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TURKI membunuh Kristen Ortodox

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:30 pm
by ali5196 ... edgage.php

MUSLIM TURKI Mengancam Eksistensi Gereja Kristen Orthodox
By Nicholas Gage
Published: September 8, 2008

Ketika PM dan ketua partai Islam Turki, Recep Tayyip dikutuk keras oleh kaum sekularis Turki karena kebijakan2nya yg sangat pro-islam, ia menyebut kampanye ini sbg serangan terhdp KEBEBASAN BERAGAMA (Islam). Tatkala Perancis melarang pemakaian jilbab di institusi2 negerinya, lagi2 Turki mencapnya sbg ancaman terhdp kebebasan beragama (Islam).

Padahal selama 6 thn kekuasaannya, Erdogan sendiri tidak sedikitpun memberikan kebebasan beragama terhdp agama lain, apalagi yg namanya gereja Orthodox Kristen, pendiri dan penghuni asli Turki, jauh sebelum 1453- saat Muslim Ottoman menginvasi Konstantinopel. Partriarkat (sejajar dgn Paus di Vatikan) Konstantinopel ini merupakan pusat spiritual sekitar 300 juta Kristen Orthodox diseluruh dunia. Tidak heran pula bahwa penindasan terhdp Patriarkat Orthodox ini, terhalang pula aspirasi Turki yg ngebet menjadi anggota Uni Eropa (demi uang dan dakwah).

Patriarkh Ekumenis Constantinople, Bartolomeo I

Partriarkat ekumenikal yg didirikan di abad 4M ini dan kekuasaannya sempat mencapai kekuasaan Vatikan, kini mengkerut dan tersisa sbg sebuah kantor di bagian Istanbul yg kumuh yg disebut Phanar, atau Mercusuar.

Malah kantor dan gereja itu pernah di-BOM : ... _08/1.html
ISTANBUL, Oct 7 (AFP) - Sebuah bom rakitan sendiri menghancurkan kantor gereja Orthodox di Istanbul tapi tidak ada yg luka2. Bom itu dilemparkan dari tembok di residensi sang patriarkh dan meledak di taman, menghancurkan beberapa jendela kaca dan menghancurkan atap sebuah katedral didekatnya.

Sebulan sebelumnya, sekitar 1.000 orang berdemo diluar gedung tsb dan membakar patung sang patriarkh karena ia menyerukan bagi dibukanya kembali sebuah seminari Orthodox di pulau Halki, yg ditutup pemerintah Turki sejak 1971.
Image ... g=en&id=01
Gereja Patriarkh St. George di Phanar

Sebagian besar harta gereja ortodox DISITA berbagai pemerintahan Turki, sekolah2nya ditutuh dan seminari2nya ditindas ekstrimis yg berdemonstrasi setiap hari diluar kantor Patriarkat yg menyerukan agar Patriarkat diusir dari Turki.

Mesjid tidak mau kalah. Dimanapun ada gereja atau seminari ortodox, disitu pula HARUS dibangun mesjid lengkap dgn TOA yg berteriak2 lima kali sehari. Foto : sebuah seminari Orthodox dan sebuah mesjid yg menaranya melanjung tinggi diatas gereja, di kawasan Fener di Istanbul, tempat markas besar patriarkat Orthodox. ... hoto_id=15

Sang paus, atau dlm gereja ortodox disebut dgn patriarkh ekumenis, Bartolomeo I, sering diteriaki dgn ancaman setiap kali ia berani melangkahkan kakinya keluar tembok2 kantornya. Patung2nya juga sering dibakar oleh Muslim2 Turki. Bahkan politisi dgn girang dan se-mena2 menghina atau mengganggunya, memanggilnya berkali2 ke kantor mereka, menginterogasi dan mengolok2nya ttg isu2 yg tidak relevan, menghalangi upayanya merenovasi gedung2 yg masih dikuasainya dan menanggapi segala pernyataannya setiap kali sang patriarkh melancong keluar negeri dgn ancaman halus, apalagi kalau ia ke Eropa Barat.

Setiap pemerintah Turki yg datang-pergi melanjutkan kebijakan yg sengaja merendahkan sang patriarkh, menolak mengakui status 'ekumenis'nya (status internasionalnya) sbg kepala spiritual sebuah agama penting dgn pengikut luas. Turki hanya mengakuinya sbg kepala gereja sebuah masyarakat Yunani Orthodox mungil di Istanbul.

Tahun lalu, 42 dari 50 anggota Komite Urusan Luar Negeri Dewan Perwakilan AS mengirim surat kpd Erdogan agar pemerintahannya "mengakhiri semua restriksi" atas kebebasan beragama patriarkat yg digambarkan ketua komite AS tsb sbg "salah satu warisan dunia yg paling tua dan paling kaya." Anggota Kongres itu juga menyerukan agar pemerintah Turki bergabung dgn sisa dunia beradab lainnya dlm mengakui status ekumenis sang patriarkh, mengembalikan harta mereka, membuka kembali sekolah2 mereka, termasuk seminari teologis terkenal di pulau Halki, dan mengakhiri segala campur tangan gereja dlm proses memilih seorang patriarkh, khususnya mencabut persyaratan bahwa calon 'harus seorang warga Turki."

Karena kaum Kristen Orthodox secara SISTIMATIS ditindas di Turki, kata anggota Kongres itu, kini hanya ada kurang dari 2.500 penganut Ortodox di Turki, dan patriarkhat akan tidak eksis lagi kalau calon2 patriarkh diwajibkan berkewarganegaraaan Turki. "Bukan negara melainkan GEREJA Turki yg harus menentukan siapa yg harus menjadi patriarkh ekumenis," katanya.

Tapi sampai sekarang, pemerintah Turki masih juga keukeuh tidak mempedulikan seruan AS maupun Uni Eropa, paling2 mereka mengiyakan TANPA disertai langkah2 konkrit. Dan kalau akibatnya Turki sampai ditolak menjadi anggota Uni Eropa, Turki akan dgn mudah saja menuduh AS/Uni Eropa bersekongkol utk menghancurkan Islam di Turki. Tidak sulit, bukan ?

Uni Eropa sudah memutuskan agar Turki mengijinkan kapal2 laut Siprus/Cyprus, anggota Uni Eropa, utk menggunakan pelabuhan2 Turki, tapi itupun DITOLAK mentah2 oleh Turki. Rupanya Turki memang ingin jalan mudah : ngotot ingin masuk Uni Eropa, TANPA sedikitpun merasa perlu mematuhi aturan mainnya. Sebegitu keras kepalakah Muslim Turki ? Mungkin mereka memperkirakan bahwa dgn angka demografis Turki yg naik terus, suatu saat, EROPAlah yg harus tunduk pada kemauan Turki.

Patriarkh Konstantinopel sendiri mengatakan bahwa ia mendukung masuknya Turki kedlm Uni Eropa. Ia percaya bahwa keuntungannya lebih besar bagi masy Kristen Turki. Banyak yg tidak setuju dgn sang patriarkh.

Nicholas Gage writes often about the Eastern Mediterranean.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 7:35 pm
by ali5196
Nah, sekarang bandingkan dgn ini:

Go-Ahead for Germany's Biggest Mosque
After much controversy, Cologne's city council has voted in favor of building Germany's largest mosque. The opposition of a local far-right group wasn't enough to stop plans that will change the city's historic skyline forever.

The structure will cost between €15 billion and €20 billion, financed by private donations from more than 800 groups in Germany. Construction will be completed in 2010 by the locally based Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB), which has close ties to Ankara. ... 70,00.html

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:30 pm
by ali5196
US commission urges Turkey to respect Orthodox Church property ruling
Posted on Thu Sep 11 2008 ... rty_r.html
Background. Although legally purchased by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in 1902, the orphanage was registered as the property of the orphanage’s foundation in 1936 because the Turkish legal system no longer recognized the Patriarchate as a legal entity. In 1997, Turkey’s General Directorate for Foundations (Vakiflar), which regulates all activities and property of non-Muslim religious groups, determined that the orphanage foundation was no longer operational and assumed management of the property. In 1999, the Vakiflar initiated proceedings to deprive the Ecumenical Patriarchate of ownership and to re-register the property in the name of the orphanage, now under the Vakiflar’s management.

After a series of appeals in the Turkish courts, the Patriarchate turned to the European Court, which ruled that the Turkish authorities were not entitled to dispossess the owner of its property without providing for appropriate compensation. As the Ecumenical Patriarchate had not received any form of compensation, the Court stated, there had been a violation of property rights. ... atria.html
Court of Strasbourg recognizes legal status of ecumenical patriarchate and condemns Turkey
Jul 10 2008

Istanbul (AsiaNews) - With a unanimous verdict (7 votes out of 7, including that of the representative from Turkey), the supreme court of Strasbourg for human rights has condemned Ankara for improperly occupying an orphanage on the Princes' Islands of Buyukada, in the Marmara Sea. The verdict grants the appeal by the ecumenical patriarchate, recognising its ownership of the orphanage. ... anbul.html
EU chief visits Orthodox patriarchate in Istanbul
Posted on Sun Apr 13 2008
Associated Press

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) -- The head of the European Union met with the spiritual leader of the world's Orthodox Christians on Friday in Istanbul, where they were expected to discuss Turkish resistance to reopening a Greek Orthodox seminary.

Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, is on the second day of a three-day visit to Turkey, which is seeking EU membership. On Thursday, Barroso welcomed a Turkish decision to return property, such as school buildings, churches and orphanages, seized from Jewish and Christian foundations decades ago.

Turkey had seized the properties in 1974, around the same time it invaded Cyprus after a failed coup by supporters of uniting the island with Greece.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I is based in Istanbul. Turkey does not recognize his international role as spiritual leader of 250 million Orthodox Christians worldwide. It rejects his use of the title "ecumenical,'' or universal, arguing instead that the patriarch is merely the spiritual leader of Istanbul's dwindling Orthodox community.

Barroso and Bartholomew were expected to discuss Turkey's unwillingness to reopen a seminary that was shut down more than two decades ago, despite pressure from the EU and the U.S. No announcement was made after the meeting.

The Halki Theological School on Heybeliada Island near Istanbul was closed to new students in 1971 under a law that put religious and military training under state control in the predominantly Muslim country. The school closed its doors in 1985, when the last five students graduated. ... _says.html
Germany Asks Turkey to Re-Open Tarsus Church, Milliyet Says
Wed Jun 11 2008

June 11 (Bloomberg) -- Germany has asked Turkey to allow a former church in the southern town of Tarsus to be re-opened for worship, Milliyet newspaper reported, citing German Ambassador Eckart Cuntz.

The building in the Mediterranean town, believed to be the birth place of Saint Paul, is a former Orthodox church now being run as a museum, Milliyet said. Many Germans have second homes or retirement properties on the south coast of Turkey, a predominantly Muslim country.

Murat Mercan, head of parliament's foreign affairs committee, said he saw no objections to re-opening the church, Milliyet said.

http://www.pontificalorientalinstitute. ... h-yet.html
MANY PILGRIMS IN TARSUS BUT THERE’S NO CHURCH YET, 5 September 2008 ... tians.html
Russian Orthodox Church rep: EU needs to protect Christians
May 08 2008

The European Union should do more to protect Christians worldwide, said the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church to European Union officials on Monday.

Bishop Hilarion of Vienna and Austria, the Russian Orthodox Church representative to the European Institutions, spoke up for persecuted Christians during a meeting between EU officials and some 20 European religious leaders in Brussels, Belgium.

"Tolerance should not cause detriment to Christians, who still make up the majority of the European population,” said Hilarion, according to Russian news agency Interfax. “Phobia and discrimination of Christians should be condemned officially."

He reminded officials of Europe’s Christian heritage and called on the EU to help preserve the continent’s history.

“[Christian] churches are being ruined and thousands of Christians are homeless and banished in Kosovo,” the bishop said.

He added, “This is also the case of the Cypriot area illegally occupied by Turkish forces. Churches are destroyed and Christians are suffering there.”

In a recent Christian Today interview, Cyprus’ ambassador to the United States, Andreas Kakouris, talked about the more than 530 churches and monasteries that were pillaged and destroyed in northern Cyprus after Turkish forces took over the land in 1974.

Under Turkey’s watch, one-of-a-kind historic Christian artifacts from churches have been stolen and auctioned off around the world.

It is estimated that more than 60,000 ancient artifacts have been illegally transferred to other countries, according to the Republic of Cyprus.

“Turkey seeks the accession to the European Union but it disregards the needs of its Christian population,” said Hilarion.

He called on the EU to use negotiations with Turkey, which is seeking membership, to protect religious minorities under its control.

"The European Union administration could do more for the protection of Christians outside Europe, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and many other Islamic countries," he also urged.

The European religious leaders meeting on Monday included Christian, Jewish and Muslim European heads. The main focus of the meeting was to call on Europe’s religious leaders and their congregations to be more engaged in climate change.

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:06 pm
by ali5196
Ketika kaum Ottoman Turki mencaplok Konstantinopel (Istanbul sekarang) dan menjadikannya sebuah kota Islam, Sultan Mehmet memerintahkan agar gereja terbesar di kota itu, permata agama Kristen bernama Hagia Sofia, ia memerintahkan agar semua dekorasi gereja berupa lukisan2 dan mosaik2 emas berusia 900 tahun itu dicabik2, dicabut, dipreteli dan dicat hijau, serta minaret2 didirikan disemua sudut gereja. Hagia Sophia kini menjadi sebuah mesjid. Sbg persyaratan diakuinya republik Kemal Ataturk oleh negara2 Eropa, mereka menuntut agar Hagia Sophia kembali dijadikan sebuah gereja. Ataturk menolak, tapi menjadikannya sebuah museum, dan dgn itu negara2 Eropa diharapkan agar puas.

Gereja besar itu kini sebuah kotak kosong
Legenda lain : ketika tentara Ottoman menjarah Konstantinopel, mereka menusuk2 Kaisar terakhir Konstantinopel sampai sepatunya yg berwarna ungu, bermandikan darah merah. Setelah itu mereka menuju ke Hagia Sofia, dimana orang2 Bizantin terakhir sedang mengadakan misa terakhir mereka setelah 900 thn. Banyak pendeta digorok pedang Islam, namun beberapa pendeta masih juga menyelesaikan misa dan kabur menghilang membawa ekaristi (tubuh Kristus) terakhir dan menyimpannya di salah satu tembok Hagia Sophia, yg sampai sekarang belum ditemukan. Ini dianggap sbg mukjizat dan meningkatkan kepercayaan Kristen yg percaya mukjizat bahwa pada suatu saat, gedung ini akan kembali dijadikan gereja. :wink: