knife and a licking the blood off of the knife, a way of appeasing the spirits and causing that person’s spirit to do no harm to him. (During his rule over 300,000 people were murdered by his henchmen)

He had women around him, 5 wives, one of which it has been rumored he had killed and dismembered showing her children what happens to someone who does not obey him. He is said to have over 34 mistresses and many other encounters resulting in many bothersome STD’s, syphilis being one of them and that might certainly have affected his thinking. He also had over 40 some children, many of them going into exile with him to Saudi Arabia, one of his boys ran for a local office in Uganda and was defeated in recent times.

Spiritually Idi Amin was a Muslim, but in name only and not in practice. His life showed outward observance, but no heart conversion. He used religion as part of his quest for power. Declaring a holy Jihad to make Islam the state religion (seeking support from Lybia and Saudi Arabia – which he got) which brought great harm to the Churches, ministers being eliminated left and right (Archbishop Luwum amongst them), parishioners harassed and not promoted in state jobs, churches being told what they could not preach about, such as using the name of Israel in sermons. The churches quit praying for him, but Bishop Festo Kivengere wrote a book around that time entitled “I Love Idi Amin.” This Anglican Bishop refused to hate and continued to love in spite of the hatred spewed against him and the churches where the secret police would sit in the services and monitor what was going on, often arresting the leadership after the service. Idi Amin, was given a Moslem burial, but his life is not a testimony to the faith of Islam and its precepts, his actions were not a Holy Jihad, but bloody murder of anyone who opposed him. He might have kept the art of Islam in its practices at times, but never practiced the heart of Islam.

The rule of Idi Amin lasted for 8 long years from 1971 until his overthrow in 1979. Uganda, the fruitful pearl of Africa became a literal wasteland. Food became short in supply, milk was absent for years, children grew up knowing only their mother’s milk. The economy was ruined as he expelled all Asians from Uganda, took over their businesses and homes distributing them to his cronies who simply took the goods and often shut down the stores. Medicines were absent, medical equipment looted from hospitals and clinics, Uganda became refuse dump instead of a pearl.

Makerere University the former jewel of higher education became graveyard instead of a place of learning. This insecure, power hungry maniac bestowed a Doctorate of Law and Philosophy upon himself, but could not read well, nor write, but he could speak for hours.

If you look at his life, over and over again it is power exhibited through sheer force, it brought him to the presidency of Uganda and it ended his reign as President for Life, dying this week in obscurity away from Uganda in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia where he lived in comfort supported by the Saudis which is sad for keepers of the faith of Islam.

In his quest for power he invaded Tanzania and thought his glorious army would win the day, he hated President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania who was beloved in his country and saw him as weak and challenged him to a boxing match, but when it was all said and done, Idi Amin fled the country, his Army was routed and the Libyan troops sent to aid him went home.

Idi Amin was no hero, no conqueror, he, like others before him and since him used people, bought people, abused people and threw them away like a used facial tissue. Today Big Daddy is no more, but his memory lives on in the hearts and minds of those that are still carrying around the scars of his eight years of terror…but tonight Uganda and the world can rest a bit easier, the Hitler of Africa is no more…jon ... -Death.htm
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Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Laurent »

KASUS UGANDA, bukti Muslim bisa mengkudeta Negara KAFIR bukannya hanya Mengebom aja seperti yang terjadi kemarin lalu
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Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Laurent »

ada yang bisa terjemahin artikel di atas. INi bagus sekali sebab mengenai ISLAM yang sebenarnya terutama bagaimana ISLAM menjadi mayoritas di suatu negara. ISLAM bisa menjadi mayoritas di suatu negara bukan karena penduduknya suka pada agama ISLAM melainkan justru dibangun kekerasan & diskriminasi lewat rezim diktator & ini terjadi di INDONESIA, PAKISTAN, UGANDA, & negara2 MUSLIM lainnya. Muslim ternyata mendominasi diktator top dunia pada abad ke-20 selain FASISME & KOMUNISME. Kasus UGanda pada masa IDI AMIN juga membuktikan kalo ISLAM menghalalkan segala cara untuk mencapai tujuannya yaitu mengubah negara kafir menjadi negara MUSLIM. UGANDA hampir menjadi negara MUSLIM kalo saja REZIM IDI AMIN tidak digulingkan & diinvansi Oleh TANZANIA. Banyak kasus di mana ISLAM menjadi mayoritas justru dengan kekerasan & diskriminasi & yang ironis-nya pelakunya bukan bangsa ARAB melainkan bangsanya sendiri yang sudah teracuni virus ISLAM ARAB. HAMPIR semua negara2 mayoritas ISLAM pernah dipimpin oleh rezim diktator bahkan ISLAM bisa menjadi mayoritas lewat rezim diktator tersebut, bahkan yang paling tragisnya sebelum dipimpin rezim DIKTATOR justru merupakan negara kafir / negara yang proporsi MUSLIM & KAFIR seimbang yaitu 50%
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Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Bigman »
Idi Amin mempunyai empat orang istri. Istri pertamanya adalah Sarah atau Mama Malian yang dinikahinya pada tahun 1958, yang kedua Kay, yang ketiga Norah, dan yang keempat Medina, yang dinikahinya pada tahun 1971. Pada awal tahun 1974 ia ceraikan tiga istrinya yang pertama sehingga tinggal Medina. Pada 1 Agustus 1975, ia menikah dengan Sarah, seorang pembalap pasukan berani mati Angkatan Darat Uganda. Empat bulan kemudian, dia menikahi Babirye putri seorang usahawan Uganda. Waktu itu Idi Amin sudah mempunyai 34 orang anak.

Pada tanggal 20 Juli 2003, menjelang kematiannya di Rumah Sakit Raja Faisal di Jeddah, istrinya memohon kepada Presiden Uganda Yoweri Museveni agar Idi Amin dikuburkan di negaranya, namun permintaan ini ditolak. Idi Amin meninggal di Arab Saudi pada tanggal 16 Agustus 2003 dan dimakamkan di Jeddah.
Idi Amin, Brutal Ruler of Uganda in the 70s, dies ... Amin, a convert to Islam, his four wives and more than ... wrote Christopher Munnion, a reporter for The Daily Telegraph ...
IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???
Idi Amin salah satu dari murid2 muhammad saw alm,
nyang niru2 tindakan Sang Baginda nyang mulia rasulloh muhammad saw alm.
HILLMAN wrote:Image
Salam bagi orang yang berpikir.:finga:
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Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Laurent »

KEKEJAMAM pada masa rzim DIKTATOR IDI AMIN juga dipengaruhi oleh agamanya yaitu ISLAM bahkan UGANDA hampir berubah jadi negara ISLAM kalo IDI AMIN tidak digulingkan & DIinvansi oleh TANZANIA. KASUS UGANDA, bukti kalo ISLAM bisa mengkudeta negara kafir bahkan mengubah negara tersebut menjadi negara ISLAM.
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Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Laurent »

Komunitas Muslim Menata Kehidupan
20 Jun 2010
Ragam Republika

Agama Islam masuk ke wilayah Afrika bagian Timur, khususnya Uganda, memang terbilang masih baru. Tepatnya, pada sekitar pertengahan abad ke-19. Ketika itu, para pedagang Arab dan Muslim dari Zanzibar mulai membuka hubungan niaga dengan penduduk setempat melalui jalur sepanjang pesisir pantai Afrika bagian timur. Komoditas perdagangan antara lain adalah serbuk mesiu, garam, serta pakaian untuk kemudian ditukar dengan gading.

Seiring aktivitas perniagaan, terjadi proses asimilasi (pembauran). Sebagian penduduk lokal tertarik dengan agama baru yang dibawa oleh para pendatang tersebut dan mereka akhirnya menjadi Muslim. Agama Islam semakin berkembang setelah kabaka (raja) Mutesa I yang memerintah antata tahun 1832 dan 1856 juga memeluk Islam.

Pada masa kekuasaan Mutesa I pula, bangsa Barat menginjakkan kaki untuk kali pertama di wilayah Uganda. Gelombang pertama yang datang adalah misionaris gereja Anglikan di bawah pimpinan John Speke dan James Grant pada tahun 1862. Sedangkan, gelombang kedua kehadiran orang-orang Eropa terjadi tahun 1875, yakni dan kelompok Henry Stanley.

Empat tahun kemudian, datang kaum Gereja Katolik Roma pimpinan Simon Lourdel. Para pendatang ini tidak menemui konfrontasi, melainkan disambut hangat oleh Mutesa I. Mereka diizinkan untuk tinggal ataupun melakukan kontak dagang.

Orang-orang Eropa tadi sangat terkesan dengan sikap raja. Oleh karena itulah, mereka merekomendasikan pimpinan masing-masing negara untuk tidak memperlakukan Uganda sebagai jajahan. Keinginan itu diwujudkan dengan pemberian status protektorat bagi Uganda.

Di bawah Mutesa, agama Islam tumbuh subur. Namun, gerakan misionaris yang gencar ke wilayah-wilayah pedalaman membuat sebagian besar penduduk akhirnya memeluk Nasrani. Umat Muslim sempat menjadi minoritas dengan persentase 12 persen dari populasi.

Naiknya Idi Amin, yang beragama Islam, menjadi presiden Uganda tahun 1971 membuka harapan bagi komunitas Muslim. Akan tetapi, tahun 1972. Idi Amin justru mengusir orang-orang Asia dari negara itu yang mengakibatkan berkurangnya jumlah orang Islam secara signifikan.

Bukannya makin lembut, Amin justru berubah menjadi seorang diktator. Kondisi itu lantas berdampak pada komunitas Muslim. Mereka memilih untuk menjauh dari lingkaran pemerintahan. Masalah terus merundung umat Muslim setelah Amin tidak lagi berkuasa pada tahun 1979 sebab mereka berada di tengah-tengah pertikaian antara etnis Kakwa dan Nubian sebagai pendukung Amin.

Sekali lagi, kaum Muslim tampil menjadi orang nomor satu di Uganda, yakni pada sosok Yusuf Lule. Dia terpilih sebagai presiden tahun 1980. Sebagian kalanganmenilai, sebagai politikus, Yusuf Lule memang kurang cakap. Namun, selama pemerintahannya, dia berhasil mengurangi stigma negatif yang sebelumnya melekat pada komunitas Muslim.

Umat Muslim mulai menata kehidupan. Tahun 1989, Presiden Yowen Museveni mengajak komunitas Muslim Uganda untuk berkontribusi secara aktif dalam proses pembangunan. Diajuga meminta segenapmasyarakat agar tidak lagi berlaku diskriminatif terhadap umat Islam.

Secara bertahap, kondisi kian membaik. Im ditunjukkan dengan geliat umat dalam meningkatkan taraf kehidupan di berbagai bidang. Masjid dan madrasah bermunculan. Tak ketinggalan. Universitas Islam Uganda yang berlokasi di kawasan Mbale terus menuai prestasi akademis.

yuuT assioK) ad sjahruddin e
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Re: IDI AMIN, Seorang Muslim ???

Post by Laurent »

saya pernah dengar kalo IDI AMIN , diktator MUSLIM UGANDA itu seorang KANIBAL, padahal ISLAM melarang KANIBAL . sebenarnya HALAL / HARAMKah MUSLIM jadi kanibal seperti kasusnya IDI AMIN itu
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Re: IDI AMIN, Diktator Muslim Kanibal Kudeta KAFIR UGANDA

Post by Laurent »

Kasus IDI AMIN di UGANDA , semakin membuktikan bahwa Islam bisa menghalalkan segala cara untuk mencapai tujuannya bahkan di Negara Kafir sekalipun & ketika masih minoritas
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Re: IDI AMIN, Diktator Muslim Kanibal Kudeta KAFIR UGANDA

Post by Laurent »

Kasus IDI AMIN di uganda, bukti bahwa ISLAM emang top dalam soal Kekerasan. Bukan hanya teroris tapi juga DIKTATOR. Pada abad 20 DIKTATOR2 top dunia yang biadab & brutal juga didominasi MUSLIM selain FASIS & KOMUNISME. Coba anda sebutkan DIktator Muslim yang ada di dunia ini
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Re: IDI AMIN, Diktator Muslim Kanibal Kudeta KAFIR UGANDA

Post by Laurent »

OH ya, saya pernah ngobrol dengan Orang UGANDA , kata orang UGANDA, Muslim menjadi mayoritas di suatu negara, belum tentu warga negara tersebut memeluk agam tersebut dengan sukarela / tertarik dengan agama tersebut bahkan Kemayoritasan MUslim di suatu negara justru dibangun dengan kekerasan & diskriminasi & itu terjadi di PAKISTAN, INDONESIA, BANGLADESH, IRAK, IRAN, UGANDA. Dia bilang , kalo proses menjadi negara mayoritas ISLAM aja dibangun dengan kekerasan & diskriminasi, apalagi menjadi negara SYARIAH ISLAM sebab Kemayoritasan MUSLIM adalah modal UTAMA penerapan SYARIAH ISLAM DI suatu negara !!!!. KAFIR tidak boleh memerintah Negara ISLAM, tapi MUSLIM bisa mengkudeta negara KAFIR seperti kasusnya UGANDA & berusaha mengislamkan negara yang dia pimpin agar negara tersebut menjadi negara mayoritas MUSLIM yang nantinya akan menjadi negara ISLAM.
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Re: IDI AMIN, Diktator Muslim Kanibal Kudeta KAFIR UGANDA

Post by Laurent »


IDI AMIN sedang berdoa

Diliat dari cara doanya, IDI AMIN bukanlah atheis melainkan justru seorang MUSLIM
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Re: IDI AMIN, Diktator Muslim Kanibal Kudeta KAFIR UGANDA

Post by Laurent »

Idi Amin ....Africa's Brutal Islamist Dictator

The Last King of Scotland is being shown throught the world,
but what the movie seems to do is play down Amin's religious background.

Forest Whitaker is staring in the movie as the Ugandan dictator Idi Amin

The story is how a Scottish doctor became the personal physician to Ugandan President Idi Amin.

Idi Amin's conversion to Islam

Idi Amin was born as Idi Awo-Ongo Angoo in Kampala on May 17, 1928 to his father Andreas Nyabire (1889 – 1976) – an ethnic Kakwa and Catholic who converted to Islam in 1910 and changed his name to Amin Dada. Other sources say that Dada was not his father's name, but a nickname Amin acquired later.

Abandoned by his father, Idi Amin grew up with his maternal family. His mother, according to Guweddeko, was called Assa Aatte (1904 – 1970), an ethnic Lugbara and a traditional herbalist who among others treated members of Buganda royalty.

He joined an Islamic school in Bombo in 1941, where he excelled in reciting the Qur'an. After a few years he left the school, and did odd jobs before being recruited to the army by a British colonial army officer.

Idi Amin's connections to the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO)

Amin also had strong ties to the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO). The Israeli embassy was offered to them as headquarters; and Flight 139, the Air France Airbus hijacked from Athens on June 27, 1976 was invited by Amin to stop at Entebbe International Airport in the city of Entebbe, 32 km from Kampala. The hijackers demanded the release of 53 PLO and Red Army Faction prisoners in return for the 256 hostages and were assisted by Amin's troops. Amin visited the hostages more than once.

At midnight on July 3, 1976, Israeli commandos attacked the airport and freed all but two of the hostages. (One was killed by the Israeli forces, while another, 75-year-old Dora Bloch, who had been taken to a hospital before the rescue, was killed under Amin's direct orders by two army officers after the hostage rescue.) In the operation, Uganda's air force was badly crippled as its fighter jets were destroyed (see also Operation Entebbe).

The success of the Israeli operation largely contributed to his downfall, while increased resistance and sabotage operations crippled the nation during his final years. Partly on the basis of his "visions" and erratic behaviour, Idi Amin is often believed to have suffered from neurosyphilis: Deborah Hayden makes the case for this hypothesis in her Pox: Genius, Madness and the Mysteries of Syphilis.

History of Idi Amin

Idi Amin (c. 1924–August 16, 2003) was an army officer and President of Uganda (1971–1979). His tenure witnessed much sectarian violence, including the persecution of the Lango, and other ethnic groups as well as Christians in Uganda.

The death toll during Amin's regime will never be accurately known. An estimate from the International Commission of Jurists is that it was not less than 80,000 and more likely around 300,000. Another estimate, compiled by exile organisations with the help of Amnesty Internationl, put the number killed at 500,000.

He gave himself the title "His Excellency President for Life Field Marshal Al Hadji Dr. Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, King of Scotland, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular."

Little know facts about Idi Amin

1) He promised to hold elections within months . Shortly after taking power, however, Amin established the so-called "State Research Bureau," which were actually his own brand of death squads to hunt down and murder Obote's supporters as well as much of the intelligentsia, whom he distrusted.

Military leaders who had not supported the coup were executed, many by "beheading".

Obote took refuge in Tanzania, from where he attempted to regain the country through a military invasion in September, 1972, without success. Obote supporters within the Ugandan army, mainly from the Acholi and Lango tribes, were also involved in the invasion. Amin retaliated by bombing Tanzanian towns, and purging the army of Acholi and Lango officers. The ethnic violence grew to include the whole of the army, and then Ugandan civilians. As the violence increased, Amin became more and more paranoid, fearing a coup within his own government. The Nile Mansions Hotel in Kampala became infamous as Amin's interrogation and torture centre.

2)He had the the Christian Archbishop Janani Luwum slaughtered

3)He liked to refer to himself as "His Excellency Al-Hadji Field Marshal Dr. Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE, Life President of the Republic of Uganda"

4)When Idi Amin died the holy muslim nation of Saudi Arabia on August 16, 2003, aged 79, and was buried in Jeddah.

5)Given the slaughter and carnage this men left I wonder why Arab Saudi leaders would
protected him, after he killed so many people.

6)Amin was fond of racing cars (of which he owned several), boxing, and Disney cartoons. Many foreign journalists considered him a somewhat comical and eccentric figure; he was widely caricatured in the west as a murderous buffoon. There were also rumours that he was a cannibal, though this has never been proven.

7)He had his tunics specially lengthened so that he could wear many World War II medals, including the Military Cross and Victoria Cross. He granted himself a number of titles, including "King of Scotland". In 1977, after Britain broke diplomatic relations with his regime, Amin declared he had beaten the British and conferred on himself the decoration of CBE (Conqueror of the British Empire)

8) Henry Kyemba, Amin's Health Minister and a former official of the first Obote regime, had used travel for a World Health Organisation conference as a means of defecting after coming to fear for his own safety in Uganda. Resettled in Britain, Kyemba wrote and published A State of Blood, an account of Amin and his rule that destroyed any lingering comic or eccentric image still harboured about Amin.

posted by Libertas @ 9/29/2006 02:56:00 PM ... chive.html

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Re: IDI AMIN, Diktator Muslim Kanibal Kudeta KAFIR UGANDA

Post by Laurent » ... 793734210c

The Daily Telegraph: If only the Queen had asked him to tea
Thirty years ago, Idi Amin announced the expulsion of 80,000 Ugandan Asians. Trevor Grundy remembers those fevered days and explains how a better understanding of the erratic dictator's flawed character might have p [incomplete text at source]
August 2, 2002 4:05am

During the early hours of Saturday August 5, 1972, General Idi Amin, Life President of Uganda, Conqueror of the British Empire and the Last King of Scotland, had a dream. Still in his pyjamas, the six-foot three-inch former British Army sergeant called some of his senior military advisers into the State House in Kampala and told them that God had ordered him to expel the Indian/Asian community.

That morning in Nairobi, I and other editors of the tabloid newspaper The Nation read the first news agency reports describing how The Almighty had also ordered Amin to take over Asian-owned hotels, mills, breweries, sugar refineries and cotton factories.

In Amin's dream, God told the general to nationalise all of the houses and flats owned by Uganda's 80,000-strong Indian community, made up of Hindis, Muslims and members of the Aga Khan's small but wealthy sect, the Ismailis. The Ugandan Life President gave non-citizens just 90 days to leave the country.

That same day, 18 leaders of the Indian community - wealthy, usually optimistic men - were summoned into Amin's awe-inspiring presence. They shook their heads in disbelief when they heard what he had to say.

They had all "milked the Ugandan cow without feeding it", and had ripped off the economy by sending millions of Ugandan shillings to relatives in Britain. They should make plans to get all the members of their universally detested community out of the country by November 9.

"If you don't go by then," Amin told them, "I will make you feel as if you are sitting on fire."

In Nairobi, the mood among Kenya's much larger and even more powerful Indian community was of good-humoured incredulity. Weren't Ugandan Asians Idi Amin's best friends? He had said so dozens of times since overthrowing the quasi-Marxist President Milton Obote the year before. In January 1971, Ugandan Asians had joined hands with blacks and whites and danced in the streets of Kampala when they heard that the "Redeemer" Amin had ended the corrupt and always menacing rule of Obote.

The day after Amin's thunderbolt announcement, I joined a close Ismaili friend, who worked as an accountant at The Nation, a paper owned by the Aga Khan, for a family picnic. Mansoor told me that Idi Amin was so erratic, he would probably retract his expulsion order within a few days. "He has probably had a row with the British High Commissioner, Richard Slater," he suggested.

"He was probably rejected by some Indian beauty and wants his own back," said Mansoor's wife, as we laughed and enjoyed our picnic.

But Idi Amin was in no mood to retract a single word. On August 9, he appeared on television to tell the Asian community that even Indians with British passports must leave within 90 days. They included teachers, doctors, nurses, business leaders, lawyers, building contractors and the men and women who ran the twin pillars of the Ugandan economy - agriculture and tourism.

"Asians," he said, in front of a sea of beaming black Ugandans, most of whom wore military uniforms, "have kept themselves to themselves and as a community have refused to integrate with Africans. Their main interest has been to exploit the economy. They have been milking our economy for years and now I say to them all - Go!"

At the start of October, I was called in to see one of the Aga Khan's advisers. He lived in Paris and helped oversee the spiritual leader of the Ismaili community's vast fortune. I was told that, for the next few weeks, he did not want to see hostile features in The Nation about Idi Amin. I should choose "light, bright" articles and avoid horror stories from Uganda.

Mansoor took me aside and said that the Aga Khan had sent his diplomats to Uganda, where they had reached an agreement with Amin. He would receive an undisclosed sum if the Ismailis left unharmed. Diplomats working for the Aga Khan had also made arrangements with Pierre Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, to "ease the way" for Ismailis. Large sums were invested in that country's embryonic tourism industry.

It was at that time that the first reports came through that Idi Amin had started to turn against his black countrymen. Anyone who criticised his anti-Asian policy was picked up, murdered and fed to the crocodiles.

No one was sure what Amin was up to. Rumours flew around Kampala, Nairobi and Dar es Salaam that he was having trouble holding together the army and needed the wealth of departing Asians to placate powerful officers from tribes other than his own.

In state-controlled newspapers and on radio and television, black Ugandans were being whipped into a frenzy about the way Asians had ruined the economy. Almost overnight, Kampala became a city of queues - for injections, for passports, for the tiny amounts of currency they were allowed to take with them: less than pounds 50 per family. In addition, no family could take more than two suitcases of possessions.

Houses were abandoned, furniture was left in derelict buildings. The cost of secondhand cars dropped dramatically, while the price of unworked gold rose from pounds 50 to pounds 125 an ounce.

By September, with the November deadline for expulsions approaching, rumours swept Uganda, and reached Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. The British would be the next to go, it was said, then the Americans and finally all Europeans would be slung out of Africa. Amin had set a stunning racial precedent which Africa's poor and downtrodden might applaud and copy.

Terrified fathers heard stories of Indian girls being raped by out of control soldiers. In their hundreds, they packed into trains, known as Kampala Specials, and fled to the East African coastal cities of Mombasa and Dar es Salaam.

By the end of October, as many as 30 flights a week were leaving Kampala for London. On the way to the airport, police put up roadblocks and stole the few possessions that Indian families were trying to take out with them. More than once, the giant Amin appeared at the airport, his massively decorated chest puffed up, to laugh at the Indians who had once seen him as their protector. "This is wonderful," he told his cronies. "Wonderful."

The Old Etonian British High Commissioner wondered what to do next. Unknown to him, and the confused diplomats in Kampala, a young social psychologist, Mallory Wober, could have offered some sound advice.

Wober had entered Uganda at the end of the 1960s, under the auspices of Edinburgh University, to study the impact of rapid industrialisation on rural Africans. But as the expulsion crisis continued, he decided he wanted to psychoanalyse Amin. Courageously, Wober wrote an article in the Ugandan magazine Transition in which he suggested that, despite his great bluster, strength and determination, Amin was a dependent type who was desperate to be told what to do by someone in authority. Good at receiving orders, he craved the approval of the Queen, of organisations such as the British Government and Army and, above all, of hugely respected new African leaders, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania in particular.

Nyerere had won international approval in 1967 after launching his Fabian-style blueprint for socialism, the widely acclaimed but disastrously unpractical Arusha Declaration, which effectively stole all Asian wealth in Tanzania. Wober said that Amin thought he would gain the respect of Nyerere by kicking out the Indians, but Nyerere continued to ridicule Amin, referring to him privately - and later, in public - as an idiot.

Throughout his dangerously erratic military career, Amin kept a picture of King George VI wearing a kilt over his bed and always referred to the English king as "my old commander in chief". Just before his downfall in 1979 (at the hands of his old idol Nyerere) he wrote to Prince Charles and told him not to marry Diana, because she came from a different station in life. "You will live to regret this," he warned.

As well as analysing the dictator's character, Wober pointed out the part that Libya's Colonel Gadaffi had played in this African tragedy. Soon after Amin came to power, he visited Libya, where Gadaffi was in the process of booting his small but economically powerful Italian community out of the country. Gadaffi urged Amin to do the same to the Israelis who lived and worked in Uganda and, upon his return home, to declare Uganda a Muslim state, despite the fact that only six per cent of the population was Muslim.

"Idi Amin always needed someone powerful to give him orders," said Wober. "First, it was the British Army, then it was Milton Obote. Next came Gadaffi and finally, God.

"Amin both loved and hated Britain and used the Asians in Uganda as a weapon to try to punish people for not taking sufficient notice of him. Perhaps if the Queen had invited him to Buckingham Palace for a cup of tea and a sandwich in August 1972, the whole East African tragedy might never have taken place."

Copyright © 2002 The Daily Telegraph. Source: Financial Times Information Limited - Europe Intelligence Wire.
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