MALAYSIA: UU perkawinan kontroversial

Perkembangan dan penerapan Islam dalam masyarakat dan budaya Malaysia dan Brunei.
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MALAYSIA: UU perkawinan kontroversial

Post by ali5196 »

Parleman Malaysia mensahkan Amandemen UU Perkawinan Islam kontroversial
By Claudia Blume, Hong Kong
23 December 2005

Parlemen Malaysia mensahkan amandemen bagi hukum keluarga Muslim, yg diprotes senator2 wanita yg mengatakan bahwa perubahan itu mempermudah lelaki utk mempraktekkan polygamy dan menceraikan isteri-isterinya. (catatan: TAPI TIDAK SATUPUN DARI MEREKA MENGATAKAN INI MELAWAN ISLAM)

Amandemen ini memberikan hak kpd lelaki atas harta isteri2nya.

The amendment also gives men greater claims over their wives' property.

Nik Soriani, periset bagi organisasi wanita Malaysia, Sisters in Islam, mengatakan bahwa hukum ini merusak hak2 wanita dan tidak mengacuhkan tuntutan hidup modern Malaysia dimana banyak wanita bekerja dan menyumbang bagi keuangan keluarga.

"Dibawah hukum tradisional, lelaki memiliki hak dan tanggung jawab lebih besar ketimbang perempuan. Tetapi jaman sekarang ini, tanggung jawab wanita meningkat, tetapi hak2 mereka berkurang (catatan; IYA ! TAPI INGAT BAHWA HUKUM ISLAM BERLAKU BAGI SEGALA JAMAN, BUKAN ?).

Amandemen ini dibuat utk menstandardisasi hukum keluarga diseluruh negeri. Tadinya, ke-13 negara bagian memiliki versi2 berbeda UU ini.

Hukum Keluarga Islam ini hanya berlaku bagi Muslim, yg merupakan 60 percent dr total penduduk 26 juta.

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Joined: Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:15 pm

Post by ali5196 »

Dan muslimah manggut2 saja, nggak ada yg protes. namanya juga turut agama ! kenapa kaklau gitu tante dibawah ini masih heran ??

Don’t be fooled, Muslim women
Lilian Tan
Dec 30, 05 6:31pm

With the passing of the bill to amend Islamic Family Law, I'm truly disappointed that the scream of outrage I had expected from the Muslim women of this country has turned out to be a whimper. What is wrong with the Muslim women of this country?

I look at my Muslim women friends, and although perturbed at what has happened, none of them can ever imagine that the unjust Islamic Family Law will ever be used against them. These are intelligent, well-educated and accomplished women who are only too familiar with the plight of other Muslim women who have been scourged by the outcomes of their divorce rulings in the syariah courts. And yet, they still fool themselves into believing that the same thing could never happen to them.

Equally shocking is the ugly fact the government of this country has been directly instrumental in pushing this bill through Parliament. Not very long ago, when it became clear that Malay women in universities were outnumbering and outperforming their male counterparts in local universities, a certain Umno politician actually had the temerity to recommend curbing the enrolment of Malay women lest there be “severe repercussions" caused by the social imbalance.

He was persuaded to soften his stand, but it is now clear to me that the recent bill was conceived to nix the advancement of Malay women.

Finally, many will wonder why a non-Muslim like me would concern myself with a problem involving Muslim women. My answer is simple: anything that oppresses another person, no matter what the creed or religion, diminishes me. Certainly, with the Muslim women of this country now facing such a bleak future, it's unconscionable that the rest of us should remain silent and look away.

To my Muslim sisters, I say, stand up and fight for your rights. Understand that anger and outrage are sometimes more effective than patience and fortitude. For too long, the powers-that-be have divided this nation along racial and religious lines to keep us distracted and in disarray.

But if you can find the courage and strength to fight back, there are many of us who will fight alongside you. It is in our shared struggles that we will find our mutual understanding, and it is only with mutual understanding that we can work together to find a way to turn the tide of oppression against our common oppressors.
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