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Jihad di SUDAN, DARFUR (abad 20-21)

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:02 pm
by ali5196
Ini tragedi abad 20-21 yg paling lengkap elemen2 Islaminya, yi dgn adanya :

- unsur kekuasaan, wilayah & agama

- menganggap mereka yg tidak sesuku atau se-agama sbg musuh.
Musuh kali ini adalah Muslim NON-Arab dan suku animis

- Modus Operandi : dgn persenjataan lengkap dan terkoordinasi menyerang musuh (alias penduduk sipil) selagi lengah dgn akibat :

1) penghancuran tanah/ternak musuh, penjarahan kota2/desa2

2) pembunuhan massal (genocide)

3) pemerkosaan massal

4) pengusiran penduduk asli dari tanah air mereka

5) mengambil tahanan perang (disusul dgn perlakuan keji terhdp tahanan perang)

6) perbudakan, penjualan perbudakan dgn keuntungan dipakai utk membiayai logistik & serangan2 berikutnya

- pendukungan politik pembantaian tsb oleh sesama negara Muslim, termasuk membantu para tertuduh agar lolos dari cengkraman pengadilan internasional.

Ayo kita mulai. Bahan2 diambil dari berbagai artikel dlm situs ini. Selamat menikmati kebiadaban Islam abad 20-21 di bagian dunia ini.

Kita mulai dgn pernyataan Ibn Huday, pakar abad 14 dan penulis buku ttg jihad yg menjelaskan dgn tanpa tedeng aling2, prosedur yg dibolehkan Islam :



"DIIJINKAN utk membakar tanah musuh, persediaan gandumnya, hewan ternaknya – kalau tidak dimungkinkan bagi Muslim utk memilikinya – juga memotong pohon2nya, menjarah kota2nya, dlm satu kata, melakukan apapun yang bisa menghancurkan dan melemahkannya, selama sang imam menganggap tindakan-tindakan ini pantas bagi ISLAMISLASI MUSUH atau melemahkannya. Memang, ini semua menyumbang bagi kemenangan militer terhadapnya atau memaksanya utk kapitulasi.

(Diambil dari : Cara Islam memperlakukan tahanan perang ... 435eae34a1 )

Jihad kaum Janjawid di Darfur, abad 21. Janjawid berarti : setan berkuda

Sejarawan al-Maqqari, yg menulis dlm abad 17 di Tlemcen di Aljazair, menjelaskan bahwa panik yg diakibatkan penunggang kuda dan pelayar2 perahu Arab, pada saat ekspansi Muslim di zona2 yg menyaksikan penyerangan2 dan pendaratan2 jihadi ini, membuka pintu bagi penjajahan masa depan karena ini semua didasarkan pada kata2 'Allah' : ‘tanamlah rasa ketakutan sedemikian rupa diantara kafir shg mereka tidak lagi berani pergi utk memerangi para penjajah (Muslim); mereka (kafir) hanya mendekati Muslim sbg pemohon, utk merengek bagi perdamaian.’ "

Sudan 2001: jihadi Janjawid tidak menyisakan siapapun, baik wanita maupun anak2 ... apa bedanya dgn kampanye Muslim di abad 7 ?

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:04 pm
by ali5196
AKIBAT: ... sc&start=0






PERBUDAKAN : Slavery is a stragey of waging war in south Sudan. Islamic fighters raid Dinka Villages and take women and children as slaves. The Swiss NGO "Christian Solidarity International" is buying back their freedom.

Kafir membebaskan budak dan membayar US$ 50 per kepala


Muslim2 Arab sibuk menghitung keuntungan hasil penjualan budak

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:11 pm
by ali5196
FOTO: Masyarakat Muslim Sudan dan Muslim sedunia RIBUUUUUUTTT dan angkat celurit utk mengganyang Ny Gillian Gibbons, wanita kafir setengah baya, guru berkebangsaan Inggris di Sudan, yg mengijinkan muridnya memberi sebuah Teddy Bear nama 'Muhammad.'
I ... MUSLIM bungkam seribu bahasa menanggapi perkosaan2 yang dialami bangsa mereka sendiri di Darfur, dihalaman belakang mereka sendiri. Kenapa ? Karena si pelaku pemerkosaan adalah Arab MUSLIM!!

Hal ini sama persis dengan perkosaan2 yang dilakukan Muslim Indonesia terhadap kafir Tionghoa, atau perkosaan2 yang dilakukan majikan2 Arab Muslim terhadap TKW Indonesia di tanah Arab. Pemerintah Indonesia tutup mulut dan tidak melakukan apapun, bahkan mengecam secara resmi juga tidak, sebab para pelaku pemerkosaan adalah Muslim, terlebih lagi ARAB Muslim!!


PBB: Pemerintah Sudan Mengorkestrasi Perkosaan Massal ... p?p=309792

20 Maret 2008 : Hari ini PBB mengeluarkan tuduhan bahwa Pemerintah Sudan secara langsung terlibat dalam pemerkosaan massal terhadap para gadis dan wanita di Darfur. PBB memiliki bukti bahwa tentara Sudan membantu milisia Arab dalam menjarah setidaknya tiga kota, memperkosa gadis2 dan wanita2 dan membunuh setidaknya 115 orang.

Serangan2 terhadap Sirba, Sileia, dan Abu Suruj di tanggal 8 Februari dengan helikopter2 dan pesawat2 bersenjata, mengakibatkan 30.000 orang melarikan diri dari rumah mereka, demikian disampaikan oleh Louise Arbour, pejabat tinggi PBB bagi urusan kemanusiaan.

Laporan terakhir PBB, yang disusun berdasarkan saksi mata dan bukti2 dari pekerja2 Palang Merah, menyatakan bahwa Pemerintahan Presiden Omar al-Bashir menyediakan bantuan dan dukungan bagi kebiadaban milisia Arab Janjawid, yang dilaporkan telah merampoki dusun2 dan melakukan pembunuhan, pemerkosaan, dan pengusiran terhadap masyarakat tempat itu.

Tahun lalu, sebuah laporan PBB menunjukkan bukti foto2 yang memperlihatkan bagaimana Pemerintah Sudan melakukan pemboman diam2 melalui pesawat2 jet yang menyaru bagaikan pesawat2 bantuan sosial PBB. Pemerintah Sudan menyangkal tuduhan ini.

PBB menyatakan bahwa krisis yang terjadi di Darfur sejauh ini telah memakan korban nyawa 400.000 orang dan 2.3 juta pengungsi.

“Besarnya penghancuran telah menunjukkan bahwa hal ini merupakan tindakan sengaja yang dilakukan sebagai bagian dari strategi militer,” begitu dinyatakan dalam laporan pemerkosaan sepanjang 9 halaman.
Juga ditambahkan bahwa pihak gubernur Darfur Barat yang ditunjuk Sudan, menunjukkan sikap tidak peduli akan hal ini. Pejabat2 Pemerintah lainnya menyangkal adanya kerjasama antara pihak Pemerintah dan milisia Arab.

Penunggang Kematian : Pemimpin pemberontak Janjaweed Musa Hilal (kiri) dan anak buahnya yg berkuda dituduh memlakukan genocida di Darfur

Sebagian besar kota Abu Suruj dan Sileia dibakar oleh para milisia Arab yang menunggang onta dan kuda, dan dibantu oleh tentara2 Sudan, dalam menyerang kota2 itu, demikian pernyataan laporan. Beberapa penduduk dibakar hidup2 dalam rumah mereka, termasuk nenek buta berusia 75 tahun dan seorang gadis cacat tubuh, demikian pernyataan laporan.

“Seorang saksi melaporkan bahwa dia melihat empat gadis dibawa ke gubuk dan diperkosa di bawah todongan senjata oleh sekelompok tentara SAF,” begitu ditulis dalam laporan. Dinyatakan bahwa orang2 penunggang onta dan kuda menembak membabi-buta para penduduk Sirba dan secara sistematis membakari dan merampoki rumah2. Tentara Pemerintah tidak melakukan apapun untuk menghentikan kekacauan ini, demikian ditulis dalam laporan.

Di Sileia dan Abu Suruj, saksi2 mata mengatakan pada pihak penyelidik PBB bahwa tentara2 SAF juga ikut menjarahi. “Aku saksikan SAF dan Arab Janjawid menjarahi rumah2, toko, dan kantor2 NGO,” kata seorang saksi. “Mereka mengambil barang2 jarahan dan memasukkannya ke dalam mobil2 mereka, menaruhnya di atas onta2 dan kuda2 mereka, dan lalu membawa pergi.”

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:12 pm
by ali5196
TEROR dari mulut Muhamad sendiri ... php?t=2691

Pengusiran/PEMBANTAIAN Yahudi dari Medinah oleh Muhamad ... php?t=2720

Unsur SEX dlm perang2 Muhamad (wanita barang jarahan) ... hp?t=17397

Allah Mencela Jika Budak Wanita Tidak Disetubuhi ... hp?t=23442

Islam ijinkan SEX dgn Budak/tawanan perang ... hp?t=18243
Quran 33:50 : Hai Nabi, sesungguhnya Kami telah menghalalkan bagimu isteri- isterimu yang telah kamu berikan mas kawinnya dan hamba sahaya yang kamu miliki yang termasuk apa yang kamu peroleh dalam peperangan yang dikaruniakan Allah untukmu ...

A SINA : Perampokan dalam Islam ... .php?t=836

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:29 pm
by ali5196
BERITA2 TERAKHIR : ... hp?t=27369
Negara2 Islam mendukung pengadilan terhdp penjahat perang Milosevic & Karadzic, TETAPI menolak kalau yg diadili seorang pemimpin Muslim
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Presiden Sudan, Omar Al-Bashir, menghadiri pawai pendukung perserikatan burub di Khartoum, Sunday, Aug.3, 2008. (AP Photo)

( – Negara2 Islam mencoba meloloskan presidan Sudan, Omar al-Bashir dari cengkraman Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional (ICC) dgn dalih bahwa ICC harus terlebih dahulu mengadili pemimpin2 Israel. Padahal mereka baru2 ini mendukung pengadilan terhdp pemimpin Serbia Bosnia, Radovan Karadzic, di Den Haag.

Komite eksekutif OKI mengadakan pertemuan darurat di Saudi dan mendesak agar Dewan Keamanan PBB menghentikan segala langkah ICC terhdp Bashir.

Sbg kontras, OKI bulan lalu menggambarkan penangkapan Karadzic sbg 'langkah penting menuju tercapainya keadilan bagi korban2 kekejaman selama perang Bosnia thn 1990an.'

Karadzic kini menghadapi tribunal internasional bagi mantan Yugoslavia
(ICTY) di Den Haag dimana ia menghadapi tuduhan sehubungan dgn serangan terhdp Sarajevo dan pembantaian thn 1995 terhdp 8.000 Muslim di Srebrenica.

Jaksa ICC – juga bermarkas di Den Haag – mengeluarkan laporan dimana ia menuduh Bashir terlibat genocide, kejahatan melawan kemanusiaan dan pembunuhan dlm konflik Darfur. PBB memperkirakan angka kematian minimum sebanyak 300.000 sejak pertempuran pecah thn 2003.

Dlm kedua kasus Karadzic dan Bashir, korbannya adalah Muslim (walau lebih banyak animis yg mati ditangan Bashir). Tetapi sementara Karadzic
adalah orang Bosnia Serbia NON-Muslim, Bashir adalah seorang Arab MUSLIM.

Pertemuan OKI ini, yg hasilnya dibacakan oleh sang sekjen, orang Turki bernama Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, menyatakan bahwa aksi ICC terhdp Bashir dianggap sbg “politisasi sebuah masalah hukum semata2” dan menetapkan sebuah “preseden bahaya” dan akan "membahayakan stabilitas Darfur dan kawasan sekitarnya."

Padahal ke 57 anggota OIC tidak sedikitpun menunjukkan keberatan dlm kasus Karadzic.

Malah OKI mengalihkan perhatian dari Darfur dgn menunjuk kpd konflik Israel-Arab. :wink:

Satu2nya pihak dlm dunia Arab yg menyambut baik laporan jaksa ICC terhdp Bashir adalah NGO Kairo, Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS), yg menyebutnya sbg “langkah penting dlm membatasi keleluasaan yg digunakan rejim2 pemerintah dlm dunia Arab.”

NGO tsb juga menunjuk kpd kemunafikan pemimpin2 Arab yg giat menuntut penghukuman mantan presiden alm. Slobodan Milosevic, yg juga dituduh dgn perbuatan2 kriminal yg sama spt yg dituduhkan kpd Bashir. :wink:

lihat diskusi :

Kebijakan Pemerkosaan massal di SUDAN (Indonesia Mendukung) ... 168#351168

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:15 pm
by ali5196
IRONISNYA : siapa lagi kalau bukan KAFIR2 culun, atheis, Yahudi & Kristen, yg membantu Muslim2 Darfur ?????? Ini antara lain pemerintah dan badan2 NGO yg membantu Muslim2 tersiksa akibat kelakuan sesama Muslim di Darfur.

Image ... lAod1G0Mqg
Image ... Qgod9TaPqw

Image :
We are an alliance of over 180 faith-based, advocacy and humanitarian organizations. The Coalition’s member organizations represent 130 million people of all ages, races, religions and political affiliations united together to help the people of Darfur.

These are our partners:
Africa Action
American Jewish World Service
Amnesty International USA
Citizens for Global Solutions
Faithful America
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Genocide Intervention Network
Globe For Darfur
Human Rights First
Human Rights Watch
International Crisis Group
Investors Against Genocide
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA
Physicians for Human Rights
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
STAND: A Student Anti-Genocide Coalition
Sudan Divestment Task Force
Team Darfur
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Lopez Lomong (kanan), pengungsi dan atlet asal Sudan yg kini berlari bagi AS di Beijing, mengangkat tinggi2 bendera AS, negara yg menyambutnya dgn baik dan memberinya kesempatan utk berprestasi ... rfur-hero/

Atlet AS ini malah ditolak visanya bagi Olimpiade Beijing karena mendirikan Team Darfur, yg berkampanye utk membangkitkan kesadaran masyarakat bagi Darfur (Cina adalah teman erat Sudan).
Ia mengorbankan masa depannya sbg atlet, demi menyelamatkan nyawa orang lain !

Steven Spielberg, sutradara top AS berdarah Yahudi, bahkan mengundurkan diri sebagai penasehat artistik untuk Olimpiade Beijing. Keputusannya mendapat kecaman keras dari Pemerintah Cina.

MANA NIH MASYARAKAT MUSLIM SEDUNIA ? Itu tuh, terlalu sibuk ngurusin jilbab, poligami, kawin-cerai, pedofilia dan makanan halal-haram ??

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:39 pm
by ali5196

Re: Jihad di SUDAN, DARFUR (abad 20-21)

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:48 pm
by Laurent
jangan lupa juga Jihad in SUDAN SELATAN pada abad ke-7

History of Jihad against the Nubians - modern Sudanese, Ethiopians, Eritreans and Somalis (640 - 2004)
by History of Jihad

08 Dec, 2007

How the ancient Nubians for the first time in Islamic history used guerilla tactics to utterly defeat the Jihad, but their struggle continues today in the conflicts of the Arabized Northern Sudanese with the Christian Dinka tribesmen of Southern Sudan, and with the Muslim but non-Arabized, darker-skinned tribesmen of Darfur who were forcibly converted to Islam late in the 18th century when Areadi Gaya, the ruler of Futa Bandu State in Western Sudan was forced to embrace Islam after he was defeated by the Mamelukes of Egypt.


After overrunning Byzantine ruled Egypt and giving the Coptic Christian population the choice Islam, death or Jizya, the Muslim armies attempted to penetrate deeper into East Africa then known as Nubia. At the time of the Muslim invasion in 642 C.E., the ancient kingdom of Nubia stretched from the south of Egypt (from Aswan) to Abyssinia, and from the Red Sea to the Libyan desert. The Nubians were Christians with a strong element of pre-Christian pagan beliefs, and were ruled by kings who had zealously guarded their freedom from their Byzantines who were their Christian co-religionists. The capital of the kingdom was a city named Dumqula that was deep into the forests of the upper Nile valley.


The Nubians were skilful archers and attacked from a safe distance perched on tree tops. They were never seen by the Muslims who camped below. We have it on the strength of Muslim historian Balazuri that they would shout to the Muslims where would they like to be hit by their arrows, and where the Muslims mockingly named some part of the body, the arrow invariably struck there to the great grief of the Muslim who had mockingly challenged the Nubians to hit him.


What led to the defeat of the Muslims in Nubia (ancient Sudan)?

The fact that led to the defeat of the Muslims in Nubia was that for a few years before the Jihadis attacked Nubia, the Nubians had been receiving refugees from Egypt and Syria. These refugees had forewarned the Nubian king about the ruthlessness of the Jihadis.

So when the invaders soon followed the worrisome news from Egypt, the Nubians were prepared to meet them on equal warlike terms. When the Arab conquerors of Egypt soon came into conflict with the Nubians, their first raid was made in A.D. 641. These early attacks were only predatory raids. But these raids were good enoough to make the Nubians realize that they would be massacred in open warfare, and they decided not face the Muslims in guerilla warfare. The Nubians turned the tactics of subterfuge and hit and run tactics against the Muslims themselves. Tactics which were till then the trademark of the Muslims.

After nightfall, the Nubians hid themselves in the bushy trees and in the scrub vegetation that was scattered in this parched land and lay in wait for the Muslims to reach these clusters of bush vegetation to target them silently and skillfully with their poison tipped arrows and spears. Thus it was with the Nubians that the treacherous tactics of the Muslims came home to roost for the first time in early Islamic history.

The Nubians fought stoutly and gained a reputation amongst the Arabs as skilful archers, who specialized in blinding their opponents by shooting at their eyes; they were known to the Arabs as rumat al-hadaq, "pupil-smiters ". Soon after these first raids, a treaty known as the Baqt, from the Greek pakton, a pact, was concluded, by which the Nubians supplied annually four hundred slaves in return for foodstuffs and cloth.

The, till then, undefeated march of the Muslims was halted and reversed in Nubia. This proved to the others (especially to the Byzantines) that the Muslims could be vanquished. It is due to this victory that the Nubians preserved their Christian heritage in large tracts of Nubia (Southern Sudan and Ethiopia).


It was such doughty and tenacious Nubian warriors who for the first time defeated the Arab Muslim Jihad since its start in the year 622. In Nubia, the African tribal army never challenged the Muslims to open warfare. They hid themselves in the forests during the day and attacked at nightfall, when the Muslim army retired. There were only skirmishes and haphazard engagements and in such type of warfare the Nubians excelled the Muslims. The Nubians also did never engage the Muslims in hand-to-hand combat nor in single combat, as the Hazar Mard champions of the Persians As they used guile - a technique that had been till then used by the Muslims, hence the Nubians prevailed against a more powerful and infinitely more treacherous Muslim enemy.


In the summer of 642, the Muslim general Amr-ibn-Al-Aas who commanded a battalion near the Nubian border decided to take another swipe at Nubia. His battalion was a part of the armies of Muslim General of occupied Egypt, Amr-ibn-Al-Aas. He sent an expedition to Nubia under the command of his cousin Uqba-ibn-Nafe. The expedition was ordered by Amr-ibn-Al-Aas on his own account, without the knowledge or approval of Caliph Umar. In those days many Muslim commanders undertook expeditions into non-Muslim lands through their own overzealousness to claim their name in the history of the Islamic Jihad and also to bring in personal fame and glory.

The Caliphate was rife with personal and clan dissensions from the inception. This is borne out by the fact that out of the first four caliphs Umar, Uthman, Ali and Abu Muawiya ibn Sufyan, the first three were murdered by Muslims from the opposing clans. This speaks for the unity of the Ummah in those formative days. The Shia-Sunni Schism that came later was the first major faultline within Islam, that was to be replicated within the national boundaries that came about when the Caliphate started falling apart a few years later after the death of Abu Muawiya ibn Sufyan, the fifth caliph.

To build his own fiefdom Amr-ibn-Al-Aas attacked Nubia from Egypt since he thought that the victory over the Nubians would be an easy affair and that he would inform the Caliph after he had conquered another land and claim its governorship for himself.

Uqba-ibn-Nafe who had till made a great name for himself as the butcher of the Copts and Conqueror of Egypt and North Africa, and who had led his horse to the Atlantic complaining that there were no lands left for him to conquer in which to spread the glory of Islam by terrorizing the conquered people to accept Islam or death. But here his non-existent allah refused to favor him and his accursed followers and he came in for a shock in Nubia.

The Nubians also followed a scorched earth policy. As the Muslim army proceeded into the Nubian kingdom, in village after village, they encountered burnt out houses and farms. The wells had been filled up with mud and there was no population to fall prey to the advancing Muslims. The Muslim army was surprised that there were no pitched battles to be fought, where they could challenge the champion of the Nubians to come forth and face the Muslims to be slaughtered with some foul trick, after which the Muslim army would overawe the resisting Kafirs (non-Muslims) with their ghastly slaughter and frighten them into submission to Islam, as had happened till then with the Byzantine and Coptic Christians as also with the Zoroastrians (Sassanid Persians) in Iran.

In Nubia, the Nubian army never challenged the Muslims to open warfare. They hid themselves in the forests during the day and attacked at nightfall, when the Muslim army retired. There were only skirmishes and haphazard engagements and in such type of warfare the Nubians excelled the Muslims. The Nubians also did never engage the Muslims in hand-to-hand combat nor in single combat, as the Hazar Mard champions of the Persians.


During the Muslim aggression against Nubia, the Muslim gangster Uqba who was leading the invading Muslims came across a concentration of the Nubians. Before the Muslims could attack the Nubians; the Nubians subjected the Muslims to a merciless barrage of arrows. The arrows were aimed at the eyes of the Muslims who had defensive leather armor all over their bodies, except over their eyes. and in the encounter 25000 Muslims lost their eyes. The Nubians were also very fast in their movements. The Muslim cavalry was known for its speed and mobility; but it was no match for the Nubian horse riders operating in pitch dark. The Nubians would attack in the dead of the night, strike hard against the Muslims, and; then vanish into the dark before the Muslims could recover their balance and take counter action. The hit-and-run raids; by the Nubians caused considerable damage to the Muslims.


The Nubians were skilful archers and attacked from a safe distance perched on tree tops. They were never seen by the Muslims who camped below. We have it on the strength of Muslim historian Balazuri that they would shout to the Muslims where would they like to be hit by the arrow, and where the Muslims mockingly named some part of the body, the arrow invariably struck there to the great grief of the Muslim who had mockingly challenged the Nubians to hit him.

One day Uqba came across a concentration of the Nubians. Before the Muslims could attack the Nubians; the Nubians subjected the Muslims to a merciless barrage of arrows. The arrows were aimed at the eyes of the Muslims who had defensive leather armor all over their bodies, except over their eyes. and in the encounter 25000 Muslims lost their eyes. The Nubians were also very fast in their movements. The Muslim cavalry was known for its speed and mobility; but it was no match for the Nubian horse riders. The Nubians would attack in the dead of the night, strike hard against the Muslims, and; then vanish into the dark before the Muslims could recover their balance and take counter action. The hit-and-run raids; by the Nubians caused considerable damage to the Muslims.

Having suffered a bloody nose at the hands of the Nubians, the Muslim gangster Uqba decided to retreat from Nubia after informing Amr-ibn-Al-Aas of the state of affairs. He said that the Nubians avoided pitched battle, and in the guerilla tactics that they followed the Muslims were the sufferers. Uqba further realized that; Nubia was a poor land, and there was nothing therein worth fighting for or to tempt the avaricious, greedy and cruel Muslims by way of booty. This also speaks the mind of the Muslim to raid non-Muslim lands not only for spreading Islam but to loot, plunder and rape. And when all this was done, to force the victims to join the Gang of Bandits named the Muslim Ummah, by embracing Islam at the point of the sword.

But in A.D. 652 Arab attacks recommenced and the Arab writer, Maqrizi, recounts that they penetrated as far as Old Dongola, where the principal church was destroyed, with stones thrown from catapults, and the Nubian king Kalidurut sued for peace. It is certain that it was no easy victory and an Arab poet wrote:

"My eyes ne'er saw another fight like Dongola, with rushing horses loaded down with coats of mail ".

In spite of this victory the Arabs could not hold the comparatively poor country of Nubia for long in face of the fierce resistance of its inhabitants, so different from that of the Copts in Egypt, who had helped the invaders against the hated Byzantine rulers.

Another factor that delayed the Arab conquest of Nubia (Sudan) was that at some date between A.D. 650 and A.D. 710 the two Nubian kingdoms of Nobatia and Makuria merged to became one powerful kingdom. The conditions under which this unification came about, and its exact date, are obscure. If the king Merkurios, who has left an inscription in the temple at Taifa, which is in the territory of Nobatia, dated A.D. 710, is the same as the Merkurios king of Dongola, who is referred to as the " New Constantine ", then it would seem that Makuria had conquered the northern kingdom. But about this time also took place the complete winning of the country to the monophysite church, and it seems unlikely that a victory of Makuria, which had long championed the Melkite faith, would lead to the triumph of the rival church of the defeated country.

The danger from Islam had become clear after the Arab conquest of Egypt, when the Nubian Melkites were considered as supporters of the Byzantine empire, whilst the nationalist (Coptic) church favoured the Arab conquerors and, during a period of nearly a hundred years, from about A.D.637 to 731, there was no Melkite patriarch in Egypt. Consequently the Nublans were unable to get Melkite Bishops, and the Monophysites took advantage of this to assert their supremacy.

This unification of the two Nubian kingdoms was of importance for Nubia, as it enabled a stronger resistance against Arab raids, and the ending of political and religious strife facilitated cultural development. Although now under one king, Nobatia, or Maris as Nubia also seems to have been called, maintained its own identity and had a governor appointed by the king of Nubia, known to the Arabs as sahib el jebel, "Lord of the Mountain ", and to the Nubians by the Greek title of " Eparch ". A representation of one of these officials is to be seen in a painting in the church at Abd el Qadir, near Wadi Halfa.


Nubia was a poor semi-arid land with scrub vegetation, and there was nothing therein worth fighting for or to tempt the invading Muslims by way of booty. This also speaks the mind of the Muslim to raid non-Muslim lands not only for spreading Islam but to loot, plunder, rape. And when all this was done, to force the victims to join the Gang of Bandits called the Muslim Ummah, by embracing Islam at the point of the sword.

When the Jihadis attacked Nubia, the Nubians had been receiving refugees from Egypt and Syria. These refugees had forewarned the Nubian king about the ruthlessness of the Jihadis. The Nubians realized that they would be massacred in open warfare, and they decided not face the Muslims in guerilla warfare. The Nubians turned the tactics of subterfuge and hit and run tactics which was till then the trademark of the Muslims, against the Muslims themselves.

The Nubians hid themselves in the bushy trees and in the scrub vegetation that was scattered in this parched land and lay in wait for the Muslims to reach these clusters of bush vegetation to target them silently and skillfully with their poison tipped arrows and spears. Thus it was with the Nubians that the treacherous tactics of the Muslims came home to roost for the first time in early Islamic history. The march of the Muslims which had been till then undefeated, was halted and reversed in Nubia. This proved to the others (especially to the Byzantines) that the Muslims could be defeated if their adversaries used the same treachery that was the patented technique of the Muslims.


The united kingdom under King Cyriacus was powerful enough to invade Egypt in the year A.D. 745 in defense of the Patriarch of Alexandria, who had been imprisoned. The Nubian army reached Cairo where an official called the eparch, presumably the eparch of Nobatia, was sent to treat with Abd el Melek ibn Musa, the governor of Egypt, who agreed to the release of the Patriarch. A contemporary document shows that as well as the title Eparch, other Byzantine titles, such as Domestikos, were still in use, and suggests that the Byzantine traditions introduced by the first missionaries were still living.

From A.D. 822-836 there was continual warfare with Egypt until, in the latter year, George, son of King Zakaria, was sent on an embassy to Baghdad to the Caliph Muatasim. The number of accounts of this embassy shows that it was considered an important event, and marked the arrival of Nubia as a Near Eastern power.

During the ninth century, there had again been considerable Arab penetration into the area to the east of the Nile river, the main purpose of which was to obtain the gold of the Red Sea Hills. Struggles with the Beja inhabitants of the area ensued, and in A.D. 831 a treaty was made by which the Beja were to pay tribute, the blood price for Muslims killed by them was fixed, they were permitted to enter Egypt but not to be armed, and they agreed not to destroy the mosques at Sinkat and Hagr, places so far unidentified.

The existence of these mosques shows that Arab penetration must have achieved significant proportions, and suggests that there was now a permanent Muslim population at these places. This treaty did not last for long, and in A.D. 856 a new one was made after a Beja defeat. This reaffirmed the clauses of the earlier one, and added one by which the Beja undertook not to interfere with the Muslim gold miners.

We know the name of one of the Arab gold prospectors, Abu Abd el rahman el Omari, whose story is told by Maqrizi ; he established a virtually independent state in the hills and fought the Nubians in the area round Abu Hamed, where he needed access to the Nile for his water supplies.

By the middle of the tenth century, hostilities had again broken out with Egypt. The Nubians invaded Arab occupied Egypt and, benefiting from the state of disorder there, reached, in the year A.D. 962, as far as the town of Akhmim, and for a time controlled Upper Egypt, at least to the north of Edfu. The discovery there of Nubian documents in the monastery of St. Mercurios suggests that it had become a centre of Nubian culture.

This occupation of Upper Egypt continued for some while after the Fatimid conquest in A.D. 969, but relations between Nubia and Egypt were good, and the king of Nubia was regarded as protector of the patriarch of Alexandria. This period of the late tenth and eleventh centuries marks the height of Nubian power, but from then on the history is one of increasing Arab pressure and lessening Nubian strength, and control of Upper Egypt was lost.


The lessons from the defeat of the till then invincible Muslims by the agile and ruthless Nubians is that the sneaky tactics of the Muslim can only be outmatched by being more sneaky yourself. The old English adage -Everything is fair in love and war,- holds greatest relevance while battling the Muslims. And only when we in the Western world realize this and go into an overreach with subterfuge against the Terrorists (all of whom are Muslims), and use our still prevailing (but fast closing) edge of superior weapons against the enemy, can the Muslims finally be defeated in the looming Third World War.


With the end of Fatimid rule in A.D. 1171 peace with Egypt again came to an end, and war broke out. The Nubians took the initiative and invaded Egypt. After capturing Aswan, the Nubians advanced into Upper Egypt. Saladin (Salah ed Din), the new ruler of Egypt, sent in army under the command of his brother Shams-ed-Din Turan Shah against them. Hw defeated the Nubians and drove them back to lbrim, which was captured. The main Nubian church there was turned into a mosque, and a garrison was left there for two years.

There are a hundred years of silence after this event, until in 1272 the Nubians under a King David again attacked the Arab town of Aidhab on the Red Sea coast. This was the last aggressive action of the now much weakened Christian Nubian state, and its history from then on is a story of dynastic intrigue, with Egypt ever ready to take advantage of dissensions and place her nominee on the throne. To David succeeded another David, his son, but one Shekanda, a nephew of the late king, basing his claim to the throne on the traditional succession through sisters' sons, appealed for Egyptian Muslim help, and was by them placed on the throne in A.D. 1276. Some time before A.D. 1288 a king called Semamun came to the throne and for the next six years he alternated with an Egyptian nominee; when the Egyptian army retired Semamun seized the throne, when it advanced he fled.

The last Christian king of Dongola was Kudanbes, who in A.D. 1323 was defeated by Kanz-ed-Dawla; the Christian kingdom came to an end and the country thrown open to the Arabs, became rapidly Islamized.

But it was because of these early Nubian victories did Ethiopia and the southern parts of Sudan remain overwhelmingly Christian to this day. But later Muslim attacks from Hejaz (Saudi Arabia) into the coastal areas of Nubia (East Africa) led to the forcible conversion of the people of Somalia, Upper Nile (Northern Sudan) and Eritrea to Islam. It is these converts that account for the recurring battles in Southern Sudan and along the Ethiopian-Eritrean border between Muslims and Christians.

The Roots of the Darfur Crisis in the Muslim Invasion of Sudan

The people of Western Nubia also resisted Islam for a long time, and were converted as late as the 18th century by the Mamluks (Mameluks). These late converts are the darker-skinned tribesmen of Darfur (Chad, Mauritania and Nigeria) who were forcibly converted to Islam late in the 18th century when Areadi Gaya, the ruler of Futa Bandu State in Western Sudan was forced to embrace Islam after he was defeated by the Mameluks of Egypt in 1764.

Subsequently the Mameluks led proselytising campaigns deep in to Central Africa up to Northern Nigeria and today-s Ghana in West Africa. These converts still practice a mix of animism and Islam. While most of them in Northern Nigeria, Ghana, and other parts of Central Africa are insulated from Arab tyranny, those in Mauritania, suffer tyranny, that is a mostly unreported, in the form of slavery that is imposed upon them by the relatively lighter skinned Arabized Muslims of Algeria and Morocco who have migrated from the Mediterranean coast.

But the converts in Darfur and Chad are the most unfortunate of this lot. They had reverted to animism after their forced conversion in 1784, and were Muslims only in name till more than a century after their conversion. Even today they practice animism mixed with Islam, do not speak Arabic and their womenfolk do not use the Hijab, but wear colorful African traditional tribal dresses. Hence they continue to bear the brunt of the onslaught of the Arabized Janjweed. They suffered the first wave of Arabization when Othman Dan Fodio established Islamic State of Sokoto in Central Sudan in 1804. These attacks were the precursor of the Janjaweed attacks of today.

But in spite of these efforts the people of Darfur were never fully Arabized, due to their late conversion and continuing resistance to Arabization. They inhabit what is today the belt stretching from Darfur in Western Sudan through Chad, Mauritania, up to Ghana and Northern Nigeria. In Darfur they are constantly subject to attacks from the Janjaweed who are the Arabized Muslims of Northern Sudan who consider the Darfur Muslims to be infidels by virtue of their being non-Arabized.

Lessons from the Battle of Nubia

The lessons from the defeat of the till then invincible Muslims by the agile and ruthless Nubians is that the sneaky tactics of the Muslim can only be outmatched by being more sneaky yourself. The old English adage -Everything is fair in love and war,- holds greatest relevance while battling the Muslims. And only when we in the Western world realize this and go into an overreach with subterfuge against the Terrorists (all of whom are Muslims), and use our still prevailing (but fast closing) edge of superior weapons against the enemy, can the Muslims finally be defeated in the looming Third World War.


Select Bibliography

The Mummy, Funeral Rites & Customs in Ancient Egypt, by Ernest A. Wallis Budge, reprint of 1893 edition by Senate Studio Editions 1995

The Twilight of Ancient Egypt, First Millennium B.C.E., by Karol Mysliwiec, translated by David Lorton, Cornell University Press2000

Egypt in The Age of Cleopatra, by Michel Chauveau, translated by David Lorton, Cornell University Press, 2000

Women in Ancient Egypt, by Gay Robins, Harvard University Press, 1996

Women and Society in Greek and Roman Egypt: A Source Book by Jane Rowlandson, Cambridge University Press, 1998

The Chronicle of John Coptic Bishop of Nikiu (circa 690 A.D.), translated by Robert Henry Charles, reprint from 1916 edition, APA-Philo Press Amsterdam, Holland

The Vanished Library, A Wonder of The Ancient World, by Luciano Canfora, University of California Press

The Story of The Church of Egypt, Volumes I and II, by Edith L. Butcher, reprint of 1897 edition by AMS Press Inc, New York, N.Y 1975

Coptic Egypt, by Murad Kamil, Le Scribe Egyptien, 1968

Traditional Egyptian Christianity, A History of the Coptic Church, by Theodore. Hall Patrick, Fisher Park Press, 1999

Muslim Extremism in Egypt, The Prophet and the Pharaoh, by Gilles Kepel, University of California Press 1993

Ancient Egyptian Culture, published by Chartwell Books, Edison, N.J. 1998.

Samson Blinded: A Machiavellian Perspective on the Middle East Conflict, by Obadiah Shoher

Jihad in the West: Muslim Conquests from the 7th to the 21st Centuries (Hardcover) by Paul Fregosi

The Sword of the Prophet: History, Theology, Impact on the World by Srdja Trifkovic

Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions About the World's Fastest Growing Faith by Robert Spencer

Studies in Muslim Apocalyptic (Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam) by David Cook

Why I Am Not a Muslim by Ibn Warraq

Onward Muslim Soldiers by Robert Spencer

Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis by Bat Ye'Or

Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide by Bat Yeor

What the Koran Really Says: Language, Text, and Commentary by Ibn Warraq

Islam and Terrorism: What the Quran Really Teaches About Christianity, Violence and the Goals of the Islamic Jihad by Mark A. Gabriel, Mark A. Gabriel

A Concise History of the Crusades by Thomas F. Madden

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) by Robert Spencer

The Great Divide: The failure of Islam and the Triumph of the West by Marvin Olasky

The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims by Robert Spencer

Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions About the World's Fastest Growing Faith by Robert Spencer, David Pryce-Jones

The Koran (Penguin Classics) by N. J. Dawood

Don't Keep me Silent! One Woman's Escape from the Chains of Islam by Mina Nevisa

Christianity And Islam: The Final Clash by Robert Livingston

Holiest Wars : Islamic Mahdis, Their Jihads, and Osama bin Laden by Timothy R. Furnish

The Last Trumpet: A Comparative Study in Christian-Islamic Eschatology by Samuel, Ph.D. Shahid

Unleashing the beast: How a fanatical islamic dictator will form a ten-nation coalition and terrorize the world for forty-two months by Perry Stone

Contemporary Muslim Apocalyptic Literature (Religion and Politics) by David Cook

Islam and the Jews: The Unfinished Battle by Mark A., Ph.D. Gabriel

The Challenge of Islam to Christians by David Pawson

The Prophetic Fall of the Islamic Regime by Glenn Miller, Roger Loomis

Prophet of Doom : Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad's Own Words by Craig Winn

The False Prophet by Ellis H. Skolfield

The Approach of Armageddon: An Islamic Perspective by Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

The Cube and the Cathedral: Europe, America, and Politics Without God by George Weigel

Infiltration : How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington by Paul Sperry

Unholy Alliance : Radical Islam and the American Left by David Horowitz

Unveiling Islam : An Insider's Look at Muslim Life and Beliefs by Ergun Mehmet Caner

Perfect Soldiers : The Hijackers: Who They Were, Why They Did It by Terry McDermott

Islam Revealed A Christian Arab's View Of Islam by Anis Shorrosh

Leaving Islam: Apostates Speak Out by Ibn Warraq

The Origins of the Koran: Classic Essays on Islam's Holy Book by Ibn Warraq ... omalis.htm

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