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KARAKTER TIRAN: Muhamad, Hitler & Stalin

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 5:22 am
by ali5196


Oleh Ahmed Simon

... Data/riset menunjukkan bahwa sifat orang tergantung dari orang tua. Kriminal biasanya, hanmpir selalu datang dari keluarga 'broken home'.
jadi kita bisa berasumsi bawha masa pembentukan karakter dalam 20 tahun pertama menetapkan arah hidup kita selanjutnya.

Nah, Hitler, Muhammad and Stalin:
-kesemuanya kehilangan ayah mereka saat usia muda. Juga ibu2 mereka. (Muhamad tidak pernah melihat ayahnya. Malah dikabarkan, ayahnya meninggalkan ibunya saat mengandung. Ibu Muhamad kemudian meninggalkan bayi Muhamad dgn saudaranya dan tinggal di kota lain. Iapun mati saat Muhamad berusia 4 th). Disini kelihatan bahwa dari ketiga tiran itu, masa kecil Muhamad nampak paling menyedihkan.
Kakeknya yang mengadopsinya juga mati. Muhamad kecil nampak ketiban takdir jelek melulu: Ayah, ibu, kakek, lalu pamannya juga ...
Mungkinkah, karena ia tidak pernah merasakan cinta kasih ia juga tidak dapat memberinya kepada orang lain ?

Ketiga2nya ( M, S & H) mengalami masa kecil tidak bahagia. Stalin dan Hitler memiliki ayah kejam yang juga memperlakukan ibu mereka dgn keras. Kita tidak memiliki rekor sejarah bgm ayah Muhamad memperlakukan ibunya, tetapi mengingat tradisi Arab tidak heran kalau ia juga tidak menunjukkan cinta kasih kpd isterinya. Ingat
Sura 4:34 ? Bukan hal aneh dalam tradisi Arab utk memukul isteri mereka kalau tidak patuh.

Ketiganya datang dari keluarga pas-pasan. Muhamad adalah pegawai wanita kaya yang kemudian menjadi isteri pertamanya. dan hanya setelah isterinya mati, ia kaya mendadak dan sanggup berlaku spt penguasa - sebuah langkah jitu ?).
Ketiganya tidak menerima pendidikan memadai. Disini juga, Muhamad yg paling jelek nasibnya ketimbang lainnya, baca maupun tulis saja tidak bisa – buta huruf total !

Ketiganya semasa remaja harus kerja keras. Ketiga2nya menyibukkan diri dgn agama. Ketiga2nya ditolak oleh penguasa agama mereka selama hidup mereka.

Ketiganya kasar terhdp wanita.


Ketiganya tidak pernah mengakui salah, bahkan saat bukti menganga didepan muka mereka.

Ketiganya yakin wanita kurang memiliki otak

Ketiganya memiliki hubungan tidak normal dgn wanita.

Ketiganya tidak menyukai anak2.

Ketiganya pernah coba bunuh diri, paling tidak sekali.

Ketiganya menunjukkan kebiadaban sesuai dgn keinginan mereka.

Ketiganya egois, tidak kenal ampun dan tidak logis.

Ketiganya menyuruh pengikut melakukan pekerjaan satanik mereka.

Ketiganya tidak malu2 utk bohong.

Jalan pikir mereka luar biasa kejam.

Ketiganya sangat licik dan menggunakan kekerasan sbg cara mencapai

Ketiganya tidak dapat dipercaya; mereka memutuskan perjanjian damai yang mereka tandatangani sendiri. Dgn kata lain, mereka tidak memiliki prinisip sedikitpun.

Ketiganya tidak memiliki respek terhdp nyawa manusia dan nilai2 manusiawi.

Mereka penuh dendam, bahkan sampai akhir hayat mereka.

Mereka tidak sedikitpun menunjukkan penyesalan, bahkan sampai hembusan nafas terakhir mereka.

Ketiganya menyalahgunakan kekuasaan dan menanamkan ketakutan dalam hati pengikut.

Tidak ragu2 untuk mencuri.

Ketiganya terlibat affair seksual dgn wanita yg tidak mereka nikahi. Tapi dlm bidang inii Muhamad yang paling jago.

Ketiganya tanpa malu2 memanfaatkan kerja/perbudakan orang lain.

Mencurigai orang2 mereka sendiri,

Ketiga2nya meminjam dari sejarah untk membenarkan tindakan mereka.

Ketiganya naik ke tampuk pimpinan dgn manipulasi dan kekerasan.

Ketiganya menjadi tiran saat memegan kekuasaan dan darah jutaan orang ada di tangan mereka.

Ketiganya membunuh orang2 yg paling dekat dgn mereka (isteri, pacar)

Ketiganya rasis dalam arti ekstrim.

Ketiganya membenci YAHUDI (nahh ! ketahuan KARMA ! Siapa yg bunuh
Yahudi pd akhirnya akan masuk neraka !) dan membunuh jutaan Yahudi.

Ketiganya menghancurkan negara mereka dan negara2 lain dalam perang.

Ketiganya membunuh lelaki, anak2 dan perempuan tidak bersalah.

Ketiganya mengaku ditakdirkan bagi kejayaan, tetapi pada akhirnya terkenal karena kekejaman.

Ketiganya mati dalam keadaan mengenaskan. Disini juga Muhamad paling top dgn mengalami siksaan badan akibat racun selama 2 ½ th.
Yang lainnya mati dgn cepat tetapi juga mengalami siksaan mental dalam hari2 terakhir mereka. Hanya Stalin yang memiliki kuburan.

Ketiganya meninggalkan sejarah yang membuat orang muak dan sampai kapanpun perbuatan merkea yagn biadab dan kejam tidak akan terlupakan.

Dari fakta2 ini anda bisa lihat sendiri persamaan antara ketiganya. Mungkinkah masa lalu mereka yang kurang bahagia mengakibatkan kekejaman dalam tabiat mereka

Ini peringatan sejarah. Kalau kita tidak mempelajari sejarah dan mengakui keberadaan sifat2 ini dalam orang2/pemimpin2 kita, maka sejarah akan terulang kembali.

Sebarkan ini kesebanyak mungkin orang. Terima kasih.

For more information or comments, write to [email protected]

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:21 pm
by ali18115
Did you realize that iblis and ali sina (fuk) share a lot in common. We already know that they are close friends but that can only come from the same litter (figure of speech). Lets not dwell to much on the instinct of a devil as most of you are familiar with and what of history when both iblis and ali sina (fuk) are still among us “living”. So let cut it short and go to the similarities :

Both are from unknown fathers i.e. bastards.
Both are from unknown mothers, probably son of bitches.
Both had a very miserable childhood.
Both had a very miserable youth. (ali sina upbringing is full of paranoia and fantasizing)
Both came from not well-to-do families. (ali sina lied and lick his way thru in getting suppot and anonymous funding)
Both did not have a wholesome good education (Here again, ali sina was the worst between the two since was thrown out of school mostly.)
Both struggled in life through youth.
Both dabbled with religion some time in their lives
Both are rejected in religion during their lifetime.
Both are abusive to women and men.
Both are arrogant and never accepted the truth.
Both never admitted to their wrong/mistakes, even when clear evidence was staring at their faces.
Both think of women and men as lacking in intelligence.
Both ridiculous and absurd relationships with women and men.
Both are not compassionate with Children.
Both suggested suicide, at least once.
Both use their barbaric and savage side of foul lanuages, whenever it suited them.
Both are selfish, ruthless and illogical.
Both use many other men as slaves to carry out their evil deeds.
Both lied through their noses.
Both are very extraordinarily vicious-minded.
Both are very cunning and use lies and decietes as a means to achieve what they want.
Both are were untrustworthy. (It goes to show that you cannot believe ill-nurtured people, no matter what they say or do. Their word could be as elastic as they want it to be. In other words, they are all without principles.)
Both have no respect, for human lives and freedom or had humane values.
Both are very vengeful.
Both are never remorseful even till the end.
Both have no history of great compassion.
Both self-centred and egotistic.
Both commanded huge forces of evil blinded men.
Both abuse their powers and sent fear around them.
Both stole ideas from others.
Both generally, had no human conscience.
Both had sexual affairs with women men, who were not married to them by force.
Both unashamedly enjoy/benefit from the labour of others.
Both are always fearful and suspicious of those close to them and even towards their own supporters and associates.
Both of them borrowed from past history, to justify their actions.
Both rose up in life through cruel and inhumane ways.
Both had become think they are tyrants when in power and had ‘others’ human blood in their hands’.
Both don’t wants anybody close to them, either for being a coward, paranoid or killed.
Both are were racists in the very extreme.
Both love zionist Jews and had them licked in large numbers.
Both wants to sent the whole world into turmoil and war i.e. war mongers, hate mongers.
Both wants many innocent men, women and children killed or be killed.
Both claim that they were destined for greatness, but actually ended up being notorious for their misdeeds.
Both are still alive and think that they will live forever.
Both histories and lies turn one’s stomach with revulsion and are sickening to any civilised human being, to even imagine their inhuman lives.
Both are of the worst example of a evil being, who ever walked this earth.
Both will be remembered in akhirat, for their despicable lies, dastardly, inhuman, barbaric, savage and cruel ideas.

From these facts, one can see the similarities in the characters and behaviors, of the two, namely iblis and ali sina (fuk). Both had almost non-existent parental nurturing. All three were ABSOLUTE EVIL. The similarities among them are a stark paradox to their claims.

History will forever keep warning the world of such barbaric and inhuman savages, who ever walked this earth. History will also remind this civilised world of the lessons learnt from the past, so that history will not repeat itself.

Dear Readers, please send this article to as many people as you can, so that they will be informed. Thank you.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:31 pm
by ali5196
hahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: hilarious ! AD H0MINEM ni yeee ??

Did Ali Sina kill anybody ? no
Did he order the killing of non-Ali Sina believers ? no
Thinks that Killing non-Ali Sina believers will get you into Ali Sina heaven ? no !
Supports the killing of those who criticize him ? no
Slept with little girls ? no
RAPED women ? no (hope not !) Cos he wld be in jail by now
Kept slaves ? no
Slept with slaves ? see above
Hate Yahudi ? no
Call Kresten Kafir ? No
Hate Muslims ? No ! He PITIES THEM !
Raided caravans ? No
Declared himself prophet ? no
Wants riches ? no
Use lies ? Definitely not
Tried to commit suicide ? Maybe in Muslims' minds. HOW THEY WISH !
Unhappy childhood ? Well, being brought up in Iran by Muslims cannot be
a picnic
Thinks women are deficient in intelligence and religion ? no
Thinks heaven is orgy with 72 virgins ? no
Thinks Muslims are telling and selling lies ? YES !

dsb dsb

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:43 pm
by ali18115
hahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: hilarious ! Ad hominem ni yeee ??

Tahu Nabi Muhammad SAW aja nggak, tapi asumsi melulu. Anybody criticizing ali sina (fuk) must be = extremely funny ... hehehehe ...

Mod. Jangan dihapus yg tsb diatas. I'll leave it there for anyone to see jalannya logika kafir ini, if I were you.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:45 pm
by ali5196


Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:47 pm
by ali5196

Did you realize that iblis and ali 8115 (fuk) share a lot in common. We already know that they are close friends but that can only come from the same litter (figure of speech). Lets not dwell to much on the instinct of a devil as most of you are familiar with and what of history when both iblis and ALI8115 (fuk) are still among us “living”. So let cut it short and go to the similarities :

Both are from unknown fathers i.e. bastards.
Both are from unknown mothers, probably son of bitches.
Both had a very miserable childhood.
Both had a very miserable youth. (ali 8115 upbringing is full of paranoia and fantasizing)
Both came from not well-to-do families. (ali 8115 lied and lick his way thru in getting suppot and anonymous funding)
Both did not have a wholesome good education (Here again, ali sina was the worst between the two since was thrown out of school mostly.)
Both struggled in life through youth.
Both dabbled with religion some time in their lives
Both are rejected in religion during their lifetime.
Both are abusive to women and men.
Both are arrogant and never accepted the truth.
Both never admitted to their wrong/mistakes, even when clear evidence was staring at their faces.
Both think of women and men as lacking in intelligence.
Both ridiculous and absurd relationships with women and men.
Both are not compassionate with Children.
Both suggested suicide, at least once.
Both use their barbaric and savage side of foul lanuages, whenever it suited them.
Both are selfish, ruthless and illogical.
Both use many other men as slaves to carry out their evil deeds.
Both lied through their noses.
Both are very extraordinarily vicious-minded.
Both are very cunning and use lies and decietes as a means to achieve what they want.
Both are were untrustworthy. (It goes to show that you cannot believe ill-nurtured people, no matter what they say or do. Their word could be as elastic as they want it to be. In other words, they are all without principles.)
Both have no respect, for human lives and freedom or had humane values.
Both are very vengeful.
Both are never remorseful even till the end.
Both have no history of great compassion.
Both self-centred and egotistic.
Both commanded huge forces of evil blinded men.
Both abuse their powers and sent fear around them.
Both stole ideas from others.
Both generally, had no human conscience.
Both had sexual affairs with women men, who were not married to them by force.
Both unashamedly enjoy/benefit from the labour of others.
Both are always fearful and suspicious of those close to them and even towards their own supporters and associates.
Both of them borrowed from past history, to justify their actions.
Both rose up in life through cruel and inhumane ways.
Both had become think they are tyrants when in power and had ‘others’ human blood in their hands’.
Both don’t wants anybody close to them, either for being a coward, paranoid or killed.
Both are were racists in the very extreme.
Both love zionist Jews and had them licked in large numbers.
Both wants to sent the whole world into turmoil and war i.e. war mongers, hate mongers.
Both wants many innocent men, women and children killed or be killed.
Both claim that they were destined for greatness, but actually ended up being notorious for their misdeeds.
Both are still alive and think that they will live forever.
Both histories and lies turn one’s stomach with revulsion and are sickening to any civilised human being, to even imagine their inhuman lives.
Both are of the worst example of a evil being, who ever walked this earth.
Both will be remembered in akhirat, for their despicable lies, dastardly, inhuman, barbaric, savage and cruel ideas.

From these facts, one can see the similarities in the characters and behaviors, of the two, namely iblis and ali 8115 (fuk). Both had almost non-existent parental nurturing. All three were ABSOLUTE EVIL. The similarities among them are a stark paradox to their claims.

History will forever keep warning the world of such barbaric and inhuman savages, who ever walked this earth. History will also remind this civilised world of the lessons learnt from the past, so that history will not repeat itself.

Dear Readers, please send this article to as many people as you can, so that they will be informed. Thank you.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:53 pm
by ali18115

Did you realize that iblis and ali 8115 (fuk) share a lot in common. We already know that they are close friends but that can only come from the same litter (figure of speech). Lets not dwell to much on the instinct of a devil as most of you are familiar with and what of history when both iblis and ALI8115 (fuk) are still among us “living”. So let cut it short and go to the similarities :

Both are from unknown fathers i.e. bastards.
Both are from unknown mothers, probably son of bitches.
Both had a very miserable childhood.
Both had a very miserable youth. (ali 8115 upbringing is full of paranoia and fantasizing)
Both came from not well-to-do families. (ali 8115 lied and lick his way thru in getting suppot and anonymous funding)
Both did not have a wholesome good education (Here again, ali sina was the worst between the two since was thrown out of school mostly.)
Both struggled in life through youth.
Both dabbled with religion some time in their lives
Both are rejected in religion during their lifetime.
Both are abusive to women and men.
Both are arrogant and never accepted the truth.
Both never admitted to their wrong/mistakes, even when clear evidence was staring at their faces.
Both think of women and men as lacking in intelligence.
Both ridiculous and absurd relationships with women and men.
Both are not compassionate with Children.
Both suggested suicide, at least once.
Both use their barbaric and savage side of foul lanuages, whenever it suited them.
Both are selfish, ruthless and illogical.
Both use many other men as slaves to carry out their evil deeds.
Both lied through their noses.
Both are very extraordinarily vicious-minded.
Both are very cunning and use lies and decietes as a means to achieve what they want.
Both are were untrustworthy. (It goes to show that you cannot believe ill-nurtured people, no matter what they say or do. Their word could be as elastic as they want it to be. In other words, they are all without principles.)
Both have no respect, for human lives and freedom or had humane values.
Both are very vengeful.
Both are never remorseful even till the end.
Both have no history of great compassion.
Both self-centred and egotistic.
Both commanded huge forces of evil blinded men.
Both abuse their powers and sent fear around them.
Both stole ideas from others.
Both generally, had no human conscience.
Both had sexual affairs with women men, who were not married to them by force.
Both unashamedly enjoy/benefit from the labour of others.
Both are always fearful and suspicious of those close to them and even towards their own supporters and associates.
Both of them borrowed from past history, to justify their actions.
Both rose up in life through cruel and inhumane ways.
Both had become think they are tyrants when in power and had ‘others’ human blood in their hands’.
Both don’t wants anybody close to them, either for being a coward, paranoid or killed.
Both are were racists in the very extreme.
Both love zionist Jews and had them licked in large numbers.
Both wants to sent the whole world into turmoil and war i.e. war mongers, hate mongers.
Both wants many innocent men, women and children killed or be killed.
Both claim that they were destined for greatness, but actually ended up being notorious for their misdeeds.
Both are still alive and think that they will live forever.
Both histories and lies turn one’s stomach with revulsion and are sickening to any civilised human being, to even imagine their inhuman lives.
Both are of the worst example of a evil being, who ever walked this earth.
Both will be remembered in akhirat, for their despicable lies, dastardly, inhuman, barbaric, savage and cruel ideas.

From these facts, one can see the similarities in the characters and behaviors, of the two, namely iblis and ali 8115 (fuk). Both had almost non-existent parental nurturing. All three were ABSOLUTE EVIL. The similarities among them are a stark paradox to their claims.

History will forever keep warning the world of such barbaric and inhuman savages, who ever walked this earth. History will also remind this civilised world of the lessons learnt from the past, so that history will not repeat itself.

Dear Readers, please send this article to as many people as you can, so that they will be informed. Thank you.

You missed a few ali sina (fuk) in there. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 1:24 am
by ali5196
change them for me will ya, since you're the author, ali8115 (sud)* short for s*** ur d*** :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:18 am
by ali18115
Yeah rite, whatever. As long as my posting stays.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:06 pm
by shoeslover
(Lagi-lagi) Refresh Thread
Harap Maklum gw Baru Sebulan disini, masih harus banyak Ngubek2 FFI Biar tambah Pengalaman.

Saya Tambahkan Satu orang Tokoh yg mirip ama Bang Momed...yaitu Hong Xiuquan,.....
Sebenarnya Artikel ini pernah di post oleh salah satu Netter senior disini ( Thanx to MuridMurtad )...tapi Thread-nya ngga ada yg bales Posting.....dan akhirnya ketemu sama gw,.trus gw masukin disini aja numpang di Thread-nya bang Ali

Psikhotik yang menerima Wahyu.
Hong Xiuquan (1814-1864) , anak petani, yang berambisi tatapi selalu gagal ujian sarjana Konghucu. Dalam keadaan tertekan. Hong tergelincir dalam kondis psikhotik. Hong bermimpi diangkat (Miraj) ke Surga. Di surga Hong bertemu dengan seorang berjenggot panjang berwarna emas dan seorang anak manusia yang mengindentifikasikan diri sebagai saudara tua Hong. Dua orang memberikan pedang dan memerintahkan untuk mebunuh setan-setan.

Terpengaruh Kristen.
Jikalau Muhammad terpengaruh Judaism dan Kristen dan sering mensejajarkan diri (bahkan lebih besar) dengan Isa, Hong terpengaruh ketika ia melihat traktat Kristen. Ia langsung menyamakan saudara tua dalam mimpinya sebagai Yesus, dan dia sendiri merasa sebagai saudaranya Yesus.

Mulai beropposisi dengan tradisi sekelilingnya.
Hong kemudian terpanggil untuk menghancurkan kuil-kuil berhala, menentang prostitusi, perjudian, alcohol. Meskipun ia mendapatkan beberapa pengikut tetapi ia pada tahun 1844 diusir dari kampungnya.

Berpindah tempat.
Muhamamd kerena ditolak di Mekkah, pergi meminta perlindungan Abbysinian, kemudian juga Hijrah ke Madinah, di Medinah ia bisa lebih diterima. Sementara Hong pergi ke Barat mengunjungi propinsi Guang Xi, dimana di sana ajarannya bisa lebih diterima.

Memberantas penyembahan berhala.
Di Guang Xi yang kacau, Hong mulai memaksakan ajarannya yang juga seperti Islam yaitu memberantas berhala, perjudian, alcohol, pelacuran, kekerasan, dan candu.

Menerima wahyu secara rutin.
Sama seperti Muhamad, yang keputusannya didasarkan pada wahyu, keputusan Hong tergantung dari wahyu yang diterimanya.

Kelompok yang sujud pada Allah (Bai Shangdi Hui)
Kalu Muhammad menyebut kelompoknya sebagai Islam (yang berserah pada Allah) maka Hong menyebut kelompoknya ‘ yang sujud (Bai) pada Allah (ShangDi)’.

Teologi Tuhan Pemarah dengan “Reward & Punish”
Sama seperti ajaran Muhammad yang dipengaruhi Judaism, dengan prinsip pahala bagi yang taat dan neraka bagi yang menentang, serta gambaran Tuhan dalam Quran yang pemarah, maka ajaran Hong juga berkaitan erat dengan gambaran ‘Tuhan Perjanjian Lama’ yang pemarah dan menghukum pendosa serta memberi pahala bagi yang taat.

Doyan Perempuan dan tidak konsisten.
Meskipun Muhammad mengajarkan pengikutnya untuk beristri empat saja, tapi untuk dirinya Muhammad beistri lebih dari empat. Hong, yang menganjurkan monogamy dan kesetaraan pria dan wanita, ia sendiri disinyalir mempunyai 88 gundik!

Seperti juga Muhammad, Hitler dan Stalin, perjuangan Hong juga diwarnai dengan semangat rasis.

Mengobarkan Api Peperangan.
Seperti Muhammad dan Hitler, dalam menyebarkan ajarannya Hong mendapat resistensi kuat. Resistensi itu dibalas dengan kekerasan militeristik, sehingga mengobarkan api peperangan.

Pembunuhan massal.
Kalau Muhamamd melakukan pembunuhan massal terhadap Yahudi di Kaybar, maka Hong pun melakukan hal yang sama. Sekitar 20,000 pengikut Yang Xiuqing dibunuh kerena dianggap tidak setia.

Tidak seperti di Arab jaman Muhammad, China abad 19 sangat banyak penduduknya dan sangat luas daerahnya. Juga adanya campur tangan asing, menyebabkan gerakan *** Ping dapat diberantas. Tapi dalam waktu yang cukup singkat, dengan jalan kekerasan Hong bisa mendapatkan pengikut jutaan, prestasinya dapat disamakan dengan Muhammad.

Apapun ajarannya, Muhammad, Hong, atau Hitler lebih tepat disebut sebagai pemimpin Cult. Alasan disebut pemimpin Cult adalah sbb:

Menerima wahyu secara berangsur-angsur, sebagian besar muncul untuk alasan politis, atau digunakan untuk melegalisasi tindakan politisnya.

Melakukan penyerangan-penyerangan bersenjata tanpa alas an, dan menggantungkan keuangannya dengan jalan merampok.

Mempunyai kebiasaan pribadi, yang sebetulnya bukan teladan seperti beristri banyak atau paedophilia.

Melakukan pembunuhan massal.

Suka berubah ubah pikiran sesuai dengan lingkungan .

Tidak bisa menerima kritik.

Megalmaniac, contoh :
Muhammad memang mengajarkan monotheism, tapi (terutama menjelang akhir hidupnya) , selalu mensejajarkan namanya dengan Allah (selalu ingin disebut ‘Allah dan Rasulnya’ seolah ‘Allah dan Wakilnya’ atau sama dengan istilah ‘Sukarno Hatta’).
Sementara Hong merasa diangkat menjadi Anak Allah.

Notes :
Meskipun sering dikaitkan dengan Kristen dan mengenal Yesus, seperti Muhammad Hong Xiuquan tidak mengerti ajaran Kristen. Ia merasa sebagai saudaranya Yesus yang diangkat menjadi anak Allah yang memperjuangkan penyembahan pada Allah saja. Ajarannya bercampur dengan Shamanism. Meskipun demikian Hong menerima Bibel sebagai Kitab Suci yang dibacakan bersama Buku tulisannya sendiri.

Hong menyebut Tuhan sebagai : Heavenly Father, the Supreme Lord and Great God, yang harus disembah oleh tiap orang China. Hong menganggap Kitab Perjanjian Baru terkorupsi, dan lebih menekankan pada sepuluh peritntah Tuhan. Meski menggangap Yesus sebagai Anak Allah, Hong tidak menanggapnya Tuhan. Hong pada bulan April 1864 meninggal kerena sakit, tapi kemungkinan diracun.

ps : Bagi Netter2 lain yg Punya Refrensi Tokoh2 dunia yg Kelakuan-nya mirip ama Muhammad, Silahkan Posting Disini aja agar tidak membebani situs FFI karena Sudah terlalu banyak-nya Thread yg Sama tapi masih diulang-ulang

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:40 pm
bedanya HItler dan stalin merayakan Natal ..Nabi Muhammad enggak ...



Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:35 am
by ceceps01
MONTIR KEPALA wrote:bedanya HItler dan stalin merayakan Natal ..Nabi Muhammad enggak ...
Sama2 religius fanatik.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:15 am
by yusuf_bin_sanusi
Orang lagi ngomonginm persamaan si montir ngomongi perbedaan..semprulll..!
kalo perbedaan
si momed ngent*t anak kelas 2 SD si hitler tidak
si momed sholat si hitler tidak
si momed ngerampok demi harta, si hitler perang demi negaranya.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:24 am
by cahkangkung
Jadi kesimpulannya adalah Hitler masih lebih mending daripada si Momo!!! Bayangkan!!

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:23 am
halah ngapain serius di forum NGACO !

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:49 am
by rainy
MONTIR KEPALA wrote:halah ngapain serius di forum NGACO !
topik ini adalah topik serius, mas ali5196 lagi membahas psikobiografi-nya muhammad (apa yang ada di otak-nya muhammad)

bahasan lain bisa dilihat di : Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh’s Prophet by Ali Sina

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:05 pm
mana bisa sih orang punya penyakit jiwa menilai kejiwaan orang ??
saya juga sudah liat reply2 nya si Sina .. malah saya liat dia yg punya penyakit jiwa

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:10 pm
by M-SAW
MONTIR KEPALA wrote:mana bisa sih orang punya penyakit jiwa menilai kejiwaan orang ??
saya juga sudah liat reply2 nya si Sina .. malah saya liat dia yg punya penyakit jiwa
bisa di pastein jawaban ali sina mana yang meng indikasikan kalau dia sakit jiwa?
ditunggu loh