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Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:33 pm
by ali5196 ... _opera1_dc

Berlin opera may stage "Idomeneo" if sure of safety
By Madeline Chambers
Fri Sep 29, 8:19 AM ET

BERLIN (Reuters) - A Berlin opera house condemned for canceling performances of a Mozart work because of concern it might provoke violence by Muslims said on Thursday it might consider staging the production if it had security assurances.

"If there was a new security plan, we could consider it," Alexander Busche, a spokesman for the Deutsche Oper, said when asked about reinstating "Idomeneo," which includes a scene with the severed heads of the Prophet Mohammad, Buddha and Jesus.

He said that although the opera house had already decided on its program until mid-June, there were some free days which could be used.

Deutsche Oper director Kirsten Harms said the police had warned her of an "incalculable" security risk if she went ahead with the production.

Her decision sparked condemnation across Germany, including from Chancellor Angela Merkel and artists who said Germans should not cave in to fears of Islamic violence.

The opera, telling the story of the Cretan king Idomeneo, was first performed in 1782. Director Hans Neuenfels added the controversial scene to the current production, which had its premiere in 2003. It has not been performed since mid-2004.

Anger among many Germans has been reflected in the media.

"Why are we bowing to Islam?" read Thursday's front page of the top-selling daily Bild. Inside it showed a photomontage of Berlin's parliament building with minarets and an Islamic crescent superimposed on its central glass dome.

Bavarian state premier Edmund Stoiber said succumbing to fear represented a victory for terrorists. "We must never give up our constitutional freedoms out of fear of Islamist thought-terrorism," he told Bild.

Germany's Muslim groups have kept quiet but the row highlights the growing fear of Islamic radicalism around Europe.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:35 pm
by ali5196

Fearing Muslim rage gallery scraps art
Fri Oct 6, 2006 6:23 PM BST

PARIS (Reuters) - Balai seni di London memutuskan utk tidak memamerkan sebagian karyanya karena TAKUT MENYINGGUNG PERASAAN MUSLIM, demikian kata juru bicara, seminggu setelah opera Jerman membatalkan sebuah karya Mozart karena alasan yg sama.

Direktur Whitechapel Art Gallery memutuskan utk mencabut kary2 artis
surrealis, Hans Bellmer, tetapi tidak menjelaskan apa bentuk seni yg kemungkinan akan menyinggung perasaan Muslim itu. (Mengatakannya saja bisa menyinggung perasaaan muslim sih ! :lol: )

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:38 pm
by ali5196 ... lence.html

By: Shlomo Greenwald, Jewish Press Staff Reporter
Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Contoh berikut akan sukanya Islam akan kebebasan berbicara (kebebasan Berbicara HANYA utk Muslim).

Minggu lalu, penerbit buku Nancy Kobrin, seorang psychoanalys dan pengajar ttg counter-terorisme, mengatakan bahwa mereka menarik penerbitan bukunya, "The Sheikh's New Clothes," karena takut diserang Muslim, kata Kobrin.

Buku yg diberi subjudul "The Naked Truth about Islamic Suicide Terrorism," membahas psikologi teroris Islam dan mencoba mengerti akar tindakan2 mereka.

Looseleaf Law Publications merencanakan penerbitannya bulan depan.

Buku Kobrin membahas normalisasi kekejaman dan pelecehan terhdp anak2, termasuk sex dgn anak2 dan pelecehan puteri sendiri yg tersebar luas dan mengakar di dunia Arab Muslim dan bgm ini mengakibatkan orang2 dewasa lebih baik memilih mati. Juga degradasi status wanita Muslim yg sangat mempengaruhi tindakan radikal ekstrimis2 Muslim.

Ini akan merupakan buku pertama bagi Kobrin. ia sering menulis artikel2 termasuk dgn penulis Phyllis Chesler.

Kata Chesler, "kalau dunia barat terus mengalah pada kekerasan para jihadis, jika kami terlalu mengkhawatirkan kekerasn dan takut menungkapkan kebenaran, maka kami sudah kalah." Namun sejak pengunduran diri Looseleaf, penerbit2 lain malah interes dan tidak takut menerbitkan buku itu.

Mari kita tunggu tanggal mainnya !

Nancy Kobrin dalam Symposium : Memperkosa Wanita2 tidak Berhijab ... php?t=1771

Akar2 Psikoanalasis Terorisme Islam - Phylis Chesler ... php?t=1944
(baca artikel ketiga)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:39 pm
by ali5196 ... p?ID=24758

Jihad Media melawan PETER KING

By Steven Emerson
New York Post | October 5, 2006
The media is engaged in a jihad against Rep. Peter King - a jihad in defense of Islamist extremists.

King, a Long Island Republican, has warned his constituents that some leaders of the Islamic Center of Long Island have "publicly stated that the CIA or the 'Zionists' may have been behind the attacks" of 9/11.

The record backs him up. Indeed, the center's leadership has a long history of extremism. But both Newsday and CNN chose to ignore the facts and smear King.

Last week's CNN report was one of the most dishonest pieces of reporting I have ever observed in my entire 27-year career. In attacking King, CNN reporter Jason Carroll claimed the congressman had said the members of the Long Island mosque were "part of an Islamic threat that could cause another 9/11."

read on ...

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:20 pm
by ali5196
PERANCIS : SOP BABI sampai diseret ke pengadilan karena DIANGGAP MENGHINA MUSLIM ... oughNews-3

French court rules pork soup kitchen not racist
Wed Jan 3, 2007 8:11am ET

PARIS (Reuters) - A French court ruled Tuesday that an organization with far-right links can continue offering pork soup to the homeless, rejecting police complaints that the food distribution was racist.

Police banned the soup kitchen last month, arguing that the handouts discriminated against Jews and Muslims who do not eat pork on religious grounds.

The administrative court said the distribution was "clearly discriminatory," but could not be stopped because the organizers offered to feed anyone who asked for help.

The mayor of Paris condemned the ruling and urged the police to appeal the ruling.

"Faced by this initiative which stinks of xenophobia, I want once again to express city hall's desire to fight all forms of discrimination, racism and anti-Semitism," mayor Bertrand Delanoe said in a statement.

The food handouts are organized by a nationalist group called Solidarity of the French (SDF). It says its "pig soup," which uses pork fat for stock, is country fare much loved by French traditionalists.

"No-one has ever been able to prove that anyone has been refused soup or clothes on the grounds of their religion or race," SDF lawyer Frederic Pichon told France Info radio after Tuesday's court decision.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:52 pm
by ali5196
BELANDA, 1992: Mohamed Rasul, imigran dari Pakistan dan penulis buku The Impending Ruin of the Netherlands, Country of Gullible Fools ('Menuju Kehancuran Negeri Belanda, Negara berisi Orang2 Tolol yg Mudah dibohongi') diseret kedepan pengadilan BELANDA. Hakim mengatakan bahwa Rasul membuat "generalisasi yg tidak dapat dibenarkan" dgn mengkontraskan "orang2 Belanda yg lunak" dng "Muslim yg kasar, kejam, korup dan haus darah."

Mohamed Rasul memperingatkan dalam bukunya bahwa orang Belanda salah dlm mentolerir pendirian yayasan2 Islam dan menjamurnya pertumbuhan penduduk Muslim. Ia meramalkan bahwa ini akan mengakibatkan perang saudara.

Pers Belanda (Useful Idiot sekaliiii!!) dgn geram mencari tahu identitasnya; seorang pembawa acara TV merebut paspornya dan menarik kain yg menutupi mukanya; seorang pejabat Muslim mengundangnya bicara dan memberikan gelas minum yg dipakai polisi utk menarik sidik jarinya. Dan setelah identitasnya ketahuan, ia diserang habis oleh media dan pakar Belanda.

Malah seorang sekuleris bernama Anil Ramdas menyamakan Rasul dgn
Khomeini, dan mengatakan ia "menunjukkan keininginannya sbg pembunuh." Dan toko2 menolak menjual bukunya.

Katanya, 'Aneh bukan . . . Muslim boleh berteriak2: 'BUNUH Rushdie'. . . . Muslim di TV Belanda boleh mengatakan bahwa 'semua wanita Belanda adalah LONTE' . . . . Sementara saya harus membela diri didepan pengadilan karena tuduhan 'diskriminasi' terhdp Muslim. Ini skandal gila !.'

(14 tahun kemudian, Rasul TERBUKTI BENAR: perang saudara dgn Muslim sudah menjalar.)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:57 pm
by ali5196 ... artoon.htm



ISRAEL !!): July 1997, seorang wanita Yahudi, Tatiana Susskind, DIRANTAI TANGAN DAN KAKINYA dan diancam dgn 30 tahun penjara dan akhrinya dihukum penjara dua tahun karena menggambarkan Mohamad sbg seekor babi yg sedang menulis Quran.

(Padahal, si nabi cabul itu mengaku buta huruf ! :lol: :lol: Mungkin polisi Israel marah karena si wanita itu menggambarkan Muhamad sbg mampu baca tulis ???? )

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:59 pm
by ali5196
AUSTRALIA : PENDETA dihukum penjara karena mengritik Islam ! ... 2_2005.htm

Churchman ‘guilty’ under Aussie hate speech law for criticising Islam visits UK

A church leader who has been unfairly convicted under a similar law in Australia is visiting the UK to urge the Government not to introduce such laws here.

In December last year, Daniel Scot was found guilty of breaking the state of Victoria’s ‘religious vilification’ laws after he held a church seminar on Islam. During the seminar Daniel Scot explained how Islam’s holy books, the Quran and the Hadith (sayings of Mohammed) came to be written, what they teach about jihad, women and other matters. He also believes that Muslim Fundamentalism is incompatible with democracy.

Daniel Scot, a former Maths lecturer at the University of Queensland, is originally from Pakistan and has specialist knowledge of Islam. His criticisms of Islam were calm, reasonable and based on his considerable knowledge of that religion.

Daniel Scot fled Pakistan in fear of his life after he resisted pressure to become a Muslim from the university where he worked. He faced a death sentence under Pakistan’s blasphemy law.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:00 pm
by ali5196

BELGIA, 1994 :
Sering universitas2 harus membatalkan ijin kuliah atau debat yg mengritik Islam. Mingguan Brussels menerbitkan sebuah cover story berjudul "Apakah Anak2 Belgia akan diIslamisasi ?" yg berisi referensi kpd pelanggaran HAM terhdp Kristen di Turki dan Mesir ditambah dgn cuplikan pidato seorang imam yg bermarkas di Belgia :

"Tidak lama lagi kami akan ambil alih kekuasaan di negeri ini. Mereka yg mengritik kami sekarang, nanti akan menyesalinya. Mereka akan melayani kami. Siap2lah, waktu sudah dekat."

Sbg tanggapan, Liga HAM Belgia menyeret ke pengadilan - bukan si imam- tetapi sang wartawan !! GILA ! :shock:

Pihak Istana juga menghubungi editor utk memprotes gambar di cover majalah itu, yg menunjukkan gambar Raja Albert II mengenakan tutup kepala Arab. Sang editor akhirnya dipecat.

Tekanan juga diterapkan secara pribadi. Psikologis terkenal Belgia, Herman Somers, menerbitkan buku, A Different Muhammad,yg mengadung analisa mendetil ttg kata2 dan kelakuan Muhamad dan menyimpulkan bahwa ;

Kenabiannya adalah kasus khas DELUSI PARANOID yg dibarengi dgn HALUSINASI sensorial.

Sebelumnya ia juga menulis studi2 bestseller ttg Jesus, nabi2 di Injil, para Jesuit dan Jehovah's Witnesses, yg dibahas panjang lebar di media. Tapi bukunya ttg Muhamad ini tidak mendapat sambutan sama sekali... seolah2 media dan para pakar dan para pengomentar yg benci agama (Kristen khususnya) seolah2 bisu atau semuanya sedang liburan saat itu.

Bahkan sang penerbit enggan mempublikasikan buku itu. AKhirnya buku itu diam2 ditarik dan thesisnya sama sekali tidak disentuh. Takut karena ancaman Islam, mungkin ... ah tidak mungkin ... Islam khan agama damai.

Thanks to internet, thesisnya bisa dibaca di:

Akan gua terjemahin di: ... php?t=5947

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:20 pm
by ali5196
CEWEK BERANI MENANTANG KEBOHONGAN MUSLIM, walau akhirnya didepak dari ruang seminar ! ... /701210322 (LIHAT FOTO! )
Critics interrupt speaker's talk on Islam
One woman was ejected, another nearly arrested

By Jeff Hood
Lodi Bureau Chief
January 21, 2007 6:00 AM

STOCKTON - A talk on the basic tenets of Islam was repeatedly interrupted Saturday by a few anti-Muslim members of a crowd at the Cesar Chavez Central Library.

One woman was forced to leave early in the two-hour program after she accused guest speaker Tarek Mourad of lying, yelling that Islam's holy book teaches Muslims to kill Jews and Christians and that Muslims are trying to take over the Western world.

Another was nearly arrested by Stockton Police Chief Wayne Hose, who said he came to the talk on his day off to learn more about Islam. The woman, who would only give her name as Barbara, handed out photocopied pages from a book critical of Islam and on numerous occasions interrupted Mourad's talk to read passages about Islam that conflicted with her Christian views.

Hose finally called a police officer to the library in case the interruptions continued and after "Barbara" asked if he was Christian.

Mourad, an engineer from Santa Clara, was invited to the Chavez Library after making a similar presentation in Tracy. He explained the six basic beliefs, including a belief in God and a day of judgment, to the five "pillars" of Islam, such as praying five times a day and making a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the home of Islam.

His presentation, which happened to be on the Muslim New Year, turned to near chaos during the question-and-answer session. Hose and librarian Mary Jo Gohlke, who organizes adult programs at the library, each nearly pulled "Barbara" from the audience of nearly 70 people after she wouldn't stop reading aloud. Barbara recommended the audience read "Islam and Terrorists," by ex-Muslim Mark Gabriel.

Nah, bandingkan dgn seminar yg dilakukan ex-Muslim Zachariah ANANI, yg harus dibatalkan karena demo Muslim. Yg ini tidak dibatalkan tuh ! USEFUL IDIOTS !! :twisted:

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:31 pm
by ali5196
Useful Idiot Belanda : sejumlah penduduk Belanda merongrong asset mereka paling penting utk memerangi Islam, AYAAN HIRSI ALI, dan mendorongnya pindah ke AS.

The Public Execution of Ayaan Hirsi Ali**** ... php?t=2699
After Ayaan was ordered two weeks ago by a court order to leave her apartment within four months after her neighbors took her to court complaining that her presence was endangering their lives – the court order turned her into an official pariah – ‘mysteries’ in her past, about which she has been totally open and honest, are now being ‘revealed’ in order to destruct her reputation.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:45 am
by ali5196
TV CINA melarang gambar2 babi, takut menghina Muslim

Monday, January 29, 2007
China Bows To Islam

It may be the Year of the Pig, but national Chinese television has banned from its programming all images of pigs. It made this decision out of fear of offending the Muslim community.

Throughout China, as in much of Asia, images of the animal are everywhere as the new year approaches early in February. But Central Chinese Television (CCTV) "is a national network", noted an executive of programming services. The Swiss group Nestlé stated that it cancelled a projected advertisement that would have used a drawing of a pig, when it was notified of the CCTV policy.

"Due to concerns about cultural and ethnic mores, we will ban images of the pig. We do not want to have a bad influence or to offend the feelings of ethnic groups," he added under cover of anonymity.

The TV channel "explained that this was about showing respect for Islam and that it came from the highest echelons of government," declared Thierry Vapperaeau, spokesman for Nestlé China.

Some 18 million Chinese are Muslims, out of 1.3 billion people, according to the official statistics.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:15 pm
by ali5196
Image ... -pride.jpg
Hamas berjanji utk tidak mengakui Israel dan menolak utk mengembalikan tentara Israel yg diculik, membunuh ratusan Yahudi dan Muslim dlm serangan teror, PLUS tidak menolak kekerasan utk menyelesaikan masalah dgn Israel yg kemudian dikecam Uni Eropa dgn menolak menerima anggota partai Hamas TAPI Perdana Menteri Norwegia menjabat tangan pemimpin Hamas erat2, menyambut baik kabinet baru Hamas-Fatah.

Useful Idiot ...

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:57 am
by ali5196 ... ib_id=7574

In the Middle East of today, the demonization of Jews has reached unprecedented levels. Jews are accused of every evil under the sun, from cannibalism to the attacks on the Twin Towers, to causing the tsunami, the bird flu, AIDS and so on. At the end of my lecture I wanted to point out that it is our shared duty to combat this kind of anti-Jewish propaganda in the Muslim world. Nothing too controversial for a speech at a European university -- or so I thought.

Much to my surprise, though, the dean of the faculty (baca : the USEFUL IDIOT) asked me to delete the passage on Islamic Jew hatred. When I refused, she referred the matter to the highest university administrator, the rector magnificus, who summoned me to his office to appear before a committee of four professors (including the rector himself). The committee presented three reasons for removing the Muslim passages.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:00 am
by ali5196
March 07, 2007


DD adalah penulis beberapa buku dan mengaku beragama Katolik. Kabarnya, ia lahir dan dibesarkan pd jaman Nehru-Indira Gandhi yg bergaris kiri dan mengajarkan bahwa periode Mughal/Islam di India dikenal sbg sejarah emas India. Karena pendidikannya ini, sulit baginya utk berpikir keluar jalur. Ia menganggap para penjajah Muslim sbg bermoral dan berkebudayaan tinggi. Spt kebanyakan pakar akademisi di dunia, DSouza percaya bahwa mengalah kpd Muslim adalah cara terbaik menghindari kericuhan. Ini memang tipikal sifat politik India yg sedang berkuasa saat ini. DSouza telah mengunci otaknya rapat2 dan membuang kuncinya. Ia adalah salah seorang ‘useful idiot’nya Muslim.

Ini katanya dlm salah satu artikelnya :

"Dua pertiga dari jumlah Muslim di dunia ini hidup dlm masyarakat2 demokratis dan jelas2 tidak menghabisi kafir2 disekitar mereka ..." – dari blog Dinesh D'Souza. ... obes/#cont


D’Souza lalu mencatat semua "masyarakat2 demokratis ini" dimana, katanya, Muslim "jelas2 tidak menghabisi kafir2 disekitar mereka." Mereka adalah: India, Turki, Indonesia.

India : satu alasan mengapa Muslim belum berhasil melakukan aksi melebihi serangan2 teroris macam di Mumbai atau bahkan terhdp gedung Parlemen di Delhi, adalah bahwa tentarara dan intel India BERADA DI TANGAN NON-MUSLIM !

Non-Muslim di India mencapai 90% dari jumlah penduduk ! INI alasan mengapa Muslim belum berhasil "menghabisi kafir2 disekitar mereka” !

Sebelum tahun 1947, atau sebelum pembagian India-Pakistan, bagian barat India (Pakistan kini), penduduk Hindu tadinya sampai 15% atau lebih. Namun sekarang, setelah Partisi, mereka cuma berjumlah kurang dari 1.5% ! Dan bukankah di Pakistan Timur dulu (kini Bangladesh), penduduk Hindu dan non-Muslim masih berjumlah 35%, tapi sekarang mereka cuma berjumlah 8%? Dan siapa dibelakang pengusiran ke 400,000 kaum Pandit Kashmir ke India, kalau bukan Muslim ?

Muslim mayoritas tidak perlu terlibat pembantaian besar2an. Terbukti bahwa dgn sikap diskriminatif, penindasan negara secara resmi atau tidak resmi, mudah saja menghabisi rakyat nonMuslim yg tadinya menguasai tanah itu. Belum lagi pembunuhan2 dgn tuduhan yg dicari2, yah Hinduisasi-lah, tuduhan menghina Islamlah, tidak mau masuk Islamlah …dsb dsb. Dibakarlah desa Hindu, pura Hindu, orang Hindu dsb dsb. Dan kalau penindasan itu cukup kejam dan mengerikan --- dan kenyataannya memang begitu ---bukannya beberapa ribu, namun JUTAAN NonMuslimpun akan angkat kaki. Ini alasan mengapa rakyat Hindu semakin berkurang di Pakistan dan Bangladesh.

Turki : Thn 1914, 50% penduduk Konstantinopel adalah non-Muslim. Kini mereka Cuma SATU PERSEN ! Thn 1914, 20% penduduk Turki adalah non-Muslim -- Armenia, Yunani dan Yahudi. Sekarang mereka kurang dari 1%. Nah, bgm ini bisa terjadi ? Apakah Dinesh D'Souza pernah dengar ttg pembunuhan masal (genocide) Turki terhdp orang Armenia atau genocide2 lainnya, termasuk di thn 1894-96, dimana orang2 Kurdi & Turki berpartisipasi dng aktif dan penuh semangat ? Apakah D’Souza sampai lupa membaca pengakuan saksi mata yg mengatakan bahwa kaum Turki dan Kurdi menyerang menggunakan istilah "giaour" bagi para non-Muslim, alias kafir dan khususnya menikmati pembunuhan para pendeta Armenia dan menghancurkan semua lambang dari gereja2 Armenia ? Apakah ia, Dinesh D'Souza, tahu sedikitpun ttg pembantaian orang Yunani, dan mengapa kaum Yunani ‘Pontic’ (tahukah ia siapa kaum Yunani ‘Pontic’ ?) ngibrit meninggalkan Turki ? Apakah ia tahu ttg adanya pogrom2 (pengusiran masal) terhdp Yahudi di Turki (the "Thracian pogrom"), atau ttg apa yg dilaporkan diplomat2 Barat ttg perlakuan sebenarnya yg dialami Yahudi di Turki ?

Apakah Dinesh D'Souza tahu ttg cult "the Turk" – yg tidak lain adalah Muslim Turki -- cult yg tadinya ingin dihapuskan oleh Kemal Atatruk tapi tidak berhasil ? Apakah ia tahu ttg pajak2 khusus di masa Perang Dunia II, atau dikenal juga dgn nama pajak ‘Varlik Vergesi,’ yg ditetapkan pemerintah Turki HANYA terhdp non-Muslim ? Apakah ia pernah mendengar ttg serangan2 terhdp masy Yunani di Istanbul, bln September 1955, dibawah pemerintahan Menderes, dan apakah DD pernah baca buku Speros Vryonis, ‘The Mechanism of Catastrophe’ ?

Jelas TIDAK !

Apakah D'Souz berpikir bahwa dlm negara "democracy" Turki, non-Muslim adalah warga sederajad dgn warga Muslim-baik dulu maupun sekarang ? Cult "the Turk" hanyalah pengganti cult Islam, dan cult Ataturk ingin menekan cultnya Muhamad – namun Islam masih juga disana, membentuk otak dan sifat penduduk Muslim disana. DD jangan hanya mendengar pengakuan Muslim Turki, tetapi justru pengakuan warga Turki yg NONMuslim diluar Turki. Atau mugnkin kaca matanya terlalu tebal sampai ia kelewatan melihat berkurangnya penduduk Yunani, Armenia dan Yahudi, yg tidak pernah diberi status "warga penuh" sampai sekarang, karena entah UU atau memang sikap benci ala Islam yg sudah sangat mengakar.

Dan bgm dng "democracy" di Indonesia? Apakah Dinesh D'Souza pernah dengar ttg pembantaian besar2an ttg kaum etnik Tionghoa ??? Hampir ½ juta orang Cina tewas, diperkosa, dianiaya ? Apakah ia pernah mendengar ttg pembunuhan penduduk Katolik di Timor Timur oleh Muslim2 dari P Jawa ? Betapa aneh bahwa seorang Katolik dari India yg bernama Portugis spt D'Souza ini sama sekali tidak tahu menahu atau SENGAJA menghindari kenyataan di Timor Timur ini ?

Benarkah di Indonesia kafir akan nyaman dna selamat ? Lihatlah apa yg terjadi di Maluku, di Sulawesi, di Bali ! Dinesh D'Souza tidak pernah baca ttg penghancuran ribuan gereja dan pengikutnya ? Tidakkah ia mendengar laporan ttg pemenggalan kepala tiga gadis2 Kristen di Poso ? Tidakkah ia baca laporan bahwa para teroris di Indonesia yg meledakkan gedung, memenggal kepala, menghancurkan gereja, mengancam mati ibu2 rumah tangga yg membagikan injil ke murid2 Muslim, bukannya dicela sbg penjahat tapi malah di-elu2kan sbg pahlawan oleh Muslim Indonesia

Tidak. DD memang malas membaca fakta2 sejarah diatas, karena entah kaca matanya belum disetel, atau ia memang useful idiot yg mengaku pintar dan memang dianggap pintar oleh fans2nya yg sama2 useful idiot yg dgn setia membaca buku2nya, menghadiri seminar2nya dan mendengarkan semua bualannya tanpa pernah bertanya. Baca saja situsnya dan anda akan melihat jenis2 propagandanya yg membuat anda muak.

"Two thirds of Muslims in the world today live in democratic societies, and they certainly aren't wiping out the infidels around them..." --Dinesh D'Souza.

Masalah DD yg pertama adalah penggunaan kata "demokrasi." Mesir, Iraq, Iran, dan kebanyakan negara2 Islam bisa disebut sbg negara "demokrasi." Wong, HAMAS dipilih secara demokratis oleh 70% penduduk Palestinia, yg paling sedikit 83% tidak percaya akan hak Israel utk eksis. Hizballah, yg tahun lalu memulai konflik dgn Israel, memiliki wakil2 parlemen & cabinet yg dipilih secara demokratis di Lebanon. Je;as, negara2 ini tidak sama dgn demokrasi dlm non-Islam. Sebuah demokrasi harus melindungi kebebasan dan hak individu, spt kebebasan berekspresi dan kebebasan beragama. Dari ke 57 negara2 OIC, TIDAK SATUPUN dlm praktek, menjamin hak2 fundamental ini karena negara2 tsb memiliki mayoritas Muslim yg masih setia pada Islam tulen.

Mayoritas Muslim di dunia ini berada di Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turki dan Mesir. Tidak satupun dari negara2 diatas mengijinkan kebebasan berbicara ataupun beragama.

D'Souza menyebut Turki, Indonesia dan India, dan mengatakan bahwa ‘Muslim disana tidak menghabisi kafir.’ Well, ini sih bukannya karena Muslim tidak mau, tapi belum berhasil ! Ingat bahwa jihad dlm segala bentuk masih terus berlangsung terhdp non-Muslim dinegara2 diatas.

Di Turki, kritik terhdp Islam sama sekali tidak diijinkan [sumber]. Non-Muslim hampir seluruhnya sudah dirongrong atau didepak. Anda tinggal melihat brutalitas berbagai macam rejim Turki/Ottoman selama beberapa abad, termasuk abad ke 20. tahun ini, selama konflik Israel-Hizbullah, ribuan demonstran Turki berteriak "Islam akan menguasai dunia, Islam will rule the world." Tidak percaya ? BACA NIH ! …………

DI Indonesia, kelompok2 Muslim menyerang Kristen. Sekitar 40% orang Indonesia mengatakan bahwa mereka secara pribadi tidak enggan menggunakan kekerasan terhdp siapapun yg dianggap menghujat Islam. [sumber………………. ]. Buku2 sekolah dibeberapa bagian Indonesia mengajarkan bahwa hukuman bagi mereka yg murtad dari Islam adalah MATI.

Di India, korban nyawa Hindu ditangan Muslim sejak masuknya Islam ke negara tsb ---sampai sekarang--- oleh K.S. Lal diperkirakan mencapai DELAPAN PULUH JUTA !!!
Posted by: Khaybar Oasis at March 7, 2007 10:49 AM

Pengetahuan sejarah orang India satu ini (D'Souza) memang NOL ! namun seberapai canggih juga upaya pemerntah India utk menutupi kejahatan2 Muhhamad, bukti menganga dgn jelas. Bahkan para sejarawan Muslim sendiri secara terbuka dan bangga mengelu2kan tindakan pembunuhan biadab secara sistimatis oleh para penjajah Muslim terhdp orang Hindu, kemanapun mereka pergi.

Spt tipe pembantahan terhdp Holocaust, tipe propaganda yg keluar dari moncongnya Dinesh D'Souza yg menciptakan gambaran fiktif ttg keserasian Hindu-Muslim bisa disebut dgn ‘negationism’ atau negasionisme. Negasionis yg paling tulen bukan hanya membantah kejahatan2 terhdp kaum Hindu, tapi mereka juga membalik sejarah dan malah menuding pihak Hindu. Lihatlah bgm Muslim menerapkan sistim tuding menuding ini di Barat, dgn menuduh Barat sbg sebab musabab kebiadaban Muslim. Dgn mudah Muslim (dan teman2 mereka, para useful idiots) menuding Hindu sbg penghancur Budhisme di India. Padahal justru dibawah kekuasaan Hindu, biara2 dan universitas2 Buddhis marak. Mereka ternyata lupa bahwa jendral Muslim yg bernama Ghori dan konco2nya, membantai habis ribuan biarawan Budhis.

Selain membantai puluhan juta Hindu, Muslim juga memperbudak orang2 Hindu. Setelah setiap perebutan wilayah oleh Muslim, pasaran2 budak di Bagdad dan Samarkand dibanjiri dng Hindu. Budak2 ini sudah pasti mati pelan2 karena tersiksa. Contoh, gunung Hindu Koh atau "Gunung India", diganti namanya menjadi Hindu Kush, atau "Pembunuh Hindu", ketika pada suatu malam dingin dibawah kekuasan Timur Lenk (1398-99), 100.000 budak Hindu tewas disana saat ditranspor ke Asia Tengah. Walau Timur Lenk merebut Delhi dari penguasa Muslim lainnya, ia mencatat dlm buku hariannya bahwa ia akan memastikan bahwa tentara2nya tidak menjarah wilayah2 Muslim, sementara di wilayah2 Hindu, tentara mendapatkan "duapuluh budak bagi masing2 tentara". Budak2 Hindu diganti agamanya ke Islam, dan saat keturunan mereka mendapatkan kebebasan, mereka menambah pada jumlah Muslim di India.

Betapa ironis bahwa Muslim yg memaksakan Partisi India sebenarnya dulunya adalah Hindu2 yg diperbudak Islam.

Kalau Dinesh D’Souza mau jujur, ia sebaiknya mempelajari sejarah India, sebelum mencuap2 ttg indahnya dan manisnya penjajahan Muslim di India. Lihat saja apa yg tercatat dlm sejarah. Pertama, Muslim menuntut wilayah terpisah dari India. Dan India mengiyakan. Setelah itu, mereka menindas rakyat nonMuslim yg minoritas. Akibatnya, penduduk Hindu baik di Pakistan maupun dan Bangla Desh hampir tersapu habis. Sbg kontras, Muslim di India justru semakin membengkak, baik karena toleransi rakyat HINDU, maupun karena mereka rajin memproduksi bayi.

Saya sendiri berasal dari Kashmir, dan tanpa ragu2 saya bisa mengatakan bahwa ‘ethnic cleansing’ terhdp Hindu oleh Muslim berlangsung sampai detik ini di Kashmir. Ribuan Hindu di Kashmir dibantai dgn dingin dan dipaksa keluar oleh jihadis yg ingin menjadikan Kashmir sbg bagian dari Dar-ul-Islam mereka. Dan Muslim masih juga rajin menuding kebiadaban mereka akibat 'moral bejat’ dan ‘dekaden’ AS ! Atau Israel ! Atau Indomie !

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:13 am
by ali5196 ... y_id=37774

Catholic church (always the Useful Idiot) collects money for mosque
16 March 2007

Cologne, Germany (dpa) - When the Rev. Franz Meurer stands at the altar this Sunday in his priestly vestments, he'll say to the congregation: "Today's collection is for the construction of the big new mosque in Ehrenfeld."

Meurer, 55, is not expecting protests. Both the board of Cologne's St. Theodore Catholic Church and the parish council have unanimously approved the action.

"It's only natural that we're helping them," he said of the Muslims living in a city that is one of the main centres of Catholicism in Germany.

After the special collection was announced last Sunday, several parishioners asked if it was really necessary - considering, for instance, that four young Turks beat a family man into a coma on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday.

"I said, 'Hey, people, think about it, will you? We'll be supporting the sensible ones'," Meurer recalled. "That's not so dumb."

St. Theodore's parish council came up with the unusual idea. Its chairman reminded the group that their new church was completed five years ago, and that the Protestant parish in the neighbourhood had given a nice gift.

"Now we, in turn, should give someone a gift too," Meurer said. "That's how we hit upon the mosque; it's being designed by the same architect that did our church."

The mosque, at the headquarters of the Turkish-Islamic Union for the Institution of Religion (DITIB) in the Cologne district of Ehrenfeld, will be one of Germany's biggest. Plans call for two 55-metre-high minarets, a dome, and room for more than 3,000 worshippers.

About 350 euros (462 dollars) winds up in the collection bag on normal Sundays. This time, though, more than 1,000 euros has been collected in advance. DITIB officials said the amount of the gift was unimportant.

"It's simply a nice gesture by Mr Meurer," said Rafet Ozturk, DITIB's coordinator for interreligious dialogue. "We're pleased, of course. Even very pleased." (i bet you were, you ass worshipper !) :x

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:38 am
by ali5196 ... 1&catnum=0

My favourite Useful Idiot : NANCY PELOSI !
Pelosi Going to Syria Despite Objections

Mar 30 04:10 PM US/Eastern

WASHINGTON (AP) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will visit Syria, a country President Bush has shunned as a sponsor of terrorism, despite being asked by the administration not to go.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the speaker "should take a step back and think about the message that it sends."

"This is a county that is a state sponsor of terror, one that is trying to disrupt the Senora government in Lebanon and one that is allowing foreign fighters to flow into Iraq from its borders," Perino said.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:41 am
by ali5196 ... slam30.xml

Don't confuse terrorism with Islam, says BIGGEST USEFUL IDIOT, the EUROPEAN UNION
By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels

The European Union has drawn up guidelines advising government spokesmen to refrain from linking Islam and terrorism in their statements.

Brussels officials have confirmed the existence of a classified handbook which offers "non-offensive" phrases to use when announcing anti-terrorist operations or dealing with terrorist attacks.

Banned terms are said to include "jihad", "Islamic" or "fundamentalist".

The word "jihad" is to be avoided altogether, according to some sources, because for Muslims the word can mean a personal struggle to live a moral life.

One alternative, suggested publicly last year, is for the term "Islamic terrorism" to be replaced by "terrorists who abusively invoke Islam".

An EU official said that the secret guidebook, or, "common lexicon", is aimed at preventing the distortion of the Muslim faith and the alienation of Muslims in Europe.

However, Conservative MEP Syed Kamall hit out at the lexicon. "It is this kind of political correctness and secrecy that creates resentment among both the mainstream in Europe and in Islam," he said.

Meanwhile, UK Independence Party MEP Gerard Batten claimed that the EU was in denial over the true roots of terrorism.

"This type of newspeak shows that the EU refuses to face reality," he said. "The major world terrorist threat is one posed by ideology and that ideology is inspired by fundamentalist jihadi Islam."

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:46 am
by ali5196 ... 015797.php

March 26, 2007
Australian reporter says Islam "not a threat to world peace," reveals identity of anti-jihad blogger, calls his blog a "hate site"

'Sheik Yer'mami', operator of the anti Islamic site, Winds of Jihad, has had his identity and location revealed -- opening him to risk of being killed by jihadists -- by USEFUL IDIOT reporter Gavin King, who is no doubt convinced that Sheik has nothing to worry about anyway, since it's a religion of peace. :? :?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:03 am
by ali5196 ... _i1cp0bBAF

U.N. panel OKs measure on Islam
By ELIANE ENGELER, Associated Press Writer
Fri Mar 30, 9:07 PM ET

GENEVA - Islamic countries pushed through a resolution at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Friday urging a global prohibition on the public defamation of religion — a response largely to the furor last year over caricatures published in a Danish newspaper of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad.

The statement proposed by the Organization of Islamic Conference addressed what it called a "campaign" against Muslim minorities and the Islamic religion around the world since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.

The resolution, which was opposed by a number of other non-Muslim countries, "expresses deep concern at attempts to identify Islam with terrorism, violence and human rights violations."

The resolution was adopted by a 24-14 vote with nine abstentions. Canada, Japan and
South Korea joined European countries in opposition, primarily citing its excessive focus on Islam and incompatibility with fundamental rights such as the freedoms of speech and thought.

"The problem of religious intolerance is worldwide and not limited to certain religions," said Brigitta Maria Siefker-Eberle of Germany, speaking on behalf of the 27-nation
European Union.

There are 17 Muslim countries in the 47-nation human rights council. Their alliance with China, Cuba, Russia and most of the African members means they can almost always achieve a majority.

Human Rights Watch said the resolution could endanger the basic rights of individuals.

The council, which last year replaced the discredited U.N. Human Rights Commission, has no power beyond drawing international attention to rights issues and scrutiny of abuses in certain countries.

The move at the council was initiated last year after protests across the Islamic world drew attention to caricatures of Muhammad first printed in Danish paper Jyllands-Posten in September 2005.