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No HOMO in Muslim World ?

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:50 am
by ali5196
Pembahasan di : ... php?t=3589 ... a-lesbian/

Anda Gay? Muslim? Kawini lesbian!
Diseluruh dunia dan khususnya di AS, ratusan gay yg MUSLIM mengadakan perkawinan utk membahagiakan orang tua mereka (tak sudi membocorkan homoseksualitas mereka kpd orang tua), alias marriages of convenience–atau MOC- dimana Muslim gay menikahi Muslimah lesbian.

Mansur adalah seorang akuntan di NY dan seorang Muslim taat. Ia tidak makan babi, tidak minum alkohol, solat 5 kali, tapi ia GAY !

Bagi rekan2nya di Wall Street, ia jago cari duit; bagi orang tuanya, ia anak soleh. Namun Mansur juga bagian dari trend yg semakin meningkat yg melakukan MOC.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:51 am
by ali5196

Perlu ditekankan : FFI atau penerjemah sama sekali tidak memiliki sikap apapun atas orientasi seksual manusia. Yang kami ingin tonjolkan disini adalah kemunafikan Muslim bahwa 'Islam satu2nya agama yg berhasil menjamin ahlak moral.'


Situs yg bertebaran di internet : Smear Campaign Against Helem
بدء محاكمة مثليين جنسيا في مصر
Disavowed Homosexualities in Beirut
Egypt's Fearful Gays Shy from HIV Testing
The Eryaman Incidents
Être homo au Maroc
Homosexualités et suicide: témoignages cliniques et contribution au débat à partir du Liban
In a Time of Torture: The Assault on Justice in Egypt’s Crackdown on Homosexual Conduct
Interview with Tariq Ramadan
The Invisible Queer Muslim
Iran's State Murder of Gays
Islam: Waging a Queer Jihad
Living Outside of Society: Palestinian Refugee Rentboys
Q&A: Rauda Morcos
Queen Hussein
Queer Sexuality and Identity in the Qur'an and the Hadith
!!رانيا بارود لإيلاف: لست مثلية... ولكن
Rapid Situation Analysis of Men Who Have Sex with Men in the Maghreb and Lebanon
Sheik Muhsin Hendricks Has Some Answers for Us
Unlocking the Arab Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in Egyptian Film

Books Worth Reading
Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature

I, the Divine: A Novel in First Chapters
Imagined Masculinities: Male Identity and Culture in the Modern Middle East
Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature
Naphtalene: A Novel of Baghdad
رهاب المثلية: مواقف وشهادات
Sex, Longing, and Not Belonging: A Gay Muslim's Quest for Love and Meaning
Sexual Encounters in the Middle East: The British, the French and the Arabs
Sexuality and Eroticism Among Males in Moslem Societies
The Stone of Laughter
Unspeakable Love: Gay and Lesbian Life in the Middle East

"I do not want a crown, I do not want a throne. I only want to rub my forehead in the dust and dance with abandon over the earth. If the Sultan would show me favour, then I might be allowed to dance even upon the winds... Because those who denounce me are not real men in the spiritual sense, they cannot accept love with all its consequences in their hearts. Oh my love, there a thousand snares in every form; oh my love, one who is not a real man can never experience true love!"
-Sufi mystic Akhi Jamshed Rajgiri defending himself before the Sultan of Juanpur

"He who claims that he experiences no desire when looking at beautiful boys or youths is a liar, and if we could believe him, he would be an animal, and not a human being."
-Hanbalite jurist Ibn Al-Jawzi

Terjemahan :
Lelaki mana yg mengaku tidak merasakan birahi saat melihat bocah2 (lelaki) atau lelaki muda cantik adalah seorang pembohong, dan kalau kita bisa percaya dia, ia adalah seekor hewan, bukan manusia.
-Ahli hukum Hanbali, Ibn Al-Jawzi :shock: :shock:

"His mouth graced the cup with his spittle before it met mine,
And the blush of his cheek dimmed a little the red of the wine...
-sung by an old scholar of histutee in an Arabian folktale

Terjemahan :
Mulut lelaki itu menghiasi mangkok dgn bibir merah darahnya sebelum bibir itu bertemu dgn bibir saya,
Dan merah pipunya mengaburkan warna merah anggur ... (anggur ??? loh, bukannya haram ?? Bibir merah darah sih nggak haram yah !)
--dinyanyikan oleh seorang ahli ... (?) dlm cerita folklore Arab :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

"He showed himself in shirt of white,
With eyes and eyelids languor-digit.
Quoth I, 'Doss pass and greet me not?
Though were thy greeting a delight?
Blest He who clothed in rose thy cheeks,
Creates what wills He by His might!'
Quoth he, 'Leave prate, for sure my Lord
Of works is wondrous infinite:
My garment's like my face and luck;
All three are white on white on white.'"
-Abu Nuwas about a beauteous youth in 1001 Nights

To a beautiful youth on pilgrimage to Mecca
(Kpd seorang pemuda ganteng saat umroh ke Mekah) :lol:

You who have left to visit the ancient House,
And abandoned me here, hostage to sadness;
One last visit before departing,
Would not that have been better?

You go on pilgrimage to follow the precepts,
But that doesn't at all keep you
From putting a Moslem to death!
May I be your ransom! Rather than wander
The roads of the pilgrim,
Better you should spare Allah's creatures.
-15th century poet Muhammad Al-Nawaji, or Shams al-Din

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:53 am
by ali5196
MESIR : perlakuan terhdp kaum gay.


ahhhh ... damainya Islam ...

A British television programme, broadcast on 7 August, claimed that Iraqi militia with direct links to the Government are targeting gay men in Baghdad. It also showed shocking photographs which document just a few cases of what is believed to be a widescale killing programme.

The photographs above show, left, the killing of suspected gay men in Ramadi and, right, the dead body of 38-year-old Karar Oda from Sadr City, kidnapped and killed in June by militia forces allied to the Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution in Iraq, the country's largest political party. Oda's body was burned and dumped by the roadside and was found ten days after his family were presented with a warrant signed by the interior ministry, which stated bluntly that their son had been executed for homosexuality.

LIHAT FOTO2 MENGERIKAN melibatkan penggantungan REMAJA2 Irak DI :


Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:44 am
by ali5196 ... D=SP117006

Seorang muslim mengatakan, di TUNISIA, pasangan homosexual menikmati kebebasan yg lebih besar ketimbang pasangan heterosexual.
"Lebih mudah bagi pasangan homo utk menikmati kehidupan sex bebas nikmat, karena lelaki bisa hidup bersama, travel bersama, dan bahkan berdua2an dlm sebuah kamar di hotel. Ini sama sekali tidak dilarang. Sementara pasangan hetero, wah... revot !"

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:04 am
by ali5196

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:19 am
by ali5196 ... y_and.html

May 5, 2006


Begitu UU 'perkawinan' sipil (civil partnership) berlaku bulan Desember lalu, dua lesbian datang ke kantor pendaftaran setempat utk bersumpah setia. Keduanya Muslim, dan keduanya berjilbab.

:shock: :shock:

Dr Zaki Badawi, pakar Islam ternama yg wafat belum lama ini pernah mengatakan kpd sebuah majalah: "Homosexualitas sudah eksis lama dan akan terus eksis dlm semua negara Islam ... BANYAK PEJABAT TINGGI DUNIA ISLAM ADALAH GAY."

Ia mengatakan bahwa "masy Muslim tidak dapat menyembunyikan masalah gay dan lesbian dibawah karpet".


Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:17 pm
by ali5196 ... 9&zoneid=4

24 October 2006


The leading imam in Manchester, confirms that he thinks the execution of sexually active gay men is justified, the rights group Outrage reported.

Arshad Misbahi of the Manchester Central Mosque confirmed his views in a conversation to John Casson, a local psychotherapist.

Casson said: "I asked him if the execution of gay Muslims in Iran and Iraq was an acceptable punishment in Sharia law, or the result of culture, not religion.

"He told me that in a true Islamic state, such punishments were part of Islam: If the person had had a trial, at which four witnesses testified that they had seen the actual homosexual acts."

"I asked him what would be the British Muslim view? He repeated that in an Islamic state these punishments were justified. They might result in the deaths of thousands but if this deterred millions from having sex, and spreading disease, then it was worthwhile to protect the wider community."

"I checked again that this was not a matter of tradition, culture or local prejudice. 'No,' he said, 'It is part of the central tenets of Islam: that sex outside marriage is forbidden; this is stated in the Koran and the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had stated that these punishments were due to such behaviours.'"

Gay man rights campaigner Peter Tatchell said, "It is disturbing that some British imams are endorsing the execution of gay and lesbian Muslims.

"Imam Arshad Misbahi's homophobic attitudes give comfort and succor to queer-bashers. They encourage conflict and disharmony between Manchester's large gay and Muslim communities.

"Muslim and gay people know the pain of prejudice and discrimination. We should be working together to challenge homophobia and Islamophobia. I hope liberal Muslims will speak out in defense of the human rights of lesbians and gay men," said Tatchell.

Adnan Ali, founder of the British branch of al-Fatiha, an organisation for gay and lesbian Muslims, told that "a person with such an obsession about execution of human beings is not even entitled to be addressed as Imam."

"Islam is a very tolerant religion and celebrates the human diversity in its core message," Ali said. :lol: :lol: :lol:

"The holy book Qur'an does not mention anywhere about the execution or killing of human beings on the basis of their sexuality. What surprises is this obsession of the Islamic clerics to killing and execution. Why? What about dialogue? Discussion? (YAH ! MUSLIM SILAHKAN SALING DEBAT ! KAFIR CUMA NONTON ! :lol: :lol: )

"Arshad Misbahi's comparison of same-sex relation to adultery is nothing but ignorant and utterly irresponsible rhetoric, manifesting the wrong teachings of Islam. The media should . . . not take it for granted as the general view of the Muslim community all over."

(bingung yah ? Muslim saja tidak mengerti ajarannya sendiri ... gimana kafir ? Terus heran lagi semakin banyak Muslim yg murtad.)

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:25 pm
by ali5196

Putera Mahkota Qatar GAY, demikian Aljazeera
Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi, pakar Islam ternama yg bermarkas di Qatar menuntut agar ia DIBUNUH !


Putera Mahkota Qatar yg GAY !!

Peluk cium : Yusuf Qaradawi yg sedang dipeluk Walikota London, Ken Livingstone, sobat dekatnya yg mengundangnya berkali2 ke London.
Ken menganggap Qaradawi sbg 'suara Islam moderat dan progresif.'

Tuduhan terhdp putera mahkota Qatar ini muncul dlm majalah Timur Tengah, Aljazeera. Aljazeera mengutip Dr Qaradawi sbg mengatakan:
"Para pakar Islam, spt Malik, Ash-Shafi`i, Ahmad dan Ishaaq mengatakan bahwa orang yg bersalah karena tindak kriminal ini HARUS DIRAJAM sampai mati, terlepas dari ia menikah atau tidak."

Menurut Aljazeera, keputusan Dr Qaradawi ini menanggapi tuduhan bahwa putera mahkota Qatar berusia 25 thn, Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani, terlihat pada sebuah gay night club populer di London, G.A.Y. Namun Pangeran dan partner lelakinya, Michael Heard, dilarang mendatangi
G.A.Y. selama sebulan akibat cekcok fisik.

"Dr Qaradawi nampak mendukung pembunuhan seseorang di UK. Justru INI yg merupakan tindakan kriminal," kata badan pembela hak2 gay, OutRage! "Kami sangat kaget bahwa Mayor Livingstone masih juga mendukungya."

Aljazeera melaporkan bahwa, juga mendukung eksekusi sang Putera Mahkota, mengutip pernyataan nabi:

"Siapapun yg kau temui yg melakukan dosa rakyat Lut, BUNUH MEREKA, baik pihak yg melakukannya dan pihak yg dilakukannya (lelaki yg disodomi." (At-Tirmidhi: 1376)

Di Qatar, hukuman bagi tindakan homosexualitas hanya penjara 5 - 10 tahun.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:44 pm
by ali5196
Kaum Gay Palestina merasa LEBIH AMAN DI ISRAEL !

A number of gay Palestinian men are risking their lives to cross the border into Israel, claiming they feel safer among Israelis than their own people.

According to some estimates, there are now 300 gay Palestinian men secretly living and working in Israel.

Their willingness to live there - despite the risk of being detained and deported as a security threat - is due to Palestinian attitudes towards gay men, they claim.

One 22-year-old gay man who fled from Gaza into Israel four years ago told BBC World Service's Outlook programme he was almost killed when his family found out about his sexuality. ...

Shaul Gonen, of Israel's main gay rights lobbying group, Agudah, told Outlook that under international law Israel is obliged to offer asylum to those that seek it. But, he says, it can refuse if the applicants are from an area the state is in conflict with.

In practice, Palestinian gays end up being placed under virtual house arrest because of the fear that they may be potential suicide bombers.

"They are unable to find proper help," said Mr Gonen. "Everybody blames them for being something dangerous.

"The Palestinians say if you are gay, you must be a collaborator, while the Israelis treat you as a security threat."

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:07 am
by ali5196
Mantan teroris Wahabi di Irak mengaku GAY ... ed&search=

Si mantan imam ini mengaku telah didepak dari mesjid karena ketahuan melakukan gay sex. (Lihat video bagian akhir)

Kejahatan lainnya : membunuh polisi dan Pengawal Nasional Irak agar mendapatkan jabatan Emir (imam di mesjid) dan US $1500 dari Salafi.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 11:17 pm
by salju surga
kalau kapan kapan ada yang punya waktu luang jalan jalan ke hong kong saya akan kasih tunjuk tempat lesbian anak anak indonesia yng notabene muslim....

iam waiting for you guys...mereka bahkan udah menikah secara muslim...sayang sekali koran yang memuat perkawinan mereka tidak salju simpan... :roll:

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:56 am
by Phoenix
Mau tahu yg gay lagi..hahaha..ternyata si ahmadibejat juga gay...
atau tepatnya bisex:


Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 2:01 am
by zainab
Phoenix wrote:Mau tahu yg gay lagi..hahaha..ternyata si ahmadibejat juga gay...
atau tepatnya bisex:


mang kalo dah *** dr sononya tetep aja *** ... mas tuh budaya salamnya mereka, presiden Iran itu pas keindonesia juga salaman begitu sama SBY..... trus loe mendefinisikan SBY itu jg gay/bisex dong?

gw kasih tau SBY lohhhhh, biar forum hina itu ditutup aja....
saya bangga presiden saya adalah seorang MUSLIM .....

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 7:08 am
by Phoenix
zainab wrote:
mang kalo dah *** dr sononya tetep aja *** ... mas tuh budaya salamnya mereka, presiden Iran itu pas keindonesia juga salaman begitu sama SBY..... trus loe mendefinisikan SBY itu jg gay/bisex dong?

gw kasih tau SBY lohhhhh, biar forum hina itu ditutup aja....
saya bangga presiden saya adalah seorang MUSLIM .....
Ibu zainab yang pintar,

Budaya berpelukan dan berciuman saat bertemu dan berpisah juga ada di daerah Barat. Tetapi sering kaliam menghakimi kalau itu bverhubungan dgn sex.

nah satu lagi. Cara menyalami dgn berciuman, syaa tahu. tapi kalau udah sampe pake bibir monyong terus mata ditutup sambil membayangi apa gitu..dan dilakukan dgn sesama jenis, ya itu sudah pasti mengarah kepada sex.

Silahkan kasih tahu SBY, president boneka yang kaga bisa ape-ape...Untung gue kaga milih die..hehehe...

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 7:45 am
by Sashimi
gua kasih poskard buat jainab deh, di jamin langsung tertarik masuk dunia gay...palagi si jainab kan suka keliling dunia, pasti paling tau dari kita2 soal parade ini

ImagePride Parade - London

atau yang ini aja deh,

Imagesiapa namanya yach nih kakek pake baju imam, kok hot banget sampe di pegangin dagunya

atau yang ini, pemenang kontes kecantikan

ImageNedim Hasanbegovic was the first Muslim to win a Mr Gay pageant. He became Mr Gay Norway in 2004.

kalo di negara islam nasibnya kayak gini

ImageIranian gay lovers, one 18 and one 16, 19 July 2005, Mashad, Iran.

yang ini baru di curigain loh..., belum terbukti

ImageAt least three men suspected of being gay were gunned down March 20 in the Iraqi city of Ramadi. U.S. forces say they are concerned about the rising number of anti-gay killings in Iraq. (Photo by Bilal Hussein/AP)

pertanyaan cerdas hari ini

kalo zainab seorang gay, mending tinggal di mana?, di negara islam? atau negara kafir?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 1:04 am
by jhony_williamson ... oslem.html


Most Muslim males are noticeably feminine, in spite of their beards and guns. It is common all over the Middle East to see two males walking hand-in-hand. And what other belief system demands the faithful to pray five times a day with his butt in the air, as if inviting his god to sodomize him?


Although their belief system forbids homosexuality, they do it whenever they think they can get away with it. But it is promised in the hero's afterlife.
It isn't at all far-fetched to see their bravery as an attempt to leave a usually impoverished, sexually repressed and miserable Earth life for an eternity of whoopee with other males. All their courage could mask the fact that they are simply desperately horney for boys, not to mention, gullible.

So here is my plan to defeat the Taliban. Let the CIA print millions of leaflets showing photos of the most graphic homosexual acts. Prominent on the leaflet would be a message in the simplest Arabic, since most Muslims can barely read, if at all, "Fight the Great Satan and become martyrs. Allah will then grant you an eternity of delight".

Millions of such leaflets dropped over Afghanistan would have a great demoralizing effect on the Taliban.


Pornography is forbidden in the world of Islam. Most Muslims have never seen any. So a Taliban member would be treated to either a trauma or a turn-on.

The death penalty would be imposed on anyone keeping one. They would be gathered up and destroyed, except for those given to Osama and his lieutenants to paper the walls of their caves.

This psychological warfare would cause these boastful butterflies to turn on one another. The various factions would accuse each other of not being so courageous or idealistic as wanting to get to Paradise and have it on with guys.

I'm not sure what names they call each other relating to homosexuality. But in the movie, "Lawrence Of Arabia", Omar Sharif calls another Arab, "thou tulip".

In that case, there are more tulips in Afghanistan than in Holland.

Of course, some would protest that they were too normal; that they were willing to die to get at those dark-eyed houris, perpetual virgins.

I can't see perpetual virginity as an asset.

An inadequate male wants a virgin so as to hide his lack of skill at lovemaking. A primitive wants a virgin so as to insure that any child from their union will be his.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:12 pm
by ali5196
HOMBRENGS ? group sex-yara and fadel ... ed&search=

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:53 pm
by ali5196
Inside Iran's Secret Gay World 1 of 3 ... ed&search=

Inside Iran's Secret Gay World 2 of 3 ... ed&search=

Inside Iran's Secret Gay World 3 of 3 ... ed&search=

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:18 pm
by ali5196
PESTA2 GAY SEX di AFGHANISTAN ! :lol: :lol: :lol: ... gesix_.htm


July 7, 2007 -- Michael Luongo menulis buku "Gay Travels in the Muslim World" (Perjalanan utk Kaum Gay di DUNIA MUSLIM -Harrington Park Press). Bukunya ini mengumbar ttg homosexualitas di Timur Tengah, termasuk Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Bangladesh, Turkey dan Saudi Arabia, dgn sambutan oleh Afdhere Jama, pendiri majalah gay Muslim pertama di dunia. Katanya, jumlah gay Muslim paling tidak sampai 150 juta.

Luongo juga menulis ttg action man-on-man di Afghanistan. :lol: :lol:

Katanya: "Lelaki Afghan melewati hidup berat, suka senapan dan suka membunuh tapi belum pernah lihat wanita telanjang."

Ia merasa bahwa hukum segregasi Islam yg ketat membuat GAY SEX lebih merajalela daripada di Barat. :wink:

Ia berharap bahwa bukunya tidak akan dikenai fatwa. Sejauh ini belon, mungkin karena para imam SETUJU dan suka sekali dgn man to man action !

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:21 pm
by ali5196 ... out-movie/
October 20, 2006

MUSLIMAH GAY asal Maroko di Belgia membocorkan ia gay dgn sebuah film. Bayangkan reaksi keluarganya ! :lol: :lol: :lol: