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AS: ruang fitness dipakai sbg ruang solat

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:23 pm
by ali5196

December 6, 2006
US: Muslim Woman Thinks Gym Is A Prayer Room

A report from the Detroit News describes how a Muslim woman has been using a gymnasium as her own prayer room, and has decided to make a public fuss when her prayer sessions were interrupted by a woman patron.

The Muslim woman, from Dearborn in Michigan, is Wardeh Sultan. She claims that she has used the gymnasium, a branch of Fitness USA, for seven or eight years, and has "never had a problem with praying there".

She says that she complained that her religious rituals were interrupted, and was told by the manager: "You have to respect her (the woman who interrupted Sultan), but she does not have to respect your God."

Sultan told the manager "I can't believe you said that...Honestly, I feel humiliated and I feel ashamed, right now, to go back to Fitness USA."

The American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee has filed a case of discrimination against Fitness USA on Sultan's behalf. Imad Hamad, regional director of the group said: "They (Muslims) are resenting that they are to be suppressed from expressing themselves freely, like others. It's OK for a Christian fellow or a Jewish fellow to pray, and it would be regarded highly and respected. When it comes to a person of Muslim faith, especially if a woman is wearing the head cover or a man with a typical clergy outfit, yeah, it is becoming like something that is offensive to people and making them nervous."

I doubt if Jewish or Christian patrons of gymnasiums hold their prayers kneeling down on the floor where other people are expected to pass. The argument by Hamad is spurious, and irrelevant.

Sultan is a Jordanian-born Palestinian who wears a veil, who says she came to the US 17 years ago to "avoid intolerance". She said: "We're here in the great United States and for this happening, it truly breaks my heart. You know, things are starting to change backwards, instead of frontward. We need to keep this United States, our country, up on our shoulders. We don't want it to go down."

Perhaps one of the things which is making America "go down" is the attitude of people like Wardeh Sultan and Imad Hamad, who appear to believe that their rights to do whatever they like whenever they like must be respected at all times.

A gymnasium is a gymnasium, and not a mosque. Fitness USA has already modified its dress code to allow Muslim women to attire themselves more "modestly". It should ban Wardeh Sultan for being a deliberate trouble-make

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:37 pm
by Phoenix
Sholat koq ditempat-tempat umum, jengkang-jengking..MAU SHOLAT ATAU PAMER????

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:42 pm
by cahkangkung
Lho KLOP dong,bukannya di thread:Gaya sholat Ribet,ada netter yang bilang Sholat itu olahraga,beruntung mereka ga pernah olahraga tapi sholat karena fungsinya sama....Kalo gitu sholat juga = ng*nt*t dong? Sama2 cape!

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:51 pm
by Abang Chimp
Dan kalau loe apa, cina gadungan untuk menjelek jelek in bangsa ku???


Ngaca ya mas sebelum ngomongin orang ;)
Ngaca ya mas kalau kamu bukan CINA
Ngaca ya mas kalau kulitmu bukan KUNING
Ngaca ya mas sebelum ngarang cerita
Ngaca ya mas siapa yang bejat

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:12 am
by Cucu Jusuf Estes
udah tahu waktunya sholat, masih aja keluyuran ke a a gym

Re: AS: ruang fitness dipakai sbg ruang solat

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:11 pm
by BerjayalahKebenaran
ada yang bilang kalau 7 rakaat itu olah raga yang melatih otot, jadi sah2 saja menurut saya

Re: AS: ruang fitness dipakai sbg ruang solat

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:42 am
by 1234567890

Sultan is a Jordanian-born Palestinian who wears a veil, who says she came to the US 17 years ago to "avoid intolerance". She said: "We're here in the great United States and for this happening, it truly breaks my heart. You know, things are starting to change backwards, instead of frontward. We need to keep this United States, our country, up on our shoulders. We don't want it to go down."

Perhaps one of the things which is making America "go down" is the attitude of people like Wardeh Sultan and Imad Hamad, who appear to believe that their rights to do whatever they like whenever they like must be respected at all times.

A gymnasium is a gymnasium, and not a mosque. Fitness USA has already modified its dress code to allow Muslim women to attire themselves more "modestly". It should ban Wardeh Sultan for being a deliberate trouble-make
jordanian born palestinian ..... kabur ke usa karena di jordania orang2x nya ga toleran .... dan seudah di usa ... dia yang ga toleran ....
muslim memang hebat dalam hal ngacau
kaum parasit, sampah, dan pecundang

Re: AS: ruang fitness dipakai sbg ruang solat

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:15 pm
by BerjayalahKebenaran
Muslim :halo? tolong kami!! Kami dizolimi oleh zionis..
Hancurkan tempat ibadah non muslim! Di negara mayoritas muskim cepat! Allahuakber..

Muslim negara mayoritas : ini gereja ya?
Kristen : iya, bapak mau ikut?
Muslim : iya tapi saya masuk dengan pasukan saya, pasukan, cepat bakar gereja ini, dan bunuh pendetanya!

Pasukan : alahuakber..!!

Pendeta : mengapa kalian menzolimi kami?

Muslim : karna di negara Amerika,muslim tidak boleh menjadikan tempat fitnes utk sholat. Mati kau! Aluhuakbar!

Re: AS: ruang fitness dipakai sbg ruang solat

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:33 pm
by verdomazeg
Mungkin sebentar lagi, Kamar Mandi di pusat-pusat perbelanjaan akan dijadikan tempat sholat juga. Soalnya kan ada jinnya, muslim kan saudaranya jin :partyman:

Lagian juga muslim sukanya yang jorok-jorok