Gambar2 dan Berita2 kekejaman akibat dari pengaruh Islam baik terhadap sesama Muslim maupun Non-Muslim yang terjadi di seluruh dunia.
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Post by Ayaas »

Bayangin aja tmen2 lu yg PAra anggota preman berjubah seenaknya maen bongkar tmpt orang,,ktanya muslim itu cinta damai ga taunya punya sikap premanisme juga.. [-(
kesel gue klo inget mereka aloh akbar sambil ngayunin kayu ma pedang,,,rasis amat :finga:
bahkan contoh yg diatas cuman 1 dari ribuan contoh :rolleyes:
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Post by Raven_13 »

old goodies...
Korban tewas kerusuhan Ambon akibat diserbu Laskar Jihad, tahun 1999.

Korban anak-anak tewas bergelimpangan akibat serbuan
teroris Islam Chechen pada sekolah di Beslan, Rusia.

Islamist meledakkan bus berisi pengikut Budha, kemudian menembak
semua korban dari jarak dekat sampai mati.
Korban tewas 9 orang, termasuk 4 wanita dan 3 gadis remaja.
Yala, Thailand Selatan.
14 Maret 2007.

Sepuluh orang teroris Islam dari kelompok Lashkar-e-Taiba,
yang berpusat di Pakistan, menyerang Mumbai,
menembak dengan membabi buta.
Korban tewas 101 orang dan 287 luka-luka.
Mumbai, 26 Nopember 2008.

Seorang anak usia 8 tahun, lengannya dilindas mobil
sebagai hukuman karena mencuri roti di Teheran, Iran.
Di Iran berlaku hukum syariah.

Seorang Taliban memamerkan potongan tangan kanan
dan kaki kiri dari seorang pencuri yang baru saja dihukum
berdasarkan hukum syariah, di Kabul, Aghanistan.
14 Agustus 1998. RAWA photos.

Potongan tangan kanan dari seorang pencuri yang
dihukum berdasarkan hukum syariah di Somalia.
Beberapa wilayah yang dikuasai Islamist berlaku hukum syariah. ... chive.html
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Re: Eh ente semua yg antiIslam.....bener gak ye memang antiIslam

Post by Pembawa_Pete »

nomadman wrote:Dari bacot elu semua sudah jjelas.......... maunya Islam itu habis dari permukaan bumi!!!!!!!!!!!

betul, kita muak sama ajaran sadis dan psychopat ISLAM.
Nabinya aja pembunuh, perampok, pedofil, penipu, ya umatnya gak jauh2.
Islam gak cocok buat kehidupan Bumi yang beranekaragam budaya dan kepercayaan.

Pakistan yg 100% muslim aja ancur, apalagi Bumi dengan 100% muslim, wah bisa meledak bumi.
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Re: Eh ente semua yg antiIslam.....bener gak ye memang antiIslam

Post by harahap »



... horor beneran ...

foto2nya udahan ya... jangan lagi...

BD : all
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Post by Minato »

Kenapa kalian membenci Islam? :( :( :(
Brawijaya V
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Post by Brawijaya V »

Minato wrote:Kenapa kalian membenci Islam? :( :( :(
Di mana-mana, di segala penjuru dunia ini, hany aISlam yang selalu bermasalah denganpenduduk setempat... Di mana pun... Setiap ada kekerasan, hampir bisa dipastikan sebagian besar selalu ada Islam di baliknya.... Dengan berbagai alasannya...
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Post by Minato »

hoo, berarti bang brawijaya benci dengan Islam ya?
Brawijaya V
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Post by Brawijaya V »

Minato wrote:hoo, berarti bang brawijaya benci dengan Islam ya?
Saya menjawab alasan kenapa banyak orang tidak suka pada Islam... Mungkin tidak benci tapi tidak suka. Memang pertanyaan Anda "benci", dan jawaban saya bredasarkan yang saya dapatkan dari berbagai pengalaman dan kejadian nyata...

Saya pribadi sampai pada taraf benci, tapi memang kalau dibilang tidak cocok, saya memang tidak cocok dengan banyak hal yang ada dalam ajaran Islam, bahkan ada juga yang saya tidak suka... Segala kekerasan yang terjadi seperti sudah saya jelaskan di postingan sebelumnya, ternyata memiliki legitimasi dari Quran. Itu yang saya tidak suka...
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Post by Minato »

Brawijaya V wrote: Saya menjawab alasan kenapa banyak orang tidak suka pada Islam... Mungkin tidak benci tapi tidak suka. Memang pertanyaan Anda "benci", dan jawaban saya bredasarkan yang saya dapatkan dari berbagai pengalaman dan kejadian nyata...

Saya pribadi sampai pada taraf benci, tapi memang kalau dibilang tidak cocok, saya memang tidak cocok dengan banyak hal yang ada dalam ajaran Islam, bahkan ada juga yang saya tidak suka... Segala kekerasan yang terjadi seperti sudah saya jelaskan di postingan sebelumnya, ternyata memiliki legitimasi dari Quran. Itu yang saya tidak suka...
hemm.. kalau menurut bang brawijya begitu, apa menurut bang braw semua orang Islam itu adalah orang jahat??
memang, manusia tidak diciptakan sempurna, dari daftar kejahatan Islam yang bang braw tulis itu dilakukan oleh muslim..


muslim tersebut bukan berarti adalah seorang muslim sejati, karena, yang kita kenal saja "Islam KTP"..
apa artinya itu?

artinya orang yang beragama Islam tetapi tidak memahami arti Islam sesungguhnya..
jadi, orang-orang muslim yang melakukan kejahatan tersebut, belum tentu solatnya bagus, belum tentu dia memahami Islam, belum tentu juga dia yang benar..

Sebenarnya yang ingin saya sampaikan pada bang braw kalau orang orang Islam belum tentu semua masuk surga PASTI ada yang masuk neraka juga..
Persentase orang Islam di banding orang yahudi dan nasrani untuk masuk neraka LEBIH BESAR karena mereka tidak memahami arti Islam itu sendiri padahal mereka adalah Islam..
so, tidak semua orang Islam itu jahat seperti bang braw pikir, tolong di mengerti, karena kami sendiri juga sedang bingung dengan orang-orang yang menyimpang dari Islam tapi masih mengaku Islam, saya tegaskan, kalau Islam sesungguhnya tidak suka akan kekerasan, adapun yang suka melakukan kekerasan itu adalah "Islam KTP"..

hehehe, bang braw, kalau yang dari saya itu dulu deh..
maklum masih baru ni..
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Post by Brawijaya V »

Minato wrote:hemm.. kalau menurut bang brawijya begitu, apa menurut bang braw semua orang Islam itu adalah orang jahat??
memang, manusia tidak diciptakan sempurna, dari daftar kejahatan Islam yang bang braw tulis itu dilakukan oleh muslim..
Tolong bedakan antara ajaran Islam dan Muslim... Saya tidak ada masalah dengan muslim. Kita sedang bicara tentang Islam dan ajarannya...

muslim tersebut bukan berarti adalah seorang muslim sejati, karena, yang kita kenal saja "Islam KTP"..
apa artinya itu?

artinya orang yang beragama Islam tetapi tidak memahami arti Islam sesungguhnya..
jadi, orang-orang muslim yang melakukan kejahatan tersebut, belum tentu solatnya bagus, belum tentu dia memahami Islam, belum tentu juga dia yang benar..
Ini alasan yang sangat klise dan selalu saya dengar dari banyak Muslim dengan tujuan membela ajaran yang diyakininya...

Tapi jika Anda mau buka mata sedikit saja, Anda akan menemukan hal yang sebaliknya... Kenyataan di luar sana menunjukkan bahwa para pelaku kekerasan itu justru mereka yang sangat Islami dan sangat taat.... Dan saya tidak bicara hanya dari kejadian di satu negara, Indonesia, tapi saya bicara berdasarkan kenyataan yang terjadi di seluruh dunia...
Sebenarnya yang ingin saya sampaikan pada bang braw kalau orang orang Islam belum tentu semua masuk surga PASTI ada yang masuk neraka juga..
Persentase orang Islam di banding orang yahudi dan nasrani untuk masuk neraka LEBIH BESAR karena mereka tidak memahami arti Islam itu sendiri padahal mereka adalah Islam..
so, tidak semua orang Islam itu jahat seperti bang braw pikir, tolong di mengerti, karena kami sendiri juga sedang bingung dengan orang-orang yang menyimpang dari Islam tapi masih mengaku Islam, saya tegaskan, kalau Islam sesungguhnya tidak suka akan kekerasan, adapun yang suka melakukan kekerasan itu adalah "Islam KTP"..
Saya tidak peduli siapa masuk surga siapa masuk neraka. Saya hanya melihat sesuatu yang benar-benar terjadi dan kenyataan mengatakan persis seperti yang saya katakan ke Anda. Mereka yang melakukan kekerasan adalah justru mereka yang sangat taat dan sangat Islami...

Tidak semua orang Islam kejam, itu benar karena tidak semua orang Islam melaksanakan Islam sebagaimana mestinya sesuai yang diajarkan dalam Quran, juga hadits.

Saya yakin Anda juga bukan Muslim yang kejam. tapi Anda perlu tahu dan perlu membuka mata dan mempelajari Quranmu itu. Ayat kekerasan bertebaran di mana-mana, ajaran kebencian termuat di segala sudut Quranmu.... Jadi kalau Anda mengatakan bahwa Islam tidak suka akan kekerasan, saya yakin Anda juga tidak kenal Islam secara mendalam, Anda tidak pernah membaca dan menelaah Quran dan hadits-hadits secara mendalam.

Saya sarankan, tidak perlu belajar mendalam, tapi cukup buka mata, buka hati nurani, coba jalan-jalan dulu di forum ini. Cukup dengan membaca saja apa yang banyak disampaikan di forum ini, maka Anda akan tahu....
hehehe, bang braw, kalau yang dari saya itu dulu deh..
maklum masih baru ni..
Thanks bro...
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Post by Minato »

Brawijaya V wrote:
Tolong bedakan antara ajaran Islam dan Muslim... Saya tidak ada masalah dengan muslim. Kita sedang bicara tentang Islam dan ajarannya...
oke deh bang braw :green:

Ini alasan yang sangat klise dan selalu saya dengar dari banyak Muslim dengan tujuan membela ajaran yang diyakininya...

Tapi jika Anda mau buka mata sedikit saja, Anda akan menemukan hal yang sebaliknya... Kenyataan di luar sana menunjukkan bahwa para pelaku kekerasan itu justru mereka yang sangat Islami dan sangat taat.... Dan saya tidak bicara hanya dari kejadian di satu negara, Indonesia, tapi saya bicara berdasarkan kenyataan yang terjadi di seluruh dunia...[/quote]

haduuuh, bang braw bang braw, justru itu yang dangerous, "sangat Islami dan sangat taat"..
soalnya orang yang sudah sangat taat beberapa menganggap kalau mereka lah yang paling benar, makanya sekarang di Islam, ada nabi palsu, terus ustad yang merasa dirinya paling benar, macem macem lah... biasanya kalau yang kaya gtu tuh cuma pgen tenar dan dapet.. kan istilah indo 'UUD" ujung ujung duit..
saya juga kecewa dengan orang orang seperti itu.. -____-
yang benar benar taat itu yang tidak suka akan ketenaran dan tanpa pamrih.. masih ada kok pak kiai terkenaaaal bget tapi rumahnya keciiiil sekali... hehehehe

Saya tidak peduli siapa masuk surga siapa masuk neraka. Saya hanya melihat sesuatu yang benar-benar terjadi dan kenyataan mengatakan persis seperti yang saya katakan ke Anda. Mereka yang melakukan kekerasan adalah justru mereka yang sangat taat dan sangat Islami...[/quote]

tadi udah di jelasin di atas ya.. hehehe..

Tidak semua orang Islam kejam, itu benar karena tidak semua orang Islam melaksanakan Islam sebagaimana mestinya sesuai yang diajarkan dalam Quran, juga hadits.

Saya yakin Anda juga bukan Muslim yang kejam. tapi Anda perlu tahu dan perlu membuka mata dan mempelajari Quranmu itu. Ayat kekerasan bertebaran di mana-mana, ajaran kebencian termuat di segala sudut Quranmu.... Jadi kalau Anda mengatakan bahwa Islam tidak suka akan kekerasan, saya yakin Anda juga tidak kenal Islam secara mendalam, Anda tidak pernah membaca dan menelaah Quran dan hadits-hadits secara mendalam. [/quote]

nah, iya deh, emang saya dalam tahap belajar.. hihihi
tapi beberapa tahun ke depan Insya Allah pengetahuan saya tentang Islam akan lebih luas.. :yawinkle:
kalau yang saya tahu, ayat ayat kekerasan itu di tujukan untuk yahudi atau nasrani yang memulai duluan, kalau kami melaksanakannya tanpa sebab yang pasti maka kamilah yang seharusnya di perlakukan sesuai dengan ayat tersebut..
saya yakin juga kok kalo bang braw itu orang yang baik.. hehe
ada saran ni bang braw, kalau belajar tentang Islam jangan sendiri.. lebih baik dengan guru karena guru itu lebih tahu dari kita..
coba deh bang braw, tapi jgan ama gru aneh aneh..
banyak loh kaya gtu..
kalo satu guru udah rasa aneh, bang braw jgan terpaku ama gru itu, cari cari cari dan cari yang benar..
saya yakin bang braw akan menemukannya nanti.. hehehe :green: :green:

Saya sarankan, tidak perlu belajar mendalam, tapi cukup buka mata, buka hati nurani, coba jalan-jalan dulu di forum ini. Cukup dengan membaca saja apa yang banyak disampaikan di forum ini, maka Anda akan tahu....[/quote]

bagaimana kalau kita buat janji saja bang braw?? saya akan membuka hati nurani saya tapi bang braw juga harus pelajari Islam lebih dalam lagi... bagaimana??
hehehehe... kalo setuju, saya bangga dengan orang Indonesia.. :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks bro...[/quote]

yo bro, dont worry, we are still an Indonesian people hehehehe :partyman:
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Post by Brawijaya V »

Coba jalan-jalan di forum ini dulu ya... Soalnya apa yang kamu bilang itu sudah bayak disampaikan oleh muslim. Dari pada saya ulang-ulang lagi, mending kamu jalan dulu gih sana...
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Post by Minato »

Brawijaya V wrote:Coba jalan-jalan di forum ini dulu ya... Soalnya apa yang kamu bilang itu sudah bayak disampaikan oleh muslim. Dari pada saya ulang-ulang lagi, mending kamu jalan dulu gih sana...
oke deh bang braw :green: :green:
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Post by Raven_13 »

sudah hampir 5,5 tahun umur trit ini...

dan percaya atau tidak, selama ada cult islam masih ada, kejahatan gak pernah uzur...

cek aja kejadian2 yang sedang hot di media saat ini...

"pencucian-otak" (apa benar? bukankah itu islam sebenarnya?!)





silakan nambahi daftar panjang yang telah ada di trit ini....

:heart: Peace ? 8-[
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Post by Raven_13 »


List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 2 Months

copas dari sini...

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2011.04.27 Afghanistan Kabul 9 0 A 'very religious' Afghan pilot suddenly turns on his American trainers, gunning down nine in an attack claimed by the Taliban.
2011.04.27 Algeria Boumelih 2 1 Fundamentalists cut two local cops to shreds with a shrapnel bomb.
2011.04.26 Iraq Hawija 2 6 Two innocents are leveled in the rubble of their house by Jihadi bombers.
2011.04.26 Somalia Luuq 8 13 A well-placed al-Shabaab landmine catches a civilian bus and sends at least eight passengers to Allah.
2011.04.26 Pakistan Karachi 4 56 A female doctor is among four people dismantled during two separate bus bombings.
2011.04.25 India Srinagar 2 1 Two cops are gunned down along a city street by Muslim terrorists.
2011.04.25 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 8 Boko Haram members bomb a bus stop and a hotel, killing three people.
2011.04.24 Pal. Auth. Nablus 1 3 A Palestinian cop yells 'Allah Akbar' and opens fire on a group of orthodox Jewish pilgrims, killing one.
2011.04.24 India Baramulla 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a civilian to death.
2011.04.24 Iraq Baghdad 0 7 Seven people are injured when Muslim activists detonate a bomb outside a church.
2011.04.23 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 1 Three civilians are disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2011.04.23 Pakistan Salarzai 5 0 A Shahid suicide bomber sends five souls to Allah.
2011.04.23 Pakistan Hangu 1 1 An 8-year-old boy dies from shrapnel injuries suffered during a Mujahid bombing of his home.
2011.04.23 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 A brutal attack on an off-duty copy leaves him dead, his wife injured and his son without legs.
2011.04.22 Pakistan Karachi 19 40 A Taliban-trained bomber blows up an illegal gambling den, killing nineteen patrons.
2011.04.22 Pakistan Sindh 2 0 Two men are shot to death in separate militant attacks.
2011.04.22 Iraq Ramadi 3 3 Mujahideen bombers take down three Iraqis.
2011.04.22 Thailand Yala 1 4 One person is killed when Muslim 'insurgents' detonate a bomb hidden in a drainage pipe.
2011.04.21 Iraq Samarrah 1 4 A child bleeds out following a Jihadi bomb blast.
2011.04.21 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 6 Sunni fundamentalists plant a bomb that kills three local cops.
2011.04.21 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 5 The Taliban take down three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2011.04.21 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A man is beheaded by Muslim terrorists.
2011.04.21 Ethiopia Worabe 1 1 Muslims beat a Christian evangelist to death and assault his pregnant wife.
2011.04.21 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Muslim 'insurgents' murder a Buddhist in his home.
2011.04.20 Pakistan Mohmand 2 0 A rancher and his assistant are brutally murdered at a Taliban roadblock.
2011.04.20 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 A cleric is murdered outside his home by Religion of Peace rivals.
2011.04.20 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 Three Shia civilians are gunned down in cold blood by Sunni assassins.
2011.04.20 Pakistan Kurram 7 0 Seven villagers are executed in captivity by the Taliban.
2011.04.20 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Islamists gun down a rival cleric.
2011.04.20 Nigeria Bauchi 10 17 Women are among a group of young Christians murdered by a Muslim mob.
2011.04.19 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 A Taliban gunmen goes on a shooting spree inside a government building, killing two guards.
2011.04.19 Nigeria Kaduna 121 375 Angry Muslims go on a two-day bender, torching over forty churches and hacking and burning over one hundred Christians to death.
2011.04.19 Thailand Pattani 5 0 Two teens are among five people who die from splinter injuries following an Islamist grenade attack.
2011.04.19 Iraq Kirkuk 3 0 A teacher and her two Shia daughters shot to death by Sunni terrorists in their own home.
2011.04.19 Pakistan Khyber 1 0 Religion of Peace hardliners slit the throat of a tribesman.
2011.04.18 Afghanistan Kabul 2 7 A Fedayeen bomber attacks a defense ministry building, killing two.
2011.04.18 Thailand Yala 1 23 Muslim 'insurgents' set off a car bomb, killing a passerby in a pickup truck.
2011.04.18 Afghanistan Ghazni 6 0 No one survives a brutal roadside ambush by fundamentalists on a vehicle carrying six.
2011.04.18 Iraq Baghdad 10 23 A pair of suicide bombers send ten other souls to Allah.
2011.04.18 Somalia Shalambod 1 0 A 21-year-old convert to Christianity is pulled from his home and shot 10 times by Islamists yelling 'Allah Akbar'.
2011.04.18 Egypt Minya 1 11 One Copt is killed by Muslim rioters, who throw a grandmother out of a second story balcony while shouting praises to Allah.
2011.04.17 Pakistan Gujranwala 0 12 Twelve worshippers at a Pentacostal church are pulled out and beaten by a Muslim mob.
2011.04.17 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Four members of a Shiite family, including two teens, are viciously shot to death in their home by sectarian rivals.
2011.04.17 Iraq Kirkuk 2 1 Two bombings take down two Iraqis.
2011.04.16 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A cop is gunned down by local Islamists.
2011.04.16 Iraq Hawija 1 0 An al-Qaeda opponent is kidnapped, tortured and murdered.
2011.04.16 Somalia Galkayo 3 2 A government official is among three people dismantled by a bomb planted by Mujahideen.
2011.04.16 Algeria Azazga 14 12 al-Qaeda fundamentalists assault a local security post, leaving at least 14 'apostates' dead.
2011.04.16 Afghanistan Laghman 10 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills nine soldiers and a civilian.
2011.04.15 India Budgam 1 0 Islamists drag a female political candidate out of her home and shoot her to death.
2011.04.15 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 2 A religious fundamentalist wearing an explosives vest detonates in a group of policemen, killing three.
2011.04.15 Jordan Zarqa 0 51 A mob of Islamists attack police and accused atheists with bats and knives, leaving at least fifty injured.
2011.04.15 Indonesia Cirebon 0 29 A suicide bomber blows himself up inside a mosque, injuring nearly thirty.
2011.04.15 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 5 Boko Haram Islamists gun down two innocents.
2011.04.15 Pakistan Kurram 2 0 The Taliban ambush a group of police, killing two.
2011.04.15 Iraq Kut 1 0 A young man is shot three times in the head and chest by 'insurgents'.
2011.04.14 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic militants spray the back of a 45-year old villager's head with automatic weapons fire.
2011.04.14 Iraq Yusufiya 2 13 Two Iraqis are taken down by a double bombing.
2011.04.14 Pakistan Quetta 2 2 A cleric and his student are shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2011.04.14 Afghanistan Paktia 3 3 Four Shahid suicide bombers detonate at a police training camp, leaving three recruits dead.
2011.04.13 Iraq Kirkuk 1 16 Terrorists set off a bomb in a restaurant, killing at least one.
2011.04.13 Afghanistan Kunar 10 7 Ten tribal elders are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber who embraced one of his victims.
2011.04.12 Iraq Khan Dhari 5 6 A vicious double bombing at a home leaves three family members and two rescue workers dead.
2011.04.12 Iraq Iskandariya 2 2 Two local cops are dismantled by a Jihad bomb blast.
2011.04.12 Dagestan Tsumadinsky 2 3 Two cops die in a brutal ambush by Mujahideen.
2011.04.12 Afghanistan Faryab 4 4 Talibanis gun down three children and their father.
2011.04.11 Pakistan Kanrakai 3 13 Women and children are among the casualties when religious radicals set off a roadside bomb.
2011.04.11 Dagestan Kidero 3 0 Three policemen die when Islamic militants ambush them with machine-guns.
2011.04.11 Iraq Khan Bani Saad 10 2 Ten women and children are killed in a home by Jihadi bombers.
2011.04.11 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 A 10-year-old girl is among four Iraqis murdered in a terrorist blast along a city street.
2011.04.11 Iraq Fallujah 7 19 A triple bombing leaves seven dead.
2011.04.10 India Baramulla 1 0 A young man is shot to death by Islamic militants.
2011.04.10 Pakistan Mohmand 2 7 Two security personnel bleed out following a Taliban ambush.
2011.04.10 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 al-Qaeda is suspected of killing a jeweler and his son at their shop.
2011.04.10 Afghanistan Farah 3 0 Three tribal elders are dismantled by Taliban bombers.
2011.04.09 Dagestan Kizlyar 1 0 A local imam who spoke out against Islamic radicalism is gunned down outside his home.
2011.04.09 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Suspected fundamentalists shoot a university professor to death outside his home.
2011.04.09 Iraq Fallujah 3 0 Jihadis take down three Iraqis with a sticky bomb.
2011.04.08 Nigeria Shani 4 0 Four election workers are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram militants.
2011.04.08 Afghanistan Sari Pul 1 1 Religious extremists machine-gun the local police chief to death.
2011.04.08 Nigeria Bogoro 10 0 Muslims armed with machetes attack a Christian village and burn at least ten people to death, including several who were elderly.
2011.04.08 India Srinagar 1 0 A moderate cleric is assassinated by Sunni hardliners at his mosque.
2011.04.08 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 52-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim "separatists."
2011.04.08 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist man and his companion are shot full of holes by Muslim terrorists..
2011.04.08 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A TV network official is among two people murdered by Mujahid gunmen.
2011.04.07 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 10 Six Afghans are murdered by a Taliban bomb hidden in an ambulance.
2011.04.07 Brazil Rio de Janeiro 12 20 A convert to Islam walks into a school and guns down a dozen children, apparently inspired by fundamentalist websites.
2011.04.07 Iraq al-Rida 2 4 A sectarian blast near a mosque takes down two civilians.
2011.04.07 Israel Ashkelon 1 1 Hamas successfully hits a school bus with an anti-tank missile, severely injuring a teenage student who dies ten days later.
2011.04.07 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Sunni fundamentalists hurl a grenade into a barbershop, killing one patron.
2011.04.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' stage a drive-by attack on a veterans office, killing a guard.
2011.04.07 Somalia Garowe 1 0 A peace activist is shot to death by al-Qaeda linked militants.
2011.04.07 Somalia Bosasso 1 0 A tribal elder is gunned down by suspected al-Shabaab.
2011.04.06 Pakistan Jerma 4 3 Four children playing near a pond are taken down by Mujahid bombers.
2011.04.06 Pakistan Quetta 1 17 A suicide car bomber rams into a house, killing a guard and injuring several children.
2011.04.06 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Boko Haram Islamists gun down two people in a drive-by.
2011.04.06 Pakistan Pir Kali 3 0 The Taliban kidnap and brutally execute three villagers.
2011.04.06 Pakistan Mohmand 4 0 A woman and three children are crushed to death when a suspected Taliban rocket hits their home.
2011.04.05 Iraq Mosul 3 2 Three civilians at a car dealership are shredded by a suicide bomber.
2011.04.05 Pakistan Darra Adam Khel 1 0 A farmer bleeds out following a Mujahideen rocket attack.
2011.04.05 Iraq Baaj 3 7 Islamists bomb another car dealership, taking down three civilians.
2011.04.05 Iraq Baghdad 6 3 Four young children, ages 4,6,9 and 14 are slaughtered in their own home by Mujahid gunmen. Their mother, widowed by an earlier attack is seriously wounded.
2011.04.04 Pakistan Lower Dir 8 26 A suicide bomber detonates at a car showroom, sending eight souls to Allah.
2011.04.04 Afghanistan Faryab 2 0 Two US soldiers are shot and killed by a terrorist in police uniform whom they were training.
2011.04.04 Pal. Auth. Jenin 1 0 A Israeli-Arab activist is gunned down by Islamic radicals unhappy with the secular character of his work.
2011.04.04 Pakistan Wana 1 0 The body of an abducted tribal elder is found two months after his kidnapping by Mujahideen.
2011.04.04 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 6 0 A bomb hidden on a boby-trapped corpse kills six Iraqis.
2011.04.03 Philippines Maguindanao 11 3 Moro Islamists ambush a group of villagers with automatic weapons, taking down eleven.
2011.04.03 Iraq Mosul 1 6 Islamists fire a rocket into a house, killing a woman.
2011.04.03 Iraq Ramadi 1 14 Mujahideen blow up local cop and injure fourteen others.
2011.04.03 Nigeria Bogoro 2 1 A Muslim mob, angered over rumor of a local Quran desecration storms a Christian village and kills two people.
2011.04.03 Pakistan Sakhi Sarwar 50 72 Fifty Sufi worshippers are sent to Allah by two Sunni suicide bombers at their temple.
2011.04.03 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 30 Two people are killed in an arson attack by a mob protesting a Quran desecration.
2011.04.02 Iraq Kubisa 6 8 Terrorists shoot six security guards to death.
2011.04.02 Iraq Kut 2 0 A merchant and his bodyguard are victims of a targeted sectarian assassination.
2011.04.02 Afghanistan Kandahar 10 81 Ten more people are killed by a rampaging mob protesting a Quran burning.
2011.04.01 Pakistan Khyber 3 0 Religious extremists capture and cut the throats of three night watchmen
2011.04.01 Iraq Fallujah 3 7 Three Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2011.04.01 Afghanistan Mazar-e Sharif 12 20 Eight UN workers are among a dozen people beheaded or shot to death by a mob enraged over a Quran burning in Florida.
2011.04.01 Pakistan Dara Adam Khel 1 5 A suicide bomber takes out a 12-year-old boy at a market.
2011.03.31 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 13-year-old boy is beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2011.03.31 Pakistan Charsadda 12 42 A Holy Warrior detonates in a crowd of people, sending at least twelve souls to Allah.
2011.03.31 Pakistan Khuzdar 1 0 Islamic militants flag down a truck and shoot the driver.
2011.03.31 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 0 Sunni militants toss a grenade into a home, killing an elderly man.
2011.03.31 Iraq Diwaniya 1 2 A civilian is killed by a Katyusha rocket.
2011.03.30 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 2 A civilian is crushed to death when a terrorist tries to ram a NATO patrol.
2011.03.30 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Fundamentalists fire randomly at a soccer match, killing a journalist.
2011.03.30 Nigeria Jos 2 5 Fulani raiders attack a college and murder two Christians.
2011.03.30 Iraq Baghdad 5 1 Five family members are murdered in their own home by suspected al-Qaeda.
2011.03.30 Pakistan Swabi 13 20 At least a dozen innocents are torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2011.03.29 Iraq Tikrit 56 98 Islamic militants invade a government building and go room-to-room shooting and blasting unarmed employees, leaving over fifty dead.
2011.03.29 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 1 Terrorists attack a family home, killing two brothers.
2011.03.28 Pakistan Khyber 14 0 Fourteen security personnel die during a Taliban ambush.
2011.03.28 Iraq Mosul 7 0 Fundamentalists attack a suspected brothel, shooting six women and one man to death.
2011.03.28 Yemen Jaar 150 80 al-Qaeda radicals blow up an ammunitions factory, killing over one-hundred and fifty people, including women and children.
2011.03.28 Afghanistan Paktika 23 60 Three holy warriors detonate amid a construction crew, sending at least twenty souls to Allah.
2011.03.27 Pakistan Shahidano 4 3 A woman is among four people dismembered by a militant rocket on a family vehicle.
2011.03.27 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A plantation worker is murdered by Muslim extremists on his way to work.
2011.03.27 Thailand Yala 1 1 Religious extremists shoot two villagers at a market, killing one.
2011.03.27 Yemen Marib 6 12 An al-Qaeda ambush leaves six local soldiers dead.
2011.03.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is shot five times by Islamists while riding a motorcycle.
2011.03.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 A professor is killed in a Sunni bomb attack.
2011.03.26 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 0 Three family members are blown to bits by Mujahid bombers.
2011.03.26 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 1 Jihadi bombers take down a farmer and his son.
2011.03.25 Pakistan Kurram 13 8 A woman and child are among thirteen Shiites machine-gunned at point-blank range by Sunni gunmen.
2011.03.25 Pakistan Hyderabad 2 0 A Muslim mob invades a Pentacostal church, burns Bibles and kills two worshippers.
2011.03.25 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia is taken down by Sunni snipers.
2011.03.25 Iraq Mosul 2 5 Islamic militants kill two civilians with a roadside bomb.
2011.03.25 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 1 Two children are successfully taken out by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2011.03.24 Somalia Mogadishu 4 7 A woman is among four civilians cut down by al-Shabaab gunfire.
2011.03.24 Iraq Hilla 4 0 Mujahideen kidnap, behead and execute four young men.
2011.03.24 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 25-year-old plantation worker is shot in the head by Muslim militants.
2011.03.24 Pakistan Hangu 8 25 A suicide bomber rams an explosives-packed car into a police station, killing two women and six other bystanders.
2011.03.23 Thailand Narathiwat 3 0 A married couple and a female friend are brutally machine-gunned in their own home by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2011.03.23 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Islamic bombers kill a man riding in an animal cart.
2011.03.23 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 Three people are injured in a series of Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2011.03.23 Israel Jerusalem 1 39 Palestinian terrorists leave a bomb at a bus stop which kills a female Bible translator and injures thirty others.
2011.03.22 Pakistan Hyderabad 2 0 After yelling abuse at worshippers outside a church, a Muslim mob opens fire, killing two.
2011.03.21 Iraq Mosul 3 2 Three people are killed by a Jihad bombing.
2011.03.21 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 Mujahideen kill a woman and wound her son and husband in a shooting attack.
2011.03.21 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 3 Four employees of a security firm are shot to death by the Taliban.
2011.03.21 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two civilians are cut down by Sunni gunmen.
2011.03.21 Pakistan Gwader 11 2 Islamic militants stage a rocket attack on a construction crew, killing eleven.
2011.03.21 Pakistan Datta Khel 4 0 The Taliban kidnap, execute and mutilate four tribesmen.
2011.03.21 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 2 Boko Haram Islamists shoot a man to death in a drive-by.
2011.03.21 Nigeria Baten 4 0 Two women and two children are hacked and shot to death during a Muslim raid on a Christian village.
2011.03.21 Iraq Najaf 2 0 Two shopowners are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2011.03.21 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 A court official is murdered by Muslim militants.
2011.03.20 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 An 18-year-old woman is abducted and executed by suspected terrorists.
2011.03.20 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two oil company employees are shot to death.
2011.03.20 Nigeria Jos 1 0 A Christian boy is shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2011.03.20 Nigeria Jos 2 0 Muslim extremists kill two worshippers with bombs placed at several churches.
2011.03.20 Egypt Qena 0 1 A Christian has his ear torn off by Muslims enforcing Sharia law.
2011.03.20 Iraq Diala 6 0 Six family members, including three children, are cut to shreads by a brutal suicide bombing at their home.
2011.03.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A street vendor is cut down by Muslim gunmen.
2011.03.19 Iraq Mosul 1 1 Terrorists open fire on a construction worker and his wife.
2011.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 A bomb blast leaves three Iraqis dead.
2011.03.18 Iraq Baiji 3 0 Three shepherds are taken down by Sunni roadside bombers.
2011.03.18 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Three Thais are shot to death by Islamic militants.
2011.03.18 Iraq Mussayab 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death in their own home by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2011.03.18 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 Two law enforcement officials are gunned down by Holy Warriors in separate attacks.
2011.03.17 Yemen Marib 3 0 al-Qaeda take out three policemen at a checkpoint with automatic weapons.
2011.03.16 Iraq Buhriz 1 1 Suspected al-Qaeda invade a home, murder a man and injure his wife.
2011.03.16 Iraq Kirkuk 2 35 A woman and her newborn baby are taken apart by a Jihad car bomb outside a hospital.
2011.03.16 Somalia Mogadishu 10 50 A pregnant woman is among ten civilians bleeding out following an al-Shabaab mortar attack.
2011.03.16 Thailand Marib 1 1 Muslim terrorists shoot a civilian off the back of a motorbike.
2011.03.15 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists gun down a 69-year-old man.
2011.03.15 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Three men sitting outside an auto repair shop are riddled with bullets by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2011.03.15 Afghanistan Laghman 1 0 A civilian is killed in a roadside bombing by Sunni hardliners.
2011.03.15 Indonesia Jakarta 0 4 A bomb sent to a moderate scholar, deemed an 'enemy of Islam', injures four.
2011.03.15 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 A Buddhist teacher is murdered by Mujahideen.
2011.03.15 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Religion of Peace gunmen open fire on a tea shop, killing two Buddhist patrons.
2011.03.15 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 The Taliban plant a bomb in a classroom, killing a teacher.
2011.03.15 Thailand Songkhla 1 1 Muslim radicals shoot a Buddhist plantation worker to death an injure his wife.
2011.03.14 Nigeria Plateau 6 0 Five family members are among six Christian villagers slaughtered by Muslim raiders.
2011.03.14 Iraq Diyala 11 14 Eleven Iraqi security personnel are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2011.03.14 Afghanistan Kunduz 36 42 Four children are among three dozen innocents dismembered by a massive suicide blast at a recruitment center.
2011.03.14 Somalia Fiidow 4 9 al-Shabaab militants fire on a public bus, killing four passengers.
2011.03.13 Afghanistan Helmand 6 0 Six civilians are taken down by Taliban roadside bombers.
2011.03.13 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A moderate cleric is shot to death by Islamic radicals in a drive-by attack outside his home..
2011.03.13 Yemen Zinjubar 1 2 al-Qaeda gunmen murder a local cop.
2011.03.13 Pakistan Hangu 9 6 Islamic militants fire indiscriminately into a van carrying Shia civilians, killing nine.
2011.03.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four civilians are cut to shreds by a roadside bomb.
2011.03.12 Pakistan Hairdin 6 0 A married couple and their four young children are turned into debris by an Islamist mortar attack on their home.
2011.03.12 Israel Itamar 5 0 A baby and two young children are slaughtered in their home along with their parents, who fought the Muslims in vain to keep their children from being stabbed to death.
2011.03.12 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Seven Iraqi soldiers on their way to work are brutally machine-gunned in their car at point-blank range.
2011.03.12 Iraq Baghdad 1 6 Jihad bombers take down a local.
2011.03.11 Yemen al-Deyo 4 5 Four security personnel are taken out by an al-Qaeda ambush.
2011.03.11 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A seminary teacher is assassinated by sectarian rivals.
2011.03.10 Philippines Jolo 3 11 Abu Sayyaf militants detonate a shrapnel bomb outside a school, killing three innocents.
2011.03.10 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 8 A local police chief on patrol is among three people ripped to shreds by a suicide bomber.
2011.03.10 Nigeria Bauchi 3 5 At least three residents are killed when Fulani raiders sweep their village, shooting and burning homes.
2011.03.10 Iraq Baghdad 6 3 Islamic terrorists rob a jewelry store to fund their operation, shooting six people to death in the process.
2011.03.10 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 Mujahideen fire on a car containing a peace committee contingent, killing the driver.
2011.03.09 Iraq Diyala 1 1 A 3-year-old girl is dismembered, and her father seriously wounded by a targeted al-Qaeda blast outside their house.
2011.03.09 Iraq al-Makheirja 2 2 Mujahideen toss a grenade into a family home, killing a man and a woman.
2011.03.09 Egypt Cairo 9 150 Nine Copts, including a child, are killed and over a hundred more injured when a Muslim mob hurls firebombs and shoots into a group protesting a church burning.
2011.03.09 Pakistan Adezai 43 52 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at the funeral of the wife of a peace committee member, sending over 40 souls to Allah.
2011.03.08 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' knock a man off his motorcycle and then shoot him twice in the head.
2011.03.08 Algeria Djelfa 5 0 Fundamentalist bombers attack a group of bird hunters, killing five.
2011.03.08 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 0 A government employee is dragged out of his home and stabbed to death in front of his family.
2011.03.08 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Mujahideen assassinate a university professor.
2011.03.08 Iraq Fallujah 1 0 A civilian is cut down by sectarian gunmen.
2011.03.08 Pakistan Faisalabad 32 125 Islamists detonate a massive bomb at a gas station, incinerating over thirty innocents.
2011.03.08 Ethiopia Asendabo 2 0 Two Christians are killed when angry Muslims rampage through their community, burning churches and homes.
2011.03.07 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A sectarian attack leaves one dead.
2011.03.07 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 19 Hardliners plant a bomb in front of a rival mosque, killing two people.
2011.03.07 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A Buddhist man is killed and his mother seriously wounded in an Islamic drive-by.
2011.03.07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists murder a 61-year-old man in an attack the leaves his young granddaughter seriously injured.
2011.03.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic 'separatists' shoot a man to death as he is returning home from work.
2011.03.06 Afghanistan Paktika 12 5 Five children are among a dozen civilians who bleed out following a fundamentalist roadside bombing.
2011.03.06 Iraq Basra 8 12 'Insurgents' attach a bomb to a passenger bus, killing eight innocents.
2011.03.06 Yemen Marib 4 0 Four security personnel are taken down by al-Qaeda.
2011.03.06 Yemen Zinjibar 2 0 Islamic militia murder two men, one at a vegetable market.
2011.03.06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists shoot a 23-year-old man to death in front of his mother.
2011.03.06 Thailand Pattani 1 3 A 64-year-old man is murdered when Muslim militants fire on a group of teachers.
2011.03.06 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two students die in an 'insurgent' ambush.
2011.03.06 Thailand Pattani 1 4 Muslim militants open fire on a market, killing a guard and seriously injuring four patrons.
2011.03.05 Iraq Hilla 4 0 Terrorists take down four Iraqis with a roadside bomb.
2011.03.05 Pakistan Mohmand 2 7 Two members of a peace committee are taken apart by a Taliban rocket attack.
2011.03.05 Thailand Pattani 1 2 A Buddhist monk is shot through the head in a Muslim drive-by. Two others are injured.
2011.03.05 Iraq Khalis 2 2 Terrorists burst into a cafe and shoot dead two patrons.
2011.03.05 Iraq Abu Kamis 1 0 Suspected al-Qaeda gunmen murder a civilian.
2011.03.05 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A cleric and his son are murdered by Religion of Peace rivals.
2011.03.04 Pakistan Nowshera 10 37 Sunnis detonate a powerful bomb at a Sufi mosque during Friday prayers, taking down ten worshippers.
2011.03.04 Pakistan Danda 1 0 Terrorists shoot a man to death outside a cafe for the crime of insulting Islam two years earlier.
2011.03.04 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A radical Sunni group is thought responsible for the murder of a factory guard.
2011.03.04 Egypt Sol 2 0 A Muslim mob, angry over a relationship between a Muslim girl and Christian boy, kills the two fathers and burns down a church.
2011.03.03 Iraq Haditha 8 10 A suicide bomber wades into a crowd at a bank and sends eight customers to Allah.
2011.03.03 Pakistan Khyber 6 3 Islamic militants ambush a vehicle and kill six security officers.
2011.03.03 Pakistan Hangu 9 31 Women and children are among the casualties when a suicide car bomber detonates along a city street.
2011.03.02 Pakistan Islamabad 1 1 A Catholic cabinet minister is brutally shot to death in his car after being accused of blasphemy.
2011.03.02 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Mujahideen bombers blow up a home, killing a civilian.
2011.03.02 Iraq Baghdad 1 20 A sectarian bombing leaves one person dead.
2011.03.02 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A seminary teacher is shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2011.03.02 Germany Frankfurt 2 2 A gunmen yells 'Allah Akbar' and opens fire on unarmed US soldiers on a bus, killing two.
2011.03.02 Iraq Ramadi 1 3 One victims bleeds out after a suicide bomber attacks a rival mosque.
2011.03.01 Pakistan Bara 1 0 Religion of Peace proponents behead a civilian and dump his head and torso in separate areas.
2011.03.01 Pakistan Pakhtunkhwa 2 0 Islamists are suspected of shooting a farmer and one other person to death.
2011.03.01 Pakistan Mardan 1 19 One student is killed when the Taliban throw a grenade into a girl's school.
2011.03.01 Pakistan Miranshah 4 0 Four villagers are abducted and executed in captivity by Sunni fundamentalists.
2011.03.01 Yemen Abyan 2 11 An ambulance driver is among two people slain in an al-Qaeda ambush.
2011.03.01 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Boko Haram gunmen murder an off-duty cop in his home.
2011.03.01 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A guard at a church is gunned down in an Islamist drive-by.
2011.03.01 Ethiopia Oma 0 17 Seventeen students are beaten with rods and pelted with stones for distributing Bibles.
2011.03.01 Pakistan Mohmand 3 1 Three tribesman are killed by a Taliban landmine.
2011.02.28 Nigeria Dabwak 5 0 A Christian mother and four of her children are slaughtered in their home by Muslim militants..
2011.02.28 Turkey Mersin 1 0 A 19-year-old woman is stabbed to death by her family after running away with her boyfriend.
2011.02.28 India Srinagar 1 0 An engineer and father of three dies from shrapnel injuries suffered from an Islamist grenade attack at a market.
2011.02.28 India Baramulla 1 0 A shopkeeper is murdered by Mujahideen gunmen.
2011.02.28 Nigeria Kaduna 2 0 Two guards die from bullet wounds after Boko Haram gunmen roll up on a police station.
2011.02.27 Afghanistan Arghandab 8 25 Taliban bombers take down eight civilians at a public event.
2011.02.27 Somalia Mandera 1 10 A woman is killed when Islamic militia attack a Red Cross office.
2011.02.27 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 54-year-old salesman is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2011.02.27 Pakistan Landi Kotal 1 0 A tribal elder is abducted and murdered by suspected Lashkar-e-Islam.
2011.02.27 India Pulwama 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a truck driver to death in his home.
2011.02.26 Pakistan Peshawar 4 17 Mujahideen attack a fuel station, killing four people.
2011.02.26 Afghanistan Khost 9 0 Three children and four women are among nine civilians pulverized by a roadside blast.
2011.02.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A university professor is assassinated by suspected fundamentalists.
2011.02.26 Iraq Baiji 4 0 Terrorists attack an oil refinery and murder four employees.
2011.02.26 Afghanistan Faryab 4 30 A teenage suicide bomber detonates at a playing field, killing at least four civilian spectators.

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buka mata, pakai otak!

:heart: Peace? :-#

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Post by HappyKafir »

Dimana ada Islam disitu pasti ada kekerasan...

There is no LOVE in Islam... semua urusan bunuh membunuh dan selangkangan.

Muslim... Pakailah Hati Nurani-mu.

Tinggalkan Islam segera sebelum semuanya terlambat
nadia ghazali
Posts: 1141
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Post by nadia ghazali »

HappyKafir wrote:Dimana ada Islam disitu pasti ada kekerasan...

There is no LOVE in Islam... semua urusan bunuh membunuh dan selangkangan.

Muslim... Pakailah Hati Nurani-mu.

Tinggalkan Islam segera sebelum semuanya terlambat
Kayaknya payah dah..krn kl udah kena racun islam stadium ke 4...hati nurani udah berubah menjadi instint binatang buas
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Location: somewhere in South East Asia...


Post by Raven_13 »


List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 2 Months

copas dari sini...

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2011.07.03 Afghanistan Maimana 0 17 A terrorist on a motorbike tosses a grenade at a school, injuring seventeen children.
2011.07.03 Afghanistan Logar 19 0 Nineteen road construction laborers are machine-gunned by the Taliban.
2011.07.03 Pakistan Lindhi 1 13 One person is killed during a violent dispute between two group of members over control of a mosque.
2011.07.03 Nigeria Maiduguri 10 13 Thirteen people at a tavern are sent to Allah by Islamist bombers.
2011.07.03 Afghanistan Zabul 13 33 Four women and two children are among thirteen cut to shreds by a Taliban bomb blast.
2011.07.03 Pakistan Sindh 1 0 An imam is murdered in a sectarian attack.
2011.07.02 Nigeria Maiduguri 9 0 Boko Haram go house to house, shooting victims. At least nine die.
2011.07.01 Afghanistan Maruf 6 6 Islamists blow up two people riding a donkey and then two more rushing to their aid.
2011.07.01 Pakistan Karachi 7 7 A second day of clashes between two religious groups leaves seven more dead.
2011.07.01 Philippines Maguindanao 1 0 Muslim rebels are suspected of aerating a local mosque caretaker with shrapnel.
2011.06.30 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 6 0 A mother, father and four children are torn to pieces by a bomb planted by Islamic extremists.
2011.06.30 Afghanistan Nimroz 20 36 Twenty civilians riding on a passenger bus are ripped to shreds by a Taliban bomb.
2011.06.30 Yemen Abyan 6 17 A half-dozen civilians are killed during an al-Qaeda assault.
2011.06.30 Pakistan Peshawar 2 13 Two people bleed to death after Islamists detonate a car bomb outside a hotel.
2011.06.29 Yemen Zinjibar 26 16 al-Qaeda fighters assault a stadium, killing at least twenty-six guards.
2011.06.28 Pakistan Upper Dir 1 3 Hardliners fire a shell into a family home, killing a boy and seriously injuring a woman.
2011.06.28 Pakistan Peshawar 1 2 Islamists shoot a rival as he is on his way to a funeral.
2011.06.28 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Sunnis gun down a young student for belonging to the Shabak religious minority.
2011.06.28 Afghanistan Kabul 11 50 At least eleven innocents lose their lives to a coordinated Fedayeen attack on their luxury hotel.
2011.06.28 Afghanistan Panjwai 2 1 Two women are killed, and a child injured, by Taliban roadside bombers.
2011.06.27 Iraq Jabalah 1 7 Sunni bombers take out one mourner at a Shia funeral.
2011.06.27 Pakistan Darra Adamkhel 2 0 A woman is among two killed when Islamic militants send a shell into a home.
2011.06.27 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 12 20 A dozen police are taken hostage and then slaughtered by a husband and wife suicide team.
2011.06.27 Afghanistan Ghazni 7 0 Two children and a woman are among seven civilians torn apart by two Taliban roadside blasts.
2011.06.27 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 3 Two young girls are blown to bits by Islamic bombers.
2011.06.27 Iraq Bazawia 3 4 Three Iraqis are murdered by an 'insurgent' bomb blast.
2011.06.27 India Ganderbal 1 0 A civilian is gunned down by Mujahideen.
2011.06.26 Iraq Riyadh 2 5 Two people are taken out by Islamic bombers.
2011.06.26 Algeria Legata 2 5 Islamists hide a bomb in a phone book that kills two people.
2011.06.26 Senegal Dakar 0 24 About two dozen Christians are severely injured when a Muslim mob sets fire to their church during a service under orders from a local imam.
2011.06.26 Italy Padua 1 0 A Moroccan immigrant kills his wife for becoming 'too Western'. Others support his right to 'stone the adulteress'.
2011.06.26 Egypt Awlad Khalaf 0 3 Three Christians are injured when a Muslim mob torches eight homes on a rumor that one was to become a church.
2011.06.26 Sudan Meiram 1 4 Arab militiamen attack a train carrying Southerners, killing one.
2011.06.26 Nigeria Maiduguri 30 25 Islamists massacre about thirty patrons at a tavern serving alcohol by tossing in bombs and firing into the building.
2011.06.26 Afghanistan Char Chino 1 0 The Taliban denotate an 8-year-old girl near a checkpoint.
2011.06.26 Iraq Mosul 6 4 Mujahid car bombers successfully kill six Iraqis.
2011.06.26 Iraq Tarmiya 3 18 A suicide bomber hides his weapon in a wheelchair. Three others are killed.
2011.06.25 Pakistan Kolachi 10 5 Ten defenders are killed when two suicide bombers attack a police station.
2011.06.25 Philippines Isabela City 2 8 Muslim militants are suspected of detonating a bomb outside a Catholic church that leaves two people dead.
2011.06.25 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 0 Islamists shoot a councilman and his nephew to death in their home.
2011.06.25 Afghanistan Logar 38 53 A huge car bomb at a hospital ends the lives of at least three dozen innocents and de-limbs many others.
2011.06.24 Thailand Narathiwat 2 13 Two Buddhist road construction workers are blown to bits by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2011.06.24 Afghanistan Kunduz 6 22 Islamists detonate a bicycle bomb at a market, killing six patrons.
2011.06.24 Iraq Tikrit 2 0 A police officer and his wife are murdered in their home by 'insurgents'.
2011.06.24 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 35-year-old man is shot in the head by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2011.06.24 Sri Lanka Kattankudi 0 2 A group of radical Islamists severely beat two teen girls over allegations that they watched pornography.
2011.06.24 Yemen Aden 3 10 Three security personnel are killed by an al-Qaeda car bomb blast.
2011.06.23 Algeria Kabylie 1 1 Fundamentalists kill a local soldier with a bomb.
2011.06.23 Afghanistan Dhaddar 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by religious hardliners.
2011.06.23 Pakistan Mastung 3 4 Suspected fundamentalists toss a grenade into a drug den, killing three.
2011.06.23 Iraq Baghdad 6 6 Six Iraqis are torn to shreds by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2011.06.23 Iraq Baghdad 35 95 Almost three dozen shoppers are massacred by a brutal triple bombing at a Baghdad market.
2011.06.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 0 Four local cops are blown up by a Taliban roadside bomb while rushing to help their own caught in an ambush.
2011.06.22 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 37-year-old Buddhist is shot in the head by Muslim militants while riding to work.
2011.06.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 8 0 Eight police officers are slain in an ambush after being betrayed by a fundamentalist in uniform.
2011.06.22 Pakistan Quetta 4 11 Sunni gunmen fire into a bus carrying Shia pilgrims, killing four.
2011.06.22 Pakistan Hangu 2 5 Two people riding in a van are shot to death in a suspected sectarian attack.
2011.06.22 Iraq Baghdad 13 43 Thirteen Iraqis are brought down by a series of Mujahideen attacks.
2011.06.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims lay out a 48-year-old cook with a pair of shotgun blasts.
2011.06.21 Iraq Diwaniya 27 57 A Holy Warrior earns his spot in heaven with a suicide attack that leaves over two dozen Iraqis dead.
2011.06.21 Iraq Mussayab 5 9 A coffee shop is the target of a Sunni bomb blast that sends five souls to Allah.
2011.06.21 Iraq Mansouriya 1 0 Terrorists bomb a bus, killing a passenger.
2011.06.21 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A Christian father of four who worked as a garbage collector is stabbed to death by an angry Muslim.
2011.06.21 Somalia Mogadishu 4 6 Four civilians in a minivan are pulverized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2011.06.21 Afghanistan Charikar 2 2 A woman is among two people who bleed to death from shrapnel injuries following a Shahid suicide blast.
2011.06.20 Thailand Yala 1 1 Islamists murder a 55-year-old Buddhist outside a wedding reception - also severely injuring his wife.
2011.06.20 Pakistan Masood 6 4 A child is among six people killed when religious extremists roll hand grenades into two family homes.
2011.06.20 Pakistan Matni 4 5 Four people are cut to pieces by a suicide bomb attack on a house hosting a peace committee.
2011.06.20 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 Two men are shot to death by Islamic militants.
2011.06.20 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A Buddhist is among two killed in separate Muslim sniper attacks.
2011.06.20 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 A terrorist blast takes down two civilians.
2011.06.20 Nigeria Kankara 7 0 Seven people are gunned down at a local bank by 'robbers' chanting Islamic slogans.
2011.06.20 Iraq Mosul 2 3 Two boys are blown to bits in a bombing attack on their family vehicle.
2011.06.20 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A local cop is stalked and murdered by Boko Haram gunmen.
2011.06.20 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two off-duty cops are murdered on their way to work by Islamic militants.
2011.06.19 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 5 Boko Haram Islamists fire indiscriminately into a group of poker players, killing two.
2011.06.19 Pakistan Hayatabad 2 4 A 12-year-old girl and a woman are murdered in their home by Islamic militants.
2011.06.19 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 11 A Shahid suicide bomber sends three Afghan civilians to Allah.
2011.06.19 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Mujahideen gun down a teenager outside his home.
2011.06.19 Yemen Zinjibar 7 21 A group calling itself 'Supporters of Sharia' kills seven government soldiers over the course of two days.
2011.06.19 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 al-Qaeda gunmen murder an Iraqi.
2011.06.18 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A grocer and a city worker are gunned down in separate terror attacks.
2011.06.18 Afghanistan Kabul 9 12 Five civilans are among nine dead when several suicide bombers attack a police station.
2011.06.18 Somalia Daynile 2 0 Two young men are publicly executed by al-Shabaab Islamists.
2011.06.18 Pakistan Quetta 4 28 Two children are among four dismantled by Lashkar bombers.
2011.06.18 Afghanistan Ander 4 2 Four private security guards are blown to bits by Taliban bombers.
2011.06.18 Iraq Baqubah 3 2 Three Iraqis are taken apart by Jihadi bombers.
2011.06.17 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 Jihadis set off a blast in a Shiite neighborhood, ending the lives of three residents.
2011.06.17 Pakistan Bara 1 0 Islamists abduct and slit the throat of a telephone company employee.
2011.06.17 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Talibanis open fire on a fuel tanker, killing the driver.
2011.06.17 Afghanistan Sirkanay 4 0 Four children are killed when Pakistani militants fire a rocket across the border.
2011.06.17 Pakistan Tirah 3 2 Three women are killed, and two children injured, when Islamic militants shell their home.
2011.06.16 Thailand Pattani 4 2 Four local soldiers are slain by an Islamist ambush near a market.
2011.06.16 Pakistan Bajaur 6 27 Two women are among six people murdered when the Taliban storm a village.
2011.06.16 Nigeria Abuja 2 0 A suicide bomber at a police station kills two officers.
2011.06.16 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Sunnis shoot a Shia to death as he is riding a motorcycle.
2011.06.16 Iraq Hilla 3 0 A suspected al-Qaeda home invasion leaves three people dead.
2011.06.16 Afghanistan Maruf 4 0 Three women are among four members of a family murdered by Taliban bombers.
2011.06.16 Nigeria Damboa 4 1 Four children leaving a church are brutally taken out by a Boko Haram blast.
2011.06.15 Afghanistan Paktia 3 0 A 13-year-old boy is among three others sent to Allah by a suicide bomber.
2011.06.15 Yemen Houta 3 2 al-Qadea militants assault a village, killing at least three defenders.
2011.06.15 India Shopian 1 0 Mujahideen gunmen take out a local youth.
2011.06.15 Iraq Mussayab 1 6 Terrorists plant a bomb at a marketplace, killing a patron.
2011.06.15 Afghanistan Mahmud Raqi 7 4 A Shahid car bomber detonates himself along a city street, leaving seven innocents dead.
2011.06.15 Somalia Mataban 15 24 Fifteen people are killed in a sectarian clash between Sufis and Sunnis.
2011.06.14 Iraq Dujail 4 1 Four family members are killed in their own home by sectarian Jihadis.
2011.06.14 Iraq Baqubah 8 27 Eight people are killed in a multi-pronged Fedayeen assault on government office building.
2011.06.14 Sudan South Kordofan 2 5 At least two church workers are killed when the Islamic republic bombs a village.
2011.06.14 Dagestan Mikheyevka 1 0 Islamic extremists shoot dead a rival imam at his mosque.
2011.06.13 Nigeria Bulunkutu 4 0 Four drinkers at a beer garden are taken out by religious radicals.
2011.06.13 Pakistan Islamabad 1 3 A suicide bomber kills a guard at a bank.
2011.06.13 Iraq Baaj 2 0 Two people are kidnapped and beheaded by sectarian terrorists.
2011.06.13 Iraq Basra 5 29 Five Iraqis are ripped to pieces by a suicide bomber.
2011.06.13 Pakistan South Waziristan 4 8 Four local cops are cut down in separate attacks by radical Sunnis.
2011.06.12 Iraq Hillah 2 0 A man and his wife are shot to death by Religion of Peace terrorists.
2011.06.12 Yemen Zinjibar 3 5 al-Qaeda militants attack a checkpoint and kill four defenders.
2011.06.12 Iraq Baqubah 3 4 Three Iraqis are taken out by Jihadi gunmen at a checkpoint.
2011.06.12 Iraq Baghdad 3 14 Jihaids take out three soccer-playing youth with two roadside bombs.
2011.06.12 India Chikkaballapur 2 0 Two young Hindu students are kidnapped and brutally stabbed to death by the Student Islamic Movement of India.
2011.06.11 Indonesia East Java 0 1 A young woman is kidnapped by Islamic hardliners on her way home from church, beaten, slashed, and held for two days.
2011.06.11 Afghanistan Khost 3 8 A 12-year-old boy is among three people murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2011.06.11 Pakistan Khyber 39 88 Nearly forty shoppers and vendors are obliterated by two terror blasts at a market.
2011.06.11 Iraq Mosul 18 47 Eighteen innocents lose their lives to two Mujahid car bombers.
2011.06.11 Iraq Samarra 4 0 Four brothers are executed in cold blood by al-Qaeda.
2011.06.11 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 0 Sunni militants shoot one civilian to death and behead another.
2011.06.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 15 1 Eight children and four women are among those ripped apart by a Taliban bombing of their minivan.
2011.06.11 Iraq Al-Dour 5 0 A teacher's family of five, including three children, are brutally slain in an overnight sectarian home invasion.
2011.06.10 Pakistan Balochistan 1 0 An oil tanker driver dies of bullet wounds from a Mujahideen attack.
2011.06.10 Afghanistan Kunduz 4 18 A Shahid suicide bomber takes down four police officers saying prayers at a mosque.
2011.06.10 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 A local official is murdered by a suicide bomber who was his niece.
2011.06.10 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 al-Shabaab gunmen shoot vendors at a market who ignore their orders to stop selling khat.
2011.06.10 Sudan Kadugli 0 1 Islamists kidnap a pastor and torture him for two days.
2011.06.10 Iraq Salman Pak 10 15 Ten Iraqis are taken out by a roadside bomb.
2011.06.09 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 Suicide bombers kill two people at a harbor.
2011.06.09 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 A pastor at a Church of Christ and his secretary are brutally gunned down by Religion of Peace loyalists.
2011.06.09 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 A judge is among three Iraqis killed in a series of shooting attacks and a bombing at a liquor store.
2011.06.09 Afghanistan Dur Baba 9 5 Sunni terrorists shoot nine members of a wedding party to death, including the groom and his father.
2011.06.09 Pakistan Darawar 4 3 Islamic militants blow up a van carrying members of a peace committee, killing four.
2011.06.09 Thailand Yala 1 1 Islamic terrorists shoot a 27-year-old man to death in his car.
2011.06.09 Iraq Hatra 1 0 A taxi driver is kidnapped and shot in the head and chest by 'insurgents'.
2011.06.09 Pakistan Landhi 1 0 A Christian civilian is shot to death by Muslim gunmen.
2011.06.08 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is murdered by Mujahid gunmen while sitting in his pickup truck.
2011.06.08 Thailand Yala 3 2 Three local soldiers are killed in their vehicle by Islamic bombers.
2011.06.08 Sudan Kadugli 1 0 A young Christian man is dragged to a market and slaughtered by the sword by men yelling 'Allah Akbar'.
2011.06.08 Yemen Lahj 4 2 al-Qaeda militants fire heavy weapons into a security checkpoint, killing four officers.
2011.06.08 India Sopore 1 0 A guard at a market is executed in cold blood by Muslim gunmen.
2011.06.08 Thailand Pattani 4 12 Four Buddhist policemen bleed to death following an 'insurgent' bombing at a friendly soccer game.
2011.06.08 Afghanistan Uruzgan 2 0 A man and his son are murdered by Taliban militants as they leave a party.
2011.06.08 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two elderly grocers are brought down in their stores by Muslim gunmen in separate attacks.
2011.06.08 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three civilians are kidnapped and shot to death by suspected al-Shabaab.
2011.06.08 Sudan al Shaeer 1 0 A Christian seminary student is shot to death in front of bystanders by agents of the Islamic government.
2011.06.08 Nigeria Bauchi 1 0 A man is lured out of his home and then murdered by Boko Haram gunmen.
2011.06.07 Nigeria Borno 5 5 Boko Haram Islamists assault two police stations with bombs and bullets, killing five officers.
2011.06.07 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 14 Two innocents bleed to death after Islamists detonate a bomb outside a church.
2011.06.07 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 1 A religious teacher and his nephew are brutally murdered in their own backyard by radicals.
2011.06.07 Iraq Baghdad 3 3 A family of three is among several Iraqis targeted by gunmen in two attacks.
2011.06.07 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Muslim extremists successfully take out two shepherds with a roadside bomb.
2011.06.06 Iraq Tikrit 12 20 A suicide car bomber screams 'Allah Akbar' before ending the lives of a dozen others.
2011.06.06 Iraq Baghdad 5 8 Iranian-backed Shiites fire several rockets into a compound, killing five Americans.
2011.06.06 India Srinagar 1 0 Islamic terrorists gun down a civilian outside his home.
2011.06.06 Pakistan Bannu 1 2 Fundamentalists shoot a security officer to death.
2011.06.06 Iraq Hamdhiyah 4 1 Four family members are murdered when Mujahideen bomb their home.
2011.06.06 Iraq Baghdad 5 26 Five Iraqis are taken down by militant Muslims in two attacks.
2011.06.06 Algeria Sidi Abdelaziz 3 2 Jihadis murder a soldier with a shotgun, then booby-trap his body with a bomb that kills two comrades.
2011.06.06 Nigeria Biu 1 0 A cleric is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals at his home.
2011.06.05 Pakistan Nowshera 19 45 Nineteen innocents at a bakery are massacred by Mujahideen bombers.
2011.06.05 Chechnya Alkhazurovo 1 2 Islamic militants detonate a bomb next to a passing police patrol, killing at least one.
2011.06.05 Iraq Baghdad 5 18 Holy Warriors take down five Iraqis in various attacks.
2011.06.05 Pakistan Kohat 1 0 Islamic militants slay an off-duty cop shopping at a market.
2011.06.05 Afghanistan Nimroz 2 5 Two Afghan cops are ambushed and killed by religious hardliners.
2011.06.05 Afghanistan Logar 13 0 A tailor and a beheaded soldier are among thirteen Taliban kidnap victims discovered in a mass grave.
2011.06.05 Afghanistan Maydan Shahr 2 5 Two security guards are killed by a Taliban bombing at a bank.
2011.06.04 Afghanistan Kunar 3 0 Three Afghans bleed to death following a detonation by a female suicide bomber.
2011.06.04 Algeria Bordj Menaiel 4 1 Fundamentalists murder four police officers with a roadside bomb.
2011.06.04 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A pharmacist is among two people shot to death by terrorists.
2011.06.04 Pakistan Peshawar 6 11 Three women and a child are among six passengers ripped apart by an Islamist bomb blast on their bus.
2011.06.04 Philippines Sulu 1 0 A 42-year-old police officer is killed by Abu Sayyaf militants while searching for a kidnap victim.
2011.06.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Fundamentalist bombers take down two university students on campus.
2011.06.03 Iraq Tikrit 17 24 Suicide bombers attack a hospital treating victims of an earlier attack. Seventeen innocents are slaughtered.
2011.06.03 Iraq Tikrit 19 52 Nineteen people leaving Friday prayers are shredded by a bomb place outside their mosque.
2011.06.03 Pakistan Karachi 6 31 Six people are killed and thirty-one injured when Islamic militants target security personnel and a hotel hosting a casino.
2011.06.02 Pakistan Shaltalo 20 80 The second day of a sustained Taliban assault leaves twenty more dead.
2011.06.02 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A Shia is shot to death by sectarian Jihadis.
2011.06.02 Iraq Ramadi 10 21 A series of well-place bombs take the lives of ten Iraqis.
2011.06.02 Afghanistan Uruzgan 3 1 Three guards are slain when the Taliban attack a road construction crew.
2011.06.02 Somalia Mogadishu 17 46 Seventeen civilians are killed in the crossfire when al-Shabaab stages an attack from a market.
2011.06.01 Pakistan Shaltalo 8 3 At least eight innocents are killed when Taliban militants blow up two girls' schools and attack a police post.
2011.06.01 Thailand Yala 2 4 Two Thais are blown up by Islamic 'separatists'.
2011.06.01 Iraq Mussayab 7 12 Militants plant a bomb at a wedding, killing seven celebrants.
2011.06.01 Iraq Tikrit 3 0 Three brothers are executed by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2011.05.31 Yemen Zinjibar 13 21 Thirteen local soldiers are slain by al-Qaeda militants.
2011.05.31 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 48-year-old Buddhist woman is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2011.05.31 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 27-year-old man is murdered by Muslim gunmen.
2011.05.31 Thailand Narathiwat 0 0 Two Muslims accidently blow themselves up trying to exterminate a passing convoy of teachers.
2011.05.30 Nigeria Bauchi 10 13 Ten people are torn to shreds by an Islamist bomb planted in a bar.
2011.05.30 Somalia Mogadishu 2 4 Two African peacekeepers are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2011.05.30 Thailand Yala 0 7 Two civilians and five members of a Buddhist monk protection patrol are wounded during a Muslim drive-by.
2011.05.30 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 6 Two Iraqis are wiped out by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2011.05.30 Iraq Saqlawaiya 2 0 Islamists are thought to be behind the shooting death of two civilians.
2011.05.30 Pakistan Miranshah 1 11 A young girl dies of injuries suffered from a Religion of Peace bomb blast at a hotel.
2011.05.30 Afghanistan Heart 5 45 At least five Afghans lose their lives to a series of suicide bombers.
2011.05.30 Iraq Mosul 2 1 A Christian father of four is murdered by Jihadi gunmen along with a bystander.
2011.05.30 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 Terrorists bomb a minibus, killing at least one passenger.
2011.05.29 Pakistan Quetta 2 3 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi terrorists assassinate two Shia policemen.
2011.05.29 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 11 Fundamentalists blow up a liquor store, killing two inside.
2011.05.29 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A civilian is killed in the crossfire when Boko Haram Islamists shoot at police.
2011.05.28 Pakistan Bajour 8 12 Sunni fundamentalists send a suicide bomber into a restaurant, slaughtering eight innocents.
2011.05.28 India Kupwara 2 0 Mujahideen barge into a home and shoot a father and son to death.
2011.05.28 Switzerland Einsiedeln 1 0 A 24-year-old woman is shot to death by her strict Muslim father for leading an 'independent life'.
2011.05.27 Lebanon Sidon 1 4 Islamic militants are suspected in a blast that leaves a UN peacekeeper dead.
2011.05.27 Nigeria Damboa 13 24 At least thirteen people are killed when Muslim fundamentalists assault a bank building.
2011.05.27 Afghanistan Balkh 2 0 Two people are kidnapped, beaten and burned alive by the Taliban.
2011.05.27 Afghanistan Takhar 7 9 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a local governor's office, killing seven.
2011.05.27 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Muslim terrorists open fire on a civilian truck, killing the driver instantly.
2011.05.27 Yemen Zinjibar 5 0 Five local cops are executed in cold blood by al-Qaeda.
2011.05.26 Pakistan Hangu 39 60 At least three dozen people are massacred by Holy Warriors, who detonate themselves outside a police station.
2011.05.26 Iraq Abu Ghraib 4 11 A Shahid suicide bomber sends four Iraqis to Allah.
2011.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Sunnis gun down a Shia official.
2011.05.26 Russia Vladikavkaz 1 0 Muslim extremists murder a poet for offending Islam.
2011.05.26 Somalia Luq 1 0 A villager and his donkey are taken apart by an al-Shabaab IED.
2011.05.25 Indonesia Sulawesi 2 1 Islamists on a motorbike gun down two policemen.
2011.05.25 Pakistan Peshawar 9 39 Suicide truck bombers plow into a police station, killing at least nine.
2011.05.25 Thailand Yala 1 0 Thai Islamists ambush and kill a local soldier who was guarding teachers.
2011.05.25 Somalia Mogadishu 7 17 al-Shabaab Islamists take down seven civilians with a vicious mortar attack.
2011.05.25 Pakistan Balishkhel 4 18 A clash between Sunni and Shia leaves four dead.
2011.05.24 Thailand Narathiwat 2 4 Islamic 'separatists' detonate a bomb under a police vehicle, killing two occupants.
2011.05.24 Iraq Baghdad 4 15 Jihad bombers send four Iraqis to Allah.
2011.05.24 Afghanistan Panjwaii 10 28 Ten road construction workers are cut to pieces by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2011.05.24 Thailand Narathiwat 2 1 Muslim 'separatists' murder two cops with a bomb hidden in a fire extinguisher.
2011.05.24 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Islamists murder a guard outside a Catholic church.
2011.05.23 Afghanistan Laghman 4 14 Four tribal elders at a restaurant are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2011.05.23 Iraq Kirkuk 2 12 A well-placed bomb takes the lives of two Iraqi policemen.
2011.05.22 Afghanistan Khost 5 7 Three traffic cops and two civilians are taken down by a Fedayeen suicide assault.
2011.05.22 Pakistan Karachi 13 16 Taliban militants assault a navy base for 14 hours, killing at least thirteen.
2011.05.22 Iraq Baghdad 5 58 A series of bomb blasts leave at least five Iraqis dead.
2011.05.22 Iraq Taji 12 30 A dozen Iraqi security personnel are murdered by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2011.05.22 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 A man and his daughter are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2011.05.22 Dagestan Khasavyurt 2 0 Islamists gun down two local cops.
2011.05.22 Iraq Sadr City 2 12 'Insurgents' place a bomb near a hospital, killing two people.
2011.05.21 Afghanistan Kabul 6 30 Holy Warriors detonate themselves inside a hospital, leaving six medical workers dead.
2011.05.21 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two brothers are brutally murdered during a Sunni home invasion.
2011.05.21 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 Suspected terrorists gun down a handicapped man.
2011.05.21 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Religion of Peace militants shoot a factory worker and his 3-year-old daughter to death.
2011.05.20 Iraq Baqubah 2 1 Sectarian bombers target a rival imam, killing two people, including his son.
2011.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 al-Qaeda assassins gun down two Iraqi government employees.
2011.05.20 Pakistan Khyber 16 11 Islamic militants blow up a fuel tanker on a highway, burning alive sixteen people, including five children.
2011.05.20 Thailand Narathiwat 0 12 Muslim terrorists detonate a bomb under a truck at a market.
2011.05.20 Somalia Dharkenley 2 0 Two young men are abducted and tortured to death by fundamentalists.
2011.05.20 Pakistan Peshawar 1 11 The Taliban bomb a car outside the American consulate, killing one person.
2011.05.19 Iraq Kirkuk 4 0 Four Iraqis are laid low by a terrorist blast.
2011.05.19 Iraq Kirkuk 27 90 Mujahideen detonate a car bomb in a parking lot, killing almost thirty Iraqis.
2011.05.19 Afghanistan Paktia 35 20 Thirty-five construction workers and guards are murdered by religious hardliners at a work site.
2011.05.19 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 7 One person is killed in a Boko Haram bomb blast.
2011.05.19 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 3 A woman and two children are among the casualties when Sunni militants bomb a house.
2011.05.19 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 A cleric is sent to Allah by Religion of Peace rivals.
2011.05.19 Pakistan Khyber 2 17 Two bomb blasts take two lives.
2011.05.19 Egypt Cairo 0 3 Three Catholics are severely injured by a rock-throwing Muslim mob intent on preventing a church from opening.
2011.05.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 10 6 Boko Haram Islamists assault a police station, shooting ten people to death.
2011.05.18 Sudan El Fasher 10 0 Ten fatalities are reported follwing an air strike by the Islamic republic on two villages.
2011.05.18 Pakistan Quetta 6 4 Six Shias riding in a van are machine-gunned by Sunni co-religionists.
2011.05.18 Tunisia Rouhia 1 2 A military officer loses his life to an al-Qaeda ambush.
2011.05.18 Afghanistan Jalalabad 13 20 A holy warrior detonates along a congested city street, killing thirteen innocents.
2011.05.18 Pakistan Peshawar 2 5 Seventy armed fundamentalists assault a police post, killing two defenders.
2011.05.17 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 Two tribesmen are abucted and murdered by Taliban.
2011.05.17 Kazakhstan Aktobe 0 3 A suicide bomber detonates in 'revenge' for the recent arrest of Sunnis.
2011.05.17 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A college employee is shot to death by 'insurgents'.
2011.05.17 Yemen Mukalla 3 0 Three people are killed in an al-Qaeda ambush.
2011.05.17 India Sopore 1 0 A cop on duty in a town square is gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
2011.05.16 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 Muslim kidnappers gouge out the eyes of a Christian victim and then cut off his head.
2011.05.16 Somalia Mogadishu 5 0 Five AU peacekeepers are killed in their barracks by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2011.05.16 Afghanistan Kunar 3 8 A woman and child are among three civilians crushed to death by a Taliban rocket attack.
2011.05.16 India Kishtwar 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants abduct and execute a 50-year-old civilian.
2011.05.16 Pakistan Mohmand 2 1 Two children are obliterated by a landmine.
2011.05.16 Pakistan Jawaki 1 0 A member of a peace committee is gunned down by Sunni hardliners.
2011.05.16 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Saudi diplomat is shot in the head by Muslim terrorists.
2011.05.16 Somalia Bosasso 2 0 A tribal elder and a businessman are assassinated by suspected al-Shabaab gunmen.
2011.05.16 Somalia Hodan 10 15 al-Shabaab target a rival mosque with mortar shells, killing about ten clerics inside the building.
2011.05.16 Thailand Yala 2 2 Two Buddhist monks are dismantled by Religion of Peace bombers.
2011.05.15 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Two Copts are gunned down in a Muslim drive-by attack.
2011.05.15 Iraq Shirqat 1 0 A woman is beheaded by suspected al-Qaeda.
2011.05.15 Pakistan Datta Khel 2 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban kidnap and execute two villagers.
2011.05.15 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two locals are murdered in separate attacks.
2011.05.15 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 A family of three, including a 13-year-old boy, are murdered in their beds by sectarian Jihadis.
2011.05.15 Egypt Cairo 0 50 About fifty Christians are injured when a Muslim mob hurls rocks and homemade bombs into a peaceful protest.
2011.05.15 Pakistan Uch Sharif 2 0 Two sisters are shot to death in their sleep by their brother on suspicion of being sexually active.
2011.05.15 Israel Tel Aviv 1 17 An Israeli is killed when an Arab driver rams him yelling 'Allah Akbar' and 'Death to Jews'.
2011.05.14 Pakistan Kharian 7 20 Three women and a child are among seven bus passengers torn to shreds by fundamentalist bombers.
2011.05.14 Somalia Bosasso 3 0 al-Shabaab is blamed for the murder of three tribal elders along a city street.
2011.05.14 Yemen Rada'a 6 1 Six local soldiers lose their lives to an al-Qaeda ambush.
2011.05.13 Yemen Marib 5 0 Five soldiers are dismantled by an Islamist RPG attack.
2011.05.13 Nigeria Borno 1 0 Religious radicals shoot a chauffeur to death.
2011.05.13 Pakistan Bannu 98 124 Two suicide bombers yelling 'Allah Akbar' murder ninety innocent people in "revenge" for the bin Laden killing.
2011.05.13 Algeria Tizrarana 7 2 Armed fundamentalists attack a military barracks, slaying seven dead.
2011.05.13 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite is shot twelve times by Sunni militants while traveling to work.
2011.05.13 India Kupwara 1 0 Islamic militants ambush and kill a local soldier.
2011.05.13 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Two men waiting for a bus are blown to bits by Boko Haram Islamists.
2011.05.12 Nigeria Borno 1 1 Muslim extremists assassinate a local elder.
2011.05.12 Iraq Hillah 1 0 A teenager is tortured and murdered by suspected al-Qaeda.
2011.05.12 Iraq Mussayab 2 0 Two people are abducted and beheaded by Religion of Peace activists.
2011.05.12 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Boko Haram radicals murder a union official and his son.
2011.05.12 Afghanistan Helmand 2 0 A Taliban wearing a police uniform opens up on NATO soldiers eating lunch, killing two.
2011.05.11 Somalia Gal Gala 5 4 Islamists ambush a group of government troops, killing five.
2011.05.11 India Baghpat 2 0 Two Muslim mothers strangle their own daughters for marrying Hindu men.
2011.05.11 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two cops are gunned down in an Islamist drive-by.
2011.05.11 Iraq Tikrit 2 1 Two Iraqis bleed out following a Mujahideen bombing.
2011.05.10 Iraq Tikrit 11 8 Jihad car bombers send eleven Iraqis to Allah.
2011.05.10 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 1 A suicide bomber detonates at a checkpoint, killing a cop.
2011.05.10 Somalia Mogadishu 3 7 Islamic militia take out three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2011.05.10 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A journalist is disassembled by a car bomb blast.
2011.05.09 Afghanistan Khost 4 0 Four villagers are beheaded by religious hardliners.
2011.05.09 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A 60-year-old Catholic grandfather is beaten to death by enraged Muslims.
2011.05.09 Pakistan Nowshera 4 2 A bombing at a courthouse leaves four dead, including a woman.
2011.05.09 Pakistan Orakzai 1 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban kidnap and brutally execut a tribesman.
2011.05.09 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 A liquor store owner is among the casualties of various Mujahideen blasts.
2011.05.09 Afghanistan Laghman 5 3 Three children are among five civilians torn to shreads by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2011.05.09 Afghanistan Ghazni 6 0 The Taliban machine-gun a half-dozen policemen at point-blank range.
2011.05.08 Egypt Imbada 1 0 Salafists shoot the 16-year-old nephew of a Catholic bishop in the head.
2011.05.08 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Islamists gun down two Buddhists in front of a mosque.
2011.05.08 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 A journalist is among two people slain by Jihadi gunmen in separate attacks.
2011.05.08 Iraq Baghdad 9 14 al-Qaeda detainees stage a jailhouse revolt, leaving nine guards dead.
2011.05.08 Egypt Imbada 1 0 Islamists break into a Catholic church and slit a member's throat.
2011.05.07 Iraq Baqubah 6 10 Suspected al-Qaeda gunmen stage a deadly robbery on a market, killing six.
2011.05.07 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 45 At least four people are killed during a sustained Fedayeen assault at a shopping mall.
2011.05.07 Egypt Cairo 12 232 Fundamentalists assault two churches with firebombs and gunfire, killing five Copt defenders and seven more in an ensuing rampage.
2011.05.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Religious separatists shoot a farmer to death.
2011.05.07 Thailand Yala 3 2 A roadside bomb planted by Islamic radicals leaves three dead.
2011.05.07 Thailand Pattani 4 12 Muslim militants detonate a bomb at a soccer field where police are playing a friendly game with villagers, killing four.
2011.05.07 Algeria El Kennar 5 5 Islamic militants murder five security personnel with a roadside bomb.
2011.05.06 Pakistan Quetta 8 15 Eight Shiites visiting a cemetery are targeted and killed in a Sunni rocket attack.
2011.05.06 Algeria Baghlia 1 0 Armed fundamentalists gun down a journalist.
2011.05.06 Sudan Abu Shouk 0 1 After being spotted with a Bible, a female aid worker is arrested for apostasy and severely beaten.
2011.05.06 Iraq Fallujah 1 0 An accused 'enemy of Allah' is kidnapped and beheaded.
2011.05.06 Nigeria Kano 17 3 Seventeen residents of a Christian village, including a pastor's wife and three children are massacred in a pre-dawn Muslim attack.
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Post by wachdie.jr »

:stun: waaaa.... kolom ana ternyata masih ada dan makin banyak pengikut nya ya... =D> =D> =D> bagi yang tau riwayat ana, salam yaw... maap ana udah jarang muncul di sini...(bukannya balik jadi islam lagi lho... :rofl: )
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Post by swatantre »

Jiahh.... akhirnya nongol jugak.... Sesekali posting napa bang... Sehari satu2...
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