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Australia: Yahudi adalah Babi!****

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:58 am
by curious ... ntentSwap1
Sheikh sparks outrage


Carolyn Webb
January 19, 2007

A controversial Muslim leader who has advocated martyrdom to children and described Jews as pigs could face up to 15 years in jail if charged under Australian anti-terror laws.

Political and religious figures, including local Islamic leaders, yesterday accused Sheikh Feiz Muhammad of inciting hatred and terrorism through recorded lectures that have been sold in Australia on DVD.

Federal police confirmed they were investigating 16 DVDs, sold under the Death Series title, featuring sermons by Sheikh Muhammad, the head of the Global Islamic Youth Centre in the Sydney suburb of Liverpool.

In one of the DVDs, Sheikh Muhammad advocates offering children "as soldiers defending Islam".

"Teach them this: there is nothing more beloved to me than wanting to die as a mujahid (holy warrior)," Sheikh Muhammad says. "Put in their soft, tender hearts the zeal of jihad and a love of martyrdom."

In another passage, Sheikh Muhammad says that being a disbeliever is "filth" and makes pig noises after stating that "Jews are pigs that will be killed at the end of the world".

The DVDs came to light after the airing on Britain's Channel 4 this week of a documentary, Undercover Mosque. Its producers bought the series from children selling Islamic materials outside a mosque in England.

Copies were still on sale yesterday in an Islamic bookshop in the Sydney suburb of Lakemba, and on the Sydney youth centre's website.

Acting federal Attorney-General Kevin Andrews denounced the sheik's remarks as "reprehensible and offensive" and said the Government was concerned about a "developing pattern of behaviour" among some Islamic clerics. "The importation of hatred into Australia is totally unacceptable," he said.

Sheikh Muhammad was born in Australia to Lebanese parents, but has been living in Lebanon for the past year, which could complicate any plan to prosecute him under Australian law. Canberra does not have an extradition agreement with Beirut.

He became a controversial figure in 2005 when he told an audience in Bankstown, Sydney, that women were solely to blame for being raped. "Strapless, backless, sleeveless, they are nothing but satanical," he said. "Mini-skirts, tight jeans — all this to tease men and to appeal to (their) carnal nature."

Yesterday, NSW Premier Morris Iemma called on Canberra to use sedition laws to outlaw the DVDs. "He has gone way beyond the sort of outrageous and stupid comments made in recent times by the other sheikh," said Mr Iemma, referring to Sheikh Taj al-Din al-Hilali. "This fellow is inciting people to commit acts of terror," Mr Iemma said.

Federal Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd said the comments were "obscene in the extreme" and called on the Government to act against the sheikh. "As I see it, Sheikh Muhammad's statements add up to an incitement to terrorism," he said. "I would say this to Sheikh Muhammad: Do not return to Australia, you are not welcome here."

Jeremy Jones, of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, accused Sheikh Muhammad of "engaging in a campaign of poisoning minds" against the Australian way of life. "Feiz Mohammed comes across like a very angry fanatic, which is very dangerous, particularly as someone who wants to be inspiring youth," he said.

Michael Lipshutz, chairman of the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation Commission, said he was concerned that Sheikh Muhammad's "racist anti-Semitic diatribe" reflected a rising level of anti-Semitism in the Muslim community.

Mr Lipshutz said the comments "should rally the Muslim community to combat this intolerable, vile epidemic among its members".

Keysar Trad, of the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, said Sheikh Muhammad had gone against Muslim ideals of "being a good person, a good citizen, a good samaritan and a positive constructive part of society".

Islamic Council of Victoria spokesman Waleed Aly said: "If (authorities) genuinely believe there has been a breach of the law, then I don't think anyone can object to that law being applied. This sort of preaching is a real concern."

Human rights lawyer Lex Lasry, QC, said under the Criminal Code, it was an offence to intentionally recruit (including incite and encourage) a person to participate in terrorism. The offence carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

Ali Khalil, a member of the Global Islamic Youth Centre, last night described Sheik Muhammad as a "great bloke" and said his comments could have been misinterpreted. "Dying for the cause of Islam … or dying as a jihad doesn't necessarily mean going to war and killing someone and you dying in the process."

But Mr Khalil, 24, said he did not agree with the sheikh's comments about Jews. "I wouldn't like to be called that and I wouldn't like to call anyone that," he said.


Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:47 am
by Borland

berarti nabi2 Islam yg 24 Babi semua dong?!

nah Nabi yg ke-25 keturunan Ismail.....Kelakuannya Spt Keledai Liar...

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:23 pm
by openyourmind
Nabi yg ke-25 keturunan ismail....kelakuannya seperti setan! Lihat aja tuh pengikutnya, yang udah numpang dinegara kafir tapi bikin rusuh!!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:11 pm
by spiderweb
lebih malu-maluin orang palestina, masa lawan babi aja saking desperate-nya sampe harus bom bunuh diri. terus tembok tinggi yang didirikan si babi itu juga gak bisa ditembus tuh. berarti orang arab lebih idiot dari babi dong? :lol:

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:25 pm
by El islaam
spiderweb wrote:lebih malu-maluin orang palestina, masa lawan babi aja saking desperate-nya sampe harus bom bunuh diri. terus tembok tinggi yang didirikan si babi itu juga gak bisa ditembus tuh. berarti orang arab lebih idiot dari babi dong? :lol:
Itu sih masih mendingan, lo tau ga/ Tiap hari ribuan kafir berbondong2 masuk ke kandang babi utk bekerja, mrk cari makan dari babi2 coy! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:04 pm
by lovely_kin
eh lo tau ga? babi kecap itu enak loch...(loh kok? gw OOT?) :D

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:12 pm
by swatantre
openyourmind wrote:Nabi yg ke-25 keturunan ismail....kelakuannya seperti setan! Lihat aja tuh pengikutnya, yang udah numpang dinegara kafir tapi bikin rusuh!!
Ya jelaslah, nabinya aja SURUHAN SETAN...!!!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:16 am
by Borland
Kandang Babi ternyata bnyk digemari muslim....

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:55 pm
teman-teman seiman mari kita doakan mereka. siapa yang mengutuk israel dia akan terkutuk selamannya kecuali dia meminta maaf kepada israel langsung.
seperti keledai yang liar itulah gambaran tentang saudara kita muslim, namun satu yang perlu kita ingat, hanya Yesus yang dapat membuat mereka tenang dalam menjalani kehidupan mereka.
ingatkan cerita Firman Tuhan saat Tuhan Yesus akan ke yerusalem? dia menaiki keledai muda, keledai muda yang belum pernah dinaiki oleh tuannya. keledai muda adalah keledai paling liar tapi hanya Tuhan Yesus yang membuat ia tenang dan itupun terjadi sesaat ia masuk ke Yerusalem dan itu lambang kedatanganNya.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:58 pm
by M-SAW
sapa yang kemaren bilang..ayat quran yg ngomongin yahudi = babi itu adalah salah tafsir

kekekeke..apakah si muslimers ini juga salah tafsir??

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:41 pm
by Borland
MUHAMMAD SAW wrote:sapa yang kemaren bilang..ayat quran yg ngomongin yahudi = babi itu adalah salah tafsir

kekekeke..apakah si muslimers ini juga salah tafsir??
siapa Mad? masa sih salah tafsir, kan itu hadis yg shahih

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:21 pm
by ali5196
SIMPOSIUM : kera, babi & anti-semitisme** ... 537#384537

Re: Australia: Yahudi adalah Babi!****

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 10:56 pm
by islam_watcher
yah, kalo yahudi aja dibilangin babhi, lalu bagaimana nasib muslim ? disebut kotoran babhi aja mungkin msh bersyukur

Re: Australia: Yahudi adalah Babi!****

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 2:07 am
by anakiblis
Gua suka heran, ngapain sih orang2 Kristen sangat membela atau Membanggakan sosok Yahudi ! Bagi gua sama begonya sama Islam kalo orang Kristen ( GA SEMUA SIH ) yang begitu!!!
Yahudi dibelain/dibanggain, bela dulu keluarga sendiri, bangsa elo sendiri, ... U know?
Kristen bener2 udah kebawa Islam yang banggain "KEARAB_ARABAN". Gua liat Islam jijay eh yang Kristen samanya lagi.. ANEH.

Banyak diantara muslim Indonesia yang tau pahlawan2 arab tapi mereka tidak tau pahlawan2 bangsanya sendiri. **** kan?
Begitu juga Kristen keturunan Tionghoa dll, Tau Nabi2 Yahudi. Tapi mereka mana tau "pahlawan" yang bisa membuat bangsa/keturunan tionghoa bisa luar biasa dan besar seperti sekarang ini..

Saran gua : Sebelum cari tau/ belajar sejarah bangsa orang lain lebih baik cari tau dulu lah riwayat/sejarah bangsa/suku/keturunan elo sendiri..
Bangsa kita sendiri, baik itu Indonesia,China,India bahkan Afrika, banyak yang "kehebatan/kebijaksanaan/kepintaran/keadilan", yang melebihi nabi2 Arab dan Yahudi, yang biasanya kalian baca di kitab suci kalian. Kebijaksanaan,kemualiaan,kepintaran bukan hanya milik Yahudi/Arab!!!!

Kalo elo orang Indonesia banggalah jadi orang Indonesia..
Kalo elo orang Cina ya banggalah jadi orang China
Kalo elo orang Arab ya banggalah jadi orang Arab

Please lah forum ini bukan untuk forum Kristen!!!! Forum ini kan mencari yang kebiadaban dari Islam.
Biarin aja Yahudi mau dibilang babi ke, t4e ke, dan yang sejenisnya.. EGP lah. Jangan kaya Islam, yang "Arab"nya dikritik/sejenisnya, langsung ngambek. Sama bodohnya kalo begitu!
Memang kalian orang Yahudi?
Pikir sama elo (org yang ngaku Kristen), memang Yahudi bakal ngebela elo kalo elo dalam kesusahan/dalam keadaan lagi dihina? Pikir dehh.

Maaf gua terlalu napsu kali, Cuman inilah curhat gua pada kalian semua. Gua kesel kenapa generasi sekarang taunya "pahlawan" import. Padahal "pahlawan" bangsa/suku kita sendiri banyak yang lebih hebat/mulia daripada "pahlawan" yang ada di kitab suci!


Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 2:15 am
by jhony_williamson
Borland wrote:Yahudi=Babi..??

berarti nabi2 Islam yg 24 Babi semua dong?!

nah Nabi yg ke-25 .
Nabi ke 25 = Muhammad = T.A.I BABI