BRIGITTE GABRIEL: Because they hate (Jihad di LEBANON)

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BRIGITTE GABRIEL: Because they hate (Jihad di LEBANON)

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Because They Hate
By Brigitte Gabriel | February 20, 2006

Saya baru berusia 10 tahun ketika rumah saya diledakkan, mengubur saya dibawah puing-puing. Utk mempertahankan hidup, saya terpaksa meminum darah saya sendiri, sambil diteriaki sorakan “Allah Akbar!” oleh para pelaku pemboman. Kesalahan saya hanyalah karena saya Kristen yang tinggal di sebuah kota Kristen. Pada usia 10 tahun saya sudah tahu arti kata “Kafir”.

Saya mendpt kursus kilat ketrampilan dlm bertahan hidup. Bukan melalui kegiatan Pramuka, melainkan dalam ruang perlindungan dari bom, tempat hidup saya selama 7 tahun dalam kegelapan, kedinginan yang menyiksa, minum air kotor dan makan rumput agar tetap hidup. Pada usia 13, pakaian tidur saya adalah kain kafan, kalau2 setiap saat saya dibantai. Menjelang usia 20, saya telah menguburkan hampir semua sahabat saya yang dibunuh oleh muslim. Kami bukan orang2 Amerika yang tinggal di New York, atau orang Inggris di London. Kami orang2 Kristen Arab yang tinggal di Lebanon.

Sebagai korban langsung terror Islam, saya terkejut melihat rakyat Amerika baru terbangun pada 12 September 2001 dan bertanya2 “Kenapa mereka membenci kami?” Para pakar psychoanalyst memberikan segala dalih alasan mengapa kita sampai membuat Muslim tersinggung. Namun jika saja AS dan Barat lebih berupaya mengenal Timur Tengah, tentu mereka tidak akan heran. Sederhana saja, mereka (muslim) benci kepada kita karena dalam mata mereka kita ini bisa dirangkum dalam satu kata sederhana: “kafir”.

Dgn "la, ilaha illa allah, muhammad rasulu allah," mereka membantai anak-anak Yahudi di Israel, menyembelih orang Kristen di Lebanon, membunuh kaum Koptik di Mesir, kaum Assyria di Syria, umat Hindu di India dan mengusir hampir 900,000 orang Yahudi dari negeri-negeri Muslim. Kami, para kafir Timur Tengah telah menanggung getirnya. Sekarang giliran para kafir di seluruh dunia membayar harga dari kecuekan dan ketidakpedulian mereka.

Membiarkan kejahatan sama saja dgn kejahatan itu sendiri. Membujuk/bermanis-manis dengan para pembunuh tidak akan memberikan kita perlindungan. Mereka malah akan semakin menjadi-jadi dan menganggap kita lemah, tidak punya harga diri. Sifat tidak peduli Barat sama saja dgn bunuh diri. Basa-basi politik malah membelenggu kita, dan memang inilah yang disenangi oleh para Islamis yang menginginkan kehancuran kita.

Amerika dan Barat akan gagal dalam perang ini kecuali mereka bangkit dan mengenali siapa musuh sebenarnya: ISLAM. Anda mendengar tentang Wahabi dan Islam Salafi sebagai bentuk Islam ekstrim. Muslim lain dianggap moderat. Sementara itu, Muslim2 yg bukan dianggap Muslim sejati, ngamuk bak kebakaran jenggot dan bereaksi keras atas gambar2 kartun Muhammad yang dimuat koran Denmark. Mulai dari bakar2an kedutaan, panggilan untuk membantai mereka yang melecehkan Islam, sampai peringatan2 supaya Barat siap2 saja menghadapi holocaust/pembantaian berikutnya, ini semuanya memberikan kita sekilas mengenai apa sesungguhnya wajah musuh kita itu. Kejadian2 ini melambangkan sebuah bentuk kebencian yang mencuat dari sebuah ideologi kebencian dan ketiadaan toleransi yang berakar dari sumber yang sama: ISLAM YANG SEJATI, ajaran yang bangun dari tidur panjang dan menunjukkan kembali dorna-murkanya terhadap kafir dan bertujuan menguasai seluruh bumi. Sebuah ajaran yang telah menyatakan perang “Intifada” terhadap Barat.

Amerika dan Barat tidak dapat lagi bersantai2. Konsekuensi dari kemalasan mental ini mulai menggerogoti tubuh mereka, dan jika mereka masih saja tidak mengambil tindakan tepat untuk mengontrol hal ini, maut kan menunggu mereka. Jika anda ingin memahami sifat musuh yang kita hadapi ini, bayangkan saja seekor ular. Ular merayap dan berbisik, dan mereka saling makan satu sama lainnya, tapi mereka akan bergerombol demi mencapai tujuan mereka bersama yaitu memaksakan Islam kepada dunia.

Inilah wajah mengerikan musuh yang kita perangi itu. Kita sedang memerangi sebuah paham ideologi yang kuat yang mampu merubah tatanan dasar dari naluri kemanusiaan. Sebuah ideologi yang mampu merubah seorang ibu menjadi monster penebar bom maut. Sebuah contoh yang sempurna adalah ketika seorang pejabat Hamas Palestina memenangkan pemilihan dan saking gembiranya menjadikan ketiga putranya sbg suicide bomber dan menyerahkan yang masih hidup untuk tujuan yang sama. Ini sebuah ideologi yang mampu menawarkan orang2 pandai macam dokter dan pengacara, sebuah kesenangan yang jauh lebih besar lewat jihad, daripada berkarya bagi kepentingan bersama.

AS telah menjadi sasaran utama dari kebencian dan teror Islam. Setiap Jumat, mesjid2 di Timur Tengah berdengung2 dengan doa2 tajam dan lengkingan2 teriakan yang mengutuki, menyumpah mati dan menyiasati kehancuran dan kelaknatan bagi Amerika dan penduduknya. Perbuatan2 radikal para Islamis ini sama busuk dengan kata2 mereka. Sejak krisis penyanderaan di Iran, sudah lebih dari 3000 orang Amerika tewas dalam aksi teror yang tidak ada duanya tingkat kekejamannya. Bahkan Nazi pun tidak menjadikan anak2 mereka menjadi bom manusia, dan berjingkrak2 atas kematian mereka dan korban mereka. Pembunuhan warga Amerika yang disengaja tanpa pandang bulu dan yang diumbar ini dijunjung-tinggi dan dimuliakan dalam nama Islam.

Amerika tidak dapat mempertahankan dirinya dalam perang ini dengan efektif sampai orang Amerika mengerti betul sifat musuh yang dihadapinya. Bahkan sesudah 9/11 pun masih ada yang berkata bahwa kita harus “merangkul” musuh2 kita yang teroris, bahwa kita harus “memperhatikan keluh-kesah mereka”. Keluh-kesah mereka adalah kemerdekaan beragama kita. Keluh-kesah mereka adalah kebebasan berpendapat kita. Keluh-kesah mereka adalah proses demokrasi kita di mana aturan hukum berasal dari banyak pihak dan bukan dari satu nabi saja. Inilah rasa hormat yang kita tanamkan di dalam anak-anak kita terhadap semua agama. Inilah kesejajaran yang kita berikan satu kepada lainnya sebagai umat manusia yang berbagi urang hidup dlm planet ini dan berjuang membuat bumi menjadi sebuah tempat yang lebih baik bagi umat manusia. Keluh-kesah mereka adalah kebaikan dan rasa hormat yang ditunjukkan kaum pria kepada wanita, keadilan bagi semua warga tanpa pandang bulu, dan belas kasih yang kita berikan kepada musuh-musuh kita.

Sikap terbelakang kita yang enggan untuk menghadapi dan melabrak kekuatan2 dengki dan benci Islami ini dimana pun mereka memunculkan wajah jelek mereka dalam kurun 30 tahun belakangan, telah
memperkuat mereka dlm serangan2 berskala penuh terhadap kebebasan2 yang sangat kita junjung, guna memaksakan nilai2 dan cara hidup mereka kepada peradaban kita.

Jika kita tidak bangkit dan menantang komunitas Muslim untuk mmebersihkan diri dari unsur2 teroris, jika kita tidak lagi percaya atas standar2 yang seharusnya kita pegang, maka kita akan membayar kesesatan ini dgn sangat mahal. Demi anak cucu dan negara kita, kita harus bangkit dan bertindak. Menghadapi hujatan, kebencian dan terorisme, kurva proses pembelajaran Amerika sejak krisis penyanderaan Iran adalah sangat dangkal dan hampir rata. Semakin lama kita berbaring malas, semakin sukar kita berdiri tegak.//
Moderator 3
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Post by Moderator 3 »

Transkrip wawancara dgn Brigitte Gabriel (latar belakangnya dan mengapa ia dikejar Teroris Islam) bisa ditemukan di: ... php?t=2008
Last edited by Moderator 3 on Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ali5196 »

Contoh lain lagi : orang Palestina ex muslim yg mengatakan dari kecil sudah diajarkan membenci Yahudi/Kristen.

Cerita Murtad Palestina: Tahir ... php?t=3898
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Post by ali5196 »

wawancara Brigitte Gabriel dgn CNN:
22 July 2006 ... abriel.wmv

M. O’BRIEN: You wrote—it’s posted on your Web site. It’s You wrote a message to Israel. I want to share some of this with people so you get an idea of what you’re talking about here.

You say this, "Thank you, Israel. We urge you to hit them hard," of course referring to Hezbollah, "and destroy their terror infrastructure. It is not only Israel who is fed up with this situation, but the majority of silent Lebanese in Lebanon who are fed up with Hezbollah and are powerless to do anything out of fear of terror retaliation."
When you write that, you write that with some degree of risk to yourself personally, don’t you?

GABRIEL: Absolutely. I receive death threats, but this is the time when people need to muster courage to stand up in the face of evil, and a hate ideology that now is not only affecting Lebanon and Israel, but this cancer of hatred has spread throughout the world.

Brigitte Gabriel sehabis wawancara :

I received a telephone call immediately after the interview telling me that my Lebanese citizenship will be revoked. (They can have it.)

Here are some of the letters I received from people in support of my message. For their security and protection, I will only use first names.

Hello, I'm a Maronite girl and I want to thank you for talking in the name of the Christian people whom they need someone like you to show and make the world give them some attention and to know what the Christian people are going through for almost 30 years since the war started in 1975, the Palestinian people with the help of Syria and the help of all Arab world drag us to this war and turned to a civil war between the Lebanese people even between Christian themselves.

We wish to hear more from your messages to the world specially to the American government and how much we need their support and help to get Lebanon out of this fundamentalist Islam, and most of all to stop Syria from helping these organization as Syria is the head of the snake as they say, we need your help in the United State and as an American myself I wish to see my country go back to the way it used to be before the war the way our parents used to tell us about, ....

All what the Christian want is to live in peace, and have a good relation with our neighbor, wish you luck and progress with your mission....

Thank you, Fadia
My name is Lina. I am a Lebanese American. I was so glad to hear you on CNN. You said what so many of us Lebanese Christians want to say. We need a strong voice like yours to represent us and show the world that we are peace lovers and do not support terrorists, but actually, we ourselves were and still are victims of the terrorists. I pray that this battle will be the end of Hezbollah, but I am afraid this will not happen as long as the present regimes in Iran and Syria are still in existence.

May God bless you and bless our dear Lebanon. Keep the good work.


Thank you for your message Ms. Gabriel.

I watched your interview this morning on CNN and was extremely moved and equally impressed.

I am a 32 year old Christian Lebanese professional woman and I am one of the fortunate ones whose family was able to move out of Lebanon in the mid-80s providing us with a more secure life in Montreal, Canada. I now live in the US and work in the defense/pharmaceutical industry and I like to believe that, through my work, I'm helping make the world a slightly better and safer place.

During your brief statement on CNN this morning, you pretty much described my life and my feelings - my home in Achrafieh was also bombed by Muslim animals when I was 10. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to stand up in front of the entire world and state that the Lebanese Government and its leaders are nothing more than puppets to Syria; you did so knowing fully well what the implications to your personal security could be. You are right: now is the time to stand up and tell the world what is really happening in Lebanon and how further terrorist acts are only around the corner here in the US and around the world.

To hear you say that the extremist Muslims have multiple marriages and pro-create fast enough to produce generations of extremists is commendable. It seams that people in our beloved Lebanon are too afraid to state this painful truth from fear of retaliation and us, "Westerners", are too afraid to be labeled as politically incorrect!

God bless you and give you strength. I am so proud to see an intelligent Lebanese woman make the statements you're making and I look forward to reading your book "Because They Hate" very soon.

Thank you for the goose-bumps you gave me this morning!


I am a Christian Lebanese-Canadian living in Montreal. I just watched your interview with Miles O'Brien on CNN and was not surprised to see that we share the same opinion about Hezbollah and Muslim extremism. I feel that most Christians like us in Lebanon feel the same but are unable to air their opinion. The sad reality is that Hezbollah has proven once again to be in charge of the destiny of Lebanon, which means that they are the undeclared authority and not the shadow government in place there.

We simply cannot cohabitate with Muslims. It is a shame but that is the fact of matter. Bashir Gemanyel's cooperation with Israel was the only way to get Lebanon out of the claws of Muslims' influence of Syria and Iran. In my opinion the only way for the Christians to survive in the Lebanon is by dividing the country. In such a case it would be in out best interest, as a Christian community in the middle east, to make Israel our
first and foremost ally. We both are civilized, westernized minorities surrounded by a sea of Muslims.

I have always said that Israel and Israelis are a blessing to the West because they are the only people fighting the Islamists tidal wave. They deserve all our support and admiration.

I still have family in Lebanon, therefore I won't disclose my identity by fear of reprisal.
I hear you this morning say 10x to Israel and maybe I agree with you , coz since it is begin the war and nobody was waiting it , and after all the destroy of Lebanon, I think Israel should not stop, till they end the Islamic movement...

Am not with Israel against Lebanon, but with them against the terrorism Islamic. I wish to live in peace in Lebanon, like Bachir wanted it, right now we need someone like Bachir to get us out of this situation.

Thank you, Geo.


What an outstanding report on CNN this morning. I am a Lebanese Christian, from Zahle, left Lebanon after Bashir Jamail was assassinated, also was a member OUR Lebanese forces in Zahle. You fought them in South Lebanon, and we fought them in Zahle. You were isolated in the south, and as you know we were isolated, surrounded, and at the Syrian mercy for YEARS!!!

You have represented extremely well the struggle of every Lebanese Christian of our past, and current era. No one in this country will ever understand, or comprehend what we have gone through, and the scars of war we will carry in our hearts, and souls forever. The American foreign policy, thinking, and approach is WEAK, and Illiterate at best.

Because of this weak and ignorant approach, the RADICAL Muslims are making a mockery of this SUPER POWER all over the world. Everyone must understand that these RADICAL Muslims do not understand civilization, and you cannot treat them softly. I always referred to them as wild barking dogs, where these dogs will shut up, and run away if you attack them, and hit them HARD...

All of us Lebanese Christians wish to have hundreds as your here, in order to turn the tide in ALL the TRUE Lebanese favor.

Million thanks for your talk this morning brought me back to 1982's happiness when our beloved Bashir was elected as a president.

Have a great week.


I was delighted and thrilled to see you on CNN this morning, it is high time the truth is told, and we as free Lebanese are always willing to go the extra mile to tell it. I wish you all the best of luck and please continue to raise the heads of all Lebanese and tell the world that not all of us subscribe to the extremism of Hezbollah.

Yours truly,


I am Lebanese Christian, and am horrified by what appears to be overwhelming support of the terrorists by people of Middle Eastern ancestry. Your web site is a necessary counterpoint to these terribly naïve and dangerous people. Good luck on your web site and with your work.



I saw your interview on CNN. I was very impressed with what you said. I agree with you 100%. Can I add the following:
The Lebanese politicians are all responsible for what is happening in Lebanon between Hezbollah & Israel because none of the politicians did what they promised in their election campaign pledges to the Lebanese people & to the UN & USA. They promised to fulfill UN resolution 1559 but when Syria left Lebanon none of them ever mentioned the disarming of Hezbollah. They are all hypocrites & they possess double standards.
Best regards, P........

I just saw your interview with Miles O'Brien on CNN. Thank you for finally bringing to light the facts of this war that most people refuse to speak about.

Most Americans believe that all Lebanese are in favor of Hizbullah and what they do. Thank you for speaking clearly about the Christian history of this country and how it developed into a country of bedlame due to the violent hatred of some Muslims who are now the majority in Lebanon.



Just today I saw the interview of Ms Bridget and I am so glad that there is one Lady who has the integrity and intellectual honesty to speak out the truth even at the cost of her own life. I think she is the Man of our times, when so many politicians play the game of political correctness and shy away from the truth. She has also intellectually gifted to understand the intricate politics of radical Islam and articulate the same in simple words for the benefit of the people all around the world where many innocent people are hoodwinked into believing the Islamic propaganda. I am so glad that I came to know of your organization. I would do my best to do whatever I could do to support your organization.

God bless you! Please keep up the good work.



Everyday, American Congress for Truth (ACT) is a 501c3 non profit organization on the front lines fighting for you in meeting with politicians, decision makers, speaking on college campuses and planning events to educate and inform the public about the threat of radical Muslim fundamentalists to world peace. We are committed to combating the global upsurge of hate and intolerance.
To continue and bolster our efforts, we need your continued solidarity, activism and financial support. We are only as strong as our supporters. We thank you for helping us carry on this important work.

ACT, P.O.Box 6884, Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Email: [email protected]
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Re: BRIGITTE GABRIEL: Because they hate

Post by ali5196 »

Pesanlah buku Brigitte : BECAUSE THEY HATE ... F8&s=books
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Film "Waltz With Bashir"(Perang agama di Lebanon) ... 89#p450289" onclick=";return false;
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